# Getting Started with OpenFPGA <img src="./docs/source/overview/figures/OpenFPGA_logo.png" width="200" align="right"> [](https://github.com/lnis-uofu/OpenFPGA/actions/workflows/build.yml) [](https://github.com/lnis-uofu/OpenFPGA/actions/workflows/cell_lib_test.yml) [](https://github.com/psf/black) [](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/?badge=master) [](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/lnis-uofu/OpenFPGA/master?urlpath=vscode) Version: see [`VERSION.md`](VERSION.md) ## Introduction The award-winning OpenFPGA framework is the **first open-source FPGA IP generator with silicon proofs** supporting highly-customizable FPGA architectures. OpenFPGA provides complete EDA support for customized FPGAs, including Verilog-to-bitstream generation and self-testing verification. OpenFPGA opens the door to democratizing FPGA technology and EDA techniques with agile prototyping approaches and constantly evolving EDA tools for chip designers and researchers. **If this is your first time working with OpenFPGA, we strongly **recommend you watch the** [introduction video about OpenFPGA](https://youtu.be/ocODUGcYGqo)** A quick overview of OpenFPGA tools can be found [**here**](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorials/getting_started/tools/). We also recommend potential users check out the summary of [**technical capabilities**](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/overview/tech_highlights/#) before compiling. **Before asking for help, please checkout the** [Frequently Asked Questions](https://github.com/lnis-uofu/OpenFPGA/discussions/937) ## Compilation **A tutorial **video about **how to compile** can be** found [here](https://youtu.be/F9sMRmDewM0)** Detailed guidelines are available at [**compilation guidelines**](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorials/getting_started/compile/). Before starting, we strongly recommend you read the required dependencies and ensure that they are correctly installed. It also includes detailed information about the docker image. ## Documentation OpenFPGA's [full documentation](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/) includes tutorials, descriptions of the design flow, and tool options. ## Tutorials You can find a set of [tutorials](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorials/), with which you get familiar with the tool and use OpenFPGA for various purposes. ## Backward Compatibility If you were using an old version of OpenFPGA and are now interested to move to the latest version, please check out the [developer guidelines](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/dev_manual/back_compatibile). ## License All the codes are under MIT license, with the exception of submodules, e.g., VTR, Yosys and Yosys-plugin, which are distributed under its own (permissive) terms. See their full license for details. ## How to Cite Please use the following paper as a general citation for OpenFPGA: X. Tang, E. Giacomin, B. Chauviere, A. Alacchi and P. -E. Gaillardon, "OpenFPGA: An Open-Source Framework for Agile Prototyping Customizable FPGAs," in IEEE Micro, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 41-48, 1 July-Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1109/MM.2020.2995854. Bibtex: ``` @ARTICLE{9098028, author={Tang, Xifan and Giacomin, Edouard and Chauviere, Baudouin and Alacchi, Aurélien and Gaillardon, Pierre-Emmanuel}, journal={IEEE Micro}, title={OpenFPGA: An Open-Source Framework for Agile Prototyping Customizable FPGAs}, year={2020}, volume={40}, number={4}, pages={41-48}, doi={10.1109/MM.2020.2995854}} ``` A list of related publications can be found [here](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/reference/). ## Contributing to OpenFPGA Please read the [contributor guidelines](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/dev_manual/contributor_guide) if you would like to contribute to OpenFPGA.