/*************************************************************************************** * This file includes functions that are used to redo packing for physical pbs ***************************************************************************************/ /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_log.h" #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_time.h" /* Headers from vpr library */ #include "vpr_utils.h" #include "pb_type_utils.h" #include "build_physical_lb_rr_graph.h" #include "lb_router.h" #include "lb_router_utils.h" #include "physical_pb_utils.h" #include "repack.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /*************************************************************************************** * Try find all the sink pins which is mapped to a routing trace in the context of pb route * This function uses a recursive walk-through over the pb_route * We will always start from the pb_route of the source pin * For each sink, * - if it is the end point of a routing tree, we add it to the sink list * - An output of top-level pb_graph_node * - An input of a primitive pb_graph_node * - if it is not the end point of a routing tree, we visit the pb_route * corresponds to the sink pin * * Note: when you call this function at the top-level, please provide an empty vector * of sink_pb_pins!!! ***************************************************************************************/ static void rec_find_routed_sink_pb_graph_pins(const t_pb* pb, const t_pb_graph_pin* source_pb_pin, const AtomNetId& atom_net_id, t_pb_graph_pin** pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index, std::vector& sink_pb_pins) { /* Bypass unused pins */ if (0 == pb->pb_route.count(source_pb_pin->pin_count_in_cluster)) { return; } /* Get the driver pb pin id, it must be valid */ if (atom_net_id != pb->pb_route[source_pb_pin->pin_count_in_cluster].atom_net_id) { return; } /* Check each sink nodes, if pin belongs to an input of a primitive pb_graph_node, it is what we want */ std::vector sink_pb_pins_to_search; for (const int& sink_pb_pin_id : pb->pb_route[source_pb_pin->pin_count_in_cluster].sink_pb_pin_ids) { t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pb_pin = pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index[sink_pb_pin_id]; VTR_ASSERT(nullptr != sink_pb_pin); /* We will update sink node list only * - input pins of primitive nodes * - output pins of top node */ if ( (true == is_primitive_pb_type(sink_pb_pin->parent_node->pb_type)) && (IN_PORT == sink_pb_pin->port->type)) { sink_pb_pins.push_back(sink_pb_pin); continue; } if ( (true == sink_pb_pin->parent_node->is_root()) && (OUT_PORT == sink_pb_pin->port->type)) { sink_pb_pins.push_back(sink_pb_pin); continue; } /* We should find the pb_route recursively */ sink_pb_pins_to_search.push_back(sink_pb_pin); } for (t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pb_pin : sink_pb_pins_to_search) { rec_find_routed_sink_pb_graph_pins(pb, sink_pb_pin, atom_net_id, pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index, sink_pb_pins); } } /*************************************************************************************** * A wrapper for the recursive function rec_find_route_sink_pb_graph_pins(), * we ensure that we provide a clear sink node lists ***************************************************************************************/ static std::vector find_routed_pb_graph_pins_atom_net(const t_pb* pb, const t_pb_graph_pin* source_pb_pin, const AtomNetId& atom_net_id, t_pb_graph_pin** pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index) { std::vector sink_pb_pins; rec_find_routed_sink_pb_graph_pins(pb, source_pb_pin, atom_net_id, pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index, sink_pb_pins); return sink_pb_pins; } /*************************************************************************************** * This function will find the actual source_pb_pin that is mapped by packed in the pb route * As the inputs of clustered block may be renamed during routing, * our pb_route results may lose consistency. * It is possible that the source pb_pin may not be mapped during packing but * be mapped during routing * * Note: this is ONLY applicable to the pb_pin of top-level pb_graph_node ***************************************************************************************/ static int find_pb_route_remapped_source_pb_pin(const t_pb* pb, const t_pb_graph_pin* source_pb_pin, const AtomNetId& atom_net_id) { VTR_ASSERT(true == source_pb_pin->parent_node->is_root()); std::vector pb_route_indices; for (int pin = 0; pin < pb->pb_graph_node->total_pb_pins; ++pin) { /* Bypass unused pins */ if ((0 == pb->pb_route.count(pin)) || (AtomNetId::INVALID() == pb->pb_route.at(pin).atom_net_id)) { continue; } /* Get the driver pb pin id, it must be valid */ if (atom_net_id != pb->pb_route.at(pin).atom_net_id) { continue; } /* Only care the pin has the same parent port as source_pb_pin * Due to that the source_pb_pin may be swapped during routing * the pb_route is out-of-date * TODO: should update pb_route by post routing results * On the