/********************************************************** * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 LNIS - The University of Utah * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. ***********************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ * Filename: rr_blocks.cpp * Created by: Xifan Tang * Change history: * +-------------------------------------+ * | Date | Author | Notes * +-------------------------------------+ * | 2019/06/26 | Xifan Tang | Created * +-------------------------------------+ ***********************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ * This file contains member function for the data structures defined * in rr_block.h ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "rr_blocks_naming.h" #include "rr_blocks.h" #include "rr_graph_builder_utils.h" /* Member Functions of Class RRChan */ /* Constructors */ /* Copy Constructor */ RRChan::RRChan(const RRChan& rr_chan) { this->set(rr_chan); return; } /* default constructor */ RRChan::RRChan() { type_ = NUM_RR_TYPES; nodes_.resize(0); node_segments_.resize(0); } /* Accessors */ t_rr_type RRChan::get_type() const { return type_; } /* get the number of tracks in this channel */ size_t RRChan::get_chan_width() const { return nodes_.size(); } /* get the track_id of a node */ int RRChan::get_node_track_id(t_rr_node* node) const { /* if the given node is NULL, we return an invalid id */ if (NULL == node) { return -1; /* FIXME: use a strong id!!! */ } /* check each member and return if we find a match in content */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < nodes_.size(); ++inode) { if (node == nodes_[inode]) { return inode; } } return -1; } /* get the rr_node with the track_id */ t_rr_node* RRChan::get_node(size_t track_num) const { if ( false == valid_node_id(track_num) ) { return NULL; } return nodes_[track_num]; } /* get the segment id of a node */ int RRChan::get_node_segment(t_rr_node* node) const { int node_id = get_node_track_id(node); if ( false == valid_node_id(node_id)) { return -1; } return get_node_segment(node_id); } /* get the segment id of a node */ int RRChan::get_node_segment(size_t track_num) const { if ( false == valid_node_id(track_num)) { return -1; } return node_segments_[track_num]; } /* evaluate if two RRChan is mirror to each other */ bool RRChan::is_mirror(const RRChan& cand) const { /* If any following element does not match, it is not mirror */ /* 1. type */ if (this->get_type() != cand.get_type()) { return false; } /* 2. track_width */ if (this->get_chan_width() != cand.get_chan_width()) { return false; } /* 3. for each node */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < this->get_chan_width(); ++inode) { /* 3.1 check node type */ if (this->get_node(inode)->type != cand.get_node(inode)->type) { return false; } /* 3.2 check node directionality */ if (this->get_node(inode)->direction != cand.get_node(inode)->direction) { return false; } /* 3.3 check node segment */ if (this->get_node_segment(inode) != cand.get_node_segment(inode)) { return false; } } return true; } /* Get a list of segments used in this routing channel */ std::vector RRChan::get_segment_ids() const { std::vector seg_list; /* make sure a clean start */ seg_list.clear(); /* Traverse node_segments */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { std::vector::iterator it; /* Try to find the node_segment id in the list */ it = find(seg_list.begin(), seg_list.end(), node_segments_[inode]); if ( it == seg_list.end() ) { /* Not found, add it to the list */ seg_list.push_back(node_segments_[inode]); } } return seg_list; } /* Get a list of nodes whose segment_id is specified */ std::vector RRChan::get_node_ids_by_segment_ids(size_t seg_id) const { std::vector node_list; /* make sure a clean start */ node_list.clear(); /* Traverse node_segments */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { /* Try to find the node_segment id in the list */ if ( seg_id == node_segments_[inode] ) { node_list.push_back(inode); } } return node_list; } /* Mutators */ void RRChan::set(const RRChan& rr_chan) { /* Ensure a clean start */ this->clear(); /* Assign type of this routing channel */ this->type_ = rr_chan.get_type(); /* Copy node and node_segments */ this->nodes_.resize(rr_chan.get_chan_width()); this->node_segments_.resize(rr_chan.get_chan_width()); for (size_t inode = 0; inode < rr_chan.get_chan_width(); ++inode) { this->nodes_[inode] = rr_chan.get_node(inode); this->node_segments_[inode] = rr_chan.get_node_segment(inode); } return; } /* modify type */ void RRChan::set_type(t_rr_type type) { assert(valid_type(type)); type_ = type; return; } /* Reserve node list */ void RRChan::reserve_node(size_t node_size) { nodes_.reserve(node_size); /* reserve to the maximum */ node_segments_.reserve(node_size); /* reserve to the maximum */ } /* add a node to the array */ void RRChan::add_node(t_rr_node* node, size_t node_segment) { /* fill the dedicated element in the vector */ nodes_.push_back(node); node_segments_.push_back(node_segment); assert(valid_node_type(node)); return; } /* rotate the nodes and node_segments with a given offset */ void RRChan::rotate(size_t offset) { std::rotate(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.begin() + offset, nodes_.end()); std::rotate(node_segments_.begin(), node_segments_.begin() + offset, node_segments_.end()); return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset: * Routing Channel nodes are divided into different groups using segment ids * each group is rotated separatedly */ void RRChan::rotate(size_t rotate_begin, size_t rotate_end, size_t offset) { std::rotate(nodes_.begin() + rotate_begin, nodes_.begin() + rotate_begin + offset, nodes_.begin() + rotate_end); std::rotate(node_segments_.begin() + rotate_begin, node_segments_.begin() + rotate_begin + offset, node_segments_.begin() + rotate_end); return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset: * Routing Channel nodes are divided into different groups using segment ids * each group should be rotated separatedly */ void RRChan::rotate_by_node_direction(enum e_direction node_direction, size_t offset) { /* skip if there are no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width()) { return; } /* get a list of segment_ids existing in the routing channel */ std::vector seg_ids = get_segment_ids(); for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < seg_ids.size(); ++iseg) { /* Get the channel nodes of a given direction */ std::vector nodes; std::vector node_segments; for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { if ( (node_direction == get_node(inode)->direction) && (seg_ids[iseg] == (size_t)get_node_segment(inode)) ) { nodes.push_back(get_node(inode)); node_segments.push_back(get_node_segment(inode)); } } size_t adapt_offset = offset % nodes.size(); assert(adapt_offset < nodes.size()); /* Rotate the chan_nodes */ std::rotate(nodes.begin(), nodes.begin() + adapt_offset, nodes.end()); std::rotate(node_segments.begin(), node_segments.begin() + adapt_offset, node_segments.end()); /* back-annotate to to the original chan nodes*/ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { if ( (node_direction == get_node(inode)->direction) && (seg_ids[iseg] == (size_t)get_node_segment(inode)) ) { nodes_[inode] = nodes.front(); node_segments_[inode] = node_segments.front(); /* pop up temp vectors */ nodes.erase(nodes.begin()); node_segments.erase(node_segments.begin()); } } /* Make sure temp vectors are all poped out */ assert ( 0 == nodes.size()); assert ( 0 == node_segments.size()); } return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset: * Routing Channel nodes are divided into different groups using segment ids * each group is rotated separatedly */ void RRChan::counter_rotate_by_node_direction(enum e_direction node_direction, size_t offset) { /* skip if there are no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width()) { return; } /* get a list of segment_ids existing in the routing channel */ std::vector seg_ids = get_segment_ids(); for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < seg_ids.size(); ++iseg) { /* Get the channel nodes of a given direction */ std::vector nodes; std::vector node_segments; for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { if ( (node_direction == get_node(inode)->direction) && (seg_ids[iseg] == (size_t)get_node_segment(inode)) ) { nodes.push_back(get_node(inode)); node_segments.push_back(get_node_segment(inode)); } } size_t adapt_offset = offset % nodes.size(); assert(adapt_offset < nodes.size()); /* Rotate the chan_nodes */ std::rotate(nodes.begin(), nodes.begin() + nodes.size() - adapt_offset, nodes.end()); std::rotate(node_segments.begin(), node_segments.begin() + node_segments.size() - adapt_offset, node_segments.end()); /* back-annotate to to the original chan nodes*/ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { if ( (node_direction == get_node(inode)->direction) && (seg_ids[iseg] == (size_t)get_node_segment(inode)) ) { nodes_[inode] = nodes.front(); node_segments_[inode] = node_segments.front(); /* pop up temp vectors */ nodes.erase(nodes.begin()); node_segments.erase(node_segments.begin()); } } /* Make sure temp vectors are all poped out */ assert ( 0 == nodes.size()); assert ( 0 == node_segments.size()); } return; } /* Mirror the node direction of routing track nodes on a side */ void RRChan::mirror_node_direction() { for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(); ++inode) { if (INC_DIRECTION == get_node(inode)->direction) { nodes_[inode]->direction = DEC_DIRECTION; } else { assert (DEC_DIRECTION == get_node(inode)->direction); nodes_[inode]->direction = INC_DIRECTION; } } return; } /* Clear content */ void RRChan::clear() { nodes_.clear(); node_segments_.clear(); return; } /* Internal functions */ /* for type, only valid type is CHANX and CHANY */ bool RRChan::valid_type(t_rr_type type) const { if ((CHANX == type) || (CHANY == type)) { return true; } return false; } /* Check each node, see if the node type is consistent with the type */ bool RRChan::valid_node_type(t_rr_node* node) const { valid_type(node->type); if (NUM_RR_TYPES == type_) { return true; } valid_type(type_); if (type_ != node->type) { return false; } return true; } /* check if the node id is valid */ bool RRChan::valid_node_id(size_t node_id) const { if (node_id < nodes_.size()) { return true; } return false; } /* Member Functions of Class DeviceRRChan */ /* accessors */ RRChan DeviceRRChan::get_module(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t module_id) const { assert(valid_module_id(chan_type, module_id)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { return chanx_modules_[module_id]; } assert (CHANY == chan_type); return chany_modules_[module_id]; } RRChan DeviceRRChan::get_module_with_coordinator(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t x, size_t y) const { assert(valid_coordinator(chan_type, x, y)); assert(valid_module_id(chan_type, get_module_id(chan_type, x, y))); return get_module(chan_type, get_module_id(chan_type, x, y)); } /* Get the number of RRChan modules in either X-channel or Y-channel */ size_t DeviceRRChan::get_num_modules(t_rr_type chan_type) const { assert(valid_chan_type(chan_type)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { return chanx_modules_.size(); } assert (CHANY == chan_type); return chany_modules_.size(); } size_t DeviceRRChan::get_module_id(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t x, size_t y) const { assert(valid_coordinator(chan_type, x, y)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { return chanx_module_ids_[x][y]; } assert (CHANY == chan_type); return chany_module_ids_[x][y]; } void DeviceRRChan::init_module_ids(size_t device_width, size_t device_height) { init_chan_module_ids(CHANX, device_width, device_height); init_chan_module_ids(CHANY, device_width, device_height); return; } void DeviceRRChan::init_chan_module_ids(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t device_width, size_t device_height) { assert(valid_chan_type(chan_type)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { chanx_module_ids_.resize(device_width); for (size_t x = 0; x < chanx_module_ids_.size(); ++x) { chanx_module_ids_[x].resize(device_height); } } else if (CHANY == chan_type) { chany_module_ids_.resize(device_width); for (size_t x = 0; x < chany_module_ids_.size(); ++x) { chany_module_ids_[x].resize(device_height); } } return; } void DeviceRRChan::add_one_chan_module(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t x, size_t y, RRChan& rr_chan) { assert(valid_coordinator(chan_type, x, y)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { /* Find if the module is unique */ for (size_t i = 0; i < chanx_modules_.size(); ++i) { if ( true == chanx_modules_[i].is_mirror(rr_chan)) { /* Find a mirror in the list, assign ids and return */ chanx_module_ids_[x][y] = i; return; } } /* Reach here, it means this is a unique module */ /* add to the module list */ chanx_modules_.push_back(rr_chan); chanx_module_ids_[x][y] = chanx_modules_.size() - 1; } else if (CHANY == chan_type) { /* Find if the module is unique */ for (size_t i = 0; i < chany_modules_.size(); ++i) { if ( true == chany_modules_[i].is_mirror(rr_chan)) { /* Find a mirror in the list, assign ids and return */ chany_module_ids_[x][y] = i; return; } } /* Reach here, it means this is a unique module */ /* add to the module list */ chany_modules_.push_back(rr_chan); chany_module_ids_[x][y] = chany_modules_.size() - 1; } return; } void DeviceRRChan::clear() { clear_chan(CHANX); clear_chan(CHANY); } void DeviceRRChan::clear_chan(t_rr_type chan_type) { assert(valid_chan_type(chan_type)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { chanx_modules_.clear(); } else if (CHANY == chan_type) { chany_modules_.clear(); } return; } /* for type, only valid type is CHANX and CHANY */ bool DeviceRRChan::valid_chan_type(t_rr_type chan_type) const { if ((CHANX == chan_type) || (CHANY == chan_type)) { return true; } return false; } /* check if the coordinator is in range */ bool DeviceRRChan::valid_coordinator(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t x, size_t y) const { assert(valid_chan_type(chan_type)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { if (x > chanx_module_ids_.size() - 1 ) { return false; } if (y > chanx_module_ids_[x].size() - 1) { return false; } } else if (CHANY == chan_type) { if (x > chany_module_ids_.size() - 1) { return false; } if (y > chany_module_ids_[x].size() - 1) { return false; } } return true; } /* check if the node id is valid */ bool DeviceRRChan::valid_module_id(t_rr_type chan_type, size_t module_id) const { assert(valid_chan_type(chan_type)); if (CHANX == chan_type) { if (module_id < chanx_modules_.size()) { return true; } } else if (CHANY == chan_type) { if (module_id < chany_modules_.size()) { return true; } } return false; } /* Member Functions of Class RRGSB*/ /* Constructor for an empty object */ RRGSB::RRGSB() { /* Set a clean start! */ coordinator_.set(0, 0); chan_node_direction_.clear(); ipin_node_.clear(); ipin_node_grid_side_.clear(); opin_node_.clear(); opin_node_grid_side_.clear(); sb_conf_port_.reset(); cbx_conf_port_.reset(); cby_conf_port_.reset(); return; } /* Copy constructor */ RRGSB::RRGSB(const RRGSB& src) { /* Copy coordinator */ this->set(src); return; } /* Accessors */ /* Get the number of sides of this SB */ size_t RRGSB::get_num_sides() const { assert (validate_num_sides()); return chan_node_direction_.size(); } /* Get the number of routing tracks on a side */ size_t RRGSB::get_chan_width(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); return chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].get_chan_width(); } /* Get the maximum number of routing tracks on all sides */ size_t RRGSB::get_max_chan_width() const { size_t max_chan_width = 0; for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); max_chan_width = std::max(max_chan_width, get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side())); } return max_chan_width; } /* Get the number of routing tracks of a X/Y-direction CB */ size_t RRGSB::get_cb_chan_width(t_rr_type cb_type) const { return get_chan_width(get_cb_chan_side(cb_type)); } /* Get the sides of ipin_nodes belong to the cb */ std::vector RRGSB::get_cb_ipin_sides(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); std::vector ipin_sides; /* Make sure a clean start */ ipin_sides.clear(); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: ipin_sides.push_back(TOP); ipin_sides.push_back(BOTTOM); break; case CHANY: ipin_sides.push_back(RIGHT); ipin_sides.push_back(LEFT); break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } return ipin_sides; } /* Get the direction of a rr_node at a given side and track_id */ enum PORTS RRGSB::get_chan_node_direction(enum e_side side, size_t track_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_track_id(side, track_id) ); return chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()][track_id]; } /* get a RRChan at a given side and track_id */ RRChan RRGSB::get_chan(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); return chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()]; } /* Get a list of segments used in this routing channel */ std::vector RRGSB::get_chan_segment_ids(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); return get_chan(side).get_segment_ids(); } /* Get a list of rr_nodes whose sed_id is specified */ std::vector RRGSB::get_chan_node_ids_by_segment_ids(enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { return get_chan(side).get_node_ids_by_segment_ids(seg_id); } /* get a rr_node at a given side and track_id */ t_rr_node* RRGSB::get_chan_node(enum e_side side, size_t track_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_track_id(side, track_id) ); return chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].get_node(track_id); } /* get the segment id of a channel rr_node */ size_t RRGSB::get_chan_node_segment(enum e_side side, size_t track_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_track_id(side, track_id) ); return chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].get_node_segment(track_id); } /* Get the number of IPIN rr_nodes on a side */ size_t RRGSB::get_num_ipin_nodes(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); return ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size(); } /* get a opin_node at a given side and track_id */ t_rr_node* RRGSB::get_ipin_node(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_ipin_node_id(side, node_id) ); return ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][node_id]; } /* get the grid_side of a opin_node at a given side and track_id */ enum e_side RRGSB::get_ipin_node_grid_side(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_ipin_node_id(side, node_id) ); return ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()][node_id]; } /* get the grid side of a opin_rr_node */ enum e_side RRGSB::get_ipin_node_grid_side(t_rr_node* ipin_node) const { enum e_side side; int index; /* Find the side and index */ get_node_side_and_index(ipin_node, OUT_PORT, &side, &index); assert(-1 != index); assert(validate_side(side)); return get_ipin_node_grid_side(side, index); } /* Get the number of OPIN rr_nodes on a side */ size_t RRGSB::get_num_opin_nodes(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); return opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size(); } /* get a opin_node at a given side and track_id */ t_rr_node* RRGSB::get_opin_node(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_opin_node_id(side, node_id) ); return opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][node_id]; } /* get the grid_side of a opin_node at a given side and track_id */ enum e_side RRGSB::get_opin_node_grid_side(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); /* Ensure the side is valid in the context of this switch block */ assert( validate_side(side) ); /* Ensure the track is valid in the context of this switch block at a specific side */ assert( validate_opin_node_id(side, node_id) ); return opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()][node_id]; } /* get the grid side of a opin_rr_node */ enum e_side RRGSB::get_opin_node_grid_side(t_rr_node* opin_node) const { enum e_side side; int index; /* Find the side and index */ get_node_side_and_index(opin_node, IN_PORT, &side, &index); assert(-1 != index); assert(validate_side(side)); return get_opin_node_grid_side(side, index); } /* Get the node index of a routing track of a connection block, return -1 if not found */ int RRGSB::get_cb_chan_node_index(t_rr_type cb_type, t_rr_node* node) const { enum e_side chan_side = get_cb_chan_side(cb_type); return get_chan_node_index(chan_side, node); } /* Get the node index in the array, return -1 if not found */ int RRGSB::get_chan_node_index(enum e_side node_side, t_rr_node* node) const { assert (validate_side(node_side)); return get_chan(node_side).get_node_track_id(node); } /* Get the node index in the array, return -1 if not found */ int RRGSB::get_node_index(t_rr_node* node, enum e_side node_side, enum PORTS node_direction) const { size_t cnt; int ret; Side side_manager(node_side); cnt = 0; ret = -1; /* Depending on the type of rr_node, we search different arrays */ switch (node->type) { case CHANX: case CHANY: for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(node_side); ++inode){ if ((node == chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].get_node(inode)) /* Check if direction meets specification */ &&(node_direction == chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode])) { cnt++; ret = inode; } } break; case IPIN: for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_num_ipin_nodes(node_side); ++inode) { if (node == ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]) { cnt++; ret = inode; } } break; case OPIN: for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_num_opin_nodes(node_side); ++inode) { if (node == opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]) { cnt++; ret = inode; } } break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid cur_rr_node type! Should be [CHANX|CHANY|IPIN|OPIN]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } assert((0 == cnt)||(1 == cnt)); return ret; /* Return an invalid value: nonthing is found*/ } /* Check if the node exist in the opposite side of this Switch Block */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_node_exist_opposite_side(t_rr_node* node, enum