/* Test libarchfpga, try reading an architecture and print the results to a file Date: February 19, 2009 Author: Jason Luu */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "read_xml_arch_file.h" void print_help(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct s_arch arch; t_type_descriptor *types; int numTypes; ; if (argc - 1 != 3) { printf( "Error: Unexpected # of arguments. Expected 3 found %d arguments\n", argc); print_help(); } printf( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf( "- Read architecture file and print library data structures into an output file\n"); printf( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("Inputs: \n" "architecture %s \n" "timing_driven %d \n" "output file %s\n", argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), argv[3]); printf("Reading in architecture\n"); /* function declarations */ XmlReadArch(argv[1], (boolean) atoi(argv[2]), &arch, &types, &numTypes); printf("Printing Results\n"); EchoArch(argv[3], types, numTypes, &arch); printf("Done\n"); return 0; } void print_help() { printf( "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf( "read_arch: Read a VPR architecture file and output internal data structures"); printf( "Usage: read_arch <arch_file.xml> <timing_driven (0|1)> <output_file>\n"); printf(" ex: read_arch k4_n10.xml 1 arch_data.out\n"); printf( " Read timing-driven architecture k4_n10.xml and output the results to arch_data.out\n"); printf( "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); }