#ifndef VERILOG_TESTBENCH_OPTIONS_H #define VERILOG_TESTBENCH_OPTIONS_H /******************************************************************** * Include header files required by the data structure definition *******************************************************************/ #include #include "verilog_port_types.h" /* Begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /******************************************************************** * Options for Verilog Testbench generator * Typicall usage: * VerilogTestbench verilog_tb_opt(); * // Set options * ... * *******************************************************************/ class VerilogTestbenchOption { public: /* Public constructor */ /* Set default options */ VerilogTestbenchOption(); public: /* Public accessors */ std::string output_directory() const; std::string fabric_netlist_file_path() const; std::string reference_benchmark_file_path() const; bool fast_configuration() const; bool print_formal_verification_top_netlist() const; bool print_preconfig_top_testbench() const; bool print_top_testbench() const; bool print_simulation_ini() const; std::string simulation_ini_path() const; bool explicit_port_mapping() const; bool include_signal_init() const; bool support_icarus_simulator() const; e_verilog_default_net_type default_net_type() const; bool verbose_output() const; public: /* Public validator */ bool validate() const; public: /* Public mutators */ void set_output_directory(const std::string& output_dir); /* The reference verilog file path is the key parameters that will have an impact on other options: * - print_preconfig_top_testbench * - print_top_testbench * If the file path is empty, the above testbench generation will not be enabled */ void set_reference_benchmark_file_path(const std::string& reference_benchmark_file_path); /* The fabric netlist file path is an optional parameter * to allow users to specify a fabric netlist at another location */ void set_fabric_netlist_file_path(const std::string& fabric_netlist_file_path); void set_print_formal_verification_top_netlist(const bool& enabled); /* The preconfig top testbench generation can be enabled only when formal verification top netlist is enabled */ void set_print_preconfig_top_testbench(const bool& enabled); void set_fast_configuration(const bool& enabled); void set_print_top_testbench(const bool& enabled); void set_print_simulation_ini(const std::string& simulation_ini_path); void set_explicit_port_mapping(const bool& enabled); void set_include_signal_init(const bool& enabled); void set_support_icarus_simulator(const bool& enabled); void set_default_net_type(const std::string& default_net_type); void set_verbose_output(const bool& enabled); private: /* Internal Data */ std::string output_directory_; std::string fabric_netlist_file_path_; std::string reference_benchmark_file_path_; bool fast_configuration_; bool print_formal_verification_top_netlist_; bool print_preconfig_top_testbench_; bool print_top_testbench_; /* Print simulation ini is enabled only when the path is not empty */ std::string simulation_ini_path_; bool explicit_port_mapping_; bool support_icarus_simulator_; bool include_signal_init_; e_verilog_default_net_type default_net_type_; bool verbose_output_; }; } /* End namespace openfpga*/ #endif