e_side node_side) const { Side side_manager(node_side); int index; assert((CHANX == node->type) || (CHANY == node->type)); /* See if we can find the same src_rr_node in the opposite chan_side * if there is one, it means a shorted wire across the SB */ index = get_node_index(node, side_manager.get_opposite(), IN_PORT); if (-1 != index) { return true; } return false; } /* Get the side of a node in this SB */ void RRGSB::get_node_side_and_index(t_rr_node* node, enum PORTS node_direction, enum e_side* node_side, int* node_index) const { size_t side; Side side_manager; /* Count the number of existence of cur_rr_node in cur_sb_info * It could happen that same cur_rr_node appears on different sides of a SB * For example, a routing track go vertically across the SB. * Then its corresponding rr_node appears on both TOP and BOTTOM sides of this SB. * We need to ensure that the found rr_node has the same direction as user want. * By specifying the direction of rr_node, There should be only one rr_node can satisfy! */ for (side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { side_manager.set_side(side); (*node_index) = get_node_index(node, side_manager.get_side(), node_direction); if (-1 != (*node_index)) { break; } } if (side == get_num_sides()) { /* we find nothing, return NUM_SIDES, and a OPEN node (-1) */ (*node_side) = NUM_SIDES; assert(-1 == (*node_index)); return; } (*node_side) = side_manager.get_side(); assert(-1 != (*node_index)); return; } /* Get Switch Block configuration port information */ size_t RRGSB::get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_width(); } size_t RRGSB::get_sb_reserved_conf_bits_lsb() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_lsb(); } size_t RRGSB::get_sb_reserved_conf_bits_msb() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_msb(); } size_t RRGSB::get_sb_num_conf_bits() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_regular_port_width(); } size_t RRGSB::get_sb_conf_bits_lsb() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_regular_port_lsb(); } size_t RRGSB::get_sb_conf_bits_msb() const { return sb_conf_port_.get_regular_port_msb(); } /* Get X-direction Connection Block configuration port information */ size_t RRGSB::get_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_width(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_width(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } size_t RRGSB::get_cb_reserved_conf_bits_lsb(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_lsb(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_lsb(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } size_t RRGSB::get_cb_reserved_conf_bits_msb(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_msb(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_reserved_port_msb(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } size_t RRGSB::get_cb_num_conf_bits(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_regular_port_width(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_regular_port_width(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } size_t RRGSB::get_cb_conf_bits_lsb(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_regular_port_lsb(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_regular_port_lsb(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } size_t RRGSB::get_cb_conf_bits_msb(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.get_regular_port_msb(); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.get_regular_port_msb(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /************************************************************************ * Check if the node indicates a passing wire across the Switch Block part of the GSB * Therefore, we actually do the following check * Check if a track starts from this GSB or not * For INC_DIRECTION * (xlow, ylow) should be same as the GSB side coordinator * For DEC_DIRECTION * (xhigh, yhigh) should be same as the GSB side coordinator ***********************************************************************/ bool RRGSB::is_sb_node_passing_wire(const enum e_side node_side, const size_t track_id) const { /* Get the rr_node */ t_rr_node* track_node = get_chan_node(node_side, track_id); /* Get the coordinators */ DeviceCoordinator side_coordinator = get_side_block_coordinator(node_side); /* Get the coordinator of where the track starts */ DeviceCoordinator track_start = get_track_rr_node_start_coordinator(track_node); /* INC_DIRECTION start_track: (xlow, ylow) should be same as the GSB side coordinator */ /* DEC_DIRECTION start_track: (xhigh, yhigh) should be same as the GSB side coordinator */ if ( (track_start.get_x() == side_coordinator.get_x()) && (track_start.get_y() == side_coordinator.get_y()) && (OUT_PORT == get_chan_node_direction(node_side, track_id)) ) { /* Double check: start track should be an OUTPUT PORT of the GSB */ return false; /* This is a starting point */ } /* Get the coordinator of where the track ends */ DeviceCoordinator track_end = get_track_rr_node_end_coordinator(track_node); /* INC_DIRECTION end_track: (xhigh, yhigh) should be same as the GSB side coordinator */ /* DEC_DIRECTION end_track: (xlow, ylow) should be same as the GSB side coordinator */ if ( (track_end.get_x() == side_coordinator.get_x()) && (track_end.get_y() == side_coordinator.get_y()) && (IN_PORT == get_chan_node_direction(node_side, track_id)) ) { /* Double check: end track should be an INPUT PORT of the GSB */ return false; /* This is an ending point */ } /* Reach here it means that this will be a passing wire, * we should be able to find the node on the opposite side of the GSB! */ assert (true == is_sb_node_exist_opposite_side(track_node, node_side)); return true; } /* check if the candidate SB satisfy the basic requirements on being a mirror of the current one */ /* Idenify mirror Switch blocks * Check each two switch blocks: * Number of channel/opin/ipin rr_nodes are same * If all above are satisfied, the two switch blocks may be mirrors ! */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_mirrorable(const RRGSB& cand) const { /* check the numbers of sides */ if (get_num_sides() != cand.get_num_sides()) { return false; } /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* Ensure we have the same channel width on this side */ if (get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) != cand.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side())) { return false; } if ( ((size_t(-1) == get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side())) && (size_t(-1) != cand.get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side()))) || ((size_t(-1) != get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side()) ) && ( size_t(-1) == cand.get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side()))) ) { return false; } } /* check the numbers of opin_rr_nodes */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); if (get_num_opin_nodes(side_manager.get_side()) != cand.get_num_opin_nodes(side_manager.get_side())) { return false; } } /* Make sure the number of conf bits are the same */ if ( ( get_sb_num_conf_bits() != cand.get_sb_num_conf_bits() ) || ( get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits() != cand.get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits() ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* check if the candidate CB is a mirror of the current one */ bool RRGSB::is_cb_mirror(const RRGSB& cand, t_rr_type cb_type) const { /* Check if channel width is the same */ if ( get_cb_chan_width(cb_type) != cand.get_cb_chan_width(cb_type) ) { return false; } enum e_side chan_side = get_cb_chan_side(cb_type); /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ if ( false == get_chan(chan_side).is_mirror(cand.get_chan(chan_side)) ) { return false; } /* check the equivalence of ipins */ std::vector ipin_side = get_cb_ipin_sides(cb_type); for (size_t side = 0; side < ipin_side.size(); ++side) { /* Ensure we have the same number of IPINs on this side */ if ( get_num_ipin_nodes(ipin_side[side]) != cand.get_num_ipin_nodes(ipin_side[side]) ) { return false; } for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_num_ipin_nodes(ipin_side[side]); ++inode) { if (false == is_cb_node_mirror(cand, cb_type, ipin_side[side], inode)) { return false; } } } /* Make sure the number of conf bits are the same */ if ( ( get_cb_num_conf_bits(cb_type) != cand.get_cb_num_conf_bits(cb_type) ) || ( get_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(cb_type) != cand.get_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(cb_type) ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* check if the CB exist in this GSB */ bool RRGSB::is_cb_exist(t_rr_type cb_type) const { /* if channel width is zero, there is no CB */ if ( 0 == get_cb_chan_width(cb_type)) { return false; } return true; } /* Determine an initial offset in rotating the candidate Switch Block to find a mirror matching * We try to find the offset in track_id where the two Switch Blocks have their first short connections */ size_t RRGSB::get_hint_rotate_offset(const RRGSB& cand) const { size_t offset_hint = size_t(-1); assert (get_num_sides() == cand.get_num_sides()); /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* Ensure we have the same channel width on this side */ assert (get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) == cand.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side())); /* Find the track id of the first short connection */ size_t src_offset = get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side()); size_t des_offset = cand.get_track_id_first_short_connection(side_manager.get_side()); if ( size_t(-1) == src_offset || size_t(-1) == des_offset ) { return 0; /* default we give zero */ } size_t temp_hint = abs( (int)(src_offset - des_offset)); offset_hint = std::min(temp_hint, offset_hint); } return offset_hint; } /* check if all the routing segments of a side of candidate SB is a mirror of the current one */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_side_segment_mirror(const RRGSB& cand, enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { /* Create a side manager */ Side side_manager(side); /* Make sure both Switch blocks has this side!!! */ assert ( side_manager.to_size_t() < get_num_sides() ); assert ( side_manager.to_size_t() < cand.get_num_sides() ); /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ /* Ensure we have the same channel width on this side */ if (get_chan_width(side) != cand.get_chan_width(side)) { return false; } for (size_t itrack = 0; itrack < get_chan_width(side); ++itrack) { /* Bypass unrelated segments */ if (seg_id != get_chan_node_segment(side, itrack)) { continue; } /* Check the directionality of each node */ if (get_chan_node_direction(side, itrack) != cand.get_chan_node_direction(side, itrack)) { return false; } /* Check the track_id of each node * ptc is not necessary, we care the connectivity! if (get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)->ptc_num != cand.