/****************************************************************************** * This files includes most utilized functions * for data structures for module management. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_log.h" /* Headers from openfpgautil library */ #include "build_decoder_modules.h" #include "circuit_library_utils.h" #include "decoder_library_utils.h" #include "memory_utils.h" #include "module_manager_utils.h" #include "openfpga_naming.h" #include "openfpga_port.h" #include "openfpga_reserved_words.h" #include "pb_type_utils.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /****************************************************************************** * Reserved a number of module nets for a given module * based on the number of output ports of its child modules * for memory efficiency ******************************************************************************/ void reserve_module_manager_module_nets(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module) { size_t num_nets = 0; /* Collect the driver port types for parent module*/ std::vector driver_port_types; driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT); driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIN_PORT); driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT); driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_INOUT_PORT); driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); driver_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_CLOCK_PORT); /* The number of nets depends on the sizes of input ports of parent module */ for (const auto& port_type : driver_port_types) { for (const BasicPort& port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(parent_module, port_type)) { num_nets += port.get_width(); } } /* Collect the output port types */ std::vector output_port_types; output_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_GPOUT_PORT); output_port_types.push_back(ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); for (const ModuleId& child_module : module_manager.child_modules(parent_module)) { /* The number of nets depends on the sizes of output ports of * each instanciated child module */ size_t num_instances = module_manager.num_instance(parent_module, child_module); /* Sum up the port sizes for all the output ports */ size_t total_output_port_sizes = 0; for (const auto& port_type : output_port_types) { for (const BasicPort& port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(child_module, port_type)) { total_output_port_sizes += port.get_width(); } } num_nets += total_output_port_sizes * num_instances; } module_manager.reserve_module_nets(parent_module, num_nets); } /****************************************************************************** * Count the 'actual' number of configurable children for a module in module *manager A 'true' configurable children should have a number of configurable *children as well ******************************************************************************/ size_t count_module_manager_module_configurable_children( const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module) { size_t num_config_children = 0; for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.configurable_children(module)) { if (0 != module_manager.configurable_children(child).size()) { num_config_children++; } } return num_config_children; } /****************************************************************************** * Find the module id and instance id in module manager with a given instance *name This function will exhaustively search all the child module under a given *parent module ******************************************************************************/ std::pair find_module_manager_instance_module_info( const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent, const std::string& instance_name) { /* Deposit invalid values as default */ std::pair instance_info(ModuleId::INVALID(), 0); /* Search all the child module and see we have a match */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.child_modules(parent)) { size_t child_instance = module_manager.instance_id(parent, child, instance_name); if (true == module_manager.valid_module_instance_id(parent, child, child_instance)) { instance_info.first = child; instance_info.second = child_instance; return instance_info; } } return instance_info; } /****************************************************************************** * Add a module to the module manager based on the circuit-level * description of a circuit model * This function add a module with a given customized name * as well as add the ports of circuit model to the module manager ******************************************************************************/ ModuleId add_circuit_model_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& circuit_model, const std::string& module_name) { ModuleId module = module_manager.add_module(module_name); VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != module); /* Identify module usage based on circuit type: * LUT, SRAM, CCFF, I/O have specific usages * Others will be classified as hard IPs */ if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_LUT == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_LUT); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_SRAM == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_CONFIG); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_CCFF == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_CONFIG); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_IOPAD == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_IO); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_WIRE == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_INTERC); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_CHAN_WIRE == circuit_lib.model_type(circuit_model)) { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_INTERC); } else { module_manager.set_module_usage(module, ModuleManager::MODULE_HARD_IP); } /* Add ports */ /* Find global ports and add one by one * Non-I/O Global input ports will be considered as global port to be shorted * wired in the context of module manager I/O Global output ports will be * considered as general purpose output port in the context of module manager * I/O Global inout ports will be considered as general purpose i/o port in * the context of module manager */ for (const auto& port : circuit_lib.model_global_ports(circuit_model, false)) { BasicPort port_info(circuit_lib.port_prefix(port), circuit_lib.port_size(port)); ModulePortId module_port = ModulePortId::INVALID(); if ((CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT == circuit_lib.port_type(port)) && (false == circuit_lib.port_is_io(port))) { module_port = module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK == circuit_lib.port_type(port)) { module_port = module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT); } else if ((CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT == circuit_lib.port_type(port)) && (true == circuit_lib.port_is_io(port))) { module_port = module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIN_PORT); } else if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT == circuit_lib.port_type(port)) { VTR_ASSERT(true == circuit_lib.port_is_io(port)); module_port = module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPOUT_PORT); } else if ((CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INOUT == circuit_lib.port_type(port)) && (true == circuit_lib.port_is_io(port))) { module_port = module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT); } /* Specify if the port can be mapped to an data signal */ if (true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(module, module_port)) { if (true == circuit_lib.port_is_data_io(port)) { module_manager.set_port_is_mappable_io(module, module_port, true); } } } /* Find other ports and add one by one */ /* Create a type-to-type map for ports */ std::map port_type2type_map; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INOUT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INOUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_SRAM] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BLB] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLB] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLR] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT; /* Input ports (ignore all the global ports when searching the circuit_lib */ for (const auto& kv : port_type2type_map) { for (const auto& port : circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(circuit_model, kv.first, true)) { BasicPort port_info(circuit_lib.port_prefix(port), circuit_lib.port_size(port)); module_manager.add_port(module, port_info, kv.second); } } /* Return the new id */ return module; } /****************************************************************************** * Add a module to the module manager based on the circuit-level * description of a circuit model * This function add a module in the name of the circuit model * as well as add the ports of circuit model to the module manager * * This function is a wrapper of a more customizable function in the same name ******************************************************************************/ ModuleId add_circuit_model_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& circuit_model) { return add_circuit_model_to_module_manager( module_manager, circuit_lib, circuit_model, circuit_lib.model_name(circuit_model)); } /******************************************************************** * Add a list of ports that are used for reserved SRAM ports to a module * in the module manager * The reserved SRAM ports are mainly designed for RRAM-based FPGA, * which are shared across modules. * Note that different modules may require different size of reserved * SRAM ports but their LSB must all start from 0 * +---------+ * reserved_sram_port[0:X] --->| ModuleA | * +---------+ * * +---------+ * reserved_sram_port[0:Y] --->| ModuleB | * +---------+ * ********************************************************************/ void add_reserved_sram_ports_to_module_manager(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const size_t& port_size) { /* Add a reserved BLB port to the module */ std::string blb_port_name = generate_reserved_sram_port_name(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BLB); BasicPort blb_module_port(blb_port_name, port_size); /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ module_manager.add_port(module_id, blb_module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Add a reserved BLB port to the module */ std::string wl_port_name = generate_reserved_sram_port_name(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL); BasicPort wl_module_port(wl_port_name, port_size); /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ module_manager.add_port(module_id, wl_module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } /******************************************************************** * Add a list of ports that are used for formal verification to a module * in the module manager * * The formal verification port will appear only when a pre-processing flag is *defined This function will add the pre-processing flag along with the port ********************************************************************/ void add_formal_verification_sram_ports_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const std::string& preproc_flag, const size_t& port_size) { /* Create a port */ std::string port_name = generate_formal_verification_sram_port_name(circuit_lib, sram_model); BasicPort module_port(port_name, port_size); /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ ModulePortId port_id = module_manager.add_port( module_id, module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Add pre-processing flag if defined */ module_manager.set_port_preproc_flag(module_id, port_id, preproc_flag); } /******************************************************************** * Add a list of ports that are used for SRAM configuration to a module * in the module manager * The type and names of added ports strongly depend on the * organization of SRAMs. * 1. Standalone SRAMs: * two ports will be added, which are BL and WL * 2. Scan-chain Flip-flops: * two ports will be added, which are the head of scan-chain * and the tail of scan-chain * IMPORTANT: the port size will be forced to 1 in this case * because the head and tail are both 1-bit ports!!! * 3. Memory decoders: * 2-4 ports will be added, depending on the ports available in the SRAM * Among these, two ports are mandatory: BL and WL * The other two ports are optional: BLB and WLB * Note that the constraints are correletated to the checking rules * in check_circuit_library() * 4. Frame-based memory: * - An Enable signal * - An address port, whose size depends on the number of config bits * and the maximum size of address ports of configurable children * - An data_in port (single-bit) ********************************************************************/ void add_sram_ports_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const e_config_protocol_type sram_orgz_type, const size_t& num_config_bits) { std::vector sram_port_names = generate_sram_port_names(circuit_lib, sram_model, sram_orgz_type); size_t sram_port_size = generate_sram_port_size(sram_orgz_type, num_config_bits); /* Add ports to the module manager */ switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK: case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: { for (const std::string& sram_port_name : sram_port_names) { /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ BasicPort sram_port(sram_port_name, sram_port_size); module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } break; } case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: { /* Note that configuration chain tail is an output while head is an input * IMPORTANT: this is co-designed with function generate_sram_port_names() * If the return vector is changed, the following codes MUST be adapted! */ VTR_ASSERT(2 == sram_port_names.size()); size_t port_counter = 0; for (const std::string& sram_port_name : sram_port_names) { /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ BasicPort sram_port(sram_port_name, sram_port_size); if (0 == port_counter) { module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } else { VTR_ASSERT(1 == port_counter); module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); } port_counter++; } break; } case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: { BasicPort en_port(std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME), 1); module_manager.add_port(module_id, en_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); BasicPort addr_port(std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME), num_config_bits); module_manager.add_port(module_id, addr_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); BasicPort din_port(std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME), 1); module_manager.add_port(module_id, din_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); break; } default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of SRAM organization !\n"); exit(1); } } /******************************************************************** * @brief Add a list of ports that are used for SRAM configuration to module * in the module manager * @note * This function is only applicable to programmable blocks, which are * - Grid * - CBX/CBY * - SB * @note * The major difference between this function and the *add_sram_ports_to_module_manager() is the size of sram ports to be added when *QL memory bank is selected This function will merge/group BL/WLs by *considering a memory bank organization at block-level ********************************************************************/ void add_pb_sram_ports_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const e_config_protocol_type sram_orgz_type, const size_t& num_config_bits) { std::vector sram_port_names = generate_sram_port_names(circuit_lib, sram_model, sram_orgz_type); size_t sram_port_size = generate_pb_sram_port_size(sram_orgz_type, num_config_bits); /* Add ports to the module manager */ switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK: for (const std::string& sram_port_name : sram_port_names) { /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ BasicPort sram_port(sram_port_name, sram_port_size); /* For WL and WLR ports, we need to fine-tune it */ if ((CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL == circuit_lib.port_type( circuit_lib.model_port(sram_model, sram_port_name))) || (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLR == circuit_lib.port_type( circuit_lib.model_port(sram_model, sram_port_name)))) { sram_port.set_width( find_memory_wl_decoder_data_size(num_config_bits, sram_port_size)); } module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } break; case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: { for (const std::string& sram_port_name : sram_port_names) { /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ BasicPort sram_port(sram_port_name, sram_port_size); module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } break; } case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: { /* Note that configuration chain tail is an output while head is an input * IMPORTANT: this is co-designed with function generate_sram_port_names() * If the return vector is changed, the following codes MUST be adapted! */ VTR_ASSERT(2 == sram_port_names.size()); size_t port_counter = 0; for (const std::string& sram_port_name : sram_port_names) { /* Add generated ports to the ModuleManager */ BasicPort sram_port(sram_port_name, sram_port_size); if (0 == port_counter) { module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); } else { VTR_ASSERT(1 == port_counter); module_manager.add_port(module_id, sram_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); } port_counter++; } break; } case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: { BasicPort en_port(std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME), 1); module_manager.add_port(module_id, en_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); BasicPort addr_port(std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME), num_config_bits); module_manager.add_port(module_id, addr_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); BasicPort din_port(std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME), 1); module_manager.add_port(module_id, din_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); break; } default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of SRAM organization !\n"); exit(1); } } /******************************************************************** * Add ports of a pb_type block to module manager * Port addition will follow the sequence: inout, input, output, clock * This will help use to keep a clean module definition when printing out * To avoid port mismatch between the pb_type and its linked circuit model * This function will also check that each pb_type port is actually exist * in the linked circuit model *******************************************************************/ void add_primitive_pb_type_ports_to_module_manager( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, t_pb_type* cur_pb_type, const VprDeviceAnnotation& vpr_device_annotation) { /* Find the inout ports required by the primitive pb_type, and add them to the * module */ std::vector pb_type_inout_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_circuit_model_port_type( cur_pb_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INOUT, vpr_device_annotation); for (auto port : pb_type_inout_ports) { BasicPort module_port(generate_pb_type_port_name(port), port->num_pins); module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INOUT_PORT); /* Set the port to be wire-connection */ module_manager.set_port_is_wire(module_id, module_port.get_name(), true); } /* Find the input ports required by the primitive pb_type, and add them to the * module */ std::vector pb_type_input_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_circuit_model_port_type( cur_pb_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, vpr_device_annotation); for (auto port : pb_type_input_ports) { BasicPort module_port(generate_pb_type_port_name(port), port->num_pins); module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Set the port to be wire-connection */ module_manager.set_port_is_wire(module_id, module_port.get_name(), true); } /* Find the output ports required by the primitive pb_type, and add them to * the module */ std::vector pb_type_output_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_circuit_model_port_type( cur_pb_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, vpr_device_annotation); for (auto port : pb_type_output_ports) { BasicPort module_port(generate_pb_type_port_name(port), port->num_pins); module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); /* Set the port to be wire-connection */ module_manager.set_port_is_wire(module_id, module_port.get_name(), true); } /* Find the clock ports required by the primitive pb_type, and add them to the * module */ std::vector