# Aaron Graham (aaron.graham@unb.ca, aarongraham9@gmail.com),
#  Jean-Philippe Legault (jlegault@unb.ca, jeanphilippe.legault@gmail.com),
#   Alexandrea Demmings (alexandrea.demmings@unb.ca, lxdemmings@gmail.com) and
#    Dr. Kenneth B. Kent (ken@unb.ca)
#    for the Reconfigurable Computing Research Lab at the
#     Univerity of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

# truth test
simple_true,        is_true, 1'b1, pass
simple_fail,        is_true, 1'b0, fail
decimal_true,       is_true, 1, pass
decimal_fail,       is_true, 0, fail
complex_true,       is_true, 2'b1x, pass
complex_fail,       is_true, 2'b0x, fail
unknown_x,          is_true, 1'bx, fail
large_number_pass,  is_true, 128'h8000_0000_0000_0000, pass

# type test
simple_x_pass,      is_x,   1'bx,   pass
simple_x_fail,      is_x,   1'b1,   fail
simple_z_pass,      is_z,   1'bz,   pass
simple_z_fail,      is_z,   1'b1,   fail
simple_unk_pass,    is_unk, 2'b1x,  pass
simple_unk_fail,    is_unk, 2'b11,  fail

# sign test
simple_is_unsigned_pass,     is_unsigned,    2'b11,  pass
simple_is_unsigned_fail,     is_unsigned,    2'sb11, fail
simple_is_signed_pass,       is_signed,      2'b11,  fail
simple_is_signed_fail,       is_signed,      2'sb11, pass

# type conversion test
simple_is_unsigned_1,        to_unsigned,    2'b11,  2'b11
simple_is_unsigned_2,        to_unsigned,    2'sb11, 2'b11
simple_is_signed_1,          to_signed,      2'b11,  2'sb11
simple_is_signed_2,          to_signed,      2'sb11, 2'sb11

# string test
simple_string,          display,        "hello world",   hello world
string_compare_pass,    "hello world",  ==,  "hello world", 1'b1
string_compare_fail,    "hello world",  ==,  "hello", 1'b0
string_ne_pass,         "hello world",  !=,  "hello", 1'b1
string_ne_fail,         "hello world",  !=,  "hello world", 1'b0
string_add,             "a",            +,    1,      "b"
string_add_empty,       "b",             +,    "",    "b"

# replicate test
simple_replicate,       {, 3, {, 2'b10, }, }, 6'b101010

# concat test
simple_concat,          {, 2'b01, \, , 2'b10, }, 4'b0110

# base conversions
Decimal-To-Binary,      10,         ==, 4'b1010,    1'b1
Binary-To-Decimal,      4'b1100,    ==, 12,         1'b1
Decimal-To-Hex,         10,         ==, 'hA,        1'b1
Hex-To-Decimal,         'hBF,       ==, 191,        1'b1
Decimal-To-Octal,       10,         ==, 'o12,       1'b1
Octal-To-Decimal,       'o37,       ==, 31,         1'b1

# Sign modifier
Sign_minus,		        -,  10'b1010101010,	'b0101010110
Sign_plus,			    +,  4'b1010,	    'b1010

# Simple Base 10 conversion
simple_decimal_conversion,			+,  6,	6
simple_decimal_minus,			    6, -, 1, 5
simple_decimal_plus,			    6, +, 1, 7
simple_decimal_shift_right,			6,  >>>, 1, 3
simple_decimal_shift_left,			6,  <<<, 1, 12

# Reduction
Reduction-and,			&,  4'b1010,	1'b0
Reduction-or,			|,  4'b1010,	1'b1
Reduction-xor,			^,  4'b1010,	1'b0
Reduction-nand,			~&,	4'b1010,	1'b1
Reduction-nor,			~|,	4'b1010,	1'b1
Reduction-xnor,			~^,	4'b1010,	1'b1

