/****************************************************************************** * Memember functions for data structure LbRouter ******************************************************************************/ #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_log.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "pb_type_graph.h" #include "vpr_error.h" #include "pb_type_utils.h" #include "lb_rr_graph_utils.h" #include "lb_router.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /************************************************** * Public Constructors *************************************************/ LbRouter::LbRouter(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, t_logical_block_type_ptr lb_type) { routing_status_.resize(lb_rr_graph.nodes().size()); explored_node_tb_.resize(lb_rr_graph.nodes().size()); explore_id_index_ = 1; lb_type_ = lb_type; /* Default routing parameters */ params_.max_iterations = 50; params_.pres_fac = 1; params_.pres_fac_mult = 2; params_.hist_fac = 0.3; is_routed_ = false; pres_con_fac_ = 1; } /************************************************** * Public Accessors *************************************************/ LbRouter::net_range LbRouter::nets() const { return vtr::make_range(lb_net_ids_.begin(), lb_net_ids_.end()); } AtomNetId LbRouter::net_atom_net_id(const NetId& net) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_net_id(net)); return lb_net_atom_net_ids_[net]; } std::vector LbRouter::find_congested_rr_nodes(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph) const { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); std::vector congested_rr_nodes; for (const LbRRNodeId& inode : lb_rr_graph.nodes()) { if (routing_status_[inode].occ > lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(inode)) { congested_rr_nodes.push_back(inode); } } return congested_rr_nodes; } bool LbRouter::is_routed() const { return is_routed_; } std::vector LbRouter::net_routed_nodes(const NetId& net) const { VTR_ASSERT(true == is_routed()); VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_net_id(net)); std::vector routed_nodes; t_trace* rt_tree = lb_net_rt_trees_[net]; if (nullptr == rt_tree) { return routed_nodes; } /* Walk through the routing tree of the net */ rec_collect_trace_nodes(rt_tree, routed_nodes); return routed_nodes; } /************************************************** * Private accessors *************************************************/ bool LbRouter::is_route_success(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph) const { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); for (const LbRRNodeId& inode : lb_rr_graph.nodes()) { if (routing_status_[inode].occ > lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(inode)) { return false; } } return true; } LbRouter::t_trace* LbRouter::find_node_in_rt(t_trace* rt, const LbRRNodeId& rt_index) { t_trace* cur; if (rt->current_node == rt_index) { return rt; } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt->next_nodes.size(); i++) { cur = find_node_in_rt(&rt->next_nodes[i], rt_index); if (cur != nullptr) { return cur; } } } return nullptr; } bool LbRouter::route_has_conflict(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, t_trace* rt) const { t_mode* cur_mode = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt->next_nodes.size(); i++) { std::vector edges = lb_rr_graph.find_edge(rt->current_node, rt->next_nodes[i].current_node); VTR_ASSERT(1 == edges.size()); t_mode* new_mode = lb_rr_graph.edge_mode(edges[0]); if (cur_mode != nullptr && cur_mode != new_mode) { return true; } if (route_has_conflict(lb_rr_graph, &rt->next_nodes[i]) == true) { return true; } cur_mode = new_mode; } return false; } void LbRouter::rec_collect_trace_nodes(const t_trace* trace, std::vector& routed_nodes) const { if (routed_nodes.end() == std::find(routed_nodes.begin(), routed_nodes.end(), trace->current_node)) { routed_nodes.push_back(trace->current_node); } for (const t_trace& next : trace->next_nodes) { rec_collect_trace_nodes(&next, routed_nodes); } } /************************************************** * Public mutators *************************************************/ LbRouter::NetId LbRouter::create_net_to_route(const LbRRNodeId& source, const std::vector& terminals) { /* Create an new id */ NetId