include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(CPU_COUNT) if(CPU_COUNT EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown number of CPUs!?") endif() # # ----------------------- Code format -------------------------- # set(FIND_TO_FORMAT_CPP -name '*.cpp' -print -o -name '*.h' -print -o -name '*.tpp' -print -o -name '*.hpp' -print) list(APPEND DIRS_TO_FORMAT_CPP "") # # List the files which will be auto-formatted. # add_custom_target(format-cpp-files COMMAND find ${DIRS_TO_FORMAT_CPP} ${FIND_TO_FORMAT_CPP}) # # Use clang-format-7 for code format # add_custom_target(format-cpp COMMAND find ${DIRS_TO_FORMAT_CPP} ${FIND_TO_FORMAT_CPP} | xargs -P ${CPU_COUNT} clang-format-7 -style=file -i) # # Use simple python script for fixing C like boxed comments # add_custom_target(format-cpp-fix-comments DEPENDS format-cpp COMMAND find ${DIRS_TO_FORMAT_CPP} ${FIND_TO_FORMAT_CPP} | xargs -L 1 -P ${CPU_COUNT} python3 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dev/ --inplace --fix-comments --input) # # Use simple python script for fixing template brackets e.g. <<> # add_custom_target(format-cpp-fix-template-operators DEPENDS format-cpp COMMAND find ${DIRS_TO_FORMAT_CPP} ${FIND_TO_FORMAT_CPP} | xargs -L 1 -P ${CPU_COUNT} python3 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dev/ --inplace --fix-template-operators --input) add_custom_target(format DEPENDS format-cpp-fix-comments format-cpp-fix-template-operators)