/********************************************************************* * This file includes functions to generate Verilog submodules for * the memories that are affiliated to multiplexers and other programmable * circuit models, such as IOPADs, LUTs, etc. ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* Headers from vtrutil library */ #include "vtr_log.h" #include "vtr_time.h" #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "mux_graph.h" #include "module_manager.h" #include "circuit_library_utils.h" #include "decoder_library_utils.h" #include "module_manager_utils.h" #include "mux_utils.h" #include "openfpga_reserved_words.h" #include "openfpga_naming.h" #include "build_decoder_modules.h" #include "build_memory_modules.h" /* begin namespace openfpga */ namespace openfpga { /********************************************************************* * Add module nets to connect an input port of a memory module to * an input port of its child module * Restriction: this function is really designed for memory modules * 1. It assumes that input port name of child module is the same as memory module * 2. It assumes exact pin-to-pin mapping: * j-th pin of input port of the i-th child module is wired to the j + i*W -th * pin of input port of the memory module, where W is the size of port ********************************************************************/ static void add_module_input_nets_to_mem_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& mem_module, const ModulePortId& module_port, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitPortId& circuit_port, const ModuleId& child_module, const size_t& child_index, const size_t& child_instance) { /* Wire inputs of parent module to inputs of child modules */ ModulePortId src_port_id = module_port; ModulePortId sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, circuit_lib.port_prefix(circuit_port)); /* Source pin is shifted by the number of memories */ size_t src_pin_id = module_manager.module_port(mem_module, src_port_id).pins()[child_index]; ModuleNetId net = module_manager.module_instance_port_net(mem_module, mem_module, 0, src_port_id, src_pin_id); if (ModuleNetId::INVALID() == net) { net = module_manager.create_module_net(mem_module); module_manager.add_module_net_source(mem_module, net, mem_module, 0, src_port_id, src_pin_id); } for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < module_manager.module_port(child_module, sink_port_id).pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Sink node of the input net is the input of sram module */ size_t sink_pin_id = module_manager.module_port(child_module, sink_port_id).pins()[pin_id]; module_manager.add_module_net_sink(mem_module, net, child_module, child_instance, sink_port_id, sink_pin_id); } } /********************************************************************* * Add module nets to connect an output port of a configuration-chain * memory module to an output port of its child module * Restriction: this function is really designed for memory modules * 1. It assumes that output port name of child module is the same as memory module * 2. It assumes exact pin-to-pin mapping: * j-th pin of output port of the i-th child module is wired to the j + i*W -th * pin of output port of the memory module, where W is the size of port * 3. It assumes fixed port name for output ports ********************************************************************/ static std::vector add_module_output_nets_to_chain_mem_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& mem_module, const std::string& mem_module_output_name, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitPortId& circuit_port, const ModuleId& child_module, const size_t& child_index, const size_t& child_instance) { std::vector module_nets; /* Wire inputs of parent module to inputs of child modules */ ModulePortId src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(child_module, circuit_lib.port_prefix(circuit_port)); ModulePortId sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(mem_module, mem_module_output_name); for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < module_manager.module_port(child_module, src_port_id).pins().size(); ++pin_id) { ModuleNetId net = module_manager.create_module_net(mem_module); /* Source pin is shifted by the number of memories */ size_t src_pin_id = module_manager.module_port(child_module, src_port_id).pins()[pin_id]; /* Source node of the input net is the input of memory module */ module_manager.add_module_net_source(mem_module, net, child_module, child_instance, src_port_id, src_pin_id); /* Sink node of the input net is the input of sram module */ size_t sink_pin_id = child_index * circuit_lib.port_size(circuit_port) + module_manager.module_port(mem_module, sink_port_id).pins()[pin_id]; module_manager.add_module_net_sink(mem_module, net, mem_module, 0, sink_port_id, sink_pin_id); /* Cache the nets */ module_nets.push_back(net); } return module_nets; } /********************************************************************* * Add module nets to connect an output port of a memory module to * an output port of its child module * Restriction: this function is really designed for memory modules * 1. It assumes that output port name of child module is the same as memory module * 2. It assumes exact pin-to-pin mapping: * j-th pin of output port of the i-th child module is wired to the j + i*W -th * pin of output port of the memory module, where W is the size of port ********************************************************************/ static void add_module_output_nets_to_mem_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& mem_module, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const