#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "route_common.h" #include "place_and_route.h" #include "route_tree_timing.h" #include "route_timing.h" #include "timing_place_lookup.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "route_export.h" #include <assert.h> #include "read_xml_arch_file.h" /* mrFPGA : Xifan TANG */ #include "mrfpga_globals.h" #include "net_delay_types.h" #include "net_delay_local_void.h" /* end */ /*this file contains routines that generate the array containing*/ /*the delays between blocks, this is used in the timing driven */ /*placement routines */ /*To compute delay between blocks we place temporary blocks at */ /*different locations in the FPGA and route nets between */ /*the blocks. From this procedure we generate a lookup table */ /*which tells us the delay between different locations in */ /*the FPGA */ /*Note: these routines assume that there is a uniform and even */ /*distribution of the different wire segments. If this is not */ /*the case, then this lookup table will be off */ /*Note: This code removes all heterogeneous types and creates an artificial 1x1 tile. A good lookup for heterogeniety requires more research */ #define NET_COUNT 1 /*we only use one net in these routines, */ /*it is repeatedly routed and ripped up */ /*to compute delays between different */ /*locations, this value should not change */ #define NET_USED 0 /*we use net at location zero of the net */ /*structure */ #define NET_USED_SOURCE_BLOCK 0 /*net.block[0] is source block */ #define NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK 1 /*net.block[1] is sink block */ #define SOURCE_BLOCK 0 /*block[0] is source */ #define SINK_BLOCK 1 /*block[1] is sink */ #define BLOCK_COUNT 2 /*use 2 blocks to compute delay between */ /*the various FPGA locations */ /*do not change this number unless you */ /*really know what you are doing, it is */ /*assumed that the net only connects to */ /*two blocks */ #define NUM_TYPES_USED 3 /* number of types used in look up */ #define DEBUG_TIMING_PLACE_LOOKUP /*initialize arrays to known state */ #define DUMPFILE "lookup_dump.echo" /* #define PRINT_ARRAYS *//*only used during debugging, calls routine to */ /*print out the various lookup arrays */ /***variables that are exported to other modules***/ /*the delta arrays are used to contain the best case routing delay */ /*between different locations on the FPGA. */ float **delta_io_to_clb; float **delta_clb_to_clb; float **delta_clb_to_io; float **delta_io_to_io; /*** Other Global Arrays ******/ /* I could have allocated these as local variables, and passed them all */ /* around, but was too lazy, since this is a small file, it should not */ /* be a big problem */ static float **net_delay; static float *pin_criticality; static int *sink_order; static t_rt_node **rt_node_of_sink; static t_type_ptr IO_TYPE_BACKUP; static t_type_ptr EMPTY_TYPE_BACKUP; static t_type_ptr FILL_TYPE_BACKUP; static t_type_descriptor dummy_type_descriptors[NUM_TYPES_USED]; static t_type_descriptor *type_descriptors_backup; static struct s_grid_tile **grid_backup; static int num_types_backup; static t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally; #ifdef PRINT_ARRAYS static FILE *lookup_dump; /* If debugging mode is on, print out to * the file defined in DUMPFILE */ #endif /* PRINT_ARRAYS */ /*** Function Prototypes *****/ static void alloc_net(void); static void alloc_block(void); static void load_simplified_device(void); static void restore_original_device(void); static void alloc_and_assign_internal_structures(struct s_net **original_net, struct s_block **original_block, int *original_num_nets, int *original_num_blocks); static void free_and_reset_internal_structures(struct s_net *original_net, struct s_block *original_block, int original_num_nets, int original_num_blocks); static void setup_chan_width(struct s_router_opts router_opts, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist); static void alloc_routing_structs(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, INP t_direct_inf *directs, INP int num_directs); static void free_routing_structs(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void assign_locations(t_type_ptr source_type, int source_x_loc, int source_y_loc, int source_z_loc, t_type_ptr sink_type, int sink_x_loc, int sink_y_loc, int