#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include "assert.h" #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "read_blif.h" #include "arch_types.h" #include "ReadOptions.h" #include "hash.h" /* PRINT_PIN_NETS */ struct s_model_stats { t_model * model; int count; }; #define MAX_ATOM_PARSE 200000000 /* This source file will read in a FLAT blif netlist consisting * * of .inputs, .outputs, .names and .latch commands. It currently * * does not handle hierarchical blif files. Hierarchical * * blif files can be flattened via the read_blif and write_blif * * commands of sis. LUT circuits should only have .names commands; * * there should be no gates. This parser performs limited error * * checking concerning the consistency of the netlist it obtains. * * .inputs and .outputs statements must be given; this parser does * * not infer primary inputs and outputs from non-driven and fanout * * free nodes. This parser can be extended to do this if necessary, * * or the sis read_blif and write_blif commands can be used to put a * * netlist into the standard format. * * V. Betz, August 25, 1994. * * Added more error checking, March 30, 1995, V. Betz */ static int *num_driver, *temp_num_pins; static int *logical_block_input_count, *logical_block_output_count; static int num_blif_models; static int num_luts = 0, num_latches = 0, num_subckts = 0; /* # of .input, .output, .model and .end lines */ static int ilines, olines, model_lines, endlines; static struct s_hash **blif_hash; static char *model = NULL; static FILE *blif; static int add_vpack_net(char *ptr, int type, int bnum, int bport, int bpin, boolean is_global, int doall); static void get_blif_tok(char *buffer, int doall, boolean *done, boolean *add_truth_table, INP t_model* inpad_model, INP t_model* outpad_model, INP t_model* logic_model, INP t_model* latch_model, INP t_model* user_models); static void init_parse(int doall); static void check_net(boolean sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs); static void free_parse(void); static void io_line(int in_or_out, int doall, t_model *io_model); static boolean add_lut(int doall, t_model *logic_model); static void add_latch(int doall, INP t_model *latch_model); static void add_subckt(int doall, INP t_model *user_models); static void check_and_count_models(int doall, const char* model_name, t_model* user_models); static void load_default_models(INP t_model *library_models, OUTP t_model** inpad_model, OUTP t_model** outpad_model, OUTP t_model** logic_model, OUTP t_model** latch_model); static void read_activity(char * activity_file); static void read_blif(char *blif_file, boolean sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs, t_model *user_models, t_model *library_models, boolean read_activity_file, char * activity_file); static void absorb_buffer_luts(void); static void compress_netlist(void); static void show_blif_stats(t_model *user_models, t_model *library_models); static bool add_activity_to_net(char * net_name, float probability, float density); static void read_blif(char *blif_file, boolean sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs, t_model *user_models, t_model *library_models, boolean read_activity_file, char * activity_file) { char buffer[BUFSIZE]; int doall; boolean done; boolean add_truth_table; t_model *inpad_model, *outpad_model, *logic_model, *latch_model; clock_t begin, end; blif = fopen(blif_file, "r"); if (blif == NULL ) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Failed to open blif file '%s'.\n", blif_file); exit(1); } load_default_models(library_models, &inpad_model, &outpad_model, &logic_model, &latch_model); /* doall = 0 means do a counting pass, doall = 1 means allocate and load data structures */ for (doall = 0; doall <= 1; doall++) { begin = clock(); init_parse(doall); end = clock(); #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Loop for doall = %d, init_parse took %g seconds.\n", doall, (float) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Loop for doall = %d, init_parse took %g seconds.\n", doall, (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC); #endif begin = clock(); file_line_number = 0; /* Reset line number. */ done = FALSE; add_truth_table = FALSE; model_lines = 0; while (my_fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, blif) != NULL ) { get_blif_tok(buffer, doall, &done, &add_truth_table, inpad_model, outpad_model, logic_model, latch_model, user_models); } rewind(blif); /* Start at beginning of file again */ end = clock(); #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Loop for doall = %d took %g seconds.\n", doall, (float) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Loop for doall = %d took %g seconds.\n", doall, (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC); #endif } /*checks how well the hash function is performing*/ #ifdef VERBOSE get_hash_stats(blif_hash, "blif_hash"); #endif fclose(blif); check_net(sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs); /* Read activity file */ if (read_activity_file) { read_activity(activity_file); } free_parse(); } static void init_parse(int doall) { /* Allocates and initializes the data structures needed for the parse. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr; if (!doall) { /* Initialization before first (counting) pass */ num_logical_nets = 0; blif_hash = (struct s_hash **) my_calloc(sizeof(struct s_hash *), HASHSIZE); } /* Allocate memory for second (load) pass */ else { vpack_net = (struct s_net *) my_calloc(num_logical_nets, sizeof(struct s_net)); logical_block = (struct s_logical_block *) my_calloc(num_logical_blocks, sizeof(struct s_logical_block)); num_driver = (int *) my_malloc(num_logical_nets * sizeof(int)); temp_num_pins = (int *) my_malloc(num_logical_nets * sizeof(int)); logical_block_input_count = (int *) my_calloc(num_logical_blocks, sizeof(int)); logical_block_output_count = (int *) my_calloc(num_logical_blocks, sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < num_logical_nets; i++) { num_driver[i] = 0; vpack_net[i].num_sinks = 0; vpack_net[i].name = NULL; vpack_net[i].node_block = NULL; vpack_net[i].node_block_port = NULL; vpack_net[i].node_block_pin = NULL; vpack_net[i].is_global = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { logical_block[i].index = i; } for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { h_ptr = blif_hash[i]; while (h_ptr != NULL ) { vpack_net[h_ptr->index].node_block = (int *) my_malloc( h_ptr->count * sizeof(int)); vpack_net[h_ptr->index].node_block_port = (int *) my_malloc( h_ptr->count * sizeof(int)); vpack_net[h_ptr->index].node_block_pin = (int *) my_malloc( h_ptr->count * sizeof(int)); /* For avoiding assigning values beyond end of pins array. */ temp_num_pins[h_ptr->index] = h_ptr->count; vpack_net[h_ptr->index].name = my_strdup(h_ptr->name); h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } } #ifdef PRINT_PIN_NETS vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "i\ttemp_num_pins\n"); for (i = 0;i < num_logical_nets;i++) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "%d\t%d\n",i,temp_num_pins[i]); } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "num_logical_nets %d\n", num_logical_nets); #endif } /* Initializations for both passes. */ ilines = 0; olines = 0; model_lines = 0; endlines = 0; num_p_inputs = 0; num_p_outputs = 0; num_luts = 0; num_latches = 0; num_logical_blocks = 0; num_blif_models = 0; num_subckts = 0; } static void get_blif_tok(char *buffer, int doall, boolean *done, boolean *add_truth_table, INP t_model* inpad_model, INP t_model* outpad_model, INP t_model* logic_model, INP t_model* latch_model, INP t_model* user_models) { /* Figures out which, if any token is at the start of this line and * * takes the appropriate action. */ #define BLIF_TOKENS " \t\n" char *ptr; char *fn; struct s_linked_vptr *data; ptr = my_strtok(buffer, TOKENS, blif, buffer); if (ptr == NULL ) return; if (*add_truth_table) { if (ptr[0] == '0' || ptr[0] == '1' || ptr[0] == '-') { data = (struct s_linked_vptr*) my_malloc( sizeof(struct s_linked_vptr)); fn = ptr; ptr = my_strtok(NULL, BLIF_TOKENS, blif, buffer); if (!ptr || strlen(ptr) != 1) { if (strlen(fn) == 1) { /* constant generator */ data->next = logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table; data->data_vptr = my_malloc(strlen(fn) + 4); sprintf((char*) (data->data_vptr), " %s", fn); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = data; ptr = fn; } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Unknown truth table data %s %s.