cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) project("vpr") set(VPR_EXECUTION_ENGINE "auto" CACHE STRING "Specify the framework for (potential) parallel execution") set_property(CACHE VPR_EXECUTION_ENGINE PROPERTY STRINGS auto serial tbb) option(VPR_USE_SIGNAL_HANDLER "Should VPR use a signal handler to intercept signals (e.g. SIGINT)?" OFF) set(VPR_PGO_CONFIG "none" CACHE STRING "Configure VPR Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO). prof_gen: built executable will produce profiling info, prof_use: built executable will be optimized based on generated profiling info, none: disable pgo") set_property(CACHE VPR_PGO_CONFIG PROPERTY STRINGS prof_gen prof_use none) #Handle graphics setup set(GRAPHICS_DEFINES "") if (VPR_USE_EZGL STREQUAL "on") message(STATUS "EZGL: graphics enabled") set( RESOURCE_LIST # Strip all the whitespace characters from ui file STRIPBLANKS main.ui ) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../libs/EXTERNAL/libezgl/gcr-cmake/macros) include(GlibCompileResourcesSupport) else() list(APPEND GRAPHICS_DEFINES "-DNO_GRAPHICS") message(STATUS "EZGL: graphics disabled") endif() # # Build Configuration # include(CheckCXXSymbolExists) #Collect the source files file(GLOB_RECURSE EXEC_SOURCES src/main.cpp) file(GLOB_RECURSE LIB_SOURCES src/*/*.cpp) file(GLOB_RECURSE LIB_HEADERS src/*/*.h) files_to_dirs(LIB_HEADERS LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS) if(${VTR_ENABLE_CAPNPROTO}) add_definitions("-DVTR_ENABLE_CAPNPROTO") endif() #Create the library add_library(libvpr STATIC ${LIB_HEADERS} ${LIB_SOURCES} ) target_include_directories(libvpr PUBLIC ${LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set_target_properties(libvpr PROPERTIES PREFIX "") #Avoid extra 'lib' prefix #Specify link-time dependancies target_link_libraries(libvpr libvtrutil libopenfpgautil libarchfpga libsdcparse libblifparse libtatum libargparse libpugixml) #link graphics library only when graphics set to on if (VPR_USE_EZGL STREQUAL "on") target_link_libraries(libvpr ezgl) compile_gresources( # input: the name of our resources RESOURCE_FILE # output: the filename of the generated XML file XML_OUT # generate C code to be compiled with our program TYPE EMBED_C # specify the name of the C file that is generated TARGET resources.C # specify the resource prefix (used in the code) PREFIX /ezgl # input: specify the list of files to compile into resources RESOURCES ${RESOURCE_LIST} ) add_custom_target( resource ALL DEPENDS ${RESOURCE_FILE} ) #Create the executable with resources list(APPEND EXEC_SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources.C) endif() target_compile_definitions(libvpr PUBLIC ${GRAPHICS_DEFINES}) if(${VTR_ENABLE_CAPNPROTO}) target_link_libraries(libvpr libvtrcapnproto) endif() add_executable(vpr ${EXEC_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(vpr libvpr) #Supress IPO link warnings if IPO is enabled get_target_property(VPR_USES_IPO vpr INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION) if (VPR_USES_IPO) set_target_properties(vpr PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${IPO_LINK_WARN_SUPRESS_FLAGS}) endif() # # VPR compiler options # set(VPR_COMPILE_OPTIONS_FLAGS #GCC-like "-Werror" ) # # Profile Guilded Optimization Configuration # set(PROF_GEN_FLAGS_TO_CHECK #GCC-like "-fprofile-generate" #Build will generate profiling information ) set(PROF_USE_FLAGS_TO_CHECK #GCC-like "-fprofile-use" #Build will use previously generated profiling information to guide code optimization "-Wmissing-profile" #Warn if the used profiling information doesn't match the source code or is missing ) if (VPR_PGO_CONFIG STREQUAL "prof_gen") message(STATUS "VPR: building to generate profiling data for PGO") foreach(flag ${PROF_GEN_FLAGS_TO_CHECK}) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(${flag} CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_${flag}) if(CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_${flag}) target_compile_options(libvpr PUBLIC ${flag}) target_compile_options(vpr PUBLIC ${flag}) target_link_libraries(vpr ${flag}) endif() endforeach() elseif (VPR_PGO_CONFIG STREQUAL "prof_use") message(STATUS "VPR: using generated profiling data for PGO") foreach(flag ${PROF_USE_FLAGS_TO_CHECK}) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(${flag} CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_${flag}) if(CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_${flag}) target_compile_options(libvpr PUBLIC ${flag}) target_compile_options(vpr PUBLIC ${flag}) target_link_libraries(vpr ${flag}) endif() endforeach() elseif (VPR_PGO_CONFIG STREQUAL "none") #Pass else() message(ERROR "Unsupported VPR_PGO_CONFIG '${VPR_PGO_CONFIG}'") endif() if (VTR_COMPILE_OPTIONS STREQUAL "strict") message(STATUS "VPR: building with strict flags") foreach(flag ${VPR_COMPILE_OPTIONS_FLAGS}) message(STATUS "\tAdding CXX flag: ${flag}") target_compile_options(libvpr PRIVATE ${flag}) target_compile_options(vpr PRIVATE ${flag}) target_link_libraries(vpr ${flag}) endforeach() endif() find_package(TBB) # # Execution Engine Configuration # #Figure out which engine to use if (VPR_EXECUTION_ENGINE STREQUAL "serial") set(VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE "serial") else() find_package(TBB) if (VPR_EXECUTION_ENGINE STREQUAL "auto") if (TBB_FOUND) set(VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE "tbb") else() set(VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE "serial") endif() elseif(VPR_EXECUTION_ENGINE STREQUAL "tbb") if (TBB_FOUND) set(VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE "tbb") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "VPR: TBB requested but not found (on debian/ubuntu try 'sudo apt install libtbb-dev'") endif() endif() endif() #Configure the build to use the selected engine if (VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE STREQUAL "tbb") target_compile_definitions(libvpr PRIVATE VPR_USE_TBB) target_link_libraries(libvpr tbb) target_link_libraries(libvpr tbbmalloc_proxy) #Use the scalable memory allocator message(STATUS "VPR: will support parallel execution using '${VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE}'") elseif(VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE STREQUAL "serial") message(STATUS "VPR: will only support serial execution") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "VPR: Unrecognized execution engine '${VPR_USE_EXECUTION_ENGINE}'") endif() # # Signal handler configuration # if (VPR_USE_SIGNAL_HANDLER) #Check wheter VPR can use sigaction to handle signals (only supported by POSIX) CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS(sigaction csignal HAVE_SIGACTION) if(HAVE_SIGACTION) target_compile_definitions(libvpr PRIVATE VPR_USE_SIGACTION) endif() endif() install(TARGETS vpr libvpr DESTINATION bin) # # Unit Tests # file(GLOB_RECURSE TEST_SOURCES test/*.cpp) add_executable(test_vpr ${TEST_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(test_vpr libcatch libvpr) #Supress IPO link warnings if IPO is enabled get_target_property(TEST_VPR_USES_IPO vpr INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION) if (TEST_VPR_USES_IPO) set_target_properties(test_vpr PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${IPO_LINK_WARN_SUPRESS_FLAGS}) endif() add_test(NAME test_vpr COMMAND test_vpr --use-colour=yes WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test )