# fpga_flow folder organization The fpga_flow folder is organized as follow: * **arch**: contains architectures description files * **benchmarks**: contains Verilog and blif benchmarks + lists * **configs**: contains configuration files to run fpga_flow.pl * **scripts**: contains all the scripts required to run the flow * **tech**: contains xml tech files for power estimation ## arch In this folder are saved the architecture files. These files are Hardware description for the FPGA written in XML. This folder contains 3 sub-folders: - **fpga_spice**: contains existing architecture ready to use. - **template**: contains template architecture which contain keyword to replace - **generated**: empty at the beginning, will host rewritten template ## benchmarks This folder contains benchmarks to implement in the FPGA. it's divided in 3 folders: - **Blif**: Contains .blif and .act file to use in OpenFPGA. Benchmarks are divided in folder with the same name as the top module - **Verilog**: Contains Verilog netlist of benchmarks to use in OpenFPGA. Each project is saved in a folder with the same name as the top module. - **List**: Contains files with a list of benchmarks to run in one flow. More details are available in [fpga_flow tutorial](https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/tutorials/fpga_flow/how2use.md#benchmark-list) ## configs This folder contains configuration files required by openFPGA flow. They specify path to tools and benchmarks as well as flow utilization mode. More details are available in [fpga_flow tutorial](https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/tutorials/fpga_flow/how2use.md#configuration-file) ## scripts This folder contains scripts call by OpenFPGA flow. Some of them can be used out of the flow as **pro_blif.pl** and **rewrite_path_in_file.pl** which respectively rewrite a blif file with 3 members on a ".latch" module to let it have 5 and replace a keyword in a file.<br /> Any script provide help if call without argument. ## tech This folder contains XML files describing the technology used. These files are used during power analysis.