/********************************************************************* * Member functions for class Shell ********************************************************************/ #include #include /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_log.h" #include "vtr_assert.h" /* Headers from openfpgautil library */ #include "openfpga_tokenizer.h" /* Headers from readline library */ #include #include /* Headers from openfpgashell library */ #include "command_parser.h" #include "command_echo.h" /* Begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /********************************************************************* * Public constructors ********************************************************************/ template Shell::Shell(const char* name) { name_ = std::string(name); } /************************************************************************ * Public Accessors : aggregates ***********************************************************************/ template std::string Shell::name() const { return name_; } template std::string Shell::title() const { return title_; } template typename Shell::shell_command_range Shell::commands() const { return vtr::make_range(command_ids_.begin(), command_ids_.end()); } template ShellCommandId Shell::command(const std::string& name) const { /* Ensure that the name is unique in the command list */ std::map::const_iterator name_it = command_name2ids_.find(name); if (name_it == command_name2ids_.end()) { return ShellCommandId::INVALID(); } return command_name2ids_.at(name); } template std::string Shell::command_description(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); return command_description_[cmd_id]; } template ShellCommandClassId Shell::command_class(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); return command_classes_[cmd_id]; } template std::string Shell::command_class_name(const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_class_id(cmd_class_id)); return command_class_names_[cmd_class_id]; } template const Command& Shell::command(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); return commands_[cmd_id]; } template const CommandContext& Shell::command_context(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); return command_contexts_[cmd_id]; } template std::vector Shell::command_dependency(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); return command_dependencies_[cmd_id]; } template std::vector Shell::commands_by_class(const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_class_id(cmd_class_id)); return commands_by_classes_[cmd_class_id]; } /************************************************************************ * Public mutators ***********************************************************************/ template void Shell::add_title(const char* title) { title_ = std::string(title); } /* Add a command with it description */ template ShellCommandId Shell::add_command(const Command& cmd, const char* descr) { /* Ensure that the name is unique in the command list */ std::map::const_iterator name_it = command_name2ids_.find(std::string(cmd.name())); if (name_it != command_name2ids_.end()) { return ShellCommandId::INVALID(); } /* This is a legal name. we can create a new id */ ShellCommandId shell_cmd = ShellCommandId(command_ids_.size()); command_ids_.push_back(shell_cmd); commands_.emplace_back(cmd); command_contexts_.push_back(CommandContext(cmd)); command_description_.push_back(descr); command_classes_.push_back(ShellCommandClassId::INVALID()); command_execute_function_types_.emplace_back(); command_standard_execute_functions_.emplace_back(); command_short_execute_functions_.emplace_back(); command_builtin_execute_functions_.emplace_back(); command_macro_execute_functions_.emplace_back(); command_dependencies_.emplace_back(); /* Register the name in the name2id map */ command_name2ids_[cmd.name()] = shell_cmd; return shell_cmd; } template void Shell::set_command_class(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_class_id(cmd_class_id)); command_classes_[cmd_id] = cmd_class_id; /* Update the fast look-up to spot commands in a class */ std::vector::iterator it = std::find(commands_by_classes_[cmd_class_id].begin(), commands_by_classes_[cmd_class_id].end(), cmd_id); /* The command does not exist in the class, add it */ if (it == commands_by_classes_[cmd_class_id].end()) { commands_by_classes_[cmd_class_id].push_back(cmd_id); } } template void Shell::set_command_execute_function(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, std::function exec_func) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id] = STANDARD; command_standard_execute_functions_[cmd_id] = exec_func; } template void Shell::set_command_execute_function(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, std::function exec_func) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id] = SHORT; command_short_execute_functions_[cmd_id] = exec_func; } template void Shell::set_command_execute_function(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, std::function exec_func) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id] = BUILTIN; command_builtin_execute_functions_[cmd_id] = exec_func; } template void Shell::set_command_execute_function(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, std::function exec_func) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id] = MACRO; command_macro_execute_functions_[cmd_id] = exec_func; } template void Shell::set_command_dependency(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id, const std::vector dependent_cmds) { /* Validate the command id as well as each of the command dependency */ VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(cmd_id)); for (ShellCommandId dependent_cmd : dependent_cmds) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_command_id(dependent_cmd)); } command_dependencies_[cmd_id] = dependent_cmds; } /* Add a command with it description */ template ShellCommandClassId Shell::add_command_class(const char* name) { /* Ensure that the name is unique in the command list */ std::map::const_iterator name_it = command_class2ids_.find(std::string(name)); if (name_it != command_class2ids_.end()) { return ShellCommandClassId::INVALID(); } /* This is a legal name. we can create a new id */ ShellCommandClassId cmd_class = ShellCommandClassId(command_class_ids_.size()); command_class_ids_.push_back(cmd_class); command_class_names_.push_back(std::string(name)); /* Register the name in the name2id map */ command_class2ids_[std::string(name)] = cmd_class; /* Register in the fast look-up for commands by classes */ commands_by_classes_.emplace_back(); return cmd_class; } /************************************************************************ * Public executors ***********************************************************************/ template void Shell::run_interactive_mode(T& context) { VTR_LOG("Start interactive mode of %s...