other side, the swapping can only happen between equivalent pins * in a port. So the port must match here! */ if (source_pb_pin->port == pb->pb_route.at(pin).pb_graph_pin->port) { pb_route_indices.push_back(pin); } } VTR_ASSERT(1 == pb_route_indices.size()); return pb_route_indices[0]; } /*************************************************************************************** * Find the corresponding nodes in a logical block routing resource graph * with a given list of sink pb_graph pins * Note that these sink pins belong to operating pb_graph_node, * we will find the associated physical pb_graph_node as well as physical pins * and then spot the nodes in lb_rr_graph ***************************************************************************************/ static std::vector find_lb_net_physical_sink_lb_rr_nodes(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const std::vector& sink_pins, const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation) { std::vector sink_nodes; for (t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pin : sink_pins) { /* Find the physical pin */ t_pb_graph_pin* physical_sink_pin = nullptr; if (true == sink_pin->parent_node->is_root()) { physical_sink_pin = sink_pin; } else { physical_sink_pin = device_annotation.physical_pb_graph_pin(sink_pin); } /* if this is the root node, the physical pin is its self */ if (nullptr == physical_sink_pin) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Fail to find a physical pin for operating pin '%s'!\n", sink_pin->to_string().c_str()); } VTR_ASSERT(nullptr != physical_sink_pin); /* Sink nodes should NOT be any output pin of primitive pb_graph_node, * warn that we will not include it in the sink nodes */ if ( (true == is_primitive_pb_type(physical_sink_pin->parent_node->pb_type)) && (OUT_PORT == physical_sink_pin->port->type)) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Sink pin '%s' should NOT be an output from a primitive pb_type!\n", sink_pin->to_string().c_str()); } LbRRNodeId sink_lb_rr_node = lb_rr_graph.find_node(LB_INTERMEDIATE, physical_sink_pin); if (true != lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(sink_lb_rr_node)) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Fail to find the lb_rr_node for pb_graph_pin '%s'\n", physical_sink_pin->to_string().c_str()); } VTR_ASSERT(true == lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(sink_lb_rr_node)); sink_nodes.push_back(sink_lb_rr_node); } return sink_nodes; } /*************************************************************************************** * Create nets to be routed, including the source nodes and terminals * And add them to the logical block router ***************************************************************************************/ static void add_lb_router_nets(LbRouter& lb_router, t_logical_block_type_ptr lb_type, const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const AtomContext& atom_ctx, const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation, const ClusteringContext& clustering_ctx, const VprClusteringAnnotation& clustering_annotation, const ClusterBlockId& block_id, const bool& verbose) { size_t net_counter = 0; /* Two spots to find source nodes for each nets * - nets that appear in the inputs of a clustered block * Note that these nets may be moved to another input of the same cluster block * we will locate the final pin and consider its corresponding routing resource node as source * - nets that appear in the outputs of a primitive pb_graph_node * Note that these primitive pb_graph node are operating pb_graph_node * while we are considering physical pb_graph node * Therefore, we will find the outputs of physical pb_graph_node corresponding to the operating one * and then consider the assoicated routing resource node as source */ t_pb* pb = clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(block_id); VTR_ASSERT(true == pb->pb_graph_node->is_root()); /* Build the fast look-up between pb_pin_id and pb_graph_pin pointer */ t_pb_graph_pin** pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index = alloc_and_load_pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index(lb_type); /* Cache all the source nodes and sinks node for each net * net_terminal[net][0] is the list of source nodes * net_terminal[net][1] is the list of sink nodes */ std::map, 2>> net_terminals; /* A list showing that some sinks should be touched by some sources in a multi-source net */ std::map>> invisible_sinks; /* Find the source nodes for the nets mapped to inputs of a clustered block */ for (int j = 0; j < lb_type->pb_type->num_pins; j++) { /* Find the net mapped to this pin in clustering results*/ ClusterNetId cluster_net_id = clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_net(block_id, j); /* Get the actual net id because it may be renamed during routing */ if (true == clustering_annotation.is_net_renamed(block_id, j)) { cluster_net_id = clustering_annotation.net(block_id, j); } /* Bypass unmapped pins */ if (ClusterNetId::INVALID() == cluster_net_id) { continue; } /* Get the source pb_graph pin and find the rr_node in