pb_type_clock_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_circuit_model_port_type( cur_pb_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK, vpr_device_annotation); for (auto port : pb_type_clock_ports) { BasicPort module_port(generate_pb_type_port_name(port), port->num_pins); module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_CLOCK_PORT); /* Set the port to be wire-connection */ module_manager.set_port_is_wire(module_id, module_port.get_name(), true); } } /******************************************************************** * Add ports of a pb_type block to module manager * This function is designed for non-primitive pb_types, which are * NOT linked to any circuit model. * Actually, this makes things much simpler. * We just iterate over all the ports and add it to the module * with the naming convention *******************************************************************/ void add_pb_type_ports_to_module_manager(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, t_pb_type* cur_pb_type) { /* Create a type-to-type mapping between module ports and pb_type ports */ std::map port_type2type_map; port_type2type_map[IN_PORT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[OUT_PORT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT; port_type2type_map[INOUT_PORT] = ModuleManager::MODULE_INOUT_PORT; for (int port = 0; port < cur_pb_type->num_ports; ++port) { t_port* pb_type_port = &(cur_pb_type->ports[port]); BasicPort module_port(generate_pb_type_port_name(pb_type_port), pb_type_port->num_pins); module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_port, port_type2type_map[pb_type_port->type]); /* Set the port to be wire-connection */ module_manager.set_port_is_wire(module_id, module_port.get_name(), true); } } /******************************************************************** * Identify if a net is a local wire inside a module: * A net is a local wire if it connects between two instances, * It means that any of its source and sink modules should not include current *module_id *******************************************************************/ bool module_net_is_local_wire(const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const ModuleNetId& module_net) { /* Check all the sink modules of the net, * if we have a source module is the current module, this is not local wire */ for (ModuleId src_module : module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net)) { if (module_id == src_module) { /* Here, this is not a local wire */ return false; } } /* Check all the sink modules of the net */ for (ModuleId sink_module : module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)) { if (module_id == sink_module) { /* Here, this is not a local wire */ return false; } } return true; } /******************************************************************** * Identify if a net is an output short connection inside a module: * The short connection is defined as the direct connection * between two outputs port of the module * * module * +-----------------------------+ * | * src------>+--------------->|--->outputA * | | * | | * +--------------->|--->outputB * +-----------------------------+ *******************************************************************/ bool module_net_include_output_short_connection( const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const ModuleNetId& module_net) { /* Check all the sink modules of the net */ size_t contain_num_module_output = 0; for (ModuleId sink_module : module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)) { if (module_id == sink_module) { contain_num_module_output++; } } /* If we have found more than 1 module outputs, it indicated output short * connection! */ return (1 < contain_num_module_output); } /******************************************************************** * Identify if a net is a local short connection inside a module: * The short connection is defined as the direct connection * between an input port of the module and an output port of the module * * module * +-----------------------------+ * | | * inputA--->|---------------------------->|--->outputB * | | * | | * | | * +-----------------------------+ *******************************************************************/ bool module_net_include_local_short_connection( const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const ModuleNetId& module_net) { /* Check all the sink modules of the net, * if we have a source module is the current module, this is not local wire */ bool contain_module_input = false; for (ModuleId src_module : module_manager.net_source_modules(module_id, module_net)) { if (module_id == src_module) { contain_module_input = true; break; } } /* Check all the sink modules of the net */ bool contain_module_output = false; for (ModuleId sink_module : module_manager.net_sink_modules(module_id, module_net)) { if (module_id == sink_module) { contain_module_output = true; break; } } return contain_module_input & contain_module_output; } /******************************************************************** * Add the port-to-port connection between a pb_type and its linked circuit *model This function is mainly used to create instance of the module for a *pb_type * * Note: this function SHOULD be called after the pb_type_module is created * and its child module is created! *******************************************************************/ void add_primitive_pb_type_module_nets( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& pb_type_module, const ModuleId& child_module, const size_t& child_instance_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, t_pb_type* cur_pb_type, const VprDeviceAnnotation& vpr_device_annotation) { for (int iport = 0; iport < cur_pb_type->num_ports; ++iport) { t_port* pb_type_port = &(cur_pb_type->ports[iport]); /* Must have a linked circuit model port */ VTR_ASSERT(CircuitPortId::INVALID() != vpr_device_annotation.pb_circuit_port(pb_type_port)); /* Find the source port in pb_type module */ /* Get the src module port id */ ModulePortId src_module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port( pb_type_module, generate_pb_type_port_name(pb_type_port)); VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != src_module_port_id); BasicPort src_port = module_manager.module_port(pb_type_module, src_module_port_id); /* Get the des module port id */ std::string des_module_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix( vpr_device_annotation.pb_circuit_port(pb_type_port)); ModulePortId des_module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, des_module_port_name); VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != des_module_port_id); BasicPort des_port = module_manager.module_port(child_module, des_module_port_id); /* Port size must match */ VTR_ASSERT(src_port.get_width() == des_port.get_width()); /* For each pin, generate the nets. * For non-output ports (input ports, inout ports and clock ports), * src_port is the source of the net * For output ports * src_port is the sink of the net */ switch (pb_type_port->type) { case IN_PORT: case INOUT_PORT: for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.create_module_net(pb_type_module); /* Add net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( pb_type_module, net, pb_type_module, 0, src_module_port_id, src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink( pb_type_module, net, child_module, child_instance_id, des_module_port_id, des_port.pins()[pin_id]); } break; case OUT_PORT: for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.create_module_net(pb_type_module); /* Add net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( pb_type_module, net, child_module, child_instance_id, des_module_port_id, des_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink( pb_type_module, net, pb_type_module, 0, src_module_port_id, src_port.pins()[pin_id]); } break; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid port of pb_type!\n"); exit(1); } } } /******************************************************************** * Add the port-to-port connection between a logic module * and a memory module * Create nets to wire SRAM ports between logic module and memory module * * The information about SRAM ports of logic module are stored in the * mem_output_bus_ports, where element [0] denotes the SRAM port while * element [1] denotes the SRAMb port * * +---------+ +--------+ * | | regular SRAM port | | * | Logic |-----------------------+ | Memory | * | Module | mode-select SRAM port |->| Module | * | |-----------------------+ | | * +---------+ +--------+ * * There could be multiple SRAM ports of logic module, which are wired to * the SRAM ports of memory module * * Note: this function SHOULD be called after the pb_type_module is created * and its child module (logic_module and memory_module) is created! * * Note: this function only handle either SRAM or SRAMb ports. * So, this function may be called twice to complete the wiring *******************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_between_logic_and_memory_sram_ports( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const ModuleId& logic_module, const size_t& logic_instance_id, const ModuleId& memory_module, const size_t& memory_instance_id, const std::vector& logic_module_sram_port_ids, const ModulePortId& mem_module_sram_port_id) { /* Find mem_output_bus ports in logic module */ std::vector logic_module_sram_ports; for (const ModulePortId& logic_module_sram_port_id : logic_module_sram_port_ids) { logic_module_sram_ports.push_back( module_manager.module_port(logic_module, logic_module_sram_port_id)); } /* Create a list of virtual ports to align with the SRAM port of logic module * Physical ports: * * logic_module_sram_port[0] logic_module_sram_port[1] * * LSB[0]------------>MSB[0] LSB------------------>MSB * * memory_sram_port * LSBY---------------------------------------------->MSBY * * Virtual ports: * mem_module_sram_port[0] mem_module_sram_port[1] * LSBY--------------->MSBX MSBX+1------------------>MSBY * */ BasicPort mem_module_port = module_manager.module_port(memory_module, mem_module_sram_port_id); std::vector virtual_mem_module_ports; /* Create a counter for the LSB of virtual ports */ size_t port_lsb = 0; for (const BasicPort& logic_module_sram_port : logic_module_sram_ports) { BasicPort virtual_port; virtual_port.set_name(mem_module_port.get_name()); virtual_port.set_width(port_lsb, port_lsb + logic_module_sram_port.get_width() - 1); virtual_mem_module_ports.push_back(virtual_port); port_lsb = virtual_port.get_msb() + 1; } /* port_lsb should be aligned with the MSB of memory_sram_port */ VTR_ASSERT(port_lsb == mem_module_port.get_msb() + 1); /* Wire port to port */ for (size_t port_index = 0; port_index < logic_module_sram_ports.size(); ++port_index) { /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < logic_module_sram_ports[port_index].pins().size(); ++pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.create_module_net(parent_module); /* TODO: Give a name to make it clear */ std::string net_name = module_manager.module_name(logic_module) + std::string("_") + std::to_string(logic_instance_id) + std::string("_") + logic_module_sram_ports[port_index].get_name(); module_manager.set_net_name(parent_module, net, net_name); /* Add net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( parent_module, net, logic_module, logic_instance_id, logic_module_sram_port_ids[port_index], logic_module_sram_ports[port_index].pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink( parent_module, net, memory_module, memory_instance_id, mem_module_sram_port_id, virtual_mem_module_ports[port_index].pins()[pin_id]); } } } /******************************************************************** * Add the port-to-port connection between a logic module * and a memory module * Create nets to wire SRAM ports between logic module and memory module * * * +---------+ +--------+ * | | SRAM ports | | * | Logic |----------------------->| Memory | * | Module | SRAMb ports | Module | * | |----------------------->| | * +---------+ +--------+ * * Note: this function SHOULD be called after the pb_type_module is created * and its child module (logic_module and memory_module) is created! * *******************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_between_logic_and_memory_sram_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const ModuleId& logic_module, const size_t& logic_instance_id, const ModuleId& memory_module, const size_t& memory_instance_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& logic_model) { /* Connect SRAM port */ /* Find SRAM ports in the circuit model for logic module */ std::vector logic_model_sram_port_names; /* Regular sram port goes first */ for (CircuitPortId regular_sram_port : find_circuit_regular_sram_ports(circuit_lib, logic_model)) { logic_model_sram_port_names.push_back( circuit_lib.port_prefix(regular_sram_port)); } /* Mode-select sram port goes first */ for (CircuitPortId mode_select_sram_port : find_circuit_mode_select_sram_ports(circuit_lib, logic_model)) { logic_model_sram_port_names.push_back( circuit_lib.port_prefix(mode_select_sram_port)); } /* Find the port ids in the memory */ std::vector logic_module_sram_port_ids; for (const std::string& logic_model_sram_port_name : logic_model_sram_port_names) { /* Skip non-exist ports */ if (ModulePortId::INVALID() == module_manager.find_module_port(logic_module, logic_model_sram_port_name)) { continue; } logic_module_sram_port_ids.push_back(module_manager.find_module_port( logic_module, logic_model_sram_port_name)); } /* Get the SRAM port name of memory model */ /* This should be a constant expression and it should be the same for all the * memory module! */ std::string memory_model_sram_port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); /* Find the corresponding ports in memory module */ ModulePortId mem_module_sram_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(memory_module, memory_model_sram_port_name); /* Do wiring only when we have sram ports */ if ((false == logic_module_sram_port_ids.empty()) || (ModulePortId::INVALID() == mem_module_sram_port_id)) { add_module_nets_between_logic_and_memory_sram_ports( module_manager, parent_module, logic_module, logic_instance_id, memory_module, memory_instance_id, logic_module_sram_port_ids, mem_module_sram_port_id); } /* Connect SRAMb port */ /* Find SRAM ports in the circuit model for logic module */ std::vector logic_model_sramb_port_names; /* Regular sram port goes first */ for (CircuitPortId regular_sram_port : find_circuit_regular_sram_ports(circuit_lib, logic_model)) { logic_model_sramb_port_names.push_back( circuit_lib.port_prefix(regular_sram_port) + std::string(INV_PORT_POSTFIX)); } /* Mode-select sram port goes first */ for (CircuitPortId mode_select_sram_port : find_circuit_mode_select_sram_ports(circuit_lib, logic_model)) { logic_model_sramb_port_names.push_back( circuit_lib.port_prefix(mode_select_sram_port) + std::string(INV_PORT_POSTFIX)); } /* Find the port ids in the memory */ std::vector logic_module_sramb_port_ids; for (const std::string& logic_model_sramb_port_name : logic_model_sramb_port_names) { /* Skip non-exist ports */ if (ModulePortId::INVALID() == module_manager.find_module_port(logic_module, logic_model_sramb_port_name)) { continue; } logic_module_sramb_port_ids.push_back(module_manager.find_module_port( logic_module, logic_model_sramb_port_name)); } /* Get the SRAM port name of memory model */ std::string memory_model_sramb_port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); /* Find the corresponding ports in memory module */ ModulePortId mem_module_sramb_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port( memory_module, memory_model_sramb_port_name); /* Do wiring only when we have sramb ports */ if ((false == logic_module_sramb_port_ids.empty()) && (ModulePortId::INVALID() != mem_module_sramb_port_id)) { add_module_nets_between_logic_and_memory_sram_ports( module_manager, parent_module, logic_module, logic_instance_id, memory_module, memory_instance_id, logic_module_sramb_port_ids, mem_module_sramb_port_id); } } /******************************************************************** * Connect all the memory modules under the parent module in a flatten way * * BL * | * +---------------+--------- ... --------+ * | | | * v v v * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * +------------+----------------------+ * | * WL/WLR * * Note: * - This function will do the connection for only one type of the port, * either BL or WL. So, you should call this function twice to complete * the configuration bus connection!!! * *********************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const e_circuit_model_port_type& config_port_type) { /* A counter for the current pin id for the source port of parent module */ size_t cur_src_pin_id = 0; /* Find the port name of parent module */ std::string src_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); ModuleId net_src_module_id = parent_module; size_t net_src_instance_id = 0; ModulePortId net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* We may not be able to find WLR port, return now */ if (!net_src_port_id) { return; } /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId net_sink_module_id; size_t net_sink_instance_id; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id; /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_sink_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[cur_src_pin_id]); VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != net); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Move to the next src pin */ cur_src_pin_id++; } } /* We should used all the pins of the source port!!! */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == cur_src_pin_id); } /******************************************************************** * @brief Connect all the Bit Lines (BL) of child memory modules under the * parent module in a memory bank organization * * BL<0> BL<1> BL * | | | * v v v * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0,0] | | [1,0] | | [i,0] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | | | * v v v * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0,1] | | [1,1] | | [i,1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * *********************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_bl_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const e_circuit_model_port_type& config_port_type) { /* A counter for the current pin id for the source port of parent module */ size_t cur_src_pin_id = 0; /* Find the port name of parent module */ std::string src_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); ModuleId net_src_module_id = parent_module; size_t net_src_instance_id = 0; ModulePortId net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); ModuleId net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; size_t net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_sink_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { size_t cur_bl_src_pin_id = cur_src_pin_id % net_src_port.pins().size(); /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[cur_bl_src_pin_id]); VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != net); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Move to the next src pin */ cur_src_pin_id++; } } } /******************************************************************** * @brief Connect all the Word Lines (WL) of child memory modules under the * parent module in a memory bank organization * * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0,0] | | [1,0] | | [i,0] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * +------------+----------------------+ * | * WL<0>/WLR<0> * * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0,1] | | [1,1] | | [i,1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * +------------+----------------------+ * | * WL<1>/WLR<1> * *********************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_wl_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const e_circuit_model_port_type& config_port_type) { /* A counter for the current pin id for the source port of parent module */ size_t cur_src_pin_id = 0; /* Find the port name of parent module */ std::string src_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); std::string bl_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL); ModuleId net_src_module_id = parent_module; size_t net_src_instance_id = 0; ModulePortId net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); ModulePortId net_bl_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, bl_port_name); /* We may not be able to find WLR port, return now */ if (!net_src_port_id) { return; } /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); BasicPort net_bl_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_bl_port_id); for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, config_port_type); ModuleId net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; size_t net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_sink_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { size_t cur_wl_src_pin_id = std::floor(cur_src_pin_id / net_bl_port.pins().size()); /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[cur_wl_src_pin_id]); VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != net); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Move to the next src pin */ cur_src_pin_id++; } } } /******************************************************************** * Connect all the memory modules under the parent module in a chain * * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ccff_head --->| Memory |--->| Memory |--->... --->| Memory |----> ccff_tail * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * For the 1st memory module: * net source is the configuration chain head of the primitive module * net sink is the configuration chain head of the next memory module * * For the rest of memory modules: * net source is the configuration chain tail of the previous memory module * net sink is the configuration chain head of the next memory module *********************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId net_src_module_id; size_t net_src_instance_id; ModulePortId net_src_port_id; ModuleId net_sink_module_id; size_t net_sink_instance_id; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id; if (0 == mem_index) { /* Find the port name of configuration chain head */ std::string src_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT); net_src_module_id = parent_module; net_src_instance_id = 0; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_head_name(); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } else { /* Find the port name of previous memory module */ std::string src_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_tail_name(); net_src_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances( parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_head_name(); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Port sizes of source and sink should match */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == net_sink_port.get_width()); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } /* For the last memory module: * net source is the configuration chain tail of the previous memory module * net sink is the configuration chain tail of the primitive module */ /* Find the port name of previous memory module */ std::string src_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_tail_name(); ModuleId net_src_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).back(); size_t net_src_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module).back(); ModulePortId net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_sram_port_name(sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT); ModuleId net_sink_module_id = parent_module; size_t net_sink_instance_id = 0; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Port sizes of source and sink should match */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == net_sink_port.get_width()); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } /******************************************************************** * This function will create nets for the following types of connections: * - Connect the enable signal to the EN of memory module * - Connect the address port to the address port of memory module * - Connect the data_in (Din) to the data_in of the memory module * * EN ADDR DATA_IN * | | | * v v v * +-----------------------------+ * | Memory Module | * | [0] | * | | * +-----------------------------+ * * Note: * - This function is ONLY applicable to single configurable child case!!! * *********************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_short_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module) { std::vector configurable_children = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module); VTR_ASSERT(1 == configurable_children.size()); ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[0]; /* Connect the enable (EN) port of the parent module * to the EN port of memory module */ ModulePortId parent_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); ModulePortId child_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_en_port, child_module, 0, child_en_port); /* Connect the address port of the parent module to the child module address * port */ ModulePortId parent_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); ModulePortId child_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_addr_port, child_module, 0, child_addr_port); /* Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the memory * module */ ModulePortId parent_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME)); ModulePortId child_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_din_port, child_module, 0, child_din_port); } /******************************************************************** * This function will * - Add a frame decoder to the parent module * - If the decoder exists in the library, we use the module * - If the decoder does not exist, we create a new module and use it * - create nets for the following types of connections: * - Connect the EN signal, first few bits of address of parent module * to the frame decoder inputs * - Connect the enable (EN) port of memory modules under the parent module * to the frame decoder outputs * - Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the all * the memory modules * * EN ADDR[X - 1: X - log(N)/log2] * | | * v v * +--------------------------------------------+ * | Frame-based decoder | * | | * | Data out | * +--------------------------------------------+ * | * +-------------+--------------------+ * | | | * Din | Din | Din | * | | | | | | * v v v v v v * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * | Memory | | Memory | ... | Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * +-------------+--------------------+ * | * ADDR[X - log(N)/log2 - 1: 0] * * Note: * - X is the port size of address port of the parent module * - the address port of child memory modules may be smaller than * X - log(N)/log2. In such case, we will drop the MSBs until it fit * - This function is only applicable to 2+ configurable children!!! * *********************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_decoder_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module) { std::vector configurable_children = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module); /* Find the decoder specification */ size_t addr_size = find_mux_local_decoder_addr_size(configurable_children.size()); /* Data input should match the WL (data_in) of a SRAM */ size_t data_size = configurable_children.size(); /* Search the decoder library and try to find one * If not found, create a new module and add it to the module manager */ DecoderId decoder_id = decoder_lib.find_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, false, false); if (DecoderId::INVALID() == decoder_id) { decoder_id = decoder_lib.add_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, false, false); } VTR_ASSERT(DecoderId::INVALID() != decoder_id); /* Create a module if not existed yet */ std::string decoder_module_name = generate_memory_decoder_subckt_name(addr_size, data_size); ModuleId decoder_module = module_manager.find_module(decoder_module_name); if (ModuleId::INVALID() == decoder_module) { decoder_module = build_frame_memory_decoder_module(module_manager, decoder_lib, decoder_id); } VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != decoder_module); /* Instanciate the decoder module here */ VTR_ASSERT(0 == module_manager.num_instance(parent_module, decoder_module)); module_manager.add_child_module(parent_module, decoder_module, false); /* Connect the enable (EN) port of memory modules under the parent module * to the frame decoder inputs */ ModulePortId parent_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); ModulePortId decoder_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port( decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_en_port, decoder_module, 0, decoder_en_port); /* Connect the address port of the parent module to the frame decoder address * port Note that we only connect to the first few bits of address port */ ModulePortId parent_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); ModulePortId decoder_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port( decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); BasicPort parent_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(parent_module, parent_addr_port); BasicPort decoder_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_addr_port); for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < decoder_addr_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net( parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_addr_port, parent_addr_port_info.get_msb() - ipin); if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) { net = module_manager.create_module_net(parent_module); /* Configure the net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( parent_module, net, parent_module, 0, parent_addr_port, parent_addr_port_info.get_msb() - ipin); } /* Configure the net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, decoder_module, 0, decoder_addr_port, decoder_addr_port_info.get_msb() - ipin); } /* Connect the address port of the parent module to the address port of * configurable children Note that we only connect to the last few bits of * address port */ for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index]; size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; ModulePortId child_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); BasicPort child_addr_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_addr_port); for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < child_addr_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net( parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_addr_port, parent_addr_port_info.get_lsb() + ipin); if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) { net = module_manager.create_module_net(parent_module); /* Configure the net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( parent_module, net, parent_module, 0, parent_addr_port, parent_addr_port_info.get_lsb() + ipin); } /* Configure the net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, child_module, child_instance, child_addr_port, child_addr_port_info.get_lsb() + ipin); } } /* Connect the data_in (Din) of parent module to the data_in of the all * the memory modules */ ModulePortId parent_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port( parent_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME)); for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index]; size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; ModulePortId