net = NetId(lb_net_ids_.size()); lb_net_ids_.push_back(net); /* Allocate other attributes */ lb_net_atom_net_ids_.push_back(AtomNetId::INVALID()); lb_net_atom_pins_.emplace_back(); std::vector net_terminals = terminals; net_terminals.insert(net_terminals.begin(), source); lb_net_terminals_.push_back(net_terminals); lb_net_rt_trees_.push_back(nullptr); return net; } void LbRouter::add_net_atom_net_id(const NetId& net, const AtomNetId& atom_net) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_net_id(net)); lb_net_atom_net_ids_[net] = atom_net; } void LbRouter::add_net_atom_pins(const NetId& net, const AtomPinId& src_pin, const std::vector& terminal_pins) { VTR_ASSERT(true == valid_net_id(net)); lb_net_atom_pins_[net] = terminal_pins; lb_net_atom_pins_[net].insert(lb_net_atom_pins_[net].begin(), src_pin); } void LbRouter::set_physical_pb_modes(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation) { /* Go through each node in the routing resource graph * Find the physical mode of each pb_graph_pin that is binded to the node * For input pins, the physical mode is a mode of its parent pb_type * For output pins, the physical mode is a mode of the parent pb_type of its parent */ for (const LbRRNodeId& node : lb_rr_graph.nodes()) { t_pb_graph_pin* pb_pin = lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(node); if (nullptr == pb_pin) { routing_status_[node].mode = nullptr; } else { if (IN_PORT == pb_pin->port->type) { routing_status_[node].mode = device_annotation.physical_mode(pb_pin->parent_node->pb_type); } else { VTR_ASSERT(OUT_PORT == pb_pin->port->type); /* For top-level pb_graph node, the physical mode is nullptr */ if (true == pb_pin->parent_node->is_root()) { routing_status_[node].mode = nullptr; } else { routing_status_[node].mode = device_annotation.physical_mode(pb_pin->parent_node->parent_pb_graph_node->pb_type); /* TODO: need to think about how to handle INOUT ports !!! */ } } } } } bool LbRouter::try_route_net(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const AtomNetlist& atom_nlist, const NetId& net_idx, t_expansion_node& exp_node, std::unordered_map& mode_map, const int& verbosity) { std::vector sink_routed(lb_net_terminals_[net_idx].size(), false); sink_routed[0] = true; /* Deposite true for source node */ if (true == is_skip_route_net(lb_rr_graph, lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx])) { return true; } commit_remove_rt(lb_rr_graph, lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx], RT_REMOVE, mode_map); free_net_rt(lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx]); lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx] = nullptr; add_source_to_rt(net_idx); /* Route each sink of net */ for (size_t isink = 1; isink < lb_net_terminals_[net_idx].size(); ++isink) { /* Check if last sink failed in routing * If failed, the routing is not possible for this net */ if (1 < isink) { if (false == sink_routed[isink - 1]) { break; } } pq_.clear(); /* Get lowest cost next node, repeat until a path is found or if it is impossible to route */ expand_rt(net_idx, net_idx); /* If we managed to expand the nodes to the sink, routing for this sink is done. * If not, we failed in routing. * Therefore, the output of try_expand_nodes() is inverted */ sink_routed[isink] = !try_expand_nodes(atom_nlist, lb_rr_graph, net_idx, exp_node, isink, mode_status_.expand_all_modes, verbosity); if (false == sink_routed[isink] && false == mode_status_.expand_all_modes) { mode_status_.try_expand_all_modes = true; mode_status_.expand_all_modes = true; break; } if (exp_node.node_index == lb_net_terminals_[net_idx][isink]) { /* Net terminal is routed, add this to the route tree, clear data structures, and keep going */ sink_routed[isink] = !add_to_rt(lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx], exp_node.node_index, net_idx); } if (false == sink_routed[isink]) { VTR_LOG("Routing was impossible!\n"); } else if (mode_status_.expand_all_modes) { sink_routed[isink] = !route_has_conflict(lb_rr_graph, lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx]); if (false == sink_routed[isink]) { VTR_LOG("Routing was impossible due to modes!