logical block routing resource graph */ const t_pb_graph_pin* source_pb_pin = get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_block_pin(block_id, j); VTR_ASSERT(source_pb_pin->parent_node == pb->pb_graph_node); /* Bypass output pins */ if (OUT_PORT == source_pb_pin->port->type) { continue; } /* The outputs of pb_graph_node is INTERMEDIATE node in the routing resource graph, * they are all connected to a common source node */ LbRRNodeId source_lb_rr_node = lb_rr_graph.find_node(LB_INTERMEDIATE, source_pb_pin); VTR_ASSERT(true == lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(source_lb_rr_node)); AtomNetId atom_net_id = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_net(cluster_net_id); VTR_ASSERT(AtomNetId::INVALID() != atom_net_id); int pb_route_index = find_pb_route_remapped_source_pb_pin(pb, source_pb_pin, atom_net_id); t_pb_graph_pin* packing_source_pb_pin = get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_block_pin(block_id, pb_route_index); VTR_ASSERT(nullptr != packing_source_pb_pin); /* Find all the sink pins in the pb_route, we walk through the input pins and find the pin */ std::vector sink_pb_graph_pins = find_routed_pb_graph_pins_atom_net(pb, packing_source_pb_pin, atom_net_id, pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index); std::vector sink_lb_rr_nodes = find_lb_net_physical_sink_lb_rr_nodes(lb_rr_graph, sink_pb_graph_pins, device_annotation); VTR_ASSERT(sink_lb_rr_nodes.size() == sink_pb_graph_pins.size()); /* Printf for debugging only, may be enabled if verbose is enabled */ VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Pb route for Net %s:\n", atom_ctx.nlist.net_name(atom_net_id).c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Source node:\n\t%s -> %s\n", source_pb_pin->to_string().c_str(), source_pb_pin->to_string().c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Sink nodes:\n"); for (t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pb_pin : sink_pb_graph_pins) { VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\t%s\n", sink_pb_pin->to_string().c_str()); } /* Add the net */ add_lb_router_net_to_route(lb_router, lb_rr_graph, std::vector(1, source_lb_rr_node), sink_lb_rr_nodes, atom_ctx, atom_net_id); net_counter++; } /* Find the source nodes for the nets mapped to outputs of primitive pb_graph_node */ for (int pin = 0; pin < pb->pb_graph_node->total_pb_pins; ++pin) { /* Bypass unused pins */ if ((0 == pb->pb_route.count(pin)) || (AtomNetId::INVALID() == pb->pb_route[pin].atom_net_id)) { continue; } /* Get the driver pb pin id, it must be valid */ int source_pb_pin_id = pb->pb_route[pin].driver_pb_pin_id; if (OPEN == source_pb_pin_id) { continue; } VTR_ASSERT(OPEN != source_pb_pin_id && source_pb_pin_id < pb->pb_graph_node->total_pb_pins); /* Find the corresponding pb_graph_pin and its physical pb_graph_pin */ t_pb_graph_pin* source_pb_pin = pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index[source_pb_pin_id]; /* Skip the pin from top-level pb_graph_node, they have been handled already */ if (source_pb_pin->parent_node == pb->pb_graph_node) { continue; } /* The pin must be an output of a primitive pb_graph_node */ if (OUT_PORT != source_pb_pin->port->type) { continue; } if (true != is_primitive_pb_type(source_pb_pin->parent_node->pb_type)) { continue; } /* The outputs of pb_graph_node is SOURCE node in the routing resource graph */ t_pb_graph_pin* physical_source_pb_pin = device_annotation.physical_pb_graph_pin(source_pb_pin); LbRRNodeId source_lb_rr_node = lb_rr_graph.find_node(LB_SOURCE, physical_source_pb_pin); VTR_ASSERT(true == lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(source_lb_rr_node)); AtomNetId atom_net_id = pb->pb_route[pin].atom_net_id; VTR_ASSERT(AtomNetId::INVALID() != atom_net_id); /* Find all the sink pins in the pb_route */ std::vector sink_pb_graph_pins = find_routed_pb_graph_pins_atom_net(pb, source_pb_pin, atom_net_id, pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index); std::vector sink_lb_rr_nodes = find_lb_net_physical_sink_lb_rr_nodes(lb_rr_graph, sink_pb_graph_pins, device_annotation); VTR_ASSERT(sink_lb_rr_nodes.size() == sink_pb_graph_pins.size()); /* Printf for debugging only, may be enabled if verbose is enabled */ VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Pb route for Net %s:\n", atom_ctx.nlist.net_name(atom_net_id).c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Source node:\n\t%s -> %s\n", source_pb_pin->to_string().c_str(), physical_source_pb_pin->to_string().c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Sink nodes:\n"); for (t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pb_pin : sink_pb_graph_pins) { VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\t%s\n", sink_pb_pin->to_string().c_str()); } /* Add the net */ add_lb_router_net_to_route(lb_router, lb_rr_graph, std::vector(1, source_lb_rr_node), sink_lb_rr_nodes, atom_ctx, atom_net_id); net_counter++; } /* Free */ free_pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index(pb_graph_pin_lookup_from_index); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Added %lu nets to be routed.