\n", fn, ptr); exit(1); } } else { data->next = logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table; data->data_vptr = my_malloc(strlen(fn) + 3); sprintf((char*) data->data_vptr, "%s %s", fn, ptr); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = data; } } } if (strcmp(ptr, ".names") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; *add_truth_table = add_lut(doall, logic_model); return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".latch") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; add_latch(doall, latch_model); return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".model") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; ptr = my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buffer); if (doall) { if (ptr != NULL ) { if(model != NULL) { free(model); } model = (char *) my_malloc((strlen(ptr) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(model, ptr); if (blif_circuit_name == NULL ) { blif_circuit_name = my_strdup(model); } } else { if(model != NULL) { free(model); } model = (char *) my_malloc(sizeof(char)); model[0] = '\0'; } } if (model_lines > 0) { check_and_count_models(doall, ptr, user_models); } else { dum_parse(buffer); } model_lines++; return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".inputs") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; /* packing can only one fully defined model */ if (model_lines == 1) { io_line(DRIVER, doall, inpad_model); *done = (boolean) 1; } if (doall) ilines++; /* Error checking only */ return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".outputs") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; /* packing can only one fully defined model */ if (model_lines == 1) { io_line(RECEIVER, doall, outpad_model); *done = (boolean) 1; } if (doall) olines++; /* Make sure only one .output line */ /* For error checking only */ return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".end") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; if (doall) { endlines++; /* Error checking only */ } return; } if (strcmp(ptr, ".subckt") == 0) { *add_truth_table = FALSE; add_subckt(doall, user_models); } /* Could have numbers following a .names command, so not matching any * * of the tokens above is not an error. */ } void dum_parse(char *buf) { /* Continue parsing to the end of this (possibly continued) line. */ while (my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buf) != NULL ) ; } static boolean add_lut(int doall, t_model *logic_model) { /* Adds a LUT as VPACK_COMB from (.names) currently being parsed to the logical_block array. Adds * * its pins to the nets data structure by calling add_vpack_net. If doall is * * zero this is a counting pass; if it is 1 this is the final (loading) * * pass. */ char *ptr, **saved_names, buf[BUFSIZE]; int i, j, output_net_index; saved_names = (char**) alloc_matrix(0, logic_model->inputs->size, 0, BUFSIZE - 1, sizeof(char)); num_logical_blocks++; /* Count # nets connecting */ i = 0; while ((ptr = my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buf)) != NULL ) { if (i > logic_model->inputs->size) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] .names %s ... %s has a LUT size that exceeds the maximum LUT size (%d) of the architecture.\n", file_line_number, saved_names[0], ptr, logic_model->inputs->size); exit(1); } strcpy(saved_names[i], ptr); i++; } output_net_index = i - 1; if (strcmp(saved_names[output_net_index], "unconn") == 0) { /* unconn is a keyword to pad unused pins, ignore this block */ free_matrix(saved_names, 0, logic_model->inputs->size, 0, sizeof(char)); num_logical_blocks--; return FALSE; } if (!doall) { /* Counting pass only ... */ for (j = 0; j <= output_net_index; j++) /* On this pass it doesn't matter if RECEIVER or DRIVER. Just checking if in hash. [0] should be DRIVER */ add_vpack_net(saved_names[j], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, j, FALSE, doall); free_matrix(saved_names, 0, logic_model->inputs->size, 0, sizeof(char)); return FALSE; } logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].model = logic_model; if (output_net_index > logic_model->inputs->size) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "LUT size of %d in .blif file is too big for FPGA which has a maximum LUT size of %d.\n", output_net_index, logic_model->inputs->size); exit(1); } assert(logic_model->inputs->next == NULL); assert(logic_model->outputs->next == NULL); assert(logic_model->outputs->size == 1); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets = (int **) my_malloc( sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets = (int **) my_malloc( sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net = OPEN; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc( logic_model->inputs->size * sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc( sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].type = VPACK_COMB; for (i = 0; i < output_net_index; i++) /* Do inputs */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0][i] = add_vpack_net( saved_names[i], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, i, FALSE, doall); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0][0] = add_vpack_net( saved_names[output_net_index], DRIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); for (i = output_net_index; i < logic_model->inputs->size; i++) logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0][i] = OPEN; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = my_strdup( saved_names[output_net_index]); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = NULL; num_luts++; free_matrix(saved_names, 0, logic_model->inputs->size, 0, sizeof(char)); return (boolean) doall; } static void add_latch(int doall, INP t_model *latch_model) { /* Adds the flipflop (.latch) currently being parsed to the logical_block array. * * Adds its pins to the nets data structure by calling add_vpack_net. If doall * * is zero this is a counting pass; if it is 1 this is the final * * (loading) pass. Blif format for a latch is: * * .latch <input> <output> <type (latch on)> <control (clock)> <init_val> * * The latch pins are in .nets 0 to 2 in the order: Q D CLOCK. */ char *ptr, buf[BUFSIZE], saved_names[6][BUFSIZE]; int i; num_logical_blocks++; /* Count # parameters, making sure we don't go over 6 (avoids memory corr.) */ /* Note that we can't rely on the tokens being around unless we copy them. */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ptr = my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buf); if (ptr == NULL ) break; strcpy(saved_names[i], ptr); } if (i != 5) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, ".latch does not have 5 parameters.\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Check netlist, line %d.