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)->ptc_num) { eturn false; } */ /* For OUT_PORT rr_node, we need to check fan-in */ if (OUT_PORT != get_chan_node_direction(side, itrack)) { continue; /* skip IN_PORT */ } if (false == is_sb_node_mirror(cand, side, itrack)) { return false; } } /* check the numbers of opin_rr_nodes */ if (get_num_opin_nodes(side) != cand.get_num_opin_nodes(side)) { return false; } /* check the numbers of ipin_rr_nodes */ if (get_num_ipin_nodes(side) != cand.get_num_ipin_nodes(side)) { return false; } return true; } /* check if a side of candidate SB is a mirror of the current one * Check the specified side of two switch blocks: * 1. Number of channel/opin/ipin rr_nodes are same * For channel rr_nodes * 2. check if their track_ids (ptc_num) are same * 3. Check if the switches (ids) are same * For opin/ipin rr_nodes, * 4. check if their parent type_descriptors same, * 5. check if pin class id and pin id are same * If all above are satisfied, the side of the two switch blocks are mirrors! */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_side_mirror(const RRGSB& cand, enum e_side side) const { /* get a list of segments */ std::vector seg_ids = get_chan(side).get_segment_ids(); for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < seg_ids.size(); ++iseg) { if (false == is_sb_side_segment_mirror(cand, side, seg_ids[iseg])) { return false; } } return true; } /* check if the candidate SB is a mirror of the current one */ /* Idenify mirror Switch blocks * Check each two switch blocks: * 1. Number of channel/opin/ipin rr_nodes are same * For channel rr_nodes * 2. check if their track_ids (ptc_num) are same * 3. Check if the switches (ids) are same * For opin/ipin rr_nodes, * 4. check if their parent type_descriptors same, * 5. check if pin class id and pin id are same * If all above are satisfied, the two switch blocks are mirrors! */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_mirror(const RRGSB& cand) const { /* check the numbers of sides */ if (get_num_sides() != cand.get_num_sides()) { return false; } /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); if (false == is_sb_side_mirror(cand, side_manager.get_side())) { return false; } } /* Make sure the number of conf bits are the same */ if ( ( get_sb_num_conf_bits() != cand.get_sb_num_conf_bits() ) || ( get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits() != cand.get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits() ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* Public Accessors: Cooridinator conversion */ /* get the x coordinator of this GSB */ size_t RRGSB::get_x() const { return coordinator_.get_x(); } /* get the y coordinator of this GSB */ size_t RRGSB::get_y() const { return coordinator_.get_y(); } /* get the x coordinator of this switch block */ size_t RRGSB::get_sb_x() const { return coordinator_.get_x(); } /* get the y coordinator of this switch block */ size_t RRGSB::get_sb_y() const { return coordinator_.get_y(); } /* Get the number of sides of this SB */ DeviceCoordinator RRGSB::get_sb_coordinator() const { return coordinator_; } /* get the x coordinator of this X/Y-direction block */ size_t RRGSB::get_cb_x(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return get_side_block_coordinator(LEFT).get_x(); case CHANY: return get_side_block_coordinator(TOP).get_x(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* get the y coordinator of this X/Y-direction block */ size_t RRGSB::get_cb_y(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return get_side_block_coordinator(LEFT).get_y(); case CHANY: return get_side_block_coordinator(TOP).get_y(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* Get the coordinator of the X/Y-direction CB */ DeviceCoordinator RRGSB::get_cb_coordinator(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return get_side_block_coordinator(LEFT); case CHANY: return get_side_block_coordinator(TOP); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } enum e_side RRGSB::get_cb_chan_side(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return LEFT; case CHANY: return TOP; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* Get the side of routing channel in the GSB according to the side of IPIN */ enum e_side RRGSB::get_cb_chan_side(enum e_side ipin_side) const { switch(ipin_side) { case TOP: return LEFT; case RIGHT: return TOP; case BOTTOM: return LEFT; case LEFT: return TOP; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of ipin_side!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } DeviceCoordinator RRGSB::get_side_block_coordinator(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(side_manager.validate()); DeviceCoordinator ret(get_sb_x(), get_sb_y()); switch (side_manager.get_side()) { case TOP: /* (0 == side) */ /* 1. Channel Y [x][y+1] inputs */ ret.set_y(ret.get_y() + 1); break; case RIGHT: /* 1 == side */ /* 2. Channel X [x+1][y] inputs */ ret.set_x(ret.get_x() + 1); break; case BOTTOM: /* 2 == side */ /* 3. Channel Y [x][y] inputs */ break; case LEFT: /* 3 == side */ /* 4. Channel X [x][y] inputs */ break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File: %s [LINE%d]) Invalid side!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } return ret; } DeviceCoordinator RRGSB::get_grid_coordinator() const { DeviceCoordinator ret(get_sb_x(), get_sb_y()); ret.set_y(ret.get_y() + 1); return ret; } /* Public Accessors Verilog writer */ const char* RRGSB::gen_cb_verilog_routing_track_name(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t track_id) const { std::string cb_name(convert_chan_type_to_string(cb_type)); std::string x_str = std::to_string(get_cb_x(cb_type)); std::string y_str = std::to_string(get_cb_y(cb_type)); std::string track_id_str = std::to_string(track_id); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( cb_name.length() + 1 + x_str.length() + 2 + y_str.length() + 9 + track_id_str.length() + 1 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_%s__%s__midout_%s_", cb_name.c_str(), x_str.c_str(), y_str.c_str(), track_id_str.c_str()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_sb_verilog_module_name() const { std::string x_str = std::to_string(get_sb_x()); std::string y_str = std::to_string(get_sb_y()); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( 2 + 1 + x_str.length() + 2 + y_str.length() + 1 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "sb_%s__%s_", x_str.c_str(), y_str.c_str()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_gsb_verilog_module_name() const { std::string x_str = std::to_string(get_sb_x()); std::string y_str = std::to_string(get_sb_y()); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( 3 + 1 + x_str.length() + 2 + y_str.length() + 1 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "gsb_%s__%s_", x_str.c_str(), y_str.c_str()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_sb_verilog_instance_name() const { char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( strlen(gen_sb_verilog_module_name()) + 3 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_0_", gen_sb_verilog_module_name()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_gsb_verilog_instance_name() const { char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( strlen(gen_gsb_verilog_module_name()) + 3 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_0_", gen_gsb_verilog_module_name()); return ret; } /* Public Accessors Verilog writer */ const char* RRGSB::gen_sb_verilog_side_module_name(enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { Side side_manager(side); std::string prefix_str(gen_sb_verilog_module_name()); std::string seg_id_str(std::to_string(seg_id)); std::string side_str(side_manager.to_string()); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( prefix_str.length() + 1 + side_str.length() + 5 + seg_id_str.length() + 1 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_%s_seg_%s_", prefix_str.c_str(), side_str.c_str(), seg_id_str.c_str()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_sb_verilog_side_instance_name(enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { std::string prefix_str = gen_sb_verilog_side_module_name(side, seg_id); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( prefix_str.length() + 3 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_0_", prefix_str.c_str()); return ret; } /* Public Accessors Verilog writer */ const char* RRGSB::gen_cb_verilog_module_name(t_rr_type cb_type) const { /* check */ assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); std::string prefix_str = convert_cb_type_to_string(cb_type); std::string x_str = std::to_string(get_cb_x(cb_type)); std::string y_str = std::to_string(get_cb_y(cb_type)); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* ( prefix_str.length() + 1 + x_str.length() + 2 + y_str.length() + 1 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_%s__%s_", prefix_str.c_str(), x_str.c_str(), y_str.c_str()); return ret; } const char* RRGSB::gen_cb_verilog_instance_name(t_rr_type cb_type) const { /* check */ assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); std::string prefix_str = gen_cb_verilog_module_name(cb_type); char* ret = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* (prefix_str.length() + 3 + 1)); sprintf (ret, "%s_0_", prefix_str.c_str()); return ret; } /* Public mutators */ /* get a copy from a source */ void RRGSB::set(const RRGSB& src) { /* Copy coordinator */ this->set_coordinator(src.get_sb_coordinator().get_x(), src.get_sb_coordinator().get_y()); /* Initialize sides */ this->init_num_sides(src.get_num_sides()); /* Copy vectors */ for (size_t side = 0; side < src.get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* Copy chan_nodes */ /* skip if there is no channel width */ if ( 0 < src.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) ) { this->chan_node_[side_manager.get_side()].set(src.get_chan(side_manager.get_side())); /* Copy chan_node_direction_*/ this->chan_node_direction_[side_manager.get_side()].clear(); for (size_t inode = 0; inode < src.