\n", name().c_str()); /* Print the title of the shell */ if (!title().empty()) { VTR_LOG("%s\n", title().c_str()); } /* Wait for users input and execute the command */ char* cmd_line; while ((cmd_line = readline(std::string(name() + std::string("> ")).c_str())) != nullptr) { /* If the line is not empty: * Try to execute the command and * Add to history */ if (strlen(cmd_line) > 0) { execute_command((const char*)cmd_line, context); add_history(cmd_line); } /* Free the line as readline malloc a new line each time */ free(cmd_line); } } template void Shell::run_script_mode(const char* script_file_name, T& context) { VTR_LOG("Reading script file %s...\n", script_file_name); /* Print the title of the shell */ if (!title().empty()) { VTR_LOG("%s\n", title().c_str()); } std::string line; /* Create an input file stream */ std::ifstream fp(script_file_name); if (!fp.is_open()) { /* Fail to open the file, ask user to check */ VTR_LOG("Fail to open the script file: %s! Please check its location\n", script_file_name); return; } /* Read line by line */ while (getline(fp, line)) { /* If the line that starts with '#', it is commented, we can skip */ if ('#' == line.front()) { continue; } /* Try to split the line with '#', the string before '#' is the read command we want */ std::string cmd_part = line; std::size_t cmd_end_pos = line.find_first_of('#'); /* If the full line has '#', we need the part before it */ if (cmd_end_pos != std::string::npos) { cmd_part = line.substr(0, cmd_end_pos); } /* Process the command only when the line is not empty */ if (!cmd_part.empty()) { execute_command(cmd_part.c_str(), context); } } fp.close(); } template void Shell::print_commands() const { /* Print the commands by their classes */ for (const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class : command_class_ids_) { /* Print the class name */ VTR_LOG("%s:\n", command_class_names_[cmd_class].c_str()); size_t cnt = 0; for (const ShellCommandId& cmd : commands_by_classes_[cmd_class]) { /* Print the command names in this class * but limited4 command per line for a clean layout */ VTR_LOG("%s", commands_[cmd].name().c_str()); cnt++; if (4 == cnt) { VTR_LOG("\n"); cnt = 0; } else { VTR_LOG("\t"); } } /* Put a new line in the end as a splitter */ VTR_LOG("\n"); } /* Put a new line in the end as a splitter */ VTR_LOG("\n"); } template void Shell::exit() const { VTR_LOG("\nThank you for using %s!\n", name().c_str()); std::exit(0); } /************************************************************************ * Private executors ***********************************************************************/ template void Shell::execute_command(const char* cmd_line, T& common_context) { /* Tokenize the line */ openfpga::StringToken tokenizer(cmd_line); std::vector tokens = tokenizer.split(" "); /* Find if the command name is valid */ ShellCommandId cmd_id = command(tokens[0]); if (ShellCommandId::INVALID() == cmd_id) { VTR_LOG("Try to call a command '%s' which is not defined!\n", tokens[0].c_str()); return; } /* TODO: Check the dependency graph to see if all the prequistics have been met */ /* Find the command! Parse the options * Note: * Macro command will not be parsed! It will be directly executed */ if (MACRO == command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id]) { /* Convert the tokens from string to char */ char** argv = (char**)malloc(tokens.size() * sizeof(char*)); for (size_t itok = 0; itok < tokens.size(); ++itok) { argv[itok] = (char*)malloc((tokens[itok].length() + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(argv[itok], tokens[itok].c_str()); } /* Execute the marco function */ command_macro_execute_functions_[cmd_id](tokens.size(), argv); /* Free the argv */ for (size_t itok = 0; itok < tokens.size(); ++itok) { free(argv[itok]); } free(argv); /* Finish for macro command, return */ return; } if (false == parse_command(tokens, commands_[cmd_id], command_contexts_[cmd_id])) { /* Echo the command */ print_command_options(commands_[cmd_id]); return; } /* Parse succeed. Let user to confirm selected options */ print_command_context(commands_[cmd_id], command_contexts_[cmd_id]); /* Execute the command depending on the type of function ! */ switch (command_execute_function_types_[cmd_id]) { case STANDARD: command_standard_execute_functions_[cmd_id](common_context, commands_[cmd_id], command_contexts_[cmd_id]); break; case SHORT: command_short_execute_functions_[cmd_id](common_context); break; case BUILTIN: command_builtin_execute_functions_[cmd_id](); break; /* MACRO should be executed eariler in this function. It should not appear here */ default: /* This is not allowed! Error out */ VTR_LOG("Invalid type of execute function for command '%s'!\n", commands_[cmd_id].name().c_str()); /* Exit the shell using the exit() function inside this class! */ exit(); } } /************************************************************************ * Public invalidators/validators ***********************************************************************/ template bool Shell::valid_command_id(const ShellCommandId& cmd_id) const { return ( size_t(cmd_id) < command_ids_.size() ) && ( cmd_id == command_ids_[cmd_id] ); } template bool Shell::valid_command_class_id(const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id) const { return ( size_t(cmd_class_id) < command_class_ids_.size() ) && ( cmd_class_id == command_class_ids_[cmd_class_id] ); } } /* End namespace openfpga */