#!/bin/bash #title : openfpga.sh #description : This script provides shortcut commands <bash functions> # for several simple operations in OpenFPGA project #author : Ganesh Gore <ganesh.gore@utah.edu> #============================================================================== export OPENFPGA_PATH="$(pwd)" export OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH="$(pwd)/openfpga_flow/scripts" export OPENFPGA_TASK_PATH="$(pwd)/openfpga_flow/tasks" if [ -z $PYTHON_EXEC ]; then export PYTHON_EXEC="python3"; fi # This function checks the path and # raises warning if the command is not executing # inside current OpendFPGA folder check_execution_path (){ if [[ $1 != *"${OPENFPGA_PATH}"* ]]; then echo -e "\e[33mCommand is not executed from configured OPNEFPGA directory\e[0m" fi } run-task-with-modelsim () { echo "Script as to be run as \"run-task-with-modelsim task_name --maxthreads nb_threads other_run-modelsim_options\"" $PYTHON_EXEC $OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH/run_fpga_task.py $1 $2 $3 $PYTHON_EXEC $OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH/run_modelsim.py "$@" } run-task () { $PYTHON_EXEC $OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH/run_fpga_task.py "$@" } run-modelsim () { $PYTHON_EXEC $OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH/run_modelsim.py "$@" } run-flow () { $PYTHON_EXEC $OPENFPGA_SCRIPT_PATH/run_fpga_flow.py "$@" } # lists all the configure task in task directory list-tasks () { check_execution_path "$(pwd)" ls -tdalh ${OPENFPGA_TASK_PATH}/* | awk '{printf("%-4s | %s %-3s | ", $5, $6, $7) ;system("basename " $9)}' } # Switch directory to root of OpenFPGA goto-root () { cd $OPENFPGA_PATH } # Changes directory to task directory [goto_task <task_name> <run_num[default 0]>] goto-task () { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "requires task name goto_task <task_name> <run_num[default 0]>" return fi goto_path=$OPENFPGA_TASK_PATH/$1 run_num="" if [ ! -d $goto_path ]; then echo "Task directory not found"; return; fi if [[ "$2" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] ; then if ! [[ $2 == '0' ]] ; then run_num="$(printf run%03d $2)"; else run_num="latest"; fi if [ ! -d "$goto_path/$run_num" ]; then run_num="latest"; fi fi if [ ! -d $goto_path/$run_num ]; then echo "\e[33mTask run directory not found -" $goto_path/$run_num "\e[0m" else echo "Switching current dirctory to" $goto_path/$run_num cd $goto_path/$run_num fi } # Clears enviroment variables and fucntions unset-openfpga (){ unset -v OPENFPGA_PATH unset -f list-tasks run-task run-flow goto-task goto-root >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Allow autocompletion of task if [[ $(ps -p $$ -oargs=) == *"zsh"* ]]; then autoload -U +X bashcompinit; bashcompinit; fi TaskList=$(ls -tdalh ${OPENFPGA_TASK_PATH}/* | awk '{system("basename " $9)}' | awk '{printf("%s ",$1)}') complete -W "${TaskList}" goto-task complete -W "${TaskList}" run-task complete -W "${TaskList}" run-shell-task complete -W "${TaskList}" run-modelsim