\n", file_line_number); exit(1); } if (!doall) { /* If only a counting pass ... */ add_vpack_net(saved_names[0], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); /* D */ add_vpack_net(saved_names[1], DRIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); /* Q */ add_vpack_net(saved_names[3], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, TRUE, doall); /* Clock */ return; } logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].model = latch_model; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].type = VPACK_LATCH; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets = (int **) my_malloc( sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets = (int **) my_malloc( sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc( sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc( sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0][0] = add_vpack_net( saved_names[1], DRIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); /* Q */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0][0] = add_vpack_net( saved_names[0], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); /* D */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net = add_vpack_net( saved_names[3], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, TRUE, doall); /* Clock */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = my_strdup(saved_names[1]); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = NULL; /* Xifan TANG: SPICE Model Support*/ /* Store the clock trigger type : "re" or "fe"*/ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].trigger_type = my_strdup(saved_names[2]); /* Store the initial value */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].init_val = my_atoi(saved_names[4]); /* Add clock identification */ logical_block[vpack_net[logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net].node_block[0]].is_clock = TRUE; /*END*/ num_latches++; } static void add_subckt(int doall, t_model *user_models) { char *ptr; char *close_bracket; char subckt_name[BUFSIZE]; char buf[BUFSIZE]; //fpos_t current_subckt_pos; int i, j, iparse; int subckt_index_signals = 0; char **subckt_signal_name = NULL; char *port_name, *pin_number; char **circuit_signal_name = NULL; char *subckt_logical_block_name = NULL; short toggle = 0; int input_net_count, output_net_count, input_port_count, output_port_count; t_model *cur_model; t_model_ports *port; boolean found_subckt_signal; num_logical_blocks++; num_subckts++; /* now we have to find the matching subckt */ /* find the name we are looking for */ strcpy(subckt_name, my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buf)); /* get all the signals in the form z=r */ iparse = 0; while (iparse < MAX_ATOM_PARSE) { iparse++; /* Assumption is that it will be "signal1, =, signal1b, spacing, and repeat" */ ptr = my_strtok(NULL, " \t\n=", blif, buf); if (ptr == NULL && toggle == 0) break; else if (ptr == NULL && toggle == 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "subckt %s formed incorrectly with signal=signal at %s.\n", subckt_name, buf); exit(-1); } else if (toggle == 0) { /* ELSE - parse in one or the other */ /* allocate a new spot for both the circuit_signal name and the subckt_signal name */ subckt_signal_name = (char**) my_realloc(subckt_signal_name, (subckt_index_signals + 1) * sizeof(char**)); circuit_signal_name = (char**) my_realloc(circuit_signal_name, (subckt_index_signals + 1) * sizeof(char**)); /* copy in the subckt_signal name */ subckt_signal_name[subckt_index_signals] = my_strdup(ptr); toggle = 1; } else if (toggle == 1) { /* copy in the circuit_signal name */ circuit_signal_name[subckt_index_signals] = my_strdup(ptr); if (!doall) { /* Counting pass, does not matter if driver or receiver and pin number does not matter */ add_vpack_net(circuit_signal_name[subckt_index_signals], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); } toggle = 0; subckt_index_signals++; } } assert(iparse < MAX_ATOM_PARSE); /* record the position of the parse so far so when we resume we will move to the next item */ //if (fgetpos(blif, ¤t_subckt_pos) != 0) { // vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "In file pointer read - read_blif.c\n"); // exit(-1); //} input_net_count = 0; output_net_count = 0; if (doall) { /* get the matching model to this subckt */ cur_model = user_models; while (cur_model != NULL ) { if (strcmp(cur_model->name, subckt_name) == 0) { break; } cur_model = cur_model->next; } if (cur_model == NULL ) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Did not find matching model to subckt %s.\n", subckt_name); exit(-1); } /* IF - do all then we need to allocate a string to hold all the subckt info */ /* initialize the logical_block structure */ /* record model info */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].model = cur_model; /* allocate space for inputs and initialize all input nets to OPEN */ input_port_count = 0; port = cur_model->inputs; while (port) { if (!port->is_clock) { input_port_count++; } port = port->next; } logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets = (int**) my_malloc( input_port_count * sizeof(int *)); port = cur_model->inputs; while (port) { if (port->is_clock) { /* Clock ports are different from regular input ports, skip */ port = port->next; continue; } assert(port->size >= 0); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[port->index] = (int*) my_malloc(port->size * sizeof(int)); for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[port->index][j] = OPEN; } port = port->next; } assert(port == NULL || (port->is_clock && port->next == NULL)); /* allocate space for outputs and initialize all output nets to OPEN */ output_port_count = 0; port = cur_model->outputs; while (port) { port = port->next; output_port_count++; } logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets = (int**) my_malloc( output_port_count * sizeof(int *)); port = cur_model->outputs; while (port) { assert(port->size >= 0); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[port->index] = (int*) my_malloc(port->size * sizeof(int)); for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[port->index][j] = OPEN; } port = port->next; } assert(port == NULL); /* initialize clock data */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net = OPEN; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].type = VPACK_COMB; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = NULL; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = NULL; /* setup the index signal if open or not */ for (i = 0; i < subckt_index_signals; i++) { found_subckt_signal = FALSE; /* determine the port name and the pin_number of the subckt */ port_name = my_strdup(subckt_signal_name[i]); pin_number = strrchr(port_name, '['); if (pin_number == NULL ) { pin_number = "0"; /* default to 0 */ } else { /* The pin numbering is port_name[pin_number] so need to go one to the right of [ then NULL out ] */ *pin_number = '\0'; pin_number++; close_bracket = pin_number; while (*close_bracket != '\0' && *close_bracket != ']') { close_bracket++; } *close_bracket = '\0'; } port = cur_model->inputs; while (port) { if (strcmp(port_name, port->name) == 0) { if (found_subckt_signal) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Two instances of %s subckt signal found in subckt %s.\n", subckt_signal_name[i], subckt_name); } found_subckt_signal = TRUE; if (port->is_clock) { assert( logical_block[num_logical_blocks-1].clock_net == OPEN); assert(my_atoi(pin_number) == 0); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net = add_vpack_net(circuit_signal_name[i], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, port->index, my_atoi(pin_number), TRUE, doall); /* Add clock identification */ logical_block[vpack_net[logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net].node_block[0]].is_clock = TRUE; } else { logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[port->index][my_atoi( pin_number)] = add_vpack_net( circuit_signal_name[i], RECEIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, port->index, my_atoi(pin_number), FALSE, doall); input_net_count++; } } port = port->next; } port = cur_model->outputs; while (port) { if (strcmp(port_name, port->name) == 0) { if (found_subckt_signal) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Two instances of %s subckt signal found in subckt %s.