sink_z_loc); static float assign_blocks_and_route_net(t_type_ptr source_type, int source_x_loc, int source_y_loc, t_type_ptr sink_type, int sink_x_loc, int sink_y_loc, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void alloc_delta_arrays(void); static void free_delta_arrays(void); static void generic_compute_matrix(float ***matrix_ptr, t_type_ptr source_type, t_type_ptr sink_type, int source_x, int source_y, int start_x, int end_x, int start_y, int end_y, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void compute_delta_clb_to_clb(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, int longest_length); static void compute_delta_io_to_clb(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void compute_delta_clb_to_io(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void compute_delta_io_to_io(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf); static void compute_delta_arrays(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, int longest_length); static int get_first_pin(enum e_pin_type pintype, t_type_ptr type); static int get_longest_segment_length( struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf); static void reset_placement(void); /* mrFPGA: Xifan TANG */ void try_buffer_for_net( int inet, t_rc_node** rc_node_free_list, t_linked_rc_edge** rc_edge_free_list, t_linked_rc_ptr* rr_node_to_rc_node, float* net_delay ); static void buffer_net(float* cur_net_delay); /* end */ #ifdef PRINT_ARRAYS static void print_array(float **array_to_print, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2); #endif /**************************************/ static int get_first_pin(enum e_pin_type pintype, t_type_ptr type) { /*this code assumes logical equivilance between all driving pins */ /*global pins are not hooked up to the temporary net */ int i, currpin; currpin = 0; for (i = 0; i < type->num_class; i++) { if (type->class_inf[i].type == pintype && !type->is_global_pin[currpin]) return (type->class_inf[i].pinlist[0]); else currpin += type->class_inf[i].num_pins; } assert(0); exit(0); /*should never hit this line */ } /**************************************/ static int get_longest_segment_length( struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf) { int i, length; length = 0; for (i = 0; i < det_routing_arch.num_segment; i++) { if (segment_inf[i].length > length) length = segment_inf[i].length; } return (length); } /**************************************/ static void alloc_net(void) { int i, len; clb_net = (struct s_net *) my_malloc(num_nets * sizeof(struct s_net)); for (i = 0; i < NET_COUNT; i++) { /* FIXME: We *really* shouldn't be allocating write-once copies */ len = strlen("TEMP_NET"); clb_net[i].name = (char *) my_malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char)); clb_net[i].is_global = FALSE; strcpy(clb_net[NET_USED].name, "TEMP_NET"); clb_net[i].num_sinks = (BLOCK_COUNT - 1); clb_net[i].node_block = (int *) my_malloc(BLOCK_COUNT * sizeof(int)); clb_net[i].node_block[NET_USED_SOURCE_BLOCK] = NET_USED_SOURCE_BLOCK; /*driving block */ clb_net[i].node_block[NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK] = NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK; /*target block */ clb_net[i].node_block_pin = (int *) my_malloc( BLOCK_COUNT * sizeof(int)); /*the values for this are allocated in assign_blocks_and_route_net */ } } /**************************************/ static void alloc_block(void) { /*allocates block structure, and assigns values to known parameters */ /*type and x,y fields are left undefined at this stage since they */ /*are not known until we start moving blocks through the clb array */ int ix_b, ix_p, len, i; int max_pins; max_pins = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TYPES_USED; i++) { max_pins = std::max(max_pins, type_descriptors[i].num_pins); } block = (struct s_block *) my_malloc(num_blocks * sizeof(struct s_block)); for (ix_b = 0; ix_b < BLOCK_COUNT; ix_b++) { len = strlen("TEMP_BLOCK"); block[ix_b].name = (char *) my_malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(block[ix_b].name, "TEMP_BLOCK"); block[ix_b].nets = (int *) my_malloc(max_pins * sizeof(int)); block[ix_b].nets[0] = 0; for (ix_p = 1; ix_p < max_pins; ix_p++) block[ix_b].nets[ix_p] = OPEN; } } /**************************************/ static void load_simplified_device(void) { int i, j; /* Backup