#ifndef OPTIONTOKENS_H #define OPTIONTOKENS_H /* The order of this does NOT matter, but do not give things specific values * or you will screw up the ability to count things properly */ enum e_OptionBaseToken { OT_SETTINGS_FILE, OT_NODISP, OT_AUTO, OT_RECOMPUTE_CRIT_ITER, OT_INNER_LOOP_RECOMPUTE_DIVIDER, OT_FIX_PINS, OT_FULL_STATS, OT_READ_PLACE_ONLY, OT_FAST, OT_CREATE_ECHO_FILE, OT_TIMING_ANALYSIS, OT_TIMING_ANALYZE_ONLY_WITH_NET_DELAY, OT_GENERATE_POST_SYNTHESIS_NETLIST, OT_INIT_T, OT_ALPHA_T, OT_EXIT_T, OT_INNER_NUM, OT_SEED, OT_PLACE_COST_EXP, OT_TD_PLACE_EXP_FIRST, OT_TD_PLACE_EXP_LAST, OT_PLACE_ALGORITHM, OT_TIMING_TRADEOFF, OT_ENABLE_TIMING_COMPUTATIONS, OT_BLOCK_DIST, OT_PLACE_CHAN_WIDTH, OT_MAX_ROUTER_ITERATIONS, OT_BB_FACTOR, OT_ROUTER_ALGORITHM, OT_FIRST_ITER_PRES_FAC, OT_INITIAL_PRES_FAC, OT_PRES_FAC_MULT, OT_ACC_FAC, OT_ASTAR_FAC, OT_MAX_CRITICALITY, OT_CRITICALITY_EXP, OT_BASE_COST_TYPE, OT_BEND_COST, OT_ROUTE_TYPE, OT_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH, OT_ROUTE, OT_PLACE, OT_VERIFY_BINARY_SEARCH, OT_OUTFILE_PREFIX, OT_BLIF_FILE, OT_NET_FILE, OT_PLACE_FILE, OT_ROUTE_FILE, OT_SDC_FILE, OT_GLOBAL_CLOCKS, OT_HILL_CLIMBING_FLAG, OT_SWEEP_HANGING_NETS_AND_INPUTS, OT_SKIP_CLUSTERING, OT_ALLOW_UNRELATED_CLUSTERING, OT_ALLOW_EARLY_EXIT, OT_CONNECTION_DRIVEN_CLUSTERING, OT_TIMING_DRIVEN_CLUSTERING, OT_CLUSTER_SEED, OT_ALPHA_CLUSTERING, OT_BETA_CLUSTERING, OT_RECOMPUTE_TIMING_AFTER, OT_CLUSTER_BLOCK_DELAY, OT_INTRA_CLUSTER_NET_DELAY, OT_INTER_CLUSTER_NET_DELAY, OT_PACK, OT_PACKER_ALGORITHM, OT_POWER, OT_ACTIVITY_FILE, OT_POWER_OUT_FILE, OT_CMOS_TECH_BEHAVIOR_FILE, /* General FPGA_X2P: FPGA-SPICE/Verilog/Bitstream Options */ OT_FPGA_X2P_RENAME_ILLEGAL_PORT, OT_FPGA_X2P_SIGNAL_DENSITY_WEIGHT, /* The weight of signal density in determining number of clock cycles in simulation */ OT_FPGA_X2P_SIM_WINDOW_SIZE, /* Window size in determining number of clock cycles in simulation */ OT_FPGA_X2P_COMPACT_ROUTING_HIERARCHY, /* use a compact routing hierarchy in SPICE/Verilog generation */ OT_FPGA_X2P_OUTPUT_SB_XML, /* output switch blocks to XML files */ /* Xifan TANG: FPGA SPICE Support */ OT_FPGA_SPICE, /* Xifan TANG: FPGA SPICE Model Support */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_DIR, /* Xifan TANG: FPGA SPICE Model Support */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_TOP_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print Top-level SPICE Testbench */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_PB_MUX_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for MUXes */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_CB_MUX_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for MUXes */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_SB_MUX_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for MUXes */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_CB_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for CBs */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_SB_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for SBs */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_GRID_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for Grids */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_LUT_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for LUTs */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_HARDLOGIC_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for hard logic s */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PRINT_IO_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for hard logic s */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_LEAKAGE_ONLY, /* Xifan TANG: Print SPICE Testbench for MUXes */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_PARASITIC_NET_ESTIMATION, /* Xifan TANG: turn on/off the parasitic net estimation*/ OT_FPGA_SPICE_TESTBENCH_LOAD_EXTRACTION, /* Xifan TANG: turn on/off the testbench load extraction */ OT_FPGA_SPICE_SIMULATOR_PATH, OT_FPGA_SPICE_SIM_MT_NUM, /* number of multi-thread used in simulation */ /* Xifan TANG: Verilog Generation */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN, /* Xifan TANG: Synthesizable Verilog Dump */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_DIR, /* Xifan TANG: Synthesizable Verilog Dump */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_TOP_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan Tang: Synthesizable Verilog, turn on option: output testbench for top-level netlist */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_AUTOCHECK_TOP_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan Tang: Synthesizable Verilog, turn on option: output testbench for top-level netlist */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_INPUT_BLIF_TESTBENCH, /* Xifan Tang: Synthesizable Verilog, turn on option: output testbench for the orignial input blif */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_FORMAL_VERIFICATION_TOP_NETLIST, /* Xifan Tang: Synthesizable Verilog, turn on option: output netlists in a compact way */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_INCLUDE_TIMING, /* Xifan TANG: Include timing constraints in Verilog */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_INCLUDE_SIGNAL_INIT, /* Xifan TANG: Include timing constraints in Verilog */ OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_INCLUDE_ICARUS_SIMULATOR, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_MODELSIM_AUTODECK, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_USER_DEFINED_TEMPLATE, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_REPORT_TIMING_TCL, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_REPORT_TIMING_RPT_PATH, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_SDC_PNR, OT_FPGA_VERILOG_SYN_PRINT_SDC_ANALYSIS, /* Xifan Tang: Bitstream generator */ OT_FPGA_BITSTREAM_GENERATOR, OT_FPGA_BITSTREAM_OUTPUT_FILE, /* mrFPGA: Xifan TANG */ OT_SHOW_SRAM, OT_SHOW_PASS_TRANS, /* CLB PIN REMAP */ OT_PACK_CLB_PIN_REMAP, OT_PLACE_CLB_PIN_REMAP, /* END */ OT_BASE_UNKNOWN /* Must be last since used for counting enum items */ }; enum e_OptionArgToken { OT_ON, OT_OFF, OT_RANDOM, OT_BOUNDING_BOX, OT_NET_TIMING_DRIVEN, OT_PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN, OT_BREADTH_FIRST, OT_TIMING_DRIVEN, OT_NO_TIMING, OT_INTRINSIC_DELAY, OT_DELAY_NORMALIZED, OT_DEMAND_ONLY, OT_GLOBAL, OT_DETAILED, OT_TIMING, OT_MAX_INPUTS, OT_GREEDY, OT_LP, OT_BRUTE_FORCE, OT_ARG_UNKNOWN /* Must be last since used for counting enum items */ }; extern struct s_TokenPair OptionBaseTokenList[]; extern struct s_TokenPair OptionArgTokenList[]; #endif