\n", subckt_signal_name[i], subckt_name); } found_subckt_signal = TRUE; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[port->index][my_atoi( pin_number)] = add_vpack_net(circuit_signal_name[i], DRIVER, num_logical_blocks - 1, port->index, my_atoi(pin_number), FALSE, doall); if (subckt_logical_block_name == NULL && circuit_signal_name[i] != NULL ) { subckt_logical_block_name = circuit_signal_name[i]; } output_net_count++; } port = port->next; } /* record the name to be first output net parsed */ if(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name == NULL) { /* Xifan TANG: add the index of logical block in its name ! * Name format is <subckt_logical_block_name>_lb<index> * If not, there could be two pbs having the same name during packing! */ if (NULL == subckt_logical_block_name) { if (i == (subckt_index_signals - 1)) { /* If this is the last signal and still there is no name for this subckt * we give a default name. * Actually, this should not never happen, elsewhere this is a block with no fan-out */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* (6 + 3 + 5 + 1)); sprintf(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name, "noname_lb%d", num_logical_blocks -1); } } else { logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(subckt_logical_block_name) + 3 + 5 + 1)); /* I do lazy job here, assume 5 bits for the index, whose range is [0, 32767] * This can be improved by using itoa */ sprintf(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name, "%s_lb%d", subckt_logical_block_name, num_logical_blocks -1); } /* logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = my_strdup( subckt_logical_block_name); */ } if (!found_subckt_signal) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Unknown subckt port %s.\n", subckt_signal_name[i]); exit(1); } free(port_name); } } for (i = 0; i < subckt_index_signals; i++) { free(subckt_signal_name[i]); free(circuit_signal_name[i]); } free(subckt_signal_name); free(circuit_signal_name); /* now that you've done the analysis, move the file pointer back */ //if (fsetpos(blif, ¤t_subckt_pos) != 0) { // vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "In moving back file pointer - read_blif.c\n"); // exit(-1); //} } static void io_line(int in_or_out, int doall, t_model *io_model) { /* Adds an input or output logical_block to the logical_block data structures. * * in_or_out: DRIVER for input, RECEIVER for output. * * doall: 1 for final pass when structures are loaded. 0 for * * first pass when hash table is built and pins, nets, etc. are counted. */ char *ptr; char buf2[BUFSIZE]; int nindex, len, iparse; iparse = 0; while (iparse < MAX_ATOM_PARSE) { iparse++; ptr = my_strtok(NULL, TOKENS, blif, buf2); if (ptr == NULL ) return; num_logical_blocks++; nindex = add_vpack_net(ptr, in_or_out, num_logical_blocks - 1, 0, 0, FALSE, doall); /* zero offset indexing */ if (!doall) continue; /* Just counting things when doall == 0 */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].clock_net = OPEN; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets = NULL; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets = NULL; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].model = io_model; len = strlen(ptr); if (in_or_out == RECEIVER) { /* output pads need out: prefix * to make names unique from LUTs */ logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = (char *) my_malloc( (len + 1 + 4) * sizeof(char)); /* Space for out: at start */ strcpy(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name, "out:"); strcat(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name, ptr); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets = (int **) my_malloc(sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc(sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0][0] = OPEN; } else { assert(in_or_out == DRIVER); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name = (char *) my_malloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].name, ptr); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets = (int **) my_malloc(sizeof(int*)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0] = (int *) my_malloc(sizeof(int)); logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0][0] = OPEN; } if (in_or_out == DRIVER) { /* processing .inputs line */ num_p_inputs++; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].type = VPACK_INPAD; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].output_nets[0][0] = nindex; } else { /* processing .outputs line */ num_p_outputs++; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].type = VPACK_OUTPAD; logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].input_nets[0][0] = nindex; } logical_block[num_logical_blocks - 1].truth_table = NULL; } assert(iparse < MAX_ATOM_PARSE); } static void check_and_count_models(int doall, const char* model_name, t_model *user_models) { fpos_t start_pos; t_model *user_model; num_blif_models++; if (doall) { /* get start position to do two passes on model */ if (fgetpos(blif, &start_pos) != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in file pointer read - read_blif.c\n"); exit(-1); } /* get corresponding architecture model */ user_model = user_models; while (user_model) { if (0 == strcmp(model_name, user_model->name)) { break; } user_model = user_model->next; } if (user_model == NULL ) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "No corresponding model %s in architecture description.\n", model_name); exit(1); } /* check ports */ } } static int add_vpack_net(char *ptr, int type, int bnum, int bport, int bpin, boolean is_global, int doall) { /* This routine is given a vpack_net name in *ptr, either DRIVER or RECEIVER * * specifying whether the logical_block number (bnum) and the output pin (bpin) is driving this * * vpack_net or in the fan-out and doall, which is 0 for the counting pass * * and 1 for the loading pass. It updates the vpack_net data structure and * * returns the vpack_net number so the calling routine can update the logical_block * * data structure. */ struct s_hash *h_ptr, *prev_ptr; int index, j, nindex; if (strcmp(ptr, "open") == 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "net name \"open\" is a reserved keyword in VPR."); exit(1); } if (strcmp(ptr, "unconn") == 0) { return OPEN; } index = hash_value(ptr); if (doall) { if (type == RECEIVER && !is_global) { logical_block_input_count[bnum]++; } else if (type == DRIVER) { logical_block_output_count[bnum]++; } } h_ptr = blif_hash[index]; prev_ptr = h_ptr; while (h_ptr != NULL ) { if (strcmp(h_ptr->name, ptr) == 0) { /* Net already in hash table */ nindex = h_ptr->index; if (!doall) { /* Counting pass only */ (h_ptr->count)++; return (nindex); } if (type == DRIVER) { num_driver[nindex]++; j = 0; /* Driver always in position 0 of pinlist */ } else { vpack_net[nindex].num_sinks++; if ((num_driver[nindex] < 0) || (num_driver[nindex] > 1)) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Number of drivers for net #%d (%s) has %d drivers.