\n", net_counter); } /*************************************************************************************** * Repack a clustered block in the physical mode * This function will do * - Find the lb_rr_graph that is affiliated to the clustered block * and initilize the logcial tile router * - Create nets to be routed, including the source nodes and terminals * This should consider the net remapping in the clustering_annotation * - Run the router to finish the repacking * - Output routing results to data structure PhysicalPb and store it in clustering annotation ***************************************************************************************/ static void repack_cluster(const AtomContext& atom_ctx, const ClusteringContext& clustering_ctx, const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation, VprClusteringAnnotation& clustering_annotation, const ClusterBlockId& block_id, const bool& verbose) { /* Get the pb graph that current clustered block is mapped to */ t_logical_block_type_ptr lb_type = clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_type(block_id); t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_head = lb_type->pb_graph_head; VTR_ASSERT(nullptr != pb_graph_head); /* We should get a non-empty graph */ const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph = device_annotation.physical_lb_rr_graph(pb_graph_head); VTR_ASSERT(!lb_rr_graph.empty()); VTR_LOG("Repack clustered block '%s'...", clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_name(block_id).c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\n"); /* Initialize the router */ LbRouter lb_router(lb_rr_graph, lb_type); /* Add nets to be routed with source and terminals */ add_lb_router_nets(lb_router, lb_type, lb_rr_graph, atom_ctx, device_annotation, clustering_ctx, const_cast(clustering_annotation), block_id, verbose); /* Initialize the modes to expand routing trees with the physical modes in device annotation * This is a must-do before running the routeri in the purpose of repacking!!! */ lb_router.set_physical_pb_modes(lb_rr_graph, device_annotation); /* Run the router */ bool route_success = lb_router.try_route(lb_rr_graph, atom_ctx.nlist, verbose); if (false == route_success) { VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Reroute failed\n"); exit(1); } VTR_ASSERT(true == route_success); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Reroute succeed\n"); /* Annotate routing results to physical pb */ PhysicalPb phy_pb; alloc_physical_pb_from_pb_graph(phy_pb, pb_graph_head, device_annotation); rec_update_physical_pb_from_operating_pb(phy_pb, clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(block_id), clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(block_id)->pb_route, atom_ctx, device_annotation, verbose); /* Save routing results */ save_lb_router_results_to_physical_pb(phy_pb, lb_router, lb_rr_graph); VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Saved results in physical pb\n"); /* Add the pb to clustering context */ clustering_annotation.add_physical_pb(block_id, phy_pb); VTR_LOG("Done\n"); } /*************************************************************************************** * Repack each clustered blocks in the clustering context ***************************************************************************************/ static void repack_clusters(const AtomContext& atom_ctx, const ClusteringContext& clustering_ctx, const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation, VprClusteringAnnotation& clustering_annotation, const bool& verbose) { vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Repack clustered blocks to physical implementation of logical tile"); for (auto blk_id : clustering_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks()) { repack_cluster(atom_ctx, clustering_ctx, device_annotation, clustering_annotation, blk_id, verbose); } } /*************************************************************************************** * Top-level function to pack physical pb_graph * This function will do : * - create physical lb_rr_graph for each pb_graph considering physical modes only * the lb_rr_graph will be added to device annotation * - annotate nets to be routed for each clustered block from operating modes of pb_graph * to physical modes of pb_graph * - rerun the routing for each clustered block * - store the packing results to clustering annotation ***************************************************************************************/ void pack_physical_pbs(const DeviceContext& device_ctx, const AtomContext& atom_ctx, const ClusteringContext& clustering_ctx, VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation, VprClusteringAnnotation& clustering_annotation, const bool& verbose) { /* build the routing resource graph for each logical tile */ build_physical_lb_rr_graphs(device_ctx, device_annotation, verbose); /* Call the LbRouter to re-pack each clustered block to physical implementation */ repack_clusters(atom_ctx, clustering_ctx, const_cast(device_annotation), clustering_annotation, verbose); } } /* end namespace openfpga */