/******************************************************************** * This file includes the functions that build links between * data structures inside the openfpga arch data structure *******************************************************************/ #include "openfpga_arch_linker.h" #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_log.h" /******************************************************************** * Link the circuit model inside configuration protocol * to these circuit models defined in circuit library *******************************************************************/ void link_config_protocol_to_circuit_library(openfpga::Arch& openfpga_arch) { CircuitModelId config_memory_model = openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.model( openfpga_arch.config_protocol.memory_model_name()); /* Error out if the circuit model id is invalid */ if (CircuitModelId::INVALID() == config_memory_model) { VTR_LOG( "Invalid memory model name '%s' defined in !", openfpga_arch.config_protocol.memory_model_name().c_str()); exit(1); } openfpga_arch.config_protocol.set_memory_model(config_memory_model); /* Optional: we need to bind the memory model for BL/WL protocols */ if (!openfpga_arch.config_protocol.bl_memory_model_name().empty()) { CircuitModelId bl_memory_model = openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.model( openfpga_arch.config_protocol.bl_memory_model_name()); /* Error out if the circuit model id is invalid */ if (CircuitModelId::INVALID() == bl_memory_model) { VTR_LOG( "Invalid bl memory model name '%s' defined in " "!", openfpga_arch.config_protocol.bl_memory_model_name().c_str()); exit(1); } openfpga_arch.config_protocol.set_bl_memory_model(bl_memory_model); } if (!openfpga_arch.config_protocol.wl_memory_model_name().empty()) { CircuitModelId wl_memory_model = openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.model( openfpga_arch.config_protocol.wl_memory_model_name()); /* Error out if the circuit model id is invalid */ if (CircuitModelId::INVALID() == wl_memory_model) { VTR_LOG( "Invalid wl memory model name '%s' defined in " "!", openfpga_arch.config_protocol.wl_memory_model_name().c_str()); exit(1); } openfpga_arch.config_protocol.set_wl_memory_model(wl_memory_model); } } /******************************************************************** * Link the circuit model of circuit library * to these device model defined in technology library *******************************************************************/ void bind_circuit_model_to_technology_model(openfpga::Arch& openfpga_arch) { /* Ensure a clean start */ openfpga_arch.circuit_tech_binding.clear(); for (const CircuitModelId& circuit_model : openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.models()) { const std::string device_model_name = openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.device_model_name(circuit_model); if (true == device_model_name.empty()) { continue; } /* Try to find the device model name in technology library */ TechnologyModelId tech_model = openfpga_arch.tech_lib.model(device_model_name); if (false == openfpga_arch.tech_lib.valid_model_id(tech_model)) { VTR_LOG("Invalid device model name '%s' defined in circuit model '%s'!", device_model_name.c_str(), openfpga_arch.circuit_lib.model_name(circuit_model).c_str()); exit(1); } /* Create binding */ openfpga_arch.circuit_tech_binding[circuit_model] = tech_model; } } /******************************************************************** * Link the circuit model of SRAM ports of each circuit model * to a default SRAM circuit model. * This function aims to ease the XML writing, allowing users to skip * the circuit model definition for SRAM ports that are used by default * TODO: Maybe deprecated as we prefer strict definition *******************************************************************/ void config_circuit_models_sram_port_to_default_sram_model( CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& default_sram_model) { VTR_ASSERT(CircuitModelId::INVALID() != default_sram_model); for (const auto& model : circuit_lib.models()) { for (const auto& port : circuit_lib.model_ports(model)) { /* Bypass non SRAM ports */ if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_SRAM != circuit_lib.port_type(port)) { continue; } /* Write for the default SRAM SPICE model! */ circuit_lib.set_port_tri_state_model_id(port, default_sram_model); /* Only show warning when we try to override the given spice_model_name ! */ if (true == circuit_lib.port_tri_state_model_name(port).empty()) { VTR_LOG( "Use the default configurable memory model '%s' for circuit model " "'%s' port '%s')\n", circuit_lib.model_name(default_sram_model).c_str(), circuit_lib.model_name(model).c_str(), circuit_lib.port_prefix(port).c_str()); continue; } /* Give a warning !!! */ if (circuit_lib.model_name(default_sram_model) != circuit_lib.port_tri_state_model_name(port)) { VTR_LOG_WARN( "Overwrite SRAM circuit model for circuit model port (name:%s, " "port:%s) to be the correct one (name:%s)!\n", circuit_lib.model_name(model).c_str(), circuit_lib.port_prefix(port).c_str(), circuit_lib.model_name(default_sram_model).c_str()); } } } /* Rebuild the submodels for circuit_library * because we have created links for ports */ circuit_lib.build_model_links(); }