\n", nindex, ptr, num_driver[index]); } j = vpack_net[nindex].num_sinks; /* num_driver is the number of signal drivers of this vpack_net. * * should always be zero or 1 unless the netlist is bad. */ if ((vpack_net[nindex].num_sinks - num_driver[nindex]) >= temp_num_pins[nindex]) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Net #%d (%s) has no driver and will cause memory corruption.\n", nindex, ptr); exit(1); } } vpack_net[nindex].node_block[j] = bnum; vpack_net[nindex].node_block_port[j] = bport; vpack_net[nindex].node_block_pin[j] = bpin; vpack_net[nindex].is_global = is_global; return (nindex); } prev_ptr = h_ptr; h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } /* Net was not in the hash table. */ if (doall == 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in add_vpack_net: The second (load) pass could not find vpack_net %s in the symbol table.\n", ptr); exit(1); } /* Add the vpack_net (only counting pass will add nets to symbol table). */ num_logical_nets++; h_ptr = (struct s_hash *) my_malloc(sizeof(struct s_hash)); if (prev_ptr == NULL ) { blif_hash[index] = h_ptr; } else { prev_ptr->next = h_ptr; } h_ptr->next = NULL; h_ptr->index = num_logical_nets - 1; h_ptr->count = 1; h_ptr->name = my_strdup(ptr); return (h_ptr->index); } void echo_input(char *blif_file, char *echo_file, t_model *library_models) { /* Echo back the netlist data structures to file input.echo to * * allow the user to look at the internal state of the program * * and check the parsing. */ int i, j; FILE *fp; t_model_ports *port; t_model *latch_model; t_model *logic_model; t_model *cur; int *lut_distribution; int num_absorbable_latch; int inet; cur = library_models; logic_model = latch_model = NULL; while (cur) { if (strcmp(cur->name, MODEL_LOGIC) == 0) { logic_model = cur; assert(logic_model->inputs->next == NULL); } else if (strcmp(cur->name, MODEL_LATCH) == 0) { latch_model = cur; assert(latch_model->inputs->size == 1); } cur = cur->next; } lut_distribution = (int*) my_calloc(logic_model->inputs[0].size + 1, sizeof(int)); num_absorbable_latch = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { if (logical_block[i].model == logic_model) { if (logic_model == NULL ) continue; for (j = 0; j < logic_model->inputs[0].size; j++) { if (logical_block[i].input_nets[0][j] == OPEN) { break; } } lut_distribution[j]++; } else if (logical_block[i].model == latch_model) { if (latch_model == NULL ) continue; inet = logical_block[i].input_nets[0][0]; if (vpack_net[inet].num_sinks == 1 && logical_block[vpack_net[inet].node_block[0]].model == logic_model) { num_absorbable_latch++; } } } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Input netlist file: '%s', model: %s\n", blif_file, model); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Primary inputs: %d, primary outputs: %d\n", num_p_inputs, num_p_outputs); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "LUTs: %d, latches: %d, subckts: %d\n", num_luts, num_latches, num_subckts); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "# standard absorbable latches: %d\n", num_absorbable_latch); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\t"); for (i = 0; i < logic_model->inputs[0].size + 1; i++) { if (i > 0) vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_DIRECT, ", "); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_DIRECT, "LUT size %d = %d", i, lut_distribution[i]); } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_DIRECT, "\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Total blocks: %d, total nets: %d\n", num_logical_blocks, num_logical_nets); fp = my_fopen(echo_file, "w", 0); fprintf(fp, "Input netlist file: '%s', model: %s\n", blif_file, model); fprintf(fp, "num_p_inputs: %d, num_p_outputs: %d, num_luts: %d, num_latches: %d\n", num_p_inputs, num_p_outputs, num_luts, num_latches); fprintf(fp, "num_logical_blocks: %d, num_logical_nets: %d\n", num_logical_blocks, num_logical_nets); fprintf(fp, "\nNet\tName\t\t#Pins\tDriver\tRecvs.\n"); for (i = 0; i < num_logical_nets; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\n%d\t%s\t", i, vpack_net[i].name); if (strlen(vpack_net[i].name) < 8) fprintf(fp, "\t"); /* Name field is 16 chars wide */ fprintf(fp, "%d", vpack_net[i].num_sinks + 1); for (j = 0; j <= vpack_net[i].num_sinks; j++) fprintf(fp, "\t(%d,%d,%d)", vpack_net[i].node_block[j], vpack_net[i].node_block_port[j], vpack_net[i].node_block_pin[j]); } fprintf(fp, "\n\nBlocks\t\tBlock type legend:\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\tINPAD = %d\tOUTPAD = %d\n", VPACK_INPAD, VPACK_OUTPAD); fprintf(fp, "\t\tCOMB = %d\tLATCH = %d\n", VPACK_COMB, VPACK_LATCH); fprintf(fp, "\t\tEMPTY = %d\n", VPACK_EMPTY); for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\nblock %d %s ", i, logical_block[i].name); fprintf(fp, "\ttype: %d ", logical_block[i].type); fprintf(fp, "\tmodel name: %s\n", logical_block[i].model->name); port = logical_block[i].model->inputs; while (port) { fprintf(fp, "\tinput port: %s \t", port->name); for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { if (logical_block[i].input_nets[port->index][j] == OPEN) fprintf(fp, "OPEN "); else fprintf(fp, "%d ", logical_block[i].input_nets[port->index][j]); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); port = port->next; } port = logical_block[i].model->outputs; while (port) { fprintf(fp, "\toutput port: %s \t", port->name); for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { if (logical_block[i].output_nets[port->index][j] == OPEN) { fprintf(fp, "OPEN "); } else { fprintf(fp, "%d ", logical_block[i].output_nets[port->index][j]); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); port = port->next; } fprintf(fp, "\tclock net: %d\n", logical_block[i].clock_net); } fclose(fp); } /* load default vpack models (inpad, outpad, logic) */ static void load_default_models(INP t_model *library_models, OUTP t_model** inpad_model, OUTP t_model** outpad_model, OUTP t_model** logic_model, OUTP t_model** latch_model) { t_model *cur_model; cur_model = library_models; *inpad_model = *outpad_model = *logic_model = *latch_model = NULL; while (cur_model) { if (strcmp(MODEL_INPUT, cur_model->name) == 0) { assert(cur_model->inputs == NULL); assert(cur_model->outputs->next == NULL); assert(cur_model->outputs->size == 1); *inpad_model = cur_model; } else if (strcmp(MODEL_OUTPUT, cur_model->name) == 0) { assert(cur_model->outputs == NULL); assert(cur_model->inputs->next == NULL); assert(cur_model->inputs->size == 1); *outpad_model = cur_model; } else if (strcmp(MODEL_LOGIC, cur_model->name) == 0) { assert(cur_model->inputs->next == NULL); assert(cur_model->outputs->next == NULL); assert(cur_model->outputs->size == 1); *logic_model = cur_model; } else if (strcmp(MODEL_LATCH, cur_model->name) == 0) { assert(cur_model->outputs->next == NULL); assert(cur_model->outputs->size == 1); *latch_model = cur_model; } else { assert(0); } cur_model = cur_model->next; } } static void check_net(boolean sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs) { /* Checks the input netlist for obvious errors. */ int i, j, k, error, iblk, ipin, iport, inet, L_check_net; boolean found; int count_inputs, count_outputs; int explicit_vpack_models; t_model_ports *port; struct s_linked_vptr *p_io_removed; int removed_nets; int count_unconn_blocks; explicit_vpack_models = num_blif_models + 1; error = 0; removed_nets = 0; if (ilines != explicit_vpack_models) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Found %d .inputs lines; expected %d.\n", ilines, explicit_vpack_models); error++; } if (olines != explicit_vpack_models) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Found %d .outputs lines; expected %d.\n", olines, explicit_vpack_models); error++; } if (model_lines != explicit_vpack_models) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Found %d .model lines; expected %d.