/******************************************************************** * This file includes functions to generate SPICE subcircuits for LUTs ********************************************************************/ #include #include /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "vtr_log.h" /* Headers from openfpgautil library */ #include "openfpga_digest.h" /* Headers from openfpgashell library */ #include "command_exit_codes.h" #include "mux_graph.h" #include "module_manager.h" #include "mux_utils.h" #include "openfpga_naming.h" #include "spice_constants.h" #include "spice_writer_utils.h" #include "spice_subckt_writer.h" #include "spice_lut.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /******************************************************************** * Print SPICE modules for the Look-Up Tables (LUTs) * in the circuit library ********************************************************************/ int print_spice_submodule_luts(NetlistManager& netlist_manager, const ModuleManager& module_manager, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const std::string& submodule_dir) { int status = CMD_EXEC_SUCCESS; std::string spice_fname = submodule_dir + std::string(LUTS_SPICE_FILE_NAME); std::fstream fp; /* Create the file stream */ fp.open(spice_fname, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc); /* Check if the file stream if valid or not */ check_file_stream(spice_fname.c_str(), fp); /* Create file */ VTR_LOG("Writing SPICE netlist for LUTs '%s'...", spice_fname.c_str()); print_spice_file_header(fp, "Look-Up Tables"); /* Search for each LUT circuit model */ for (const auto& lut_model : circuit_lib.models()) { /* Bypass user-defined and non-LUT modules */ if ( (!circuit_lib.model_spice_netlist(lut_model).empty()) || (CIRCUIT_MODEL_LUT != circuit_lib.model_type(lut_model)) ) { continue; } /* Find the module id */ ModuleId lut_module = module_manager.find_module(circuit_lib.model_name(lut_model)); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(lut_module)); write_spice_subckt_to_file(fp, module_manager, lut_module); } /* Close the file handler */ fp.close(); /* Add fname to the netlist name list */ NetlistId nlist_id = netlist_manager.add_netlist(spice_fname); VTR_ASSERT(NetlistId::INVALID() != nlist_id); netlist_manager.set_netlist_type(nlist_id, NetlistManager::SUBMODULE_NETLIST); VTR_LOG("Done\n"); return status; } } /* end namespace openfpga */