# Support ccache for faster builds. # # By default ccache will be used if it is found in your path. # # You can use `BUILD_USING_CCACHE=off` to disable it's usage. # You can use `BUILD_USING_CCACHE=off` to make sure ccache is used. # set(BUILD_USING_CCACHE "auto") if(NOT "$ENV{BUILD_USING_CCACHE}" STREQUAL "") set(BUILD_USING_CCACHE $ENV{BUILD_USING_CCACHE}) endif() find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache) if (BUILD_USING_CCACHE STREQUAL "on") if(NOT CCACHE_PROGRAM) message(FATAL_ERROR "BUILD_USING_CCACHE set to on but ccache binary not found!") endif() endif() if (NOT BUILD_USING_CCACHE STREQUAL "off") if(CCACHE_PROGRAM) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") message(STATUS "Using ccache binary found @ ${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") endif() else() if(CCACHE_PROGRAM) message(STATUS "**Not** using ccache binary found @ ${CCACHE_PROGRAM} (as BUILD_USING_CCACHE is off)") endif() endif()