child_din_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, parent_module, parent_module, 0, parent_din_port, child_module, child_instance, child_din_port); } /* Connect the data_out port of the decoder module * to the enable port of configurable children */ ModulePortId decoder_dout_port = module_manager.find_module_port( decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_OUT_PORT_NAME)); BasicPort decoder_dout_port_info = module_manager.module_port(decoder_module, decoder_dout_port); VTR_ASSERT(decoder_dout_port_info.get_width() == configurable_children.size()); for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < configurable_children.size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId child_module = configurable_children[mem_index]; size_t child_instance = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; ModulePortId child_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port( child_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); BasicPort child_en_port_info = module_manager.module_port(child_module, child_en_port); for (size_t ipin = 0; ipin < child_en_port_info.get_width(); ++ipin) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net( parent_module, decoder_module, 0, decoder_dout_port, decoder_dout_port_info.pins()[mem_index]); if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) { net = module_manager.create_module_net(parent_module); /* Configure the net source */ module_manager.add_module_net_source( parent_module, net, decoder_module, 0, decoder_dout_port, decoder_dout_port_info.pins()[mem_index]); } /* Configure the net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, child_module, child_instance, child_en_port, child_en_port_info.pins()[ipin]); } } /* Add the decoder as the last configurable children */ module_manager.add_configurable_child(parent_module, decoder_module, 0); } /********************************************************************* * Top-level function to add nets for frame-based memories * Add nets depending on the need * - If there is no configurable child, return directly. * - If there is only one configurable child, short wire the EN, ADDR and *DATA_IN to it * - If there are more than two configurable childern, add a decoder and build *interconnection between it and the children **********************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module) { if (0 == module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size()) { return; } if (1 == module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size()) { add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_short_config_bus(module_manager, parent_module); } else { VTR_ASSERT(1 < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size()); add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_decoder_config_bus( module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module); } } /********************************************************************* * Add the port-to-port connection between all the memory modules * and their parent module * * Create nets to wire the control signals of memory module to * the configuration ports of primitive module * * Configuration Chain * ------------------- * * config_bus (head) config_bus (tail) * | ^ * primitive | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * | | | | * | v | | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | CMOS-based Memory Modules | | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | | | * | v v | * | sram_out sram_outb | * | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * * Memory bank * ----------- * * config_bus (BL) config_bus (WL) * | | * primitive | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * | | | | * | v v | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | CMOS-based Memory Modules | | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | | | * | v v | * | sram_out sram_outb | * | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * **********************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: { add_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type); break; } case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK: case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL); add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL); add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLR); break; case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module); break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of SRAM organization!\n"); exit(1); } } /********************************************************************* * @brief Add the port-to-port connection between all the memory modules * and their parent module. This function creates nets to wire the control * signals of memory module to the configuration ports of primitive module * * @note This function is only applicable to programmable blocks, which are * grid, CBX/CBY, SB. Different from the add_pb_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus(), * this function will merge BL/WLs of child module when connect them to the parent module * * QL Memory bank * -------------- * * config_bus (BL) config_bus (WL) * | | * parent | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * | | | | * | +---------------+ | | * | | | | | * | | +-----------|---+ | * | | | | | | * | v v v v | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | Child Mem 0 | ... | Child Mem N-1 | | * | +-------------------------------------+ | * | | | | * | v v | * | sram_out sram_outb | * | | * +---------------------------------------------+ * **********************************************************************/ static void add_pb_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: { add_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type); break; } case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK: add_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_bl_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL); add_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_wl_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL); add_module_nets_cmos_memory_bank_wl_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLR); break; case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL); add_module_nets_cmos_flatten_memory_config_bus( module_manager, parent_module, sram_orgz_type, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL); break; case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: add_module_nets_cmos_memory_frame_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module); break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of SRAM organization!\n"); exit(1); } } /********************************************************************* * TODO: * Add the port-to-port connection between a logic module * and a memory module inside a primitive module * * Memory bank * ----------- * config_bus (BL) config_bus (WL) shared_config_bugs(shared_BL/WLs) * | | | | * primitive | | | | * +------------------------------------------------------------+ * | | | | | | * | v v v v | * | +----------------------------------------------------+ | * | | ReRAM-based Memory Module | | * | +----------------------------------------------------+ | * | | | | * | v v | * | mem_out mem_outb | * | | * +------------------------------------------------------------+ * **********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** * Add the port-to-port connection between a memory module * and the configuration bus of a primitive module * * Create nets to wire the control signals of memory module to * the configuration ports of primitive module * * Primitive module * +----------------------------+ * | +--------+ | * config | | | | * ports --->|--------------->| Memory | | * | | Module | | * | | | | * | +--------+ | * +----------------------------+ * The detailed config ports really depend on the type * of SRAM organization. * * The config_bus in the argument is the reserved address of configuration * bus in the parent_module for this memory module * * The configuration bus connection will depend not only * the design technology of the memory cells but also the * configuration styles of FPGA fabric. * Here we will branch on the design technology * * Note: this function SHOULD be called after the pb_type_module is created * and its child module (logic_module and memory_module) is created! *******************************************************************/ void add_module_nets_memory_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const e_circuit_model_design_tech& mem_tech) { switch (mem_tech) { case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_CMOS: add_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module, sram_orgz_type); break; case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_RRAM: /* TODO: */ break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of memory design technology!\n"); exit(1); } } /******************************************************************** * Add the port-to-port connection between the configuration lines of * a programmable block module (grid, CBX/CBY, SB) and its child module * * The configuration bus connection will depend not only * the design technology of the memory cells but also the * configuration styles of FPGA fabric. * Here we will branch on the design technology * * Note: this function SHOULD be called after the pb_type_module is created * and its child module (logic_module and memory_module) is created! *******************************************************************/ void add_pb_module_nets_memory_config_bus( ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& decoder_lib, const ModuleId& parent_module, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const e_circuit_model_design_tech& mem_tech) { switch (mem_tech) { case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_CMOS: add_pb_module_nets_cmos_memory_config_bus(module_manager, decoder_lib, parent_module, sram_orgz_type); break; case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_RRAM: /* TODO: */ break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid type of memory design technology!