original globals */ EMPTY_TYPE_BACKUP = EMPTY_TYPE; IO_TYPE_BACKUP = IO_TYPE; FILL_TYPE_BACKUP = FILL_TYPE; type_descriptors_backup = type_descriptors; num_types_backup = num_types; num_types = NUM_TYPES_USED; /* Fill in homogeneous core type info */ dummy_type_descriptors[0] = *EMPTY_TYPE; dummy_type_descriptors[0].index = 0; dummy_type_descriptors[1] = *IO_TYPE; dummy_type_descriptors[1].index = 1; dummy_type_descriptors[2] = *FILL_TYPE; dummy_type_descriptors[2].index = 2; type_descriptors = dummy_type_descriptors; EMPTY_TYPE = &dummy_type_descriptors[0]; IO_TYPE = &dummy_type_descriptors[1]; FILL_TYPE = &dummy_type_descriptors[2]; /* Fill in homogeneous core grid info */ grid_backup = grid; grid = (struct s_grid_tile **) alloc_matrix(0, nx + 1, 0, ny + 1, sizeof(struct s_grid_tile)); for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) { if ((i == 0 && j == 0) || (i == nx + 1 && j == 0) || (i == 0 && j == ny + 1) || (i == nx + 1 && j == ny + 1)) { grid[i][j].type = EMPTY_TYPE; } else if (i == 0 || i == nx + 1 || j == 0 || j == ny + 1) { grid[i][j].type = IO_TYPE; } else { grid[i][j].type = FILL_TYPE; } grid[i][j].blocks = (int*)my_malloc( grid[i][j].type->capacity * sizeof(int)); grid[i][j].offset = 0; } } } static void restore_original_device(void) { int i, j; /* restore previous globals */ IO_TYPE = IO_TYPE_BACKUP; EMPTY_TYPE = EMPTY_TYPE_BACKUP; FILL_TYPE = FILL_TYPE_BACKUP; type_descriptors = type_descriptors_backup; num_types = num_types_backup; /* free allocatd data */ for (i = 0; i < nx + 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny + 2; j++) { free(grid[i][j].blocks); } } free_matrix(grid, 0, nx + 1, 0, sizeof(struct s_grid_tile)); grid = grid_backup; } /**************************************/ static void reset_placement(void) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i <= nx + 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= ny + 1; j++) { grid[i][j].usage = 0; for (k = 0; k < grid[i][j].type->capacity; k++) { grid[i][j].blocks[k] = EMPTY; } } } } /**************************************/ static void alloc_and_assign_internal_structures(struct s_net **original_net, struct s_block **original_block, int *original_num_nets, int *original_num_blocks) { /*allocate new data structures to hold net, and block info */ *original_net = clb_net; *original_num_nets = num_nets; num_nets = NET_COUNT; alloc_net(); *original_block = block; *original_num_blocks = num_blocks; num_blocks = BLOCK_COUNT; alloc_block(); /* [0..num_nets-1][1..num_pins-1] */ net_delay = (float **) alloc_matrix(0, NET_COUNT - 1, 1, BLOCK_COUNT - 1, sizeof(float)); reset_placement(); } /**************************************/ static void free_and_reset_internal_structures(struct s_net *original_net, struct s_block *original_block, int original_num_nets, int original_num_blocks) { /*reset gloabal data structures to the state that they were in before these */ /*lookup computation routines were called */ int i; /*there should be only one net to free, but this is safer */ for (i = 0; i < NET_COUNT; i++) { free(clb_net[i].name); free(clb_net[i].node_block); free(clb_net[i].node_block_pin); } free(clb_net); clb_net = original_net; for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_COUNT; i++) { free(block[i].name); free(block[i].nets); } free(block); block = original_block; num_nets = original_num_nets; num_blocks = original_num_blocks; free_matrix(net_delay, 0, NET_COUNT - 1, 1, sizeof(float)); } /**************************************/ static void setup_chan_width(struct s_router_opts router_opts, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist) { /*we give plenty of tracks, this increases routability for the */ /*lookup table generation */ int width_fac, i, max_pins_per_clb; max_pins_per_clb = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) { max_pins_per_clb = std::max(max_pins_per_clb, type_descriptors[i].num_pins); } if (router_opts.fixed_channel_width == NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) width_fac = 4 * max_pins_per_clb; /*this is 2x the value that binary search starts */ /*this should be enough to allow most pins to */ /*connect to tracks in the architecture */ else width_fac = router_opts.fixed_channel_width; init_chan(width_fac, chan_width_dist); } /**************************************/ static void