#!usr/bin/perl -w use strict #use Shell; #Use the time use Time::gmtime; #Get Date my $mydate = gmctime(); use Cwd; my ($FPGA_FLOW_PATH, $DESTINATION); $FPGA_FLOW_PATH = abs_path(); open($DESTINATION, '>', '../configs/fpga_spice/k6_N10_sram_tsmc40nm_TT.conf') sub print_usage() { print "This file generates the configuration for the .run_fpga_spice_testbench_study.sh in the parent folder. The output is placed in ../configs/fpga_spice/k6_N10_sram_tsmc40nm_TT.conf\n" print $DESTINATION "# Standard Configuration Example\n"; } # Create paths if it does not exist. sub generate_path($) { my ($mypath) = @_; if (!(-e "$mypath")) { mkpath "$mypath"; print "Path($mypath) does not exist...Create it.\n"; } return 1; } close $DESTINATION;