# Yosys synthesis script for alu4 # read Verilog read_verilog /full_path/design.v #can be repeated if project has many files read_verilog -lib /full_path/cells_sim.v # file we provide hierarchy -check -top top_module proc flatten tribuf -logic synth -run coarse opt -fast memory -nomap opt_clean memory_bram -rules /full_OpenFPGA_path/openfpga_flow/misc/OpenFPGA_lib/brams.txt techmap -map /full_OpenFPGA_path/openfpga_flow/misc/OpenFPGA_lib/brams_map.v opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine memory_map # Technology mapping #proc techmap -D NO_LUT -map /full_OpenFPGA_path/openfpga_flow/misc/OpenFPGA_lib/fpga_techmap.v -map +/adff2dff.v # Synthesis synth -top top_module -flatten -run fine clean # LUT mapping abc -lut 6 # Check synth -run check # Clean and output blif opt_clean -purge write_blif design.blif write_verilog design.v