#include #include #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #define ABS_DIFF(X, Y) (((X) > (Y))? ((X) - (Y)):((Y) - (X))) #define MAX_X 50 #define MAX_LEN MAX_X*2 typedef struct relapos_rec_s { int num_rp[MAX_LEN]; } relapos_rec_t; #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR void print_relative_pos_distr(void) { /* Prints out the probability distribution of the relative locations of * * input pins on a net -- i.e. simulates 2-point net distance probability * * distribution. */ #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR FILE *out_bin_file; relapos_rec_t rp_rec; #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ int inet, len, rp, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, del_x, del_y, min_del, sink_pin, sum; int *total_conn; int **relapos; double **relapos_distr; total_conn = (int *)my_malloc((nx + ny + 1) * sizeof(int)); relapos = (int **)my_malloc((nx + ny + 1) * sizeof(int *)); relapos_distr = (double **)my_malloc((nx + ny + 1) * sizeof(double *)); for (len = 0; len <= nx + ny; len++) { relapos[len] = (int *)my_calloc(len / 2 + 1, sizeof(int)); relapos_distr[len] = (double *)my_calloc((len / 2 + 1), sizeof(double)); } for (inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++) { if (clb_net[inet].is_global == FALSE) { src_x = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].x; src_y = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[0]].y; for (sink_pin = 1; sink_pin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; sink_pin++) { dst_x = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[sink_pin]].x; dst_y = block[clb_net[inet].node_block[sink_pin]].y; del_x = ABS_DIFF(dst_x, src_x); del_y = ABS_DIFF(dst_y, src_y); len = del_x + del_y; min_del = (del_x < del_y) ? del_x : del_y; if (!(min_del <= (len / 2))) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Error calculating relative location min_del = %d, len = %d\n", min_del, len); exit(1); } else { relapos[len][min_del]++; } } } } #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR out_bin_file = fopen("/jayar/b/b5/fang/vpr_test/wirelength/relapos2.bin", "rb+"); #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ for (len = 0; len <= nx + ny; len++) { sum = 0; for (rp = 0; rp <= len / 2; rp++) { sum += relapos[len][rp]; } if (sum != 0) { #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR fseek(out_bin_file, sizeof(relapos_rec_t) * len, SEEK_SET); fread(&rp_rec, sizeof(relapos_rec_t), 1, out_bin_file); #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ for (rp = 0; rp <= len / 2; rp++) { relapos_distr[len][rp] = (double)relapos[len][rp] / (double)sum; /* updating the binary record at "len" */ #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "old %d increased by %d\n", rp_rec.num_rp[rp], relapos[len][rp]); rp_rec.num_rp[rp] += relapos[len][rp]; vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "becomes %d\n", rp_rec.num_rp[rp]); #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ } #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR /* write back the updated record at "len" */ fseek(out_bin_file, sizeof(relapos_rec_t) * len, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&rp_rec, sizeof(relapos_rec_t), 1, out_bin_file); #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ } total_conn[len] = sum; } fprintf(stdout, "Source to sink relative positions:\n"); for (len = 1; len <= nx + ny; len++) { if (total_conn[len] != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Of 2-pin distance %d exists %d\n\n", len, total_conn[len]); for (rp = 0; rp <= len / 2; rp++) { fprintf(stdout, "\trp%d\t%d\t\t(%.5f)\n", rp, relapos[len][rp], relapos_distr[len][rp]); } fprintf(stdout, "----------------\n"); } } free((void *)total_conn); for (len = 0; len <= nx + ny; len++) { free((void *)relapos[len]); free((void *)relapos_distr[len]); } free((void *)relapos); free((void *)relapos_distr); #ifdef PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR fclose(out_bin_file); #endif /* PRINT_REL_POS_DISTR */ } #endif