\n"); exit(1); } } /******************************************************************** * Find the size of shared(reserved) configuration ports for module *******************************************************************/ size_t find_module_num_shared_config_bits(const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id) { std::vector shared_config_port_names; shared_config_port_names.push_back( generate_reserved_sram_port_name(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BLB)); shared_config_port_names.push_back( generate_reserved_sram_port_name(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL)); size_t num_shared_config_bits = 0; /* By default it has zero configuration bits*/ /* Try to find these ports in the module manager */ for (const std::string& shared_config_port_name : shared_config_port_names) { ModulePortId module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, shared_config_port_name); /* If the port does not exist, go to the next */ if (false == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(module_id, module_port_id)) { continue; } /* The port exist, find the port size and update the num_config_bits if the * size is larger */ BasicPort module_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_port_id); num_shared_config_bits = std::max((int)num_shared_config_bits, (int)module_port.get_width()); } return num_shared_config_bits; } /******************************************************************** * Find the size of configuration ports for module *******************************************************************/ size_t find_module_num_config_bits( const ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { std::vector config_port_names = generate_sram_port_names(circuit_lib, sram_model, sram_orgz_type); size_t num_config_bits = 0; /* By default it has zero configuration bits*/ /* Try to find these ports in the module manager */ for (const std::string& config_port_name : config_port_names) { ModulePortId module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, config_port_name); /* If the port does not exist, go to the next */ if (false == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(module_id, module_port_id)) { continue; } /* The port exist, find the port size and update the num_config_bits if the * size is larger */ BasicPort module_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_port_id); num_config_bits = std::max((int)num_config_bits, (int)module_port.get_width()); } return num_config_bits; } /******************************************************************** * Add General purpose I/O ports to the module: * In this function, the following tasks are done: * 1. find all the I/O ports from the child modules and build a list of it, * 2. Merge all the I/O ports with the same name * 3. add the ports to the pb_module * 4. add module nets to connect to the GPIO ports of each sub module * * Module * ----------------------+ * | * child[0] | * -----------+ | * |----------+----> outputA[0] * -----------+ | * | * child[1] | * -----------+ | * |----------+----> outputA[1] * -----------+ | * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some GPIO ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ static void add_module_io_ports_from_child_modules( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const ModuleManager::e_module_port_type& module_port_type) { std::vector gpio_ports_to_add; std::vector mappable_gpio_ports; /* Iterate over the child modules and instances */ for (size_t i = 0; i < module_manager.io_children(module_id).size(); ++i) { ModuleId child = module_manager.io_children(module_id)[i]; /* Find all the global ports, whose port type is special */ for (const ModulePortId& gpio_port_id : module_manager.module_port_ids_by_type(child, module_port_type)) { const BasicPort& gpio_port = module_manager.module_port(child, gpio_port_id); /* If this port is not mergeable, we update the list */ bool is_mergeable = false; for (size_t i_gpio_port_to_add = 0; i_gpio_port_to_add < gpio_ports_to_add.size(); ++i_gpio_port_to_add) { BasicPort& gpio_port_to_add = gpio_ports_to_add[i_gpio_port_to_add]; if (false == gpio_port_to_add.mergeable(gpio_port)) { continue; } is_mergeable = true; /* Mappable I/O property must match! Mismatch rarely happened * but should error out avoid silent bugs! */ VTR_ASSERT(module_manager.port_is_mappable_io(child, gpio_port_id) == mappable_gpio_ports[i_gpio_port_to_add]); /* For mergeable ports, we combine the port * Note: do NOT use the merge() method! * the GPIO ports should be accumulated by the sizes of ports * not by the LSB/MSB range !!! */ gpio_port_to_add.combine(gpio_port); break; } if (false == is_mergeable) { /* Reach here, this is an unique gpio port, update the list */ gpio_ports_to_add.push_back(gpio_port); /* If the gpio port is a mappable I/O, we should herit from the child * module */ mappable_gpio_ports.push_back( module_manager.port_is_mappable_io(child, gpio_port_id)); } } } /* Record the port id for each type of GPIO port */ std::vector gpio_port_ids; /* Add the gpio ports for the module */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < gpio_ports_to_add.size(); ++iport) { const BasicPort& gpio_port_to_add = gpio_ports_to_add[iport]; ModulePortId port_id = module_manager.add_port(module_id, gpio_port_to_add, module_port_type); gpio_port_ids.push_back(port_id); if (true == mappable_gpio_ports[iport]) { module_manager.set_port_is_mappable_io(module_id, port_id, true); } } /* Set up a counter for each type of GPIO port */ std::vector gpio_port_lsb(gpio_ports_to_add.size(), 0); /* Add module nets to connect the GPIOs of the module to the GPIOs of the sub * module */ for (size_t i = 0; i < module_manager.io_children(module_id).size(); ++i) { ModuleId child = module_manager.io_children(module_id)[i]; size_t child_instance = module_manager.io_child_instances(module_id)[i]; /* Find all the global ports, whose port type is special */ for (ModulePortId child_gpio_port_id : module_manager.module_port_ids_by_type(child, module_port_type)) { BasicPort child_gpio_port = module_manager.module_port(child, child_gpio_port_id); /* Find the port with the same name! */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < gpio_ports_to_add.size(); ++iport) { if (false == gpio_ports_to_add[iport].mergeable(child_gpio_port)) { continue; } /* For each pin of the child port, create a net and do wiring */ for (const size_t& pin_id : child_gpio_port.pins()) { /* Reach here, it means this is the port we want, create a net and * configure its source and sink */ /* - For GPIO and GPIN ports * the source of the net is the current module * the sink of the net is the child module * - For GPOUT ports * the source of the net is the child module * the sink of the net is the current module */ if ((ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT == module_port_type) || (ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIN_PORT == module_port_type)) { ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, module_id, module_id, 0, gpio_port_ids[iport], gpio_port_lsb[iport]); module_manager.add_module_net_sink(module_id, net, child, child_instance, child_gpio_port_id, pin_id); } else { VTR_ASSERT(ModuleManager::MODULE_GPOUT_PORT == module_port_type); ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, module_id, child, child_instance, child_gpio_port_id, pin_id); module_manager.add_module_net_sink(module_id, net, module_id, 0, gpio_port_ids[iport], gpio_port_lsb[iport]); } /* Update the LSB counter */ gpio_port_lsb[iport]++; } /* We finish for this child gpio port */ break; } } } /* Check: all the lsb should now match the size of each GPIO port */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < gpio_ports_to_add.size(); ++iport) { VTR_ASSERT(gpio_ports_to_add[iport].get_width() == gpio_port_lsb[iport]); } } /******************************************************************** * Add GPIO ports to the module: * In this function, the following tasks are done: * 1. find all the GPIO ports from the child modules and build a list of it, * 2. Merge all the GPIO ports with the same name * 3. add the ports to the pb_module * 4. add module nets to connect to the GPIO ports of each sub module * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some GPIO ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ void add_module_gpio_ports_from_child_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id) { add_module_io_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, module_id, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIO_PORT); add_module_io_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, module_id, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPIN_PORT); add_module_io_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, module_id, ModuleManager::MODULE_GPOUT_PORT); } /******************************************************************** * Add global input ports to the module: * In this function, the following tasks are done: * 1. find all the global input ports from the child modules and build a list of *it, * 2. add the input ports to the pb_module * 3. add the module nets to connect the pb_module global ports to those of *child modules * * Module * +-------------------------- * | child[0] * input_portA[0] ----+-+---->+---------- * | | | * | | +---------- * | | * | | child[1] * | +---->+---------- * | | * | +---------- * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some global ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ void add_module_global_input_ports_from_child_modules( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id) { std::vector global_ports_to_add; /* Iterate over the child modules */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.child_modules(module_id)) { /* Iterate over the child instances */ for (size_t i = 0; i < module_manager.num_instance(module_id, child); ++i) { /* Find all the global ports, whose port type is special */ for (BasicPort global_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type( child, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT)) { /* Search in the global port list to be added, if this is unique, we * update the list */ std::vector::iterator it = std::find( global_ports_to_add.begin(), global_ports_to_add.end(), global_port); if (it != global_ports_to_add.end()) { continue; } /* Reach here, this is an unique global port, update the list */ global_ports_to_add.push_back(global_port); } } } /* Record the port id for each type of global port */ std::vector global_port_ids; /* Add the global ports for the module */ for (const BasicPort& global_port_to_add : global_ports_to_add) { ModulePortId port_id = module_manager.add_port( module_id, global_port_to_add, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT); global_port_ids.push_back(port_id); } /* Count the number of sinks for each global port */ std::map port_sink_count; for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.child_modules(module_id)) { /* Find all the global ports, whose port type