\n"); } } explore_id_index_++; if (explore_id_index_ > 2000000000) { /* overflow protection */ for (const LbRRNodeId& id : lb_rr_graph.nodes()) { explored_node_tb_[id].explored_id = OPEN; explored_node_tb_[id].enqueue_id = OPEN; explore_id_index_ = 1; } } } /* Check the routing status for all the sinks */ bool route_succeed = true; for (const bool& sink_status : sink_routed) { if (false == sink_status) { route_succeed = false; break; } } /* If routing succeed so far, we will try to save(commit) results * to route tree. * During this process, we will check if there is any * nodes using different modes under the same pb_type * If so, we have conflicts and routing is considered to be failure */ if (true == route_succeed) { commit_remove_rt(lb_rr_graph, lb_net_rt_trees_[net_idx], RT_COMMIT, mode_map); if (true == mode_status_.is_mode_conflict) { route_succeed = false; } } return route_succeed; } bool LbRouter::try_route(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const AtomNetlist& atom_nlist, const int& verbosity) { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); /* Ensure each net to be routed is valid */ for (const NetId& net : lb_net_ids_) { VTR_ASSERT(true == check_net(lb_rr_graph, atom_nlist, net)); } is_routed_ = false; bool is_impossible = false; mode_status_.is_mode_conflict = false; mode_status_.try_expand_all_modes = false; t_expansion_node exp_node; reset_explored_node_tb(); /* Reset current routing */ reset_net_rt(); reset_routing_status(); std::unordered_map mode_map; /* Iteratively remove congestion until a successful route is found. * Cap the total number of iterations tried so that if a solution does not exist, then the router won't run indefinitely */ pres_con_fac_ = params_.pres_fac; for (int iter = 0; iter < params_.max_iterations && !is_routed_ && !is_impossible; iter++) { unsigned int inet; /* Iterate across all nets internal to logic block */ for (inet = 0; inet < lb_net_ids_.size() && !is_impossible; inet++) { NetId net_idx = NetId(inet); if (false == try_route_net(lb_rr_graph, atom_nlist, net_idx, exp_node, mode_map, verbosity)) { is_impossible = true; } } if (!is_impossible) { is_routed_ = is_route_success(lb_rr_graph); } else { --inet; VTR_LOGV(verbosity < 3, "Net %lu '%s' is impossible to route within proposed %s cluster\n", inet, atom_nlist.net_name(lb_net_atom_net_ids_[NetId(inet)]).c_str(), lb_type_->name); VTR_LOGV(verbosity < 3, "\tNet source pin '%s'\n", lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(lb_net_terminals_[NetId(inet)][0])->to_string().c_str()); VTR_LOGV(verbosity < 3, "\tNet sink pins:\n"); for (size_t isink = 1; isink < lb_net_terminals_[NetId(inet)].size(); ++isink) { VTR_LOGV(verbosity < 3, "\t\t%s\n", lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(lb_net_terminals_[NetId(inet)][isink])->to_string().c_str()); } VTR_LOGV(verbosity < 3, "Please check your architecture XML to see if it is routable\n"); is_routed_ = false; } pres_con_fac_ *= params_.pres_fac_mult; } /* TODO: * Let user to decide to how proceed upon the routing results: * - route success: save the results through public accessors to lb_nets_ * print the route results to files * - route fail: report all the congestion nodes */ return is_routed_; } /************************************************** * Private mutators *************************************************/ void LbRouter::fix_duplicate_equivalent_pins(const AtomContext& atom_ctx, const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph) { for (const NetId& ilb_net : lb_net_ids_) { //Collect all the sink terminals indicies which target a particular node std::map> duplicate_terminals; for (size_t iterm = 1; iterm < lb_net_terminals_[ilb_net].size(); ++iterm) { LbRRNodeId node = lb_net_terminals_[ilb_net][iterm]; duplicate_terminals[node].push_back(iterm); } for (auto kv : duplicate_terminals) { if (kv.second.size() < 2) continue; //Only process duplicates //Remap all the duplicate terminals so they target the pin instead of the sink for (size_t idup_term = 0; idup_term < kv.second.size(); ++idup_term) { int iterm = kv.second[idup_term]; //The index in terminals which is duplicated VTR_ASSERT(lb_net_atom_pins_[ilb_net].size() == lb_net_terminals_[ilb_net].size()); AtomPinId atom_pin = lb_net_atom_pins_[ilb_net][iterm]; VTR_ASSERT(atom_pin); const t_pb_graph_pin* pb_graph_pin = find_pb_graph_pin(atom_ctx.nlist, atom_ctx.lookup, atom_pin); VTR_ASSERT(pb_graph_pin); if (pb_graph_pin->port->equivalent == PortEquivalence::NONE) continue; //Only need to remap equivalent ports //Remap this terminal to an explicit pin instead of the common sink LbRRNodeId pin_index = lb_rr_graph.find_node(LB_INTERMEDIATE, pb_graph_pin); VTR_ASSERT(true == lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(pin_index)); VTR_LOG_WARN( "Found duplicate nets connected to logically equivalent pins. " "Remapping intra lb net %d (atom net %zu '%s') from common sink " "pb_route %d to fixed pin pb_route %d\n", size_t(ilb_net), size_t(lb_net_atom_net_ids_[ilb_net]), atom_ctx.nlist.net_name(lb_net_atom_net_ids_[ilb_net]).c_str(), kv.first, size_t(pin_index)); VTR_ASSERT(1 == lb_rr_graph.node_out_edges(pin_index, &(pb_graph_pin->parent_node->pb_type->modes[0])).size()); LbRRNodeId sink_index = lb_rr_graph.edge_sink_node(lb_rr_graph.node_out_edges(pin_index, &(pb_graph_pin->parent_node->pb_type->modes[0]))[0]); VTR_ASSERT(LB_SINK == lb_rr_graph.node_type(sink_index)); VTR_ASSERT_MSG(sink_index == lb_net_terminals_[ilb_net][iterm], "Remapped pin must be connected to original sink"); //Change the target lb_net_terminals_[ilb_net][iterm] = pin_index; } } } } // Check one edge for mode conflict. bool LbRouter::check_edge_for_route_conflicts(std::unordered_map& mode_map, const t_pb_graph_pin* driver_pin, const t_pb_graph_pin* pin) { if (driver_pin == nullptr) { return false; } // Only check pins that are OUT_PORTs. if (pin == nullptr || pin->port == nullptr || pin->port->type != OUT_PORT) { return false; } VTR_ASSERT(!pin->port->is_clock); auto* pb_graph_node = pin->parent_node; VTR_ASSERT(pb_graph_node->pb_type == pin->port->parent_pb_type); const t_pb_graph_edge* edge = get_edge_between_pins(driver_pin, pin); VTR_ASSERT(edge != nullptr); auto mode_of_edge = edge->interconnect->parent_mode_index; auto* mode = &pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[mode_of_edge]; auto result = mode_map.insert(std::make_pair(pb_graph_node, mode)); if (!result.second) { if (result.first->second != mode) { VTR_LOG("Differing modes for block. Got %s mode, while previously was %s for interconnect %s.\n", mode->name, result.first->second->name, edge->interconnect->name); // The illegal mode is added to the pb_graph_node as it resulted in a conflict during atom-to-atom routing. This mode cannot be used in the consequent cluster // generation try. auto it = illegal_modes_.find(pb_graph_node); if (it == illegal_modes_.end()) { illegal_modes_[pb_graph_node].push_back(result.first->second); } else { if (std::find(illegal_modes_.at(pb_graph_node).begin(), illegal_modes_.at(pb_graph_node).end(), result.first->second) == illegal_modes_.at(pb_graph_node).end()) { it->second.push_back(result.first->second); } } // If the number of illegal modes equals the number of available mode for a specific pb_graph_node it means that no cluster can be generated. This resuts // in a fatal error. if ((int)illegal_modes_.at(pb_graph_node).size() >= pb_graph_node->pb_type->num_modes) { VPR_FATAL_ERROR(VPR_ERROR_PACK, "There are no more available modes to be used. Routing Failed!"); } return true; } } return false; } void LbRouter::commit_remove_rt(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, t_trace* rt, const e_commit_remove& op, std::unordered_map& mode_map) { int incr; if (nullptr == rt) { return; } LbRRNodeId inode = rt->current_node; /* Determine if node is being used or removed */ if (op == RT_COMMIT) { incr = 1; if (routing_status_[inode].occ >= lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(inode)) { routing_status_[inode].historical_usage += (routing_status_[inode].occ - lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(inode) + 1); /* store historical overuse */ } } else { incr = -1; explored_node_tb_[inode].inet = NetId::INVALID(); } routing_status_[inode].occ += incr; VTR_ASSERT(routing_status_[inode].occ >= 0); t_pb_graph_pin* driver_pin = lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(inode); /* Recursively update route tree */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt->next_nodes.size(); i++) { // Check to see if there is no mode conflict between previous nets. // A conflict is present if there are differing modes between a pb_graph_node // and its children. if (op == RT_COMMIT && mode_status_.try_expand_all_modes) { const LbRRNodeId& node = rt->next_nodes[i].current_node; t_pb_graph_pin* pin = lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(node); if (check_edge_for_route_conflicts(mode_map, driver_pin, pin)) { mode_status_.is_mode_conflict = true; } } commit_remove_rt(lb_rr_graph, &rt->next_nodes[i], op, mode_map); } } bool LbRouter::is_skip_route_net(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, t_trace* rt) { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); if (rt == nullptr) { return false; /* Net is not routed, therefore must route net */ } LbRRNodeId inode = rt->current_node; /* Determine if node is overused */ if (routing_status_[inode].occ > lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(inode)) { /* Conflict between this net and another net at this node, reroute net */ return false; } /* Recursively check that rest of route tree does not have a conflict */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt->next_nodes.size(); i++) { if (!is_skip_route_net(lb_rr_graph, &rt->next_nodes[i])) { return false; } } /* No conflict, this net's current route is legal, skip routing this net */ return true; } bool LbRouter::add_to_rt(t_trace* rt, const LbRRNodeId& node_index, const NetId& irt_net) { std::vector trace_forward; t_trace* link_node; t_trace curr_node; /* Store path all the way back to route tree */ LbRRNodeId rt_index = node_index; while (explored_node_tb_[rt_index].inet != irt_net) { trace_forward.push_back(rt_index); rt_index = explored_node_tb_[rt_index].prev_index; VTR_ASSERT(rt_index != LbRRNodeId::INVALID()); } /* Find rt_index on the route tree */ link_node = find_node_in_rt(rt, rt_index); if (link_node == nullptr) { VTR_LOG("Link node is nullptr. Routing impossible"); return true; } /* Add path to root tree */ LbRRNodeId trace_index; while (!trace_forward.empty()) { trace_index = trace_forward.back(); curr_node.current_node = trace_index; link_node->next_nodes.push_back(curr_node); link_node = &link_node->next_nodes.back(); trace_forward.pop_back(); } return false; } void LbRouter::add_source_to_rt(const NetId& inet) { /* TODO: Validate net id */ VTR_ASSERT(nullptr == lb_net_rt_trees_[inet]); lb_net_rt_trees_[inet] = new t_trace; lb_net_rt_trees_[inet]->current_node = lb_net_terminals_[inet][0]; } void LbRouter::expand_rt_rec(t_trace* rt, const LbRRNodeId& prev_index, const NetId& irt_net, const int& explore_id_index) { t_expansion_node enode; /* Perhaps should use a cost other than zero */ enode.cost = 0; enode.node_index = rt->current_node; enode.prev_index = prev_index; pq_.push(enode); explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].inet = irt_net; explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].explored_id = OPEN; explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_id = explore_id_index; explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_cost = 0; explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].prev_index = prev_index; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt->next_nodes.size(); i++) { expand_rt_rec(&rt->next_nodes[i], rt->current_node, irt_net, explore_id_index); } } void LbRouter::expand_rt(const NetId& inet, const NetId& irt_net) { VTR_ASSERT(pq_.empty()); expand_rt_rec(lb_net_rt_trees_[inet], LbRRNodeId::INVALID(), irt_net, explore_id_index_); } void LbRouter::expand_edges(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, t_mode* mode, const LbRRNodeId& cur_inode, float cur_cost, int net_fanout) { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); t_expansion_node enode; int usage; float incr_cost; for (const LbRREdgeId& iedge : lb_rr_graph.node_out_edges(cur_inode, mode)) { /* Init new expansion node */ enode.prev_index = cur_inode; enode.node_index = lb_rr_graph.edge_sink_node(iedge); enode.cost = cur_cost; /* Determine incremental cost of using expansion node */ usage = routing_status_[enode.node_index].occ + 1 - lb_rr_graph.node_capacity(enode.node_index); incr_cost = lb_rr_graph.node_intrinsic_cost(enode.node_index); incr_cost += lb_rr_graph.edge_intrinsic_cost(iedge); incr_cost += params_.hist_fac * routing_status_[enode.node_index].historical_usage; if (usage > 0) { incr_cost *= (usage * pres_con_fac_); } /* Adjust cost so that higher fanout nets