std::vector& sram_output_ports, const ModuleId& child_module, const size_t& child_index, const size_t& child_instance) { for (size_t iport = 0; iport < sram_output_ports.size(); ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else { VTR_ASSERT( 1 == iport); port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } add_module_output_nets_to_chain_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, port_name, circuit_lib, sram_output_ports[iport], child_module, child_index, child_instance); } } /******************************************************************** * Connect all the memory modules under the parent module in a chain * * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ccff_head --->| Memory |--->| Memory |--->... --->| Memory |----> ccff_tail * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * For the 1st memory module: * net source is the configuration chain head of the primitive module * net sink is the configuration chain head of the next memory module * * For the rest of memory modules: * net source is the configuration chain tail of the previous memory module * net sink is the configuration chain head of the next memory module * * Note that: * This function is designed for memory modules ONLY! * Do not use it to replace the * add_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus() !!! *********************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_to_cmos_memory_config_chain_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitPortId& model_input_port, const CircuitPortId& model_output_port) { for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId net_src_module_id; size_t net_src_instance_id; ModulePortId net_src_port_id; ModuleId net_sink_module_id; size_t net_sink_instance_id; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id; if (0 == mem_index) { /* Find the port name of configuration chain head */ std::string src_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_head_name(); net_src_module_id = parent_module; net_src_instance_id = 0; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_input_port); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } else { /* Find the port name of previous memory module */ std::string src_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_output_port); net_src_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_input_port); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Port sizes of source and sink should match */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == net_sink_port.get_width()); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } /* For the last memory module: * net source is the configuration chain tail of the previous memory module * net sink is the configuration chain tail of the primitive module */ /* Find the port name of previous memory module */ std::string src_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_output_port); ModuleId net_src_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).back(); size_t net_src_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module).back(); ModulePortId net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_tail_name(); ModuleId net_sink_module_id = parent_module; size_t net_sink_instance_id = 0; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Port sizes of source and sink should match */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == net_sink_port.get_width()); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } /******************************************************************** * Connect the scan input of all the memory modules * under the parent module in a chain * * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * ccff_head --->| Memory |--->| Memory |--->... --->| Memory | * | Module | | Module | | Module | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ * For the 1st memory module: * net source is the configuration chain head of the primitive module * net sink is the scan input of the next memory module * * For the rest of memory modules: * net source is the configuration chain tail of the previous memory module * net sink is the scan input of the next memory module * * Note that: * This function is designed for memory modules ONLY! * Do not use it to replace the * add_module_nets_cmos_memory_chain_config_bus() !!! *********************************************************************/ static void add_module_nets_to_cmos_memory_scan_chain_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, const ModuleId& parent_module, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitPortId& model_input_port, const CircuitPortId& model_output_port) { for (size_t mem_index = 0; mem_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++mem_index) { ModuleId net_src_module_id; size_t net_src_instance_id; ModulePortId net_src_port_id; ModuleId net_sink_module_id; size_t net_sink_instance_id; ModulePortId net_sink_port_id; if (0 == mem_index) { /* Find the port name of configuration chain head */ std::string src_port_name = generate_configuration_chain_head_name(); net_src_module_id = parent_module; net_src_instance_id = 0; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_input_port); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } else { /* Find the port name of previous memory module */ std::string src_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_output_port); net_src_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index - 1]; net_src_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_src_module_id, src_port_name); /* Find the port name of next memory module */ std::string sink_port_name = circuit_lib.port_prefix(model_input_port); net_sink_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[mem_index]; net_sink_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(net_sink_module_id, sink_port_name); } /* Get