/******************************************************************** * Most utilized function used to constrain routing multiplexers in FPGA * fabric using SDC commands *******************************************************************/ /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_log.h" #include "vtr_time.h" /* Headers from openfpgashell library */ #include "command_exit_codes.h" /* Headers from openfpgautil library */ #include "openfpga_digest.h" #include "openfpga_naming.h" #include "mux_utils.h" #include "sdc_writer_naming.h" #include "sdc_writer_utils.h" #include "sdc_mux_utils.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /******************************************************************** * Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from * loops of multiplexers. * To handle this, we disable the timing at outputs of routing multiplexers *******************************************************************/ void print_sdc_disable_routing_multiplexer_outputs(const std::string& sdc_dir, const bool& flatten_names, const MuxLibrary& mux_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& top_module) { /* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */ std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_DISABLE_MUX_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME)); /* Start time count */ std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC to disable routing multiplexer outputs for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'"); vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message); /* Create the file stream */ std::fstream fp; fp.open(sdc_fname, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc); check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp); /* Generate the descriptions*/ print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Disable routing multiplexer outputs for PnR")); /* Iterate over the MUX modules */ for (const MuxId& mux_id : mux_lib.muxes()) { const CircuitModelId& mux_model = mux_lib.mux_circuit_model(mux_id); /* Skip LUTs, we only care about multiplexers here */ if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_MUX != circuit_lib.model_type(mux_model)) { continue; } const MuxGraph& mux_graph = mux_lib.mux_graph(mux_id); std::string mux_module_name = generate_mux_subckt_name(circuit_lib, mux_model, find_mux_num_datapath_inputs(circuit_lib, mux_model, mux_graph.num_inputs()), std::string("")); /* Find the module name in module manager */ ModuleId mux_module = module_manager.find_module(mux_module_name); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mux_module)); /* Go recursively in the module manager, * starting from the top-level module: instance id of the top-level module is 0 by default * Disable all the outputs of child modules that matches the mux_module id */ for (const BasicPort& output_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(mux_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT)) { rec_print_sdc_disable_timing_for_module_ports(fp, flatten_names, module_manager, top_module, mux_module, format_dir_path(module_manager.module_name(top_module)), output_port.get_name()); } } /* Close file handler */ fp.close(); } /******************************************************************** * Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from * loops of multiplexers. * To handle this, we disable the timing at configuration ports of routing multiplexers * * Return code: * 0: success * 1: fatal error occurred *******************************************************************/ int print_sdc_disable_routing_multiplexer_configure_ports(std::fstream& fp, const bool& flatten_names, const MuxLibrary& mux_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& top_module) { if (false == valid_file_stream(fp)) { return CMD_EXEC_FATAL_ERROR; } /* Iterate over the MUX modules */ for (const MuxId& mux_id : mux_lib.muxes()) { const CircuitModelId& mux_model = mux_lib.mux_circuit_model(mux_id); const MuxGraph& mux_graph = mux_lib.mux_graph(mux_id); std::string mux_module_name = generate_mux_subckt_name(circuit_lib, mux_model, find_mux_num_datapath_inputs(circuit_lib, mux_model, mux_graph.num_inputs()), std::string("")); /* Find the module name in module manager */ ModuleId mux_module = module_manager.find_module(mux_module_name); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mux_module)); /* Go recursively in the module manager, * starting from the top-level module: instance id of the top-level module is 0 by default * Disable all the outputs of child modules that matches the mux_module id */ for (const CircuitPortId& mux_sram_port : circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(mux_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_SRAM)) { const std::string& mux_sram_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(mux_sram_port); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(mux_module, module_manager.find_module_port(mux_module, mux_sram_port_name))); if (CMD_EXEC_FATAL_ERROR == rec_print_sdc_disable_timing_for_module_ports(fp, flatten_names, module_manager, top_module, mux_module, format_dir_path(module_manager.module_name(top_module)), mux_sram_port_name)) { return CMD_EXEC_FATAL_ERROR; } const std::string& mux_sram_inv_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(mux_sram_port) + "_inv"; VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(mux_module, module_manager.find_module_port(mux_module, mux_sram_inv_port_name))); if (CMD_EXEC_FATAL_ERROR == rec_print_sdc_disable_timing_for_module_ports(fp, flatten_names, module_manager, top_module, mux_module, format_dir_path(module_manager.module_name(top_module)), mux_sram_inv_port_name)) { return CMD_EXEC_FATAL_ERROR; } } } return CMD_EXEC_SUCCESS; } } /* end namespace openfpga */