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()); ++inode) { this->chan_node_direction_[side_manager.get_side()].push_back(src.get_chan_node_direction(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); } } /* Copy opin_node and opin_node_grid_side_ */ this->opin_node_[side_manager.get_side()].clear(); this->opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.get_side()].clear(); for (size_t inode = 0; inode < src.get_num_opin_nodes(side_manager.get_side()); ++inode) { this->opin_node_[side_manager.get_side()].push_back(src.get_opin_node(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); this->opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.get_side()].push_back(src.get_opin_node_grid_side(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); } /* Copy ipin_node and ipin_node_grid_side_ */ this->ipin_node_[side_manager.get_side()].clear(); this->ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.get_side()].clear(); for (size_t inode = 0; inode < src.get_num_ipin_nodes(side_manager.get_side()); ++inode) { this->ipin_node_[side_manager.get_side()].push_back(src.get_ipin_node(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); this->ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.get_side()].push_back(src.get_ipin_node_grid_side(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); } } /* Copy conf_bits */ this->set_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits(src.get_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits()); this->set_sb_conf_bits_lsb(src.get_sb_conf_bits_lsb()); this->set_sb_conf_bits_msb(src.get_sb_conf_bits_msb()); this->set_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(CHANX, src.get_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(CHANX)); this->set_cb_conf_bits_lsb(CHANX, src.get_cb_conf_bits_lsb(CHANX)); this->set_cb_conf_bits_msb(CHANX, src.get_cb_conf_bits_msb(CHANX)); this->set_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(CHANY, src.get_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(CHANY)); this->set_cb_conf_bits_lsb(CHANY, src.get_cb_conf_bits_lsb(CHANY)); this->set_cb_conf_bits_msb(CHANY, src.get_cb_conf_bits_msb(CHANY)); return; } /* Set the coordinator (x,y) for the switch block */ void RRGSB::set_coordinator(size_t x, size_t y) { coordinator_.set(x, y); return; } /* Allocate the vectors with the given number of sides */ void RRGSB::init_num_sides(size_t num_sides) { /* Initialize the vectors */ chan_node_.resize(num_sides); chan_node_direction_.resize(num_sides); ipin_node_.resize(num_sides); ipin_node_grid_side_.resize(num_sides); opin_node_.resize(num_sides); opin_node_grid_side_.resize(num_sides); return; } /* Add a node to the chan_node_ list and also assign its direction in chan_node_direction_ */ void RRGSB::add_chan_node(enum e_side node_side, RRChan& rr_chan, std::vector rr_chan_dir) { Side side_manager(node_side); /* Validate: 1. side is valid, the type of node is valid */ assert(validate_side(node_side)); /* fill the dedicated element in the vector */ chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].set(rr_chan); chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].resize(rr_chan_dir.size()); for (size_t inode = 0; inode < rr_chan_dir.size(); ++inode) { chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode] = rr_chan_dir[inode]; } return; } /* Add a node to the chan_node_ list and also assign its direction in chan_node_direction_ */ void RRGSB::add_ipin_node(t_rr_node* node, const enum e_side node_side, const enum e_side grid_side) { Side side_manager(node_side); assert(validate_side(node_side)); /* push pack the dedicated element in the vector */ ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].push_back(node); ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].push_back(grid_side); return; } /* Add a node to the chan_node_ list and also assign its direction in chan_node_direction_ */ void RRGSB::add_opin_node(t_rr_node* node, const enum e_side node_side, const enum e_side grid_side) { Side side_manager(node_side); assert(validate_side(node_side)); /* push pack the dedicated element in the vector */ opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].push_back(node); opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].push_back(grid_side); return; } void RRGSB::set_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits(size_t num_reserved_conf_bits) { return sb_conf_port_.set_reserved_port(num_reserved_conf_bits); } void RRGSB::set_sb_conf_bits_lsb(size_t conf_bits_lsb) { return sb_conf_port_.set_regular_port_lsb(conf_bits_lsb); } void RRGSB::set_sb_conf_bits_msb(size_t conf_bits_msb) { return sb_conf_port_.set_regular_port_msb(conf_bits_msb); } void RRGSB::set_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t num_reserved_conf_bits) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.set_reserved_port(num_reserved_conf_bits); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.set_reserved_port(num_reserved_conf_bits); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } void RRGSB::set_cb_conf_bits_lsb(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t conf_bits_lsb) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.set_regular_port_lsb(conf_bits_lsb); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.set_regular_port_lsb(conf_bits_lsb); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } void RRGSB::set_cb_conf_bits_msb(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t conf_bits_msb) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_conf_port_.set_regular_port_msb(conf_bits_msb); case CHANY: return cby_conf_port_.set_regular_port_msb(conf_bits_msb); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* rotate the channel nodes with the same direction on one side by a given offset */ void RRGSB::rotate_side_chan_node_by_direction(enum e_side side, enum e_direction chan_dir, size_t offset) { Side side_manager(side); assert(validate_side(side)); /* Partition the chan nodes on this side, depending on its length */ /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width(side)) { return; } /* Rotate the chan_nodes */ chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].rotate_by_node_direction(chan_dir, offset); return; } /* rotate the channel nodes with the same direction on one side by a given offset */ void RRGSB::counter_rotate_side_chan_node_by_direction(enum e_side side, enum e_direction chan_dir, size_t offset) { Side side_manager(side); assert(validate_side(side)); /* Partition the chan nodes on this side, depending on its length */ /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width(side)) { return; } /* Rotate the chan_nodes */ chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].counter_rotate_by_node_direction(chan_dir, offset); return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset */ void RRGSB::rotate_side_chan_node(enum e_side side, size_t offset) { Side side_manager(side); /* Partition the chan nodes on this side, depending on its length */ /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width(side)) { return; } size_t adapt_offset = offset % get_chan_width(side); assert(adapt_offset < get_chan_width(side)); /* Find a group split, rotate */ chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].rotate(adapt_offset); std::rotate(chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin(), chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + adapt_offset, chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].end()); return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset */ void RRGSB::rotate_chan_node(size_t offset) { /* Rotate chan nodes on each side */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); rotate_side_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), offset); } return; } /* rotate all the channel nodes by a given offset: * Routing Channel nodes are divided into different groups using segment ids * each group is rotated separatedly */ void RRGSB::rotate_chan_node_in_group(size_t offset) { /* Rotate chan nodes on each side */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); size_t rotate_begin = 0; size_t rotate_end = 0; /* Partition the chan nodes on this side, depending on its length */ /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 == get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side())) { continue; } for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) - 1; ++inode) { if ( (get_chan_node_segment(side_manager.get_side(), inode) != get_chan_node_segment(side_manager.get_side(), inode + 1)) || ( inode == get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) - 2) ) { /* Record the upper bound */ if ( inode == get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) - 2) { rotate_end = get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()) - 1; } else { rotate_end = inode; } /* Make sure offset is in range */ /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 >= rotate_end - rotate_begin) { /* Update the lower bound */ rotate_begin = inode + 1; continue; } assert(offset < rotate_end - rotate_begin + 1); /* Find a group split, rotate */ chan_node_[side].rotate(rotate_begin, rotate_end, offset); std::rotate(chan_node_direction_[side].begin() + rotate_begin, chan_node_direction_[side].begin() + rotate_begin + offset, chan_node_direction_[side].begin() + rotate_end); /* Update the lower bound */ rotate_begin = inode + 1; } } } return; } /* rotate one side of the opin nodes by a given offset * OPIN nodes are divided into different groups depending on their grid * each group is rotated separatedly */ void RRGSB::rotate_side_opin_node_in_group(enum e_side side, size_t offset) { /* Rotate opin nodes on each side */ Side side_manager(side); size_t rotate_begin = 0; size_t rotate_end = 0; /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 == get_num_opin_nodes(side)) { return; } /* Partition the opin nodes on this side, depending on grids */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_num_opin_nodes(side) - 1; ++inode) { if ( ( (opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]->xlow != opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode + 1]->xlow) || (opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]->ylow != opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode + 1]->ylow) || (opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]->xhigh != opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode + 1]->xhigh) || (opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode]->yhigh != opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode + 1]->yhigh) || (opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode] != opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()][inode + 1])) || ( inode == get_num_opin_nodes(side) - 2) ) { /* Record the upper bound */ if ( inode == get_num_opin_nodes(side) - 2) { rotate_end = get_num_opin_nodes(side) - 1; } else { rotate_end = inode; } /* skip this side if there is no nodes */ if (0 >= rotate_end - rotate_begin) { /* Update the lower bound */ rotate_begin = inode + 1; continue; } size_t adapt_offset = offset % (rotate_end - rotate_begin + 1); /* Make sure offset is in range */ assert (adapt_offset < rotate_end - rotate_begin + 1); /* Find a group split, rotate */ std::rotate(opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_begin, opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_begin + adapt_offset, opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_end); std::rotate(opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_begin, opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_begin + adapt_offset, opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin() + rotate_end); /* Update the lower bound */ rotate_begin = inode + 1; } } return; } /* rotate all the opin nodes by a given offset * OPIN nodes are divided into different groups depending on their grid * each group is rotated separatedly */ void RRGSB::rotate_opin_node_in_group(size_t offset) { /* Rotate opin nodes on each side */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); rotate_side_opin_node_in_group(side_manager.get_side(), offset); } return; } /* rotate all the channel and opin nodes by a given offset */ void RRGSB::rotate(size_t offset) { rotate_chan_node(offset); rotate_opin_node_in_group(offset); return; } /* rotate one side of the channel and opin nodes by a given offset */ void RRGSB::rotate_side(enum e_side side, size_t offset) { rotate_side_chan_node(side, offset); rotate_side_opin_node_in_group(side, offset); return; } /* Mirror the node direction and port direction of routing track nodes on a side */ void RRGSB::mirror_side_chan_node_direction(enum e_side