prefer higher fanout routing nodes while lower fanout nets prefer lower fanout routing nodes */ float fanout_factor = 1.0; t_mode* next_mode = routing_status_[enode.node_index].mode; /* Assume first mode if a mode hasn't been forced. */ if (nullptr == next_mode) { /* If the node is mapped to a nullptr pb_graph_pin, this is a special SINK. Use nullptr mode */ if (nullptr == lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(enode.node_index)) { next_mode = nullptr; } else if (true == is_primitive_pb_type(lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(enode.node_index)->parent_node->pb_type)) { /* For primitive node, we give nullptr as default */ next_mode = nullptr; } else { next_mode = &(lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(enode.node_index)->parent_node->pb_type->modes[0]); } } if (lb_rr_graph.node_out_edges(enode.node_index, next_mode).size() > 1) { fanout_factor = 0.85 + (0.25 / net_fanout); } else { fanout_factor = 1.15 - (0.25 / net_fanout); } incr_cost *= fanout_factor; enode.cost = cur_cost + incr_cost; /* Add to queue if cost is lower than lowest cost path to this enode */ if (explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_id == explore_id_index_) { if (enode.cost < explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_cost) { pq_.push(enode); } } else { explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_id = explore_id_index_; explored_node_tb_[enode.node_index].enqueue_cost = enode.cost; pq_.push(enode); } } } void LbRouter::expand_node(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const t_expansion_node& exp_node, const int& net_fanout) { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); t_expansion_node enode; LbRRNodeId cur_node = exp_node.node_index; float cur_cost = exp_node.cost; t_mode* mode = routing_status_[cur_node].mode; if (nullptr == mode) { if (nullptr == lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(cur_node)) { mode = nullptr; } else if (true == is_primitive_pb_type(lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(cur_node)->parent_node->pb_type)) { mode = nullptr; } else { mode = &(lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(cur_node)->parent_node->pb_type->modes[0]); } } expand_edges(lb_rr_graph, mode, cur_node, cur_cost, net_fanout); } void LbRouter::expand_node_all_modes(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const t_expansion_node& exp_node, const int& net_fanout) { /* Validate if the rr_graph is the one we used to initialize the router */ VTR_ASSERT(true == matched_lb_rr_graph(lb_rr_graph)); LbRRNodeId cur_inode = exp_node.node_index; float cur_cost = exp_node.cost; t_mode* cur_mode = routing_status_[cur_inode].mode; auto* pin = lb_rr_graph.node_pb_graph_pin(cur_inode); for (const LbRREdgeId& edge : lb_rr_graph.node_out_edges(cur_inode)) { t_mode* mode = lb_rr_graph.edge_mode(edge); /* If a mode has been forced, only add edges from that mode, otherwise add edges from all modes. */ if (cur_mode != nullptr && mode != cur_mode) { continue; } /* Check whether a mode is illegal. If it is then the node will not be expanded */ bool is_illegal = false; if (pin != nullptr) { auto* pb_graph_node = pin->parent_node; if (0 == illegal_modes_.count(pb_graph_node)) { continue; } for (auto illegal_mode : illegal_modes_.at(pb_graph_node)) { if (mode == illegal_mode) { is_illegal = true; break; } } } if (is_illegal == true) { continue; } expand_edges(lb_rr_graph, mode, cur_inode, cur_cost, net_fanout); } } bool LbRouter::try_expand_nodes(const AtomNetlist& atom_nlist, const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const NetId& lb_net, t_expansion_node& exp_node, const int& itarget, const bool& try_other_modes, const int& verbosity) { bool is_impossible = false; do { if (pq_.empty()) { /* No connection possible */ is_impossible = true; if (verbosity > 3) { //Print detailed debug info AtomNetId net_id = lb_net_atom_net_ids_[lb_net]; AtomPinId driver_pin = lb_net_atom_pins_[lb_net][0]; AtomPinId sink_pin = lb_net_atom_pins_[lb_net][itarget]; LbRRNodeId driver_rr_node = lb_net_terminals_[lb_net][0]; LbRRNodeId sink_rr_node = lb_net_terminals_[lb_net][itarget]; VTR_LOG("\t\t\tNo possible routing path from %s to %s: needed for net '%s' from net pin '%s'", describe_lb_rr_node(lb_rr_graph, driver_rr_node).c_str(), describe_lb_rr_node(lb_rr_graph, sink_rr_node).c_str(), atom_nlist.net_name(net_id).c_str(), atom_nlist.pin_name(driver_pin).c_str()); VTR_LOGV(sink_pin, " to net pin '%s'", atom_nlist.pin_name(sink_pin).c_str()); VTR_LOG("\n"); } } else { exp_node = pq_.top(); pq_.pop(); LbRRNodeId exp_inode = exp_node.node_index; if (explored_node_tb_[exp_inode].explored_id != explore_id_index_) { /* First time node is popped implies path to this node is the lowest cost. * If the node is popped a second time, then the path to that node is higher * than this path so ignore. */ explored_node_tb_[exp_inode].explored_id = explore_id_index_; explored_node_tb_[exp_inode].prev_index = exp_node.prev_index; if (exp_inode != lb_net_terminals_[lb_net][itarget]) { if (!try_other_modes) { expand_node(lb_rr_graph, exp_node, lb_net_terminals_[lb_net].size() - 1); } else { expand_node_all_modes(lb_rr_graph, exp_node, lb_net_terminals_[lb_net].size() - 1); } } } } } while (exp_node.node_index != lb_net_terminals_[lb_net][itarget] && !is_impossible); return is_impossible; } /************************************************** * Private validators *************************************************/ bool LbRouter::matched_lb_rr_graph(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph) const { return ( (routing_status_.size() == lb_rr_graph.nodes().size()) && (explored_node_tb_.size() == lb_rr_graph.nodes().size()) ); } bool LbRouter::valid_net_id(const NetId& net_id) const { return ( size_t(net_id) < lb_net_ids_.size() ) && ( net_id == lb_net_ids_[net_id] ); } bool LbRouter::check_net(const LbRRGraph& lb_rr_graph, const AtomNetlist& atom_nlist, const NetId& net) const { if (false == atom_nlist.valid_net_id(lb_net_atom_net_ids_[net])) { return false; } if (lb_net_atom_pins_[net].size() != lb_net_terminals_[net].size()) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Net '%lu' has unmatched atom pins and terminals.\n", size_t(net)); return false; } /* We must have 1 source and >1 terminal */ if (2 > lb_net_terminals_[net].size()) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Net '%lu' has only %lu terminal.\n", size_t(net), lb_net_terminals_[net].size()); return false; } /* Each node must be valid */ for (const LbRRNodeId& node : lb_net_terminals_[net]) { if (false == lb_rr_graph.valid_node_id(node)) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Net '%lu' has invalid terminal node in lb_rr_graph.\n", size_t(net)); return false; } } /* Each atom pin must be valid */ for (const AtomPinId& pin : lb_net_atom_pins_[net]) { if (false == atom_nlist.valid_pin_id(pin)) { VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Net '%lu' has invalid atom pin.\n", size_t(net)); return false; } } return true; } /************************************************** * Private Initializer and cleaner *************************************************/ void LbRouter::reset_explored_node_tb() { for (t_explored_node_stats& explored_node : explored_node_tb_) { explored_node.prev_index = LbRRNodeId::INVALID(); explored_node.explored_id = OPEN; explored_node.inet = NetId::INVALID(); explored_node.enqueue_id = OPEN; explored_node.enqueue_cost = 0; } } void LbRouter::reset_net_rt() { for (const NetId& inet : lb_net_ids_) { free_net_rt(lb_net_rt_trees_[inet]); lb_net_rt_trees_[inet] = nullptr; } } void LbRouter::reset_routing_status() { for (t_routing_status& status : routing_status_) { status.historical_usage = 0; status.occ = 0; } } void LbRouter::clear_nets() { /* TODO: Trace should no longer use pointers */ reset_net_rt(); lb_net_ids_.clear(); lb_net_atom_net_ids_.clear(); lb_net_atom_pins_.clear(); lb_net_terminals_.clear(); lb_net_rt_trees_.clear(); } void LbRouter::free_net_rt(t_trace* lb_trace) { if (lb_trace != nullptr) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lb_trace->next_nodes.size(); i++) { free_lb_trace(&lb_trace->next_nodes[i]); } lb_trace->next_nodes.clear(); delete lb_trace; } } void LbRouter::free_lb_trace(t_trace* lb_trace) { if (lb_trace != nullptr) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lb_trace->next_nodes.size(); i++) { free_lb_trace(&lb_trace->next_nodes[i]); } lb_trace->next_nodes.clear(); } } void LbRouter::reset_illegal_modes() { illegal_modes_.clear(); } } /* end namespace openfpga */