# bitwise
Bitwise-Not,	            ~,  4'b1010,	'b0101
Bitwise-And,	4'b1010,	&,  4'b1000,	'b1000
Bitwise-Or,		5'b1010,	|,  5'b1000,	'b1010
Bitwise-Nor,	5'b1010,	~|, 5'b1000,	5'b10101
Bitwise-Nand,   5'b1010,	~&, 5'b1000,	5'b10111
Bitwise-Xnor,   5'b1010,	~^, 5'b1000,	5'b11101
Bitwise-Xor,	5'b1010,	^,  5'b1000,	2'b10

# case equivalence
Case-eq,		4'b1x10,	===,  4'b1x10,	1'b1
Case-ne,		4'b1x11,	!==,  4'b1x10,	1'b1
Case-ne,		4'b1x10,	!==,  4'b1x10,	1'b0
Case-eq,		4'b1x11,	===,  4'b1x10,	1'b0

# logical operation
Logical-Not,	                    !,  4'b1010,	1'b0
Logical-And,			4'b1010,	&&, 4'b1000,	1'b1
Logical-Or,				4'b1010,	||, 4'b1000,	1'b1
Logical-Or,				4'b0000,	||, 4'b1000,	1'b1
Logical-Or,				4'b0000,	||, 4'b0000,	1'b0
Logical-less,           4'b0000,    <,  4'b0000,    1'b0	
Logical-less-1,			4'b0000,	<,	4'b0001,	1'b1
Logical-less-2,         4'b0001,    <,  4'b0000,    1'b0
Logical-less-3,         4'bxxxx,    <,  4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-less-4,         4'b0001,    <,  4'bxxxx,    1'bx
Logical-less-5,         4'b0xxx,    <,  4'b1001,    1'b1
Logical-less-6,         4'b1001,    <,  4'b0xxx,    1'b0
Logical-less-7,         4'sb1001,   <,  4'sb0xxx,   1'b1
Logical-less-8,         4'sb0xxx,   <,  4'sb1001,   1'b0
Logical-greater,        4'b0000,    >,  4'b0000,    1'b0
Logical-greater-1,		4'b0000,	>,	4'b0001,	1'b0
Logical-greater-2,      4'b0001,    >,  4'b0000,    1'b1
Logical-greater-3,      4'bxxxx,    >,  4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-greater-4,      4'b0001,    >,  4'bxxxx,    1'bx
Logical-greater-5,      4'b0xxx,    >,  4'b1001,    1'b0
Logical-greater-6,      4'b1001,    >,  4'b0xxx,    1'b1
Logical-greater-7,      4'sb1001,   >,  4'sb0xxx,   1'b0
Logical-greater-8,      4'sb0xxx,   >,  4'sb1001,   1'b1
Logical-gr-equal,	    4'b0000,	>=, 4'b0000,	1'b1
Logical-gr-equal-1,		4'b0000,	>=,	4'b0001,	1'b0
Logical-gr-equal-2,     4'b0001,    >=, 4'b0000,    1'b1
Logical-gr-equal-3,     4'bxxxx,    >=, 4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-gr-equal-4,     4'b0001,    >=, 4'bxxxx,    1'bx
Logical-less-equal,		4'b0000,	<=, 4'b0000,	1'b1
Logical-less-equal-1,	4'b0000,	<=,	4'b0001,	1'b1
Logical-less-equal-2,   4'b0001,    <=, 4'b0000,    1'b0
Logical-less-equal-3,   4'bxxxx,    <=, 4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-less-equal-4,   4'b0001,    <=, 4'bxxxx,    1'bx	
Logical-equal,			4'b0000,	==, 4'b0000,	1'b1
Logical-equal-1,		4'b0000,	==,	4'b0001,	1'b0
Logical-equal-2,        4'b0001,    ==, 4'b0000,    1'b0
Logical-equal-3,        4'bxxxx,    ==, 4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-equal-4,        4'b0001,    ==, 4'bxxxx,    1'bx
Logical-bits,			'b1110,	    ==, 4'b1110,	1'b1	
Logical-not-equal,		4'b0000,	!=,	4'b0000,	1'b0
Logical-not-equal-1,	4'b0000,	!=,	4'b0001,	1'b1
Logical-not-equal-2,    4'b0001,    !=, 4'b0000,    1'b1
Logical-not-equal-3,    4'bxxxx,    !=, 4'b0001,    1'bx
Logical-not-equal-4,    4'b0001,    !=, 4'bxxxx,    1'bx