side) { assert(validate_side(side)); Side side_manager(side); chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].mirror_node_direction(); return; } /* swap the chan rr_nodes on two sides */ void RRGSB::swap_chan_node(enum e_side src_side, enum e_side des_side) { Side src_side_manager(src_side); Side des_side_manager(des_side); std::swap(chan_node_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], chan_node_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); std::swap(chan_node_direction_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], chan_node_direction_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); return; } /* swap the OPIN rr_nodes on two sides */ void RRGSB::swap_opin_node(enum e_side src_side, enum e_side des_side) { Side src_side_manager(src_side); Side des_side_manager(des_side); std::swap(opin_node_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], opin_node_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); std::swap(opin_node_grid_side_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], opin_node_grid_side_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); return; } /* swap the IPIN rr_nodes on two sides */ void RRGSB::swap_ipin_node(enum e_side src_side, enum e_side des_side) { Side src_side_manager(src_side); Side des_side_manager(des_side); std::swap(ipin_node_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], ipin_node_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); std::swap(ipin_node_grid_side_[src_side_manager.to_size_t()], ipin_node_grid_side_[des_side_manager.to_size_t()]); return; } /* Reverse the vector of the OPIN rr_nodes on a side */ void RRGSB::reverse_opin_node(enum e_side side) { Side side_manager(side); std::reverse(opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin(), opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].end()); std::reverse(opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin(), opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].end()); return; } /* Reverse the vector of the OPIN rr_nodes on a side */ void RRGSB::reverse_ipin_node(enum e_side side) { Side side_manager(side); std::reverse(ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin(), ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].end()); std::reverse(ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].begin(), ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].end()); return; } /* Reset the RRGSB to pristine state */ void RRGSB::clear() { /* Clean all the vectors */ assert(validate_num_sides()); /* Clear the inner vector of each matrix */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_num_sides(); ++side) { chan_node_direction_[side].clear(); chan_node_[side].clear(); ipin_node_[side].clear(); ipin_node_grid_side_[side].clear(); opin_node_[side].clear(); opin_node_grid_side_[side].clear(); } chan_node_direction_.clear(); chan_node_.clear(); ipin_node_.clear(); ipin_node_grid_side_.clear(); opin_node_.clear(); opin_node_grid_side_.clear(); /* Just to make the lsb and msb invalidate */ sb_conf_port_.reset(); cbx_conf_port_.reset(); cby_conf_port_.reset(); return; } /* Clean the chan_width of a side */ void RRGSB::clear_chan_nodes(enum e_side node_side) { Side side_manager(node_side); assert(validate_side(node_side)); chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); return; } /* Clean the number of IPINs of a side */ void RRGSB::clear_ipin_nodes(enum e_side node_side) { Side side_manager(node_side); assert(validate_side(node_side)); ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); return; } /* Clean the number of OPINs of a side */ void RRGSB::clear_opin_nodes(enum e_side node_side) { Side side_manager(node_side); assert(validate_side(node_side)); opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].clear(); return; } /* Clean chan/opin/ipin nodes at one side */ void RRGSB::clear_one_side(enum e_side node_side) { clear_chan_nodes(node_side); clear_ipin_nodes(node_side); clear_opin_nodes(node_side); return; } /* Internal functions for validation */ /* check if two rr_nodes have a similar set of drive_rr_nodes * for each drive_rr_node: * 1. CHANX or CHANY: should have the same side and index * 2. OPIN or IPIN: should have the same side and index * 3. each drive_rr_switch should be the same */ bool RRGSB::is_sb_node_mirror(const RRGSB& cand, enum e_side node_side, size_t track_id) const { /* Ensure rr_nodes are either the output of short-connection or multiplexer */ t_rr_node* node = this->get_chan_node(node_side, track_id); t_rr_node* cand_node = cand.get_chan_node(node_side, track_id); bool is_short_conkt = this->is_sb_node_passing_wire(node_side, track_id); if (is_short_conkt != cand.is_sb_node_passing_wire(node_side, track_id)) { return false; } if (true == is_short_conkt) { /* Since, both are pass wires, * The two node should be equivalent * we can return here */ return true; } /* For non-passing wires, check driving rr_nodes */ if ( node->num_drive_rr_nodes != cand_node->num_drive_rr_nodes ) { return false; } for (size_t inode = 0; inode < size_t(node->num_drive_rr_nodes); ++inode) { /* node type should be the same */ if ( node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]->type != cand_node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]->type) { return false; } /* switch type should be the same */ if ( node->drive_switches[inode] != cand_node->drive_switches[inode]) { return false; } int src_node_id, des_node_id; enum e_side src_node_side, des_node_side; this->get_node_side_and_index(node->drive_rr_nodes[inode], OUT_PORT, &src_node_side, &src_node_id); cand.get_node_side_and_index(cand_node->drive_rr_nodes[inode], OUT_PORT, &des_node_side, &des_node_id); if (src_node_id != des_node_id) { return false; } if (src_node_side != des_node_side) { return false; } } return true; } /* check if two ipin_nodes have a similar set of drive_rr_nodes * for each drive_rr_node: * 1. CHANX or CHANY: should have the same side and index * 2. each drive_rr_switch should be the same */ bool RRGSB::is_cb_node_mirror(const RRGSB& cand, t_rr_type cb_type, enum e_side node_side, size_t node_id) const { /* Ensure rr_nodes are either the output of short-connection or multiplexer */ t_rr_node* node = this->get_ipin_node(node_side, node_id); t_rr_node* cand_node = cand.get_ipin_node(node_side, node_id); if ( node->num_drive_rr_nodes != cand_node->num_drive_rr_nodes ) { return false; } for (size_t inode = 0; inode < size_t(node->num_drive_rr_nodes); ++inode) { /* node type should be the same */ if ( node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]->type != cand_node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]->type) { return false; } /* switch type should be the same */ if ( node->drive_switches[inode] != cand_node->drive_switches[inode]) { return false; } int src_node_id, des_node_id; enum e_side src_node_side, des_node_side; enum e_side chan_side = get_cb_chan_side(cb_type); switch (node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]->type) { case CHANX: case CHANY: /* if the drive rr_nodes are routing tracks, find index */ src_node_id = this->get_chan_node_index(chan_side, node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]); des_node_id = cand.get_chan_node_index(chan_side, cand_node->drive_rr_nodes[inode]); break; case OPIN: this->get_node_side_and_index(node->drive_rr_nodes[inode], OUT_PORT, &src_node_side, &src_node_id); cand.get_node_side_and_index(cand_node->drive_rr_nodes[inode], OUT_PORT, &des_node_side, &des_node_id); if (src_node_side != des_node_side) { return false; } break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of drive_rr_nodes for ipin_node!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } if (src_node_id != des_node_id) { return false; } } return true; } size_t RRGSB::get_track_id_first_short_connection(enum e_side node_side) const { assert(validate_side(node_side)); /* Walk through chan_nodes and find the first short connection */ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < get_chan_width(node_side); ++inode) { if (true == is_sb_node_passing_wire(node_side, inode)) { return inode; } } return size_t(-1); } /* Validate if the number of sides are consistent among internal data arrays ! */ bool RRGSB::validate_num_sides() const { size_t num_sides = chan_node_direction_.size(); if ( num_sides != chan_node_.size() ) { return false; } if ( num_sides != ipin_node_.size() ) { return false; } if ( num_sides != ipin_node_grid_side_.size() ) { return false; } if ( num_sides != opin_node_.size() ) { return false; } if ( num_sides != opin_node_grid_side_.size() ) { return false; } return true; } /* Check if the side valid in the context: does the switch block have the side? */ bool RRGSB::validate_side(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); if ( side_manager.to_size_t() < get_num_sides() ) { return true; } return false; } /* Check the track_id is valid for chan_node_ and chan_node_direction_ */ bool RRGSB::validate_track_id(enum e_side side, size_t track_id) const { Side side_manager(side); if (false == validate_side(side)) { return false; } if ( ( track_id < chan_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].get_chan_width()) && ( track_id < chan_node_direction_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size()) ) { return true; } return false; } /* Check the opin_node_id is valid for opin_node_ and opin_node_grid_side_ */ bool RRGSB::validate_opin_node_id(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); if (false == validate_side(side)) { return false; } if ( ( node_id < opin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size()) &&( node_id < opin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size()) ) { return true; } return false; } /* Check the ipin_node_id is valid for opin_node_ and opin_node_grid_side_ */ bool RRGSB::validate_ipin_node_id(enum e_side side, size_t node_id) const { Side side_manager(side); if (false == validate_side(side)) { return false; } if ( ( node_id < ipin_node_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size()) &&( node_id < ipin_node_grid_side_[side_manager.to_size_t()].size()) ) { return true; } return false; } bool RRGSB::validate_cb_type(t_rr_type cb_type) const { if ( (CHANX == cb_type) || (CHANY == cb_type) ) { return true; } return false; } /* Member Functions of Class RRChan */ /* Accessors */ /* get the max coordinator of the switch block array */ DeviceCoordinator DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb_range() const { size_t max_y = 0; /* Get the largest size of sub-arrays */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { max_y = std::max(max_y, rr_gsb_[x].size()); } DeviceCoordinator coordinator(rr_gsb_.size(), max_y); return coordinator; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinator */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) const { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); return rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()]; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinator */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb(size_t x, size_t y) const { DeviceCoordinator coordinator(x, y); return get_gsb(coordinator); } /* get the number of unique side modules