/* global parameters for FPGA-SPICE tool suites */ extern t_spice_model* fpga_spice_sram_model; extern enum e_sram_orgz fpga_spice_sram_orgz_type; /* Input and Output Pad spice model. should be set as global */ extern t_spice_model* fpga_spice_inpad_model; extern t_spice_model* fpga_spice_outpad_model; extern t_spice_model* fpga_spice_iopad_model; /* Number of configuration bits of each switch block */ extern int** num_conf_bits_sb; /* Number of configuration bits of each Connection Box CHANX */ extern int** num_conf_bits_cbx; /* Number of configuration bits of each Connection Box CHANY */ extern int** num_conf_bits_cby; /* Prefix of global input, output and inout of a I/O pad */ extern char* gio_input_prefix; extern char* gio_output_prefix; extern char* gio_inout_prefix; extern int default_signal_init_value; extern boolean run_parasitic_net_estimation; extern boolean run_testbench_load_extraction; /* Linked list for global ports */ extern t_llist* global_ports_head; /* Linked list for verilog and spice syntax char */ extern t_llist* reserved_syntax_char_head; /* Enumeration */ enum e_pin2pin_interc_type { INPUT2INPUT_INTERC, OUTPUT2OUTPUT_INTERC }; extern char* renaming_report_postfix;