the pin id for source port */ BasicPort net_src_port = module_manager.module_port(net_src_module_id, net_src_port_id); /* Get the pin id for sink port */ BasicPort net_sink_port = module_manager.module_port(net_sink_module_id, net_sink_port_id); /* Port sizes of source and sink should match */ VTR_ASSERT(net_src_port.get_width() == net_sink_port.get_width()); /* Create a net for each pin */ for (size_t pin_id = 0; pin_id < net_src_port.pins().size(); ++pin_id) { /* Create a net and add source and sink to it */ ModuleNetId net = create_module_source_pin_net(module_manager, parent_module, net_src_module_id, net_src_instance_id, net_src_port_id, net_src_port.pins()[pin_id]); /* Add net sink */ module_manager.add_module_net_sink(parent_module, net, net_sink_module_id, net_sink_instance_id, net_sink_port_id, net_sink_port.pins()[pin_id]); } } } /********************************************************************* * Flatten memory organization * * Bit lines(BL/BLB) Word lines (WL/WLB) * | | * v v * +------------------------------------+ * | Memory Module Configuration port | * +------------------------------------+ * | | | * v v v * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | SRAM | | SRAM | ... | SRAM | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | | ... | * v v v * +------------------------------------+ * | Multiplexer Configuration port | * ********************************************************************/ static void build_memory_flatten_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const std::string& module_name, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const size_t& num_mems) { /* Get the global ports required by the SRAM */ std::vector global_port_types; global_port_types.push_back(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK); global_port_types.push_back(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT); std::vector sram_global_ports = circuit_lib.model_global_ports_by_type(sram_model, global_port_types, true, false); /* Get the BL/WL ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_bl_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL, true); std::vector sram_wl_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL, true); /* Get the output ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true); /* Ensure that we have only 1 BL, 1 WL and 2 output ports*/ VTR_ASSERT(1 == sram_bl_ports.size()); VTR_ASSERT(1 == sram_wl_ports.size()); VTR_ASSERT(2 == sram_output_ports.size()); /* Create a module and add to the module manager */ ModuleId mem_module = module_manager.add_module(module_name); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mem_module)); /* Label module usage */ module_manager.set_module_usage(mem_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_CONFIG); /* Add module ports */ /* Input: BL port */ BasicPort bl_port(std::string(MEMORY_BL_PORT_NAME), num_mems); ModulePortId mem_bl_port = module_manager.add_port(mem_module, bl_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); BasicPort wl_port(std::string(MEMORY_WL_PORT_NAME), num_mems); ModulePortId mem_wl_port = module_manager.add_port(mem_module, wl_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Add each output port: port width should match the number of memories */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < sram_output_ports.size(); ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else { VTR_ASSERT( 1 == iport); port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } BasicPort output_port(port_name, num_mems); module_manager.add_port(mem_module, output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); } /* Find the sram module in the module manager */ ModuleId sram_mem_module = module_manager.find_module(circuit_lib.model_name(sram_model)); /* Instanciate each submodule */ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mems; ++i) { size_t sram_mem_instance = module_manager.num_instance(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_child_module(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_configurable_child(mem_module, sram_mem_module, sram_mem_instance); /* Build module nets */ /* Wire inputs of parent module to inputs of child modules */ for (const CircuitPortId& port : sram_bl_ports) { add_module_input_nets_to_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, mem_bl_port, circuit_lib, port, sram_mem_module, i, sram_mem_instance); } for (const CircuitPortId& port : sram_wl_ports) { add_module_input_nets_to_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, mem_wl_port, circuit_lib, port, sram_mem_module, i, sram_mem_instance); } /* Wire outputs of child module to outputs of parent module */ add_module_output_nets_to_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, circuit_lib, sram_output_ports, sram_mem_module, i, sram_mem_instance); } /* Add global ports to the pb_module: * This is a much easier job after adding sub modules (instances), * we just need to find all the global ports from the child modules and build a list of it */ add_module_global_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, mem_module); } /********************************************************************* * Scan-chain organization * * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * scan-chain--->| CCFF |--->| CCFF |--->... --->| CCFF |---->scan-chain * input&clock | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | output * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | | ... | config-memory output * v v v * +-----------------------------------------+ * | Multiplexer Configuration port | * ********************************************************************/ static void build_memory_chain_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const std::string& module_name, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const size_t& num_mems) { /* Get the input ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true); /* Should have only 1 or 2 input port */ VTR_ASSERT( (1 == sram_input_ports.size()) || (2 == sram_input_ports.size()) ); /* Get the output ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true); /* Should have only 1 or 2 or 3 output port */ VTR_ASSERT( (1 == sram_output_ports.size()) || (2 == sram_output_ports.size()) || (3 == sram_output_ports.size()) ); /* Create a module and add to the module manager */ ModuleId mem_module = module_manager.add_module(module_name); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mem_module)); /* Label module usage */ module_manager.set_module_usage(mem_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_CONFIG); /* Add an input port, which is the head of configuration chain in the module */ /* TODO: restriction!!! * consider only the first input of the CCFF model as the D port, * which will be connected to the head of the chain */ BasicPort chain_head_port(generate_configuration_chain_head_name(), circuit_lib.port_size(sram_input_ports[0])); module_manager.add_port(mem_module, chain_head_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Add an output port, which is the tail of configuration chain in the module */ /* TODO: restriction!!! * consider only the first output of the CCFF model as the Q port, * which will be connected to the tail of the chain */ BasicPort chain_tail_port(generate_configuration_chain_tail_name(), circuit_lib.port_size(sram_output_ports[0])); module_manager.add_port(mem_module, chain_tail_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); /* There could be 3 conditions w.r.t. the number of output ports: * - Only one output port is defined. In this case, the 1st port is the Q * In such case, only Q will be considered as data output ports * - Two output port is defined. In this case, the 1st port is the Q while the 2nd port is the QN * In such case, both Q and QN will be considered as data output ports * - Three output port is defined. * In this case: * - the 1st port is the Q (the chain output) * - the 2nd port is the QN (the inverted data output) * - the 3nd port is the configure-enabled Q * In such case, configure-enabled Q and QN will be considered as data output ports */ size_t num_data_output_ports = sram_output_ports.size(); if (3 == sram_output_ports.size()) { num_data_output_ports = 2; } for (size_t iport = 0; iport < num_data_output_ports; ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else if (1 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } BasicPort output_port(port_name, num_mems); module_manager.add_port(mem_module, output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); } /* Find the sram module in the module manager */ ModuleId sram_mem_module = module_manager.find_module(circuit_lib.model_name(sram_model)); /* Instanciate each submodule */ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mems; ++i) { size_t sram_mem_instance = module_manager.num_instance(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_child_module(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_configurable_child(mem_module, sram_mem_module, sram_mem_instance); /* Build module nets to wire outputs of sram modules to outputs of memory module */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < num_data_output_ports; ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else { VTR_ASSERT( 1 == iport); port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } /* Find the proper data output port * The exception is when there are 3 output ports defined * The 3rd port is the regular data output port to be used */ CircuitPortId data_output_port_to_connect = sram_output_ports[iport]; if ((3 == sram_output_ports.size()) && (0 == iport)) { data_output_port_to_connect = sram_output_ports.back(); } std::vector output_nets = add_module_output_nets_to_chain_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, port_name, circuit_lib, data_output_port_to_connect, sram_mem_module, i, sram_mem_instance); } } /* Build module nets to wire the configuration chain */ add_module_nets_to_cmos_memory_config_chain_module(module_manager, mem_module, circuit_lib, sram_input_ports[0], sram_output_ports[0]); /* If there is a second input defined, * add nets to short wire the 2nd inputs to the first inputs */ if (2 == sram_input_ports.size()) { add_module_nets_to_cmos_memory_scan_chain_module(module_manager, mem_module, circuit_lib, sram_input_ports[1], sram_output_ports[0]); } /* Add global ports to the pb_module: * This is a much easier job after adding sub modules (instances), * we just need to find all the global ports from the child modules and build a list of it */ add_module_global_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, mem_module); } /********************************************************************* * Frame-based Memory organization * * EN Address Data * | | | * v v v * +------------------------------------+ * | Address Decoder | * +------------------------------------+ * | | | * v v v * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | SRAM | | SRAM | ... | SRAM | * | [0] | | [1] | | [N-1] | * +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ * | | ... | * v v v * +------------------------------------+ * | Multiplexer Configuration port | * ********************************************************************/ static void build_frame_memory_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& frame_decoder_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const