of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_sb_unique_submodule(enum e_side side, size_t seg_index) const { Side side_manager(side); assert(validate_side(side)); assert(validate_segment_index(seg_index)); return sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_index].size(); } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_unique_module_.size(); case CHANY: return cby_unique_module_.size(); default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_sb_unique_module() const { return sb_unique_module_.size(); } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_gsb_unique_module() const { return gsb_unique_module_.size(); } /* Get the submodule id of a SB */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_submodule_id(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { assert (validate_coordinator(coordinator)); Side side_manager(side); assert (validate_side(side)); assert (validate_segment_index(seg_id)); size_t x = coordinator.get_x(); size_t y = coordinator.get_y(); return sb_unique_submodule_id_[x][y][side][seg_id]; } /* Get a rr switch block which is a unique module of a side of SB */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_submodule(size_t index, enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { assert (validate_sb_unique_submodule_index(index, side, seg_id)); Side side_manager(side); assert (validate_side(side)); size_t x = sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id][index].get_x(); size_t y = sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id][index].get_y(); return rr_gsb_[x][y]; } /* Get a rr switch block which is a unique module of a side of SB */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_submodule(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) const { assert (validate_coordinator(coordinator)); Side side_manager(side); assert (validate_side(side)); size_t module_id = get_sb_unique_submodule_id(coordinator, side, seg_id); return get_sb_unique_submodule(module_id, side, seg_id); } /* Get a rr switch block which a unique mirror */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_module(size_t index) const { assert (validate_sb_unique_module_index(index)); return rr_gsb_[sb_unique_module_[index].get_x()][sb_unique_module_[index].get_y()]; } /* Get a rr switch block which a unique mirror */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t index) const { assert (validate_cb_unique_module_index(cb_type, index)); assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return rr_gsb_[cbx_unique_module_[index].get_x()][cbx_unique_module_[index].get_y()]; case CHANY: return rr_gsb_[cby_unique_module_[index].get_x()][cby_unique_module_[index].get_y()]; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* Give a coordinator of a rr switch block, and return its unique mirror */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type, DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); size_t cb_unique_module_id; switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cb_unique_module_id = cbx_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()]; break; case CHANY: cb_unique_module_id = cby_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()]; break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } return get_cb_unique_module(cb_type, cb_unique_module_id); } /* Give a coordinator of a rr switch block, and return its unique mirror */ const RRGSB DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_module(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) const { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); size_t sb_unique_module_id = sb_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()]; return get_sb_unique_module(sb_unique_module_id); } /* Get the maximum number of sides across the switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_max_num_sides() const { size_t max_num_sides = 0; for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { max_num_sides = std::max(max_num_sides, rr_gsb_[ix][iy].get_num_sides()); } } return max_num_sides; } /* Get the size of segment_ids */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_segments() const { return segment_ids_.size(); } /* Get a segment id */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_segment_id(size_t index) const { assert(validate_segment_index(index)); return segment_ids_[index]; } /* Evaluate if the Switch Blocks of two GSBs share exactly the same submodule */ bool DeviceRRGSB::is_two_sb_share_same_submodules(DeviceCoordinator& src, DeviceCoordinator& des) const { /* check the numbers of sides */ if (get_gsb(src).get_num_sides() != get_gsb(des).get_num_sides()) { return false; } /* check the numbers/directionality of channel rr_nodes */ for (size_t side = 0; side < get_gsb(src).get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < get_num_segments(); ++iseg) { if ( get_sb_unique_submodule_id(src, side_manager.get_side(), iseg) != get_sb_unique_submodule_id(des, side_manager.get_side(), iseg)) { return false; } } } return true; } /* Public Mutators */ /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, t_rr_type cb_type, size_t num_reserved_conf_bits) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_cb_num_reserved_conf_bits(cb_type, num_reserved_conf_bits); return; } /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_cb_conf_bits_lsb(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, t_rr_type cb_type, size_t conf_bits_lsb) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_cb_conf_bits_lsb(cb_type, conf_bits_lsb); return; } /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_cb_conf_bits_msb(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, t_rr_type cb_type, size_t conf_bits_msb) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_cb_conf_bits_msb(cb_type, conf_bits_msb); return; } /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, size_t num_reserved_conf_bits) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_sb_num_reserved_conf_bits(num_reserved_conf_bits); return; } /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_sb_conf_bits_lsb(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, size_t conf_bits_lsb) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_sb_conf_bits_lsb(conf_bits_lsb); return; } /* TODO: TOBE DEPRECATED!!! conf_bits should be initialized when creating a switch block!!! */ void DeviceRRGSB::set_sb_conf_bits_msb(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, size_t conf_bits_msb) { assert(validate_coordinator(coordinator)); rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].set_sb_conf_bits_msb(conf_bits_msb); return; } /* Pre-allocate the rr_switch_block array that the device requires */ void DeviceRRGSB::reserve(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) { rr_gsb_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); gsb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); sb_unique_submodule_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); sb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); cbx_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); cby_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x()); for (size_t x = 0; x < coordinator.get_x(); ++x) { rr_gsb_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); gsb_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); sb_unique_submodule_id_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); sb_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); cbx_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); cby_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinator.get_y()); } return; } /* Pre-allocate the rr_sb_unique_module_id matrix that the device requires */ void DeviceRRGSB::reserve_sb_unique_submodule_id(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) { const RRGSB& rr_sb = get_gsb(coordinator); sb_unique_submodule_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()].resize(rr_sb.get_num_sides()); for (size_t side = 0; side < rr_sb.get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); sb_unique_submodule_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()][side_manager.to_size_t()].resize(segment_ids_.size()); } return; } /* Resize rr_switch_block array is needed*/ void DeviceRRGSB::resize_upon_need(const DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) { if (coordinator.get_x() + 1 > rr_gsb_.size()) { rr_gsb_.resize(coordinator.get_x() + 1); sb_unique_submodule_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x() + 1); sb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x() + 1); cbx_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x() + 1); cby_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinator.get_x() + 1); } if (coordinator.get_y() + 1 > rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()].size()) { rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()].resize(coordinator.get_y() + 1); sb_unique_submodule_id_[coordinator.get_x()].resize(coordinator.get_y() + 1); sb_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()].resize(coordinator.get_y() + 1); cbx_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()].resize(coordinator.get_y() + 1); cby_unique_module_id_[coordinator.get_x()].resize(coordinator.get_y() + 1); } return; } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::add_rr_gsb(const DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, const RRGSB& rr_gsb) { /* Resize upon needs*/ resize_upon_need(coordinator); /* Add the switch block into array */ rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()] = rr_gsb; return; } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type) { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_cb_unique_module(cb_type); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; DeviceCoordinator gsb_coordinator(ix, iy); /* Bypass non-exist CB */ if ( false == rr_gsb_[ix][iy].is_cb_exist(cb_type) ) { continue; } /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_cb_unique_module(cb_type); ++id) { if (true == rr_gsb_[ix][iy].is_cb_mirror(get_cb_unique_module(cb_type, id), cb_type)) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ set_cb_unique_module_id(cb_type, gsb_coordinator, id); break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { add_cb_unique_module(cb_type, gsb_coordinator); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ set_cb_unique_module_id(cb_type, gsb_coordinator, get_num_cb_unique_module(cb_type) - 1); } } } return; } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_sb_unique_module() { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_sb_unique_module(); /* Build the unique submodule */ build_sb_unique_submodule(); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; DeviceCoordinator sb_coordinator(ix, iy); /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_sb_unique_module(); ++id) { /* Check if the two modules have the same submodules, * if so, these two modules are the same, indicating the sb is not unique. * else the sb is unique */ if (true == is_two_sb_share_same_submodules(sb_unique_module_[id], sb_coordinator)) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = id; break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { sb_unique_module_.push_back(sb_coordinator); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = sb_unique_module_.size() - 