\n", model_lines, num_blif_models + 1); error++; } if (endlines != explicit_vpack_models) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Found %d .end lines; expected %d.\n", endlines, explicit_vpack_models); error++; } for (i = 0; i < num_logical_nets; i++) { if (num_driver[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "vpack_net %s has %d signals driving it.\n", vpack_net[i].name, num_driver[i]); error++; } if (vpack_net[i].num_sinks == 0) { /* If this is an input pad, it is unused and I just remove it with * * a warning message. Lots of the mcnc circuits have this problem. Also, subckts from ODIN often have unused driven nets */ iblk = vpack_net[i].node_block[0]; iport = vpack_net[i].node_block_port[0]; ipin = vpack_net[i].node_block_pin[0]; assert((vpack_net[i].num_sinks - num_driver[i]) == -1); /* All nets should connect to inputs of block except output pads */ if (logical_block[iblk].type != VPACK_OUTPAD) { if (sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs) { removed_nets++; vpack_net[i].node_block[0] = OPEN; vpack_net[i].node_block_port[0] = OPEN; vpack_net[i].node_block_pin[0] = OPEN; logical_block[iblk].output_nets[iport][ipin] = OPEN; logical_block_output_count[iblk]--; } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "vpack_net %s has no fanout.\n", vpack_net[i].name); } continue; } } if (strcmp(vpack_net[i].name, "open") == 0 || strcmp(vpack_net[i].name, "unconn") == 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "vpack_net #%d has the reserved name %s.\n", i, vpack_net[i].name); error++; } for (j = 0; j <= vpack_net[i].num_sinks; j++) { iblk = vpack_net[i].node_block[j]; iport = vpack_net[i].node_block_port[j]; ipin = vpack_net[i].node_block_pin[j]; if (ipin == OPEN) { /* Clocks are not connected to regular pins on a block hence open */ L_check_net = logical_block[iblk].clock_net; if (L_check_net != i) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Clock net for block %s #%d is net %s #%d but connecting net is %s #%d.\n", logical_block[iblk].name, iblk, vpack_net[L_check_net].name, L_check_net, vpack_net[i].name, i); error++; } } else { if (j == 0) { L_check_net = logical_block[iblk].output_nets[iport][ipin]; if (L_check_net != i) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Output net for block %s #%d is net %s #%d but connecting net is %s #%d.\n", logical_block[iblk].name, iblk, vpack_net[L_check_net].name, L_check_net, vpack_net[i].name, i); error++; } } else { if (vpack_net[i].is_global) { L_check_net = logical_block[iblk].clock_net; } else { L_check_net = logical_block[iblk].input_nets[iport][ipin]; } if (L_check_net != i) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Input net for block %s #%d is net %s #%d but connecting net is %s #%d.\n", logical_block[iblk].name, iblk, vpack_net[L_check_net].name, L_check_net, vpack_net[i].name, i); error++; } } } } } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Swept away %d nets with no fanout.\n", removed_nets); count_unconn_blocks = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { /* This block has no output and is not an output pad so it has no use, hence we remove it */ if ((logical_block_output_count[i] == 0) && (logical_block[i].type != VPACK_OUTPAD)) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "logical_block %s #%d has no fanout.\n", logical_block[i].name, i); if (sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs && (logical_block[i].type == VPACK_INPAD)) { logical_block[i].type = VPACK_EMPTY; vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Removing input.\n"); p_io_removed = (struct s_linked_vptr*) my_malloc( sizeof(struct s_linked_vptr)); p_io_removed->data_vptr = my_strdup(logical_block[i].name); p_io_removed->next = circuit_p_io_removed; circuit_p_io_removed = p_io_removed; continue; } else { count_unconn_blocks++; vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Sweep hanging nodes in your logic synthesis tool because VPR can not do this yet.\n"); } } count_inputs = 0; count_outputs = 0; port = logical_block[i].model->inputs; while (port) { if (port->is_clock) { port = port->next; continue; } for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { if (logical_block[i].input_nets[port->index][j] == OPEN) continue; count_inputs++; inet = logical_block[i].input_nets[port->index][j]; found = FALSE; for (k = 1; k <= vpack_net[inet].num_sinks; k++) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block[k] == i) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block_port[k] == port->index) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block_pin[k] == j) { found = TRUE; } } } } assert(found == TRUE); } port = port->next; } assert(count_inputs == logical_block_input_count[i]); logical_block[i].used_input_pins = count_inputs; port = logical_block[i].model->outputs; while (port) { for (j = 0; j < port->size; j++) { if (logical_block[i].output_nets[port->index][j] == OPEN) continue; count_outputs++; inet = logical_block[i].output_nets[port->index][j]; vpack_net[inet].is_const_gen = FALSE; if (count_inputs == 0 && logical_block[i].type != VPACK_INPAD && logical_block[i].type != VPACK_OUTPAD && logical_block[i].clock_net == OPEN) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Net is a constant generator: %s.\n", vpack_net[inet].name); vpack_net[inet].is_const_gen = TRUE; } found = FALSE; if (vpack_net[inet].node_block[0] == i) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block_port[0] == port->index) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block_pin[0] == j) { found = TRUE; } } } assert(found == TRUE); } port = port->next; } assert(count_outputs == logical_block_output_count[i]); if (logical_block[i].type == VPACK_LATCH) { if (logical_block_input_count[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Latch #%d with output %s has %d input pin(s), expected one (D).\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block_input_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block_output_count[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Latch #%d with output %s has %d output pin(s), expected one (Q).\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block_output_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block[i].clock_net == OPEN) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Latch #%d with output %s has no clock.\n", i, logical_block[i].name); error++; } } else if (logical_block[i].type == VPACK_INPAD) { if (logical_block_input_count[i] != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "IO inpad logical_block #%d name %s of type %d" "has %d input pins.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].type, logical_block_input_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block_output_count[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "IO inpad logical_block #%d name %s of type %d" "has %d output pins.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].type, logical_block_output_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block[i].clock_net != OPEN) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "IO inpad #%d with output %s has clock.\n", i, logical_block[i].name); error++; } } else if (logical_block[i].type == VPACK_OUTPAD) { if (logical_block_input_count[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "io outpad logical_block #%d name %s of type %d" "has %d input pins.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].type, logical_block_input_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block_output_count[i] != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "io outpad logical_block #%d name %s of type %d" "has %d output pins.