	author =       	{Clifford Wolf},
	title =        	{{Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite (YOSYS)}},
	note =		{\url{http://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys}}

	author =       	{Clifford Wolf},
	title =        	{{Yosys Test Bench}},
	note =		{\url{http://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys-tests}}

	author =       	{Clifford Wolf},
	title =        	{{VlogHammer Verilog Synthesis Regression Tests}},
	note =		{\url{http://github.com/cliffordwolf/VlogHammer}}

	author =       	{Stephen Williams},
	title =        	{{Icarus Verilog}},
	note =		{Version 0.8.7, \url{http://iverilog.icarus.com/}}

	author=		{Jonathan Rose and Jason Luu and Chi Wai Yu and Opal Densmore and Jeff Goeders and Andrew Somerville and Kenneth B. Kent and Peter Jamieson and Jason Anderson},
	title =		{{The Verilog-to-Routing (VTR) Project for FPGAs}},
	note =		{Version 1.0, \url{https://code.google.com/p/vtr-verilog-to-routing/}}

	author =       	{Parvez Ahmad},
	title =        	{{HDL Analyzer and Netlist Architect (HANA)}},
	note =		{Verison linux64-1.0-alpha (2012-10-14), \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/sim-sim/}}

	author =	{MVSIS group at Berkeley studies logic synthesis and verification for VLSI design},
	title =		{{MVSIS: Logic Synthesis and Verification}},
	note =		{Version 3.0, \url{http://embedded.eecs.berkeley.edu/mvsis/}}

	author =	{{The VIS group}},
	title =		{{VIS: A system for Verification and Synthesis}},
	note =		{Version 2.4, \url{http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~vis/}}

	author =	{{Berkeley Logic Synthesis and Verification Group}},
	title =		{{ABC: A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification}},
	note =		{HQ Rev b5750272659f, 2012-10-28, \url{http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/}}

	author =	{{Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria}},
	title =		{{AIGER}},
	note =		{\url{http://fmv.jku.at/aiger/}}

	author =	{{Xilinx, Inc.}},
	title =		{{ISE WebPACK Design Software}},
	note =		{\url{http://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/ise-design-suite/ise-webpack.htm}}

	author =	{{Altera, Inc.}},
	title =		{{Quartus II Web Edition Software}},
	note =		{\url{http://www.altera.com/products/software/quartus-ii/web-edition/qts-we-index.html}}

	title =		{{OpenRISC 1200 CPU}},
	note = 		{\url{http://opencores.org/or1k/OR1200\_OpenRISC\_Processor}}

	title =		{{openMSP430 CPU}},
	note = 		{\url{http://opencores.org/project,openmsp430}}

	title =		{{OpenCores I$^2$C Core}},
	note =		{\url{http://opencores.org/project,i2c}}

	title =		{{OpenCores k68 Core}},
	note =		{\url{http://opencores.org/project,k68}}

	title = {{GNU Bison}},
	note = {\url{http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/}}

	title = {{Flex}},
	note = {\url{http://flex.sourceforge.net/}}

	title = {{C-to-Verilog}},
	note = {\url{http://www.c-to-verilog.com/}}

	title = {{LegUp}},
	note = {\url{http://legup.eecg.utoronto.ca/}}

	title = {{The Liberty Library Modeling Standard}},
	note = {\url{http://www.opensourceliberty.org/}}

	title = {{World of ASIC}},
	note = {\url{http://www.asic-world.com/}}

	title = {{Synopsys Formality Equivalence Checking}},
	note = {\url{http://www.synopsys.com/Tools/Verification/FormalEquivalence/Pages/Formality.aspx}},

	author = {Matt McCutchen},
	title = {{C++ Big Integer Library}},
	note = {\url{http://mattmccutchen.net/bigint/}}