# shift operation
Shift-left,				5'b00100,	<<,	    2'b10,	5'b10000
Shift-right, 			5'b00100,	>>,		2'b10,	1'b1
Signed-shift-left,		5'b00100,	<<<,	2'b10,	5'b10000
Unsigned-Signed-shift-right,		5'b10100,	>>>,	2'b10,	5'b00101
Signed-shift-right,		5'sb10100,	>>>,	2'b10,	5'sb11101

# arithmetic
Addition,			        4'b0110,    +,  4'b0011,    'b1001
Addition-Base-10,			2,          +,  2,          4
Subtraction,		        4'b0100,    -,  4'b0010,    'b10
Subtraction-Base-10,        4,          -,  2,          2
Subtraction-Smaller-Larger, 4'b0010,    -,  4'b0100,    4'b1110
Subtraction-Small-Base-10,  2,          -,  4,          3'sb110
Division,			        4'b1010,    /,  4'b0010,    'b101
Division-Base-10,           10,         /,  5,          2
Division-Neg,               4'sb1010,   /,  3'sb010,    3'sb101
Multiplication,	            4'b0010,    *,  4'b0010,    'b100
Multiplication-Base-10,     2,          *,  3,          6
Multiplication-Neg,         4,          *,  4'sb1100,   7'sb1110000
Modulo,			            4'b1011,    %,  4'b0010,    'b1
Modulo-Base-10,             13,         %,  5,          3
Modulo-Neg,                 4'sb1011,   %,  4'sb0010,   2'sb11
Power,                      2'b10,      **, 2'b10,      4'b0100
Power-Base-10,              2,          **, 3,          8
Power-Zero,                 4'b0010,    **, 4'b0000,    'b1
Power-Zero-Base-10,         3,          **, 0,          1
Power-Unknown,              4'b0000,    **, 4'sb1110,   2'sbxx
Power-Neg-Even,             4'sb1111,   **, 2'b10,      'b1
Power-Neg-Odd,              4'sb1111,   **, 3'b011,     2'sb11

# Ternary operations
Ternary,			1'b1,   ?,  2'b01,  :,  2'b10,  2'b01

# Test Cases As-Per Verilog 2005 Specification: 
# Page 46 "Table 5-8 Examples of modulus and power operators"
V2005-1,                    10,         %,  3,       1          # 10/3 yields a remainder of 1.
V2005-2,                    11,         %,  3,       2          # 11/3 yields a remainder of 2.
V2005-3,                    12,         %,  3,       0          # 12/3 yields no remainder.
V2005-4,                    5'sb10110,  %,  3'sb011, 2'sb11     # The result takes the sign of the first operand.
V2005-5,                    11,         %,  3'sb101, 2          # The result takes the sign of the first operand
#V2005-6,                    5'sb10100, %,  3,       1          # -4'd12 is seen as a large positive number that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 3.
V2005-7,                    3,          **, 2,       9          # 3 * 3
V2005-8,                    2,          **, 3,       8          # 2 * 2 * 2
V2005-9,                    2,          **, 0,       1          # Anything to the zero exponent is 1.
V2005-10,                   0,          **, 0,       1          # Zero to the zero exponent is also 1.
V2005-11,                   2,          **, 3'sb111, 0          # 2 ** -1 = 1/2. Integer division truncates to zero.
V2005-12,                   0,          **, 2'sb11,  2'sbxx     # 0 ** -1 = 1/0. Integer division by zero is 'bx.

#2.0 ** -3'sb1 0.5 2.0 is real, giving real reciprocal.
#9 ** 0.5 3.0 Real square root.
#9.0 ** (1/2) 1.0 Integer division truncates exponent to zero.
#-3.0 ** 2.0 9.0 Defined because real 2.0 is still integral value