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].type, logical_block_output_count[i]); error++; } if (logical_block[i].clock_net != OPEN) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "io outpad #%d with name %s has clock.\n", i, logical_block[i].name); error++; } } else if (logical_block[i].type == VPACK_COMB) { if (logical_block_input_count[i] <= 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "logical_block #%d with output %s has only %d pin.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block_input_count[i]); if (logical_block_input_count[i] < 0) { error++; } else { if (logical_block_output_count[i] > 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Block contains output -- may be a constant generator.\n"); } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Block contains no output.\n"); } } } if (strcmp(logical_block[i].model->name, MODEL_LOGIC) == 0) { if (logical_block_output_count[i] != 1) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Logical_block #%d name %s of model %s has %d output pins instead of 1.\n", i, logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].model->name, logical_block_output_count[i]); } } } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Unknown type for logical_block #%d %s.\n", i, logical_block[i].name); } } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "%d unconnected blocks in input netlist.\n", count_unconn_blocks); if (error != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Found %d fatal errors in the input netlist.\n", error); exit(1); } } static void free_parse(void) { /* Release memory needed only during blif network parsing. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr, *temp_ptr; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { h_ptr = blif_hash[i]; while (h_ptr != NULL ) { free((void *) h_ptr->name); temp_ptr = h_ptr->next; free((void *) h_ptr); h_ptr = temp_ptr; } } free((void *) num_driver); free((void *) blif_hash); free((void *) temp_num_pins); } static void absorb_buffer_luts(void) { /* This routine uses a simple pattern matching algorithm to remove buffer LUTs where possible (single-input LUTs that are programmed to be a wire) */ int bnum, in_blk, out_blk, ipin, out_net, in_net; int removed = 0; /* Pin ordering for the clb blocks (1 VPACK_LUT + 1 FF in each logical_block) is * * output, n VPACK_LUT inputs, clock input. */ for (bnum = 0; bnum < num_logical_blocks; bnum++) { if (strcmp(logical_block[bnum].model->name, "names") == 0) { if (logical_block[bnum].truth_table != NULL && logical_block[bnum].truth_table->data_vptr) { if (strcmp("0 0", (char*) logical_block[bnum].truth_table->data_vptr) == 0 || strcmp("1 1", (char*) logical_block[bnum].truth_table->data_vptr) == 0) { for (ipin = 0; ipin < logical_block[bnum].model->inputs->size; ipin++) { if (logical_block[bnum].input_nets[0][ipin] == OPEN) break; } assert(ipin == 1); assert(logical_block[bnum].clock_net == OPEN); assert(logical_block[bnum].model->inputs->next == NULL); assert(logical_block[bnum].model->outputs->size == 1); assert(logical_block[bnum].model->outputs->next == NULL); in_net = logical_block[bnum].input_nets[0][0]; /* Net driving the buffer */ out_net = logical_block[bnum].output_nets[0][0]; /* Net the buffer us driving */ out_blk = vpack_net[out_net].node_block[1]; in_blk = vpack_net[in_net].node_block[0]; assert(in_net != OPEN); assert(out_net != OPEN); assert(out_blk != OPEN); assert(in_blk != OPEN); /* TODO: Make this handle general cases, due to time reasons I can only handle buffers with single outputs */ if (vpack_net[out_net].num_sinks == 1) { for (ipin = 1; ipin <= vpack_net[in_net].num_sinks; ipin++) { if (vpack_net[in_net].node_block[ipin] == bnum) { break; } } assert(ipin <= vpack_net[in_net].num_sinks); vpack_net[in_net].node_block[ipin] = vpack_net[out_net].node_block[1]; /* New output */ vpack_net[in_net].node_block_port[ipin] = vpack_net[out_net].node_block_port[1]; vpack_net[in_net].node_block_pin[ipin] = vpack_net[out_net].node_block_pin[1]; assert( logical_block[out_blk].input_nets[vpack_net[out_net].node_block_port[1]][vpack_net[out_net].node_block_pin[1]] == out_net); logical_block[out_blk].input_nets[vpack_net[out_net].node_block_port[1]][vpack_net[out_net].node_block_pin[1]] = in_net; vpack_net[out_net].node_block[0] = OPEN; /* This vpack_net disappears; mark. */ vpack_net[out_net].node_block_pin[0] = OPEN; /* This vpack_net disappears; mark. */ vpack_net[out_net].node_block_port[0] = OPEN; /* This vpack_net disappears; mark. */ vpack_net[out_net].num_sinks = 0; /* This vpack_net disappears; mark. */ logical_block[bnum].type = VPACK_EMPTY; /* Mark logical_block that had LUT */ /* error checking */ for (ipin = 0; ipin <= vpack_net[out_net].num_sinks; ipin++) { assert(vpack_net[out_net].node_block[ipin] != bnum); } removed++; } } } } } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Removed %d LUT buffers.\n", removed); } static void compress_netlist(void) { /* This routine removes all the VPACK_EMPTY blocks and OPEN nets that * * may have been left behind post synthesis. After this * * routine, all the VPACK blocks that exist in the netlist * * are in a contiguous list with no unused spots. The same * * goes for the list of nets. This means that blocks and nets * * have to be renumbered somewhat. */ int inet, iblk, index, ipin, new_num_nets, new_num_blocks, i; int *net_remap, *block_remap; int L_num_nets; t_model_ports *port; struct s_linked_vptr *tvptr, *next; new_num_nets = 0; new_num_blocks = 0; net_remap = (int *) my_malloc(num_logical_nets * sizeof(int)); block_remap = (int *) my_malloc(num_logical_blocks * sizeof(int)); for (inet = 0; inet < num_logical_nets; inet++) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block[0] != OPEN) { net_remap[inet] = new_num_nets; new_num_nets++; } else { net_remap[inet] = OPEN; } } for (iblk = 0; iblk < num_logical_blocks; iblk++) { if (logical_block[iblk].type != VPACK_EMPTY) { block_remap[iblk] = new_num_blocks; new_num_blocks++; } else { block_remap[iblk] = OPEN; } } if (new_num_nets != num_logical_nets || new_num_blocks != num_logical_blocks) { for (inet = 0; inet < num_logical_nets; inet++) { if (vpack_net[inet].node_block[0] != OPEN) { index = net_remap[inet]; vpack_net[index] = vpack_net[inet]; for (ipin = 0; ipin <= vpack_net[index].num_sinks; ipin++) { vpack_net[index].node_block[ipin] = block_remap[vpack_net[index].node_block[ipin]]; } } else { free(vpack_net[inet].name); free(vpack_net[inet].node_block); free(vpack_net[inet].node_block_port); free(vpack_net[inet].node_block_pin); } } num_logical_nets = new_num_nets; vpack_net = (struct s_net *) my_realloc(vpack_net, num_logical_nets * sizeof(struct s_net)); for (iblk = 0; iblk < num_logical_blocks; iblk++) { if (logical_block[iblk].type != VPACK_EMPTY) { index = block_remap[iblk]; if (index != iblk) { logical_block[index] = logical_block[iblk]; logical_block[index].index = index; /* array index moved */ } L_num_nets = 0; port = logical_block[index].model->inputs; while (port) { for (ipin = 0; ipin < port->size; ipin++) { if (port->is_clock) { assert( port->size == 1 && port->index == 0 && ipin == 0); if (logical_block[index].clock_net == OPEN) continue; logical_block[index].clock_net = net_remap[logical_block[index].clock_net]; } else { if (logical_block[index].input_nets[port->index][ipin] == OPEN) continue; logical_block[index].input_nets[port->index][ipin] = net_remap[logical_block[index].input_nets[port->index][ipin]]; } L_num_nets++; } port = port->next; } port = logical_block[index].model->outputs; while (port) { for (ipin = 0; ipin < port->size; ipin++) { if (logical_block[index].output_nets[port->index][ipin] == OPEN) continue; logical_block[index].output_nets[port->index][ipin] = net_remap[logical_block[index].output_nets[port->index][ipin]]; L_num_nets++; } port = port->next; } } else { free(logical_block[iblk].name); port = logical_block[iblk].model->inputs; i = 0; while (port) { if (!port->is_clock) { if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets) { if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets[i]) { free(logical_block[iblk].input_nets[i]); logical_block[iblk].input_nets[i] = NULL; } } i++; } port = port->next; } if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets) free(logical_block[iblk].input_nets); port = logical_block[iblk].model->outputs; i = 0; while (port) { if (logical_block[iblk].output_nets) { if (logical_block[iblk].output_nets[i]) { free(logical_block[iblk].output_nets[i]); logical_block[iblk].output_nets[i] = NULL; } } i++; port = port->next; } if (logical_block[iblk].output_nets) free(logical_block[iblk].output_nets); tvptr = logical_block[iblk].truth_table; while (tvptr != NULL ) { if (tvptr->data_vptr) free(tvptr->data_vptr); next = tvptr->next; free(tvptr); tvptr = next; } } } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Sweeped away %d nodes.