is special */ for (ModulePortId child_global_port_id : module_manager.module_port_ids_by_type( child, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT)) { BasicPort child_global_port = module_manager.module_port(child, child_global_port_id); /* Search in the global port list to be added, find the port id */ std::vector::iterator it = std::find(global_ports_to_add.begin(), global_ports_to_add.end(), child_global_port); VTR_ASSERT(it != global_ports_to_add.end()); ModulePortId module_global_port_id = global_port_ids[it - global_ports_to_add.begin()]; port_sink_count[module_global_port_id] += module_manager.num_instance(module_id, child); } } /* Add module nets to connect the global ports of the module to the global * ports of the sub module */ /* Iterate over the child modules */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.child_modules(module_id)) { /* Iterate over the child instances */ for (const size_t& child_instance : module_manager.child_module_instances(module_id, child)) { /* Find all the global ports, whose port type is special */ for (ModulePortId child_global_port_id : module_manager.module_port_ids_by_type( child, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT)) { BasicPort child_global_port = module_manager.module_port(child, child_global_port_id); /* Search in the global port list to be added, find the port id */ std::vector::iterator it = std::find(global_ports_to_add.begin(), global_ports_to_add.end(), child_global_port); VTR_ASSERT(it != global_ports_to_add.end()); ModulePortId module_global_port_id = global_port_ids[it - global_ports_to_add.begin()]; BasicPort module_global_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_global_port_id); /* The global ports should match in size */ VTR_ASSERT(module_global_port.get_width() == child_global_port.get_width()); /* For each pin of the child port, create a net and do wiring */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < child_global_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Reach here, it means this is the port we want, create a net and * configure its source and sink */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, module_id, module_id, 0, module_global_port_id, module_global_port.pins()[pin_id]); module_manager.reserve_module_net_sinks( module_id, net, port_sink_count[module_global_port_id]); module_manager.add_module_net_sink( module_id, net, child, child_instance, child_global_port_id, child_global_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* We finish for this child gpio port */ } } } } } /******************************************************************** * Add global ports to the module: * In this function, we will add global input ports and global output ports * which are collected from the child modules * * - Input ports: the input ports will be uniquified by names * Ports with the same name will be merged to the same pin * See details inside the function * * - Output ports: the output ports will be uniquified by names * Different from the input ports, output ports * with the same name will be merged but will have indepedent *pins See details inside the function * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some global ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ void add_module_global_ports_from_child_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id) { /* Input ports */ add_module_global_input_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, module_id); } /******************************************************************** * Find the number of shared configuration bits for a module * by selected the maximum number of shared configuration bits of child modules * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some global ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ size_t find_module_num_shared_config_bits_from_child_modules( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id) { size_t num_shared_config_bits = 0; /* Iterate over the child modules */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.child_modules(module_id)) { num_shared_config_bits = std::max((int)num_shared_config_bits, (int)find_module_num_shared_config_bits(module_manager, child)); } return num_shared_config_bits; } /******************************************************************** * Find the number of configuration bits for a module * by summing up the number of configuration bits of child modules * * Note: This function should be call ONLY after all the sub modules (instances) * have been added to the pb_module! * Otherwise, some global ports of the sub modules may be missed! *******************************************************************/ size_t find_module_num_config_bits_from_child_modules( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& module_id, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { size_t num_config_bits = 0; switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: case CONFIG_MEM_QL_MEMORY_BANK: case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: { /* For scan-chain, standalone and memory bank configuration protocol * The number of configuration bits is the sum of configuration bits * per configurable children */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.configurable_children(module_id)) { num_config_bits += find_module_num_config_bits( module_manager, child, circuit_lib, sram_model, sram_orgz_type); } break; } case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: { /* For frame-based configuration protocol * The number of configuration bits is the sum of * - the maximum of configuration bits among configurable children * - and the number of configurable children */ for (const ModuleId& child : module_manager.configurable_children(module_id)) { size_t temp_num_config_bits = find_module_num_config_bits( module_manager, child, circuit_lib, sram_model, sram_orgz_type); num_config_bits = std::max((int)temp_num_config_bits, (int)num_config_bits); } /* If there are more than 2 configurable children, we need a decoder * Otherwise, we can just short wire the address port to the children */ if (1 < module_manager.configurable_children(module_id).size()) { num_config_bits += find_mux_local_decoder_addr_size( module_manager.configurable_children(module_id).size()); } break; } default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of SRAM organization !\n"); exit(1); } return num_config_bits; } /******************************************************************** * Try to create a net for the source pin * This function will try * - Find if there is already a net created whose source is the pin * If so, it will return the net id * - If not, it will create a net and configure its source *******************************************************************/ ModuleNetId create_module_source_pin_net(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& cur_module_id, const ModuleId& src_module_id, const size_t& src_instance_id, const ModulePortId& src_module_port_id, const size_t& src_pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net( cur_module_id, src_module_id, src_instance_id, src_module_port_id, src_pin_id); if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) { net = module_manager.create_module_net(cur_module_id); module_manager.add_module_net_source(cur_module_id, net, src_module_id, src_instance_id, src_module_port_id, src_pin_id); } return net; } /******************************************************************** * Add a bus of nets to a module (cur_module_id) * Note: * - both src and des module should exist in the module manager * - src_module should be the cur_module or a child of it * - des_module should be the cur_module or a child of it * - src_instance should be valid and des_instance should be valid as well * - src port size should match the des port size * *******************************************************************/ void add_module_bus_nets( ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& cur_module_id, const ModuleId& src_module_id, const size_t& src_instance_id, const ModulePortId& src_module_port_id, const ModuleId& des_module_id, const size_t& des_instance_id, const ModulePortId& des_module_port_id) { VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(cur_module_id)); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(src_module_id)); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(des_module_id)); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(src_module_id, src_module_port_id)); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(des_module_id, des_module_port_id)); if (src_module_id == cur_module_id) { VTR_ASSERT(0 == src_instance_id); } else { VTR_ASSERT(src_instance_id < module_manager.num_instance(cur_module_id, src_module_id)); } if (des_module_id == cur_module_id) { VTR_ASSERT(0 == des_instance_id); } else { VTR_ASSERT(des_instance_id < module_manager.num_instance(cur_module_id, des_module_id)); } const BasicPort& src_port = module_manager.module_port(src_module_id, src_module_port_id); const BasicPort& des_port = module_manager.module_port(des_module_id, des_module_port_id); if (src_port.get_width() != des_port.get_width()) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR( __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unmatched port size: src_port %s is %lu while des_port %s is %lu!\n", src_port.get_name().c_str(), src_port.get_width(), des_port.get_name().c_str(), des_port.get_width()); exit(1); } /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net( module_manager, cur_module_id, src_module_id, src_instance_id, src_module_port_id, src_port.pins()[pin_id]); VTR_ASSERT(ModuleNetId::INVALID() != net); /* Configure the net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(cur_module_id, net, des_module_id, des_instance_id, des_module_port_id, des_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } /******************************************************************** * TODO: * Add the port-to-port connection between a logic module * and a memory module inside a primitive module * * Create nets to wire the formal verification ports of * primitive module to SRAM ports of logic module * * Primitive module * * formal_port_sram * +-----------------------------------------------+ * | ^ | * | +---------+ | +--------+ | * | | | SRAM | | | | * | | Logic |--------+--->| Memory | | * | | Module | SRAMb | Module | | * | | |--------+--->| | | * | +---------+ | +--------+ | * | v | * +-----------------------------------------------+ * formal_port_sramb * *******************************************************************/ } /* end namespace openfpga */