# See https://github.com/actions/labeler#common-examples for defining patterns. # The globs use "minimatch" syntax found at https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch # # WARNING: Due to this file being yaml, any string starting with `*` must be # wrapped in quotes. # Third-party tools ABC: - abc/* - abc/**/* ACE2: - ace2/* - ace2/**/* VPR: - vpr/* - vpr/**/* - libs/**/* # General areas documentation: - docs/* - docs/**/* - "*README*" - "*.md" - tutorial - "*.rst" - ".readthedocs.yml" github: - .github/* - .github/**/* docker: - Dockerfile - "*docker*" build: - Makefile - "*.make" - CMakeLists.txt - cmake libopenfpga: - "libopenfpga/**" libopenfpga-bitstream: - "libopenfpga/libfpgabitstream/**" libopenfpga-arch-parser: - "libopenfpga/libarchopenfpga/**" libopenfpga-fabric-key: - "libopenfpga/libfabrickey/**" libopenfpga-shell: - "libopenfpga/libopenfpgashell/**" libopenfpga-utils: - "libopenfpga/libopenfpgautil/**" openfpga-tools: - "openfpga/**" openfpga-verilog: - "openfpga/*/fpga_verilog/**" openfpga-sdc: - "openfpga/*/fpga_sdc/**" openfpga-bitstream: - "openfpga/*/fpga_bitstream/**" openfpga-spice: - "openfpga/*/fpga_spice/**" flow-scripts: - "openfpga_flow/scripts/**" - "openfpga_flow/openfpga_shell_scripts/**" - "openfpga_flow/openfpga_simulation_settings/**" - "openfpga_flow/misc/**" architecture-description: - "openfpga_flow/vpr_arch/**" - "openfpga_flow/openfpga_arch/**" - "openfpga_flow/fabric_keys/**" bitstream: - "openfpga_flow/fabric_keys/**" cell-library: - "openfpga_flow/openfpga_cell_library/**" - "openfpga_flow/tech/**" benchmarks: - "openfpga_flow/benchmarks/**" tests: - "openfpga_flow/tasks/**" # Tag pull requests with the languages used to make it easy to see what is # being used. lang-hdl: - "*.v" - "*.sv" lang-cpp: - "*.c*" - "*.h" lang-perl: - "*.pl" - "*perl*" lang-python: - "*.py" lang-shell: - "*.sh" lang-netlist: - "*.blif" - "*.eblif" - "*.edif" - "*.vqm" lang-make: - "*.make" - Makefile - CMakeLists.txt