\n", num_logical_blocks - new_num_blocks); num_logical_blocks = new_num_blocks; logical_block = (struct s_logical_block *) my_realloc(logical_block, num_logical_blocks * sizeof(struct s_logical_block)); } /* Now I have to recompute the number of primary inputs and outputs, since * * some inputs may have been unused and been removed. No real need to * * recount primary outputs -- it's just done as defensive coding. */ num_p_inputs = 0; num_p_outputs = 0; for (iblk = 0; iblk < num_logical_blocks; iblk++) { if (logical_block[iblk].type == VPACK_INPAD) num_p_inputs++; else if (logical_block[iblk].type == VPACK_OUTPAD) num_p_outputs++; } free(net_remap); free(block_remap); } /* Read blif file and perform basic sweep/accounting on it * - power_opts: Power options, can be NULL */ void read_and_process_blif(char *blif_file, boolean sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs, t_model *user_models, t_model *library_models, boolean read_activity_file, char * activity_file) { /* begin parsing blif input file */ read_blif(blif_file, sweep_hanging_nets_and_inputs, user_models, library_models, read_activity_file, activity_file); /* TODO: Do check blif here eg. for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { if (logical_block[i].model->num_inputs > max_subblock_inputs) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "logical_block %s of model %s has %d inputs but architecture only supports subblocks up to %d inputs.\n", logical_block[i].name, logical_block[i].model->name, logical_block[i].model->num_inputs, max_subblock_inputs); exit(1); } } */ if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_BLIF_INPUT)) { echo_input(blif_file, getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_BLIF_INPUT), library_models); } else ; absorb_buffer_luts(); compress_netlist(); /* remove unused inputs */ /* NB: It's important to mark clocks and such *after* compressing the * * netlist because the vpack_net numbers, etc. may be changed by removing * * unused inputs . */ show_blif_stats(user_models, library_models); free(logical_block_input_count); free(logical_block_output_count); free(model); logical_block_input_count = NULL; logical_block_output_count = NULL; model = NULL; } /* Output blif statistics */ static void show_blif_stats(t_model *user_models, t_model *library_models) { struct s_model_stats *model_stats; struct s_model_stats *lut_model; int num_model_stats; t_model *cur; int MAX_LUT_INPUTS; int i, j, iblk, ipin, num_pins; int *num_lut_of_size; /* Store data structure for all models in FPGA */ num_model_stats = 0; cur = library_models; while (cur) { num_model_stats++; cur = cur->next; } cur = user_models; while (cur) { num_model_stats++; cur = cur->next; } model_stats = (struct s_model_stats*) my_calloc(num_model_stats, sizeof(struct s_model_stats)); num_model_stats = 0; lut_model = NULL; cur = library_models; while (cur) { model_stats[num_model_stats].model = cur; if (strcmp(cur->name, "names") == 0) { lut_model = &model_stats[num_model_stats]; } num_model_stats++; cur = cur->next; } cur = user_models; while (cur) { model_stats[num_model_stats].model = cur; num_model_stats++; cur = cur->next; } /* Gather statistics from circuit */ MAX_LUT_INPUTS = 0; for (iblk = 0; iblk < num_logical_blocks; iblk++) { if (strcmp(logical_block[iblk].model->name, "names") == 0) { MAX_LUT_INPUTS = logical_block[iblk].model->inputs->size; break; } } num_lut_of_size = (int*) my_calloc(MAX_LUT_INPUTS + 1, sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < num_logical_blocks; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_model_stats; j++) { if (logical_block[i].model == model_stats[j].model) { break; } } assert(j < num_model_stats); model_stats[j].count++; if (&model_stats[j] == lut_model) { num_pins = 0; for (ipin = 0; ipin < logical_block[i].model->inputs->size; ipin++) { if (logical_block[i].input_nets[0][ipin] != OPEN) { num_pins++; } } num_lut_of_size[num_pins]++; } } /* Print blif circuit stats */ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "BLIF circuit stats:\n"); for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LUT_INPUTS; i++) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\t%d LUTs of size %d\n", num_lut_of_size[i], i); } for (i = 0; i < num_model_stats; i++) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\t%d of type %s\n", model_stats[i].count, model_stats[i].model->name); } free(model_stats); free(num_lut_of_size); } static void read_activity(char * activity_file) { int net_idx; bool fail; char buf[BUFSIZE]; char * ptr; char * word1; char * word2; char * word3; FILE * act_file_hdl; if (num_logical_nets == 0) { printf("Error reading activity file. Must read netlist first\n"); exit(-1); } for (net_idx = 0; net_idx < num_logical_nets; net_idx++) { if (!vpack_net[net_idx].net_power) { vpack_net[net_idx].net_power = new t_net_power; } vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->probability = -1.0; vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->density = -1.0; } act_file_hdl = my_fopen(activity_file, "r", FALSE); if (act_file_hdl == NULL ) { printf("Error: could not open activity file: %s\n", activity_file); exit(-1); } fail = FALSE; ptr = my_fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, act_file_hdl); while (ptr != NULL ) { word1 = strtok(buf, TOKENS); word2 = strtok(NULL, TOKENS); word3 = strtok(NULL, TOKENS); //printf("word1:%s|word2:%s|word3:%s\n", word1, word2, word3); fail |= add_activity_to_net(word1, atof(word2), atof(word3)); ptr = my_fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, act_file_hdl); } fclose(act_file_hdl); /* Make sure all nets have an activity value */ for (net_idx = 0; net_idx < num_logical_nets; net_idx++) { if (!vpack_net[net_idx].net_power || vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->probability < 0.0 || vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->density < 0.0) { printf("Error: Activity file does not contain signal %s\n", vpack_net[net_idx].name); fail = TRUE; } } if (fail) { exit(-1); } } bool add_activity_to_net(char * net_name, float probability, float density) { int hash_idx, net_idx; struct s_hash * h_ptr; hash_idx = hash_value(net_name); h_ptr = blif_hash[hash_idx]; while (h_ptr != NULL ) { if (strcmp(h_ptr->name, net_name) == 0) { net_idx = h_ptr->index; vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->probability = probability; vpack_net[net_idx].net_power->density = density; return false; } h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } printf( "Error: net %s found in activity file, but it does not exist in the .blif file.\n", net_name); return true; }