# Getting Started with OpenFPGA <img src="./docs/source/figures/OpenFPGA_logo.png" width="200" align="right"> [](https://travis-ci.org/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA) [](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/?badge=master) ## Introduction The OpenFPGA framework is the **first open-source FPGA IP generator** supporting highly-customizable homogeneous FPGA architectures. OpenFPGA provides a full set of EDA support for customized FPGAs, including Verilog-to-bitstream generation and self-testing verification. OpenFPGA opens the door to democratizing FPGA technology and EDA techniques, with agile prototyping approaches and constantly evolving EDA tools for chip designers and researchers. ## Compilation Dependencies and help using docker can be found [**here**](./docs/source/tutorials/compile.rst). **Compilation Steps:** ```bash # Clone the repository and go inside it git clone https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA.git && cd OpenFPGA mkdir build && cd build # Create a folder named build in the OpenPFGA repository cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug # Create a Makefile in this folder using cmake make # Compile the tool and its dependencies ``` *cmake3.12 is recommended to compile OpenFPGA with GUI* **Quick Compilation Verification** To quickly verify the tool is well compiled, user can run the following command from OpenFPGA root repository. ```bash python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/run_fpga_task.py compilation_verification --debug --show_thread_logs ``` *Python3 and iVerilog v10.1+ are required. GUI will pop-up if enabled during compilation.* **Supported Operating Systems** We currently target OpenFPGA for: 1. Ubuntu 18.04 2. Red Hat 7.5 *The tool was tested with these operating systems. It might work with earlier versions and other distributions.* ## Documentation OpenFPGA's [full documentation](https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/) includes tutorials, descriptions of the design flow, and tool options. ## Tutorials You can find some tutorials in the [**./tutorials**](./docs/source/tutorials/) folder. This will help you get more familiar with the tool and use OpenFPGA under different configurations.