alloc_routing_structs(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, INP t_direct_inf *directs, INP int num_directs) { int bb_factor; int warnings; t_graph_type graph_type; /*calls routines that set up routing resource graph and associated structures */ /*must set up dummy blocks for the first pass through to setup locally used opins */ /* Only one block per tile */ assign_locations(FILL_TYPE, 1, 1, 0, FILL_TYPE, nx, ny, 0); clb_opins_used_locally = alloc_route_structs(); free_rr_graph(); if (router_opts.route_type == GLOBAL) { graph_type = GRAPH_GLOBAL; } else { graph_type = ( det_routing_arch.directionality == BI_DIRECTIONAL ? GRAPH_BIDIR : GRAPH_UNIDIR); } build_rr_graph(graph_type, num_types, dummy_type_descriptors, nx, ny, grid, chan_width_x[0], NULL, det_routing_arch.switch_block_type, det_routing_arch.Fs, det_routing_arch.switch_block_sub_type, det_routing_arch.sub_Fs, det_routing_arch.wire_opposite_side, det_routing_arch.num_segment, det_routing_arch.num_switch, segment_inf, det_routing_arch.global_route_switch, det_routing_arch.delayless_switch, timing_inf, det_routing_arch.wire_to_ipin_switch, router_opts.base_cost_type, NULL, 0, TRUE, /* do not send in direct connections because we care about general placement timing instead of special pin placement timing */ &warnings, 0, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); alloc_and_load_rr_node_route_structs(); alloc_timing_driven_route_structs(&pin_criticality, &sink_order, &rt_node_of_sink); bb_factor = nx + ny; /*set it to a huge value */ init_route_structs(bb_factor); } /**************************************/ static void free_routing_structs(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { int i; free_rr_graph(); free_rr_node_route_structs(); free_route_structs(); free_trace_structs(); free_timing_driven_route_structs(pin_criticality, sink_order, rt_node_of_sink); if (clb_opins_used_locally != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { free_ivec_vector(clb_opins_used_locally[i], 0, block[i].type->num_class - 1); } free(clb_opins_used_locally); clb_opins_used_locally = NULL; } } /**************************************/ static void assign_locations(t_type_ptr source_type, int source_x_loc, int source_y_loc, int source_z_loc, t_type_ptr sink_type, int sink_x_loc, int sink_y_loc, int sink_z_loc) { /*all routing occurs between block 0 (source) and block 1 (sink) */ block[SOURCE_BLOCK].type = source_type; block[SOURCE_BLOCK].x = source_x_loc; block[SOURCE_BLOCK].y = source_y_loc; block[SOURCE_BLOCK].z = source_z_loc; block[SINK_BLOCK].type = sink_type; block[SINK_BLOCK].x = sink_x_loc; block[SINK_BLOCK].y = sink_y_loc; block[SINK_BLOCK].z = sink_z_loc; grid[source_x_loc][source_y_loc].blocks[source_z_loc] = SOURCE_BLOCK; grid[sink_x_loc][sink_y_loc].blocks[sink_z_loc] = SINK_BLOCK; clb_net[NET_USED].node_block_pin[NET_USED_SOURCE_BLOCK] = get_first_pin( DRIVER, block[SOURCE_BLOCK].type); clb_net[NET_USED].node_block_pin[NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK] = get_first_pin( RECEIVER, block[SINK_BLOCK].type); grid[source_x_loc][source_y_loc].usage += 1; grid[sink_x_loc][sink_y_loc].usage += 1; } /**************************************/ static float assign_blocks_and_route_net(t_type_ptr source_type, int source_x_loc, int source_y_loc, t_type_ptr sink_type, int sink_x_loc, int sink_y_loc, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { /*places blocks at the specified locations, and routes a net between them */ /*returns the delay of this net */ float pres_fac, net_delay_value; int source_z_loc, sink_z_loc; /* Only one block per tile */ source_z_loc = 0; sink_z_loc = 0; net_delay_value = IMPOSSIBLE; /*set to known value for debug purposes */ assign_locations(source_type, source_x_loc, source_y_loc, source_z_loc, sink_type, sink_x_loc, sink_y_loc, sink_z_loc); load_net_rr_terminals(rr_node_indices); pres_fac = 0; /* ignore congestion */ /* Route this net with a dummy criticality of 0 by calling timing_driven_route_net with slacks set to NULL. */ timing_driven_route_net(NET_USED, pres_fac, router_opts.max_criticality, router_opts.criticality_exp, router_opts.astar_fac, router_opts.bend_cost, pin_criticality, sink_order, rt_node_of_sink, net_delay[NET_USED], NULL); /* mrFPGA */ if (is_mrFPGA && is_wire_buffer) { buffer_net(net_delay[NET_USED]); } /* end */ net_delay_value = net_delay[NET_USED][NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK]; grid[source_x_loc][source_y_loc].usage = 0; grid[source_x_loc][source_y_loc].blocks[source_z_loc] = EMPTY; grid[sink_x_loc][sink_y_loc].usage = 0; grid[sink_x_loc][sink_y_loc].blocks[sink_z_loc] = EMPTY; return (net_delay_value); } /**************************************/ static void alloc_delta_arrays(void) { int id_x, id_y; delta_clb_to_clb = (float **) alloc_matrix(0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, sizeof(float)); delta_io_to_clb = (float **) alloc_matrix(0, nx, 0, ny, sizeof(float)); delta_clb_to_io = (float **) alloc_matrix(0, nx, 0, ny, sizeof(float)); delta_io_to_io = (float **) alloc_matrix(0, nx + 1, 0, ny + 1, sizeof(float)); /*initialize all of the array locations to -1 */ for (id_x = 0; id_x <= nx; id_x++) { for (id_y = 0; id_y <= ny; id_y++) { delta_io_to_clb[id_x][id_y] = IMPOSSIBLE; } } for (id_x = 0; id_x <= nx - 1; id_x++) { for (id_y = 0; id_y <= ny - 1; id_y++) { delta_clb_to_clb[id_x][id_y] = IMPOSSIBLE; } } for (id_x = 0; id_x <= nx; id_x++) { for (id_y = 0; id_y <= ny; id_y++) { delta_clb_to_io[id_x][id_y] = IMPOSSIBLE; } } for (id_x = 0; id_x <= nx + 1; id_x++) { for (id_y = 0; id_y <= ny + 1; id_y++) { delta_io_to_io[id_x][id_y] = IMPOSSIBLE; } } } /**************************************/ static void free_delta_arrays(void) { free_matrix(delta_io_to_clb, 0, nx, 0, sizeof(float)); free_matrix(delta_clb_to_clb, 0, nx - 1, 0, sizeof(float)); free_matrix(delta_clb_to_io, 0, nx, 0, sizeof(float)); free_matrix(delta_io_to_io, 0, nx + 1, 0, sizeof(float)); } /**************************************/ static void generic_compute_matrix(float ***matrix_ptr, t_type_ptr source_type, t_type_ptr sink_type, int source_x, int source_y, int start_x, int end_x, int start_y, int end_y, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { int delta_x, delta_y; int sink_x, sink_y; for (sink_x = start_x; sink_x <= end_x; sink_x++) { for (sink_y = start_y; sink_y <= end_y; sink_y++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); if (delta_x == 0 && delta_y == 0) continue; /*do not compute distance from a block to itself */ /*if a value is desired, pre-assign it somewhere else */ (*matrix_ptr)[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } } /**************************************/ static void compute_delta_clb_to_clb(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, int longest_length) { /*this routine must compute delay values in a slightly different way than the */ /*other compute routines. We cannot use a location close to the edge as the */ /*source location for the majority of the delay computations because this */ /*would give gradually increasing delay values. To avoid this from happening */ /*a clb that is at least longest_length away from an edge should be chosen */ /*as a source , if longest_length is more than 0.5 of the total size then */ /*choose a CLB at the center as the source CLB */ int source_x, source_y, sink_x, sink_y; int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y; int delta_x, delta_y; t_type_ptr source_type, sink_type; source_type = FILL_TYPE; sink_type = FILL_TYPE; if (longest_length < 0.5 * (nx)) { start_x = longest_length; } else { start_x = (int) (0.5 * nx); } end_x = nx; source_x = start_x; if (longest_length < 0.5 * (ny)) { start_y = longest_length; } else { start_y = (int) (0.5 * ny); } end_y = ny; source_y = start_y; /*don't put the sink all the way to the corner, until it is necessary */ for (sink_x = start_x; sink_x <= end_x - 1; sink_x++) { for (sink_y = start_y; sink_y <= end_y - 1; sink_y++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); if (delta_x == 0 && delta_y == 0) { delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = 0.0; continue; } delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } sink_x = end_x - 1; sink_y = end_y - 1; for (source_x = start_x - 1; source_x >= 1; source_x--) { for (source_y = start_y; source_y <= end_y - 1; source_y++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } for (source_x = 1; source_x <= end_x - 1; source_x++) { for (source_y = 1; source_y < start_y; source_y++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } /*now move sink into the top right corner */ sink_x = end_x; sink_y = end_y; source_x = 1; for (source_y = 1; source_y <= end_y; source_y++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } sink_x = end_x; sink_y = end_y; source_y = 1; for (source_x = 1; source_x <= end_x; source_x++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_clb_to_clb[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } /**************************************/ static void compute_delta_io_to_clb(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { int source_x, source_y; int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y; t_type_ptr source_type, sink_type; source_type = IO_TYPE; sink_type = FILL_TYPE; delta_io_to_clb[0][0] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_io_to_clb[nx][ny] = IMPOSSIBLE; source_x = 0; source_y = 1; start_x = 1; end_x = nx; start_y = 1; end_y = ny; generic_compute_matrix(&delta_io_to_clb, source_type, sink_type, source_x, source_y, start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); source_x = 1; source_y = 0; start_x = 1; end_x = 1; start_y = 1; end_y = ny; generic_compute_matrix(&delta_io_to_clb, source_type, sink_type, source_x, source_y, start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); start_x = 1; end_x = nx; start_y = ny; end_y = ny; generic_compute_matrix(&delta_io_to_clb, source_type, sink_type, source_x, source_y, start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } /**************************************/ static void compute_delta_clb_to_io(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { int source_x, source_y, sink_x, sink_y; int delta_x, delta_y; t_type_ptr source_type, sink_type; source_type = FILL_TYPE; sink_type = IO_TYPE; delta_clb_to_io[0][0] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_clb_to_io[nx][ny] = IMPOSSIBLE; sink_x = 0; sink_y = 1; for (source_x = 1; source_x <= nx; source_x++) { for (source_y = 1; source_y <= ny; source_y++) { delta_x = abs(source_x - sink_x); delta_y = abs(source_y - sink_y); delta_clb_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } sink_x = 1; sink_y = 0; source_x = 1; delta_x = abs(source_x - sink_x); for (source_y = 1; source_y <= ny; source_y++) { delta_y = abs(source_y - sink_y); delta_clb_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } sink_x = 1; sink_y = 0; source_y = ny; delta_y = abs(source_y - sink_y); for (source_x = 2; source_x <= nx; source_x++) { delta_x = abs(source_x - sink_x); delta_clb_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } /**************************************/ static void compute_delta_io_to_io(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf) { int source_x, source_y, sink_x, sink_y; int delta_x, delta_y; t_type_ptr source_type, sink_type; source_type = IO_TYPE; sink_type = IO_TYPE; delta_io_to_io[0][0] = 0; /*delay to itself is 0 (this can happen) */ delta_io_to_io[nx + 1][ny + 1] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_io_to_io[0][ny] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_io_to_io[nx][0] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_io_to_io[nx][ny + 1] = IMPOSSIBLE; delta_io_to_io[nx + 1][ny] = IMPOSSIBLE; source_x = 0; source_y = 1; sink_x = 0; delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); for (sink_y = 2; sink_y <= ny; sink_y++) { delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } source_x = 0; source_y = 1; sink_x = nx + 1; delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); for (sink_y = 1; sink_y <= ny; sink_y++) { delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } source_x = 1; source_y = 0; sink_y = 0; delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); for (sink_x = 2; sink_x <= nx; sink_x++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } source_x = 1; source_y = 0; sink_y = ny + 1; delta_y = abs(sink_y - source_y); for (sink_x = 1; sink_x <= nx; sink_x++) { delta_x = abs(sink_x - source_x); delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } source_x = 0; sink_y = ny + 1; for (source_y = 1; source_y <= ny; source_y++) { for (sink_x = 1; sink_x <= nx; sink_x++) { delta_y = abs(source_y - sink_y); delta_x = abs(source_x - sink_x); delta_io_to_io[delta_x][delta_y] = assign_blocks_and_route_net( source_type, source_x, source_y, sink_type, sink_x, sink_y, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } } } /**************************************/ #ifdef PRINT_ARRAYS static void print_array(float **array_to_print, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) { int idx_x, idx_y; fprintf(lookup_dump, "\nPrinting Array \n\n"); for (idx_y = y2; idx_y >= y1; idx_y--) { for (idx_x = x1; idx_x <= x2; idx_x++) { fprintf(lookup_dump, " %9.2e", array_to_print[idx_x][idx_y]); } fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n"); } fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n\n"); } #endif /**************************************/ static void compute_delta_arrays(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, int longest_length) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Computing delta_io_to_io lookup matrix, may take a few seconds, please wait...\n"); compute_delta_io_to_io(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Computing delta_io_to_clb lookup matrix, may take a few seconds, please wait...\n"); compute_delta_io_to_clb(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Computing delta_clb_to_io lookup matrix, may take a few seconds, please wait...\n"); compute_delta_clb_to_io(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Computing delta_clb_to_clb lookup matrix, may take a few seconds, please wait...\n"); compute_delta_clb_to_clb(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, longest_length); #ifdef PRINT_ARRAYS lookup_dump = my_fopen(DUMPFILE, "w", 0); fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n\nprinting delta_clb_to_clb\n"); print_array(delta_clb_to_clb, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1); fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n\nprinting delta_io_to_clb\n"); print_array(delta_io_to_clb, 0, nx, 0, ny); fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n\nprinting delta_clb_to_io\n"); print_array(delta_clb_to_io, 0, nx, 0, ny); fprintf(lookup_dump, "\n\nprinting delta_io_to_io\n"); print_array(delta_io_to_io, 0, nx + 1, 0, ny + 1); fclose(lookup_dump); #endif } /******* Globally Accessable Functions **********/ /**************************************/ void compute_delay_lookup_tables(struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist, INP t_direct_inf *directs, INP int num_directs) { static struct s_net *original_net; /*this will be used as a pointer to remember what */ /*the "real" nets in the circuit are. This is */ /*required because we are using the net structure */ /*in these routines to find delays between blocks */ static struct s_block *original_block; /*same def as original_nets, but for block */ static int original_num_nets; static int original_num_blocks; static int longest_length; load_simplified_device(); alloc_and_assign_internal_structures(&original_net, &original_block, &original_num_nets, &original_num_blocks); setup_chan_width(router_opts, chan_width_dist); alloc_routing_structs(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, directs, num_directs); longest_length = get_longest_segment_length(det_routing_arch, segment_inf); /*now setup and compute the actual arrays */ alloc_delta_arrays(); compute_delta_arrays(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, longest_length); /*free all data structures that are no longer needed */ free_routing_structs(router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); restore_original_device(); free_and_reset_internal_structures(original_net, original_block, original_num_nets, original_num_blocks); } /**************************************/ void free_place_lookup_structs(void) { free_delta_arrays(); } /* mrFPGA */ static void buffer_net( float* cur_net_delay ) { t_rc_node *rc_node_free_list; t_linked_rc_edge *rc_edge_free_list; //int inet; t_linked_rc_ptr *rr_node_to_rc_node; /* [0..num_rr_nodes-1] */ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "mrFPGA: net delay before buffer: %g\n", cur_net_delay[NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK] ); rr_node_to_rc_node = (t_linked_rc_ptr *) my_calloc (num_rr_nodes, sizeof (t_linked_rc_ptr)); rc_node_free_list = NULL; rc_edge_free_list = NULL; try_buffer_for_net( NET_USED, &rc_node_free_list, &rc_edge_free_list, rr_node_to_rc_node, cur_net_delay ); free_rc_node_free_list (rc_node_free_list); free_rc_edge_free_list (rc_edge_free_list); free (rr_node_to_rc_node); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "mrFPGA: net delay after buffer: %g\n", cur_net_delay[NET_USED_SINK_BLOCK] ); } /* end */