1; } } } return; } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_sb_unique_submodule() { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_sb_unique_submodule(); /* Allocate the unique_side_module_ */ sb_unique_submodule_.resize(get_max_num_sides()); for (size_t side = 0; side < sb_unique_submodule_.size(); ++side) { sb_unique_submodule_[side].resize(segment_ids_.size()); } for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { DeviceCoordinator coordinator(ix, iy); const RRGSB& rr_sb = rr_gsb_[ix][iy]; /* reserve the rr_sb_unique_module_id */ reserve_sb_unique_submodule_id(coordinator); for (size_t side = 0; side < rr_sb.get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* Try to add it to the list */ add_sb_unique_side_submodule(coordinator, rr_sb, side_manager.get_side()); } } } return; } void DeviceRRGSB::add_sb_unique_side_segment_submodule(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, const RRGSB& rr_sb, enum e_side side, size_t seg_id) { bool is_unique_side_module = true; Side side_manager(side); /* add rotatable mirror support */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_sb_unique_submodule(side, seg_id); ++id) { /* Skip if these may never match as a mirror (violation in basic requirements */ if (true == get_gsb(sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id][id]).is_sb_side_segment_mirror(rr_sb, side, segment_ids_[seg_id])) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_side_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_submodule_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()][side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id] = id; break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_side_module) { sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id].push_back(coordinator); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_submodule_id_[coordinator.get_x()][coordinator.get_y()][side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id] = sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.to_size_t()][seg_id].size() - 1; /* printf("Detect a rotatable mirror: SB[%lu][%lu]\n", coordinator.get_x(), coordinator.get_y()); */ } return; } /* Find repeatable GSB block in the array */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_gsb_unique_module() { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_gsb_unique_module(); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; DeviceCoordinator gsb_coordinator(ix, iy); /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_gsb_unique_module(); ++id) { /* We have alreay built sb and cb unique module list * We just need to check if the unique module id of SBs, CBX and CBY are the same or not */ const DeviceCoordinator& gsb_unique_module_coordinator = gsb_unique_module_[id]; if ((sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == sb_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_y()]) && (cbx_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == cbx_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_y()]) && (cby_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == cby_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinator.get_y()])) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = id; break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { add_gsb_unique_module(gsb_coordinator); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = get_num_gsb_unique_module() - 1; } } } return; } void DeviceRRGSB::build_unique_module() { build_segment_ids(); build_sb_unique_module(); build_cb_unique_module(CHANX); build_cb_unique_module(CHANY); build_gsb_unique_module(); return; } /* Add a unique side module to the list: * Check if the connections and nodes on the specified side of the rr_sb * If it is similar to any module[side][i] in the list, we build a link from the rr_sb to the unique_module * Otherwise, we add the module to the unique_module list */ void DeviceRRGSB::add_sb_unique_side_submodule(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, const RRGSB& rr_sb, enum e_side side) { Side side_manager(side); for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < segment_ids_.size(); ++iseg) { add_sb_unique_side_segment_submodule(coordinator, rr_sb, side, iseg); } return; } void DeviceRRGSB::add_gsb_unique_module(const DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) { gsb_unique_module_.push_back(coordinator); return; } void DeviceRRGSB::add_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type, const DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_.push_back(coordinator); return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_.push_back(coordinator); return; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } void DeviceRRGSB::set_cb_unique_module_id(t_rr_type cb_type, const DeviceCoordinator& coordinator, size_t id) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); size_t x = coordinator.get_x(); size_t y = coordinator.get_y(); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_id_[x][y] = id; return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_id_[x][y] = id; return; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* build a map of segment_ids */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_segment_ids() { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_segment_ids(); /* go through each rr_sb, each side and find the segment_ids */ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { RRGSB* rr_sb = &(rr_gsb_[ix][iy]); for (size_t side = 0 ; side < rr_sb->get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* get a list of segment_ids in this side */ std::vector cur_seg_ids = rr_sb->get_chan(side_manager.get_side()).get_segment_ids(); /* add to the segment_id_ if exist */ for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < cur_seg_ids.size(); ++iseg) { std::vector::iterator it = std::find(segment_ids_.begin(), segment_ids_.end(), cur_seg_ids[iseg]); /* find if it exists in the list */ if (it != segment_ids_.end()) { /* exist: continue */ continue; } /* does not exist, push into the vector */ segment_ids_.push_back(cur_seg_ids[iseg]); } } } } return; } /* clean the content */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear() { clear_gsb(); clear_gsb_unique_module(); clear_gsb_unique_module_id(); /* clean unique module lists */ clear_cb_unique_module(CHANX); clear_cb_unique_module_id(CHANX); clear_cb_unique_module(CHANY); clear_cb_unique_module_id(CHANY); clear_sb_unique_module(); clear_sb_unique_module_id(); clear_sb_unique_submodule(); clear_sb_unique_submodule_id(); return; } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb() { /* clean gsb array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { rr_gsb_[x].clear(); } rr_gsb_.clear(); return; } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb_unique_module_id() { /* clean rr_switch_block array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { gsb_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_module_id() { /* clean rr_switch_block array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { sb_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_cb_unique_module_id(t_rr_type cb_type) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { cbx_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; case CHANY: for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { cby_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_submodule_id() { /* clean rr_sb_unique_side_module_id */ for (size_t x = 0; x < sb_unique_submodule_id_.size(); ++x) { for (size_t y = 0; y < sb_unique_submodule_id_[x].size(); ++y) { for (size_t side = 0; side < sb_unique_submodule_.size(); ++side) { sb_unique_submodule_id_[x][y][side].clear(); } sb_unique_submodule_id_[x][y].clear(); } sb_unique_submodule_id_[x].clear(); } sb_unique_submodule_id_.clear(); return; } /* clean the content related to unique_mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_submodule() { /* clean unique_side_module_ */ for (size_t side = 0; side < sb_unique_submodule_.size(); ++side) { for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < segment_ids_.size(); ++iseg) { sb_unique_submodule_[side][iseg].clear(); } sb_unique_submodule_[side].clear(); } return; } /* clean the content related to unique_mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb_unique_module() { /* clean unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_.clear(); return; } /* clean the content related to unique_mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_module() { /* clean unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_.clear(); return; } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_cb_unique_module(t_rr_type cb_type) { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_.clear(); return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_.clear(); return; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } /* clean the content related to segment_ids */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_segment_ids() { /* clean segment_ids_ */ segment_ids_.clear(); return; } /* Validate if the (x,y) is the range of this device */ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_coordinator(DeviceCoordinator& coordinator) const { if (coordinator.get_x() >= rr_gsb_.capacity()) { return false; } if (coordinator.get_y() >= rr_gsb_[coordinator.get_x()].capacity()) { return false; } return true; } /* Validate if the index in the range of unique_mirror vector*/ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_side(enum e_side side) const { Side side_manager(side); if (side_manager.to_size_t() >= sb_unique_submodule_.size()) { return false; } return true; } /* Validate if the index in the range of unique_mirror vector*/ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_sb_unique_module_index(size_t index) const { if (index >= sb_unique_module_.size()) { return false; } return true; } /* Validate if the index in the range of unique_mirror vector*/ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_sb_unique_submodule_index(size_t index, enum e_side side, size_t seg_index) const { assert( validate_side(side)); assert( validate_segment_index(seg_index)); Side side_manager(side); if (index >= sb_unique_submodule_[side_manager.get_side()][seg_index].size()) { return false; } return true; } bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_cb_unique_module_index(t_rr_type cb_type, size_t index) const { assert (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: if (index >= cbx_unique_module_.size()) { return false; } return true; case CHANY: if (index >= cbx_unique_module_.size()) { return false; } return true; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s, [LINE%d])Invalid type of connection block!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_segment_index(size_t index) const { if (index >= segment_ids_.size()) { return false; } return true; } bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_cb_type(t_rr_type cb_type) const { if ( (CHANX == cb_type) || (CHANY == cb_type) ) { return true; } return false; } /************************************************************************ * End of file : rr_blocks.cpp ***********************************************************************/