std::string& module_name, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const size_t& num_mems) { /* Get the global ports required by the SRAM */ std::vector global_port_types; global_port_types.push_back(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK); global_port_types.push_back(CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT); std::vector sram_global_ports = circuit_lib.model_global_ports_by_type(sram_model, global_port_types, true, false); /* Get the input ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true); /* A SRAM cell with BL/WL should not have any input */ VTR_ASSERT( 0 == sram_input_ports.size() ); /* Get the output ports from the SRAM */ std::vector sram_output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true); /* Get the BL/WL ports from the SRAM * Here, we consider that the WL port will be EN signal of a SRAM * and the BL port will be the data_in signal of a SRAM */ std::vector sram_bl_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BL, true); std::vector sram_blb_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_BLB, true); std::vector sram_wl_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WL, true); std::vector sram_wlb_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(sram_model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_WLB, true); /* We do NOT expect any BLB port here!!! * TODO: to suppor this, we need an inverter circuit model to be specified by users !!! */ VTR_ASSERT(1 == sram_bl_ports.size()); VTR_ASSERT(1 == circuit_lib.port_size(sram_bl_ports[0])); VTR_ASSERT(1 == sram_wl_ports.size()); VTR_ASSERT(1 == circuit_lib.port_size(sram_wl_ports[0])); VTR_ASSERT(0 == sram_blb_ports.size()); /* Create a module and add to the module manager */ ModuleId mem_module = module_manager.add_module(module_name); VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mem_module)); /* Label module usage */ module_manager.set_module_usage(mem_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_CONFIG); /* Find the specification of the decoder: * Size of address port and data input */ size_t addr_size = find_mux_local_decoder_addr_size(num_mems); /* Data input should match the WL (data_in) of a SRAM */ size_t data_size = num_mems * circuit_lib.port_size(sram_bl_ports[0]); bool use_data_inv = (0 < sram_blb_ports.size()); /* Search the decoder library * If we find one, we use the module. * Otherwise, we create one and add it to the decoder library */ DecoderId decoder_id = frame_decoder_lib.find_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, use_data_inv); if (DecoderId::INVALID() == decoder_id) { decoder_id = frame_decoder_lib.add_decoder(addr_size, data_size, true, false, use_data_inv); } VTR_ASSERT(DecoderId::INVALID() != decoder_id); /* Create a module if not existed yet */ std::string decoder_module_name = generate_memory_decoder_subckt_name(addr_size, data_size); ModuleId decoder_module = module_manager.find_module(decoder_module_name); if (ModuleId::INVALID() == decoder_module) { decoder_module = build_frame_memory_decoder_module(module_manager, frame_decoder_lib, decoder_id); } VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != decoder_module); /* Add module ports */ /* Input: Enable port */ BasicPort en_port(std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME), 1); ModulePortId mem_en_port = module_manager.add_port(mem_module, en_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Input: Address port */ BasicPort addr_port(std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME), addr_size); ModulePortId mem_addr_port = module_manager.add_port(mem_module, addr_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Input: Data port */ BasicPort data_port(std::string(DECODER_DATA_IN_PORT_NAME), 1); ModulePortId mem_data_port = module_manager.add_port(mem_module, data_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT); /* Should have only 1 or 2 output port */ VTR_ASSERT( (1 == sram_output_ports.size()) || ( 2 == sram_output_ports.size()) ); /* Add each output port: port width should match the number of memories */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < sram_output_ports.size(); ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else { VTR_ASSERT( 1 == iport); port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } BasicPort output_port(port_name, num_mems); module_manager.add_port(mem_module, output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT); } /* Instanciate the decoder module here */ VTR_ASSERT(0 == module_manager.num_instance(mem_module, decoder_module)); module_manager.add_child_module(mem_module, decoder_module); /* Find the sram module in the module manager */ ModuleId sram_mem_module = module_manager.find_module(circuit_lib.model_name(sram_model)); /* Build module nets */ /* Wire enable port to decoder enable port */ ModulePortId decoder_en_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ENABLE_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, mem_module, mem_module, 0, mem_en_port, decoder_module, 0, decoder_en_port); /* Wire address port to decoder address port */ ModulePortId decoder_addr_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_ADDRESS_PORT_NAME)); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, mem_module, mem_module, 0, mem_addr_port, decoder_module, 0, decoder_addr_port); /* Instanciate each submodule */ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_mems; ++i) { /* Memory seed module instanciation */ size_t sram_instance = module_manager.num_instance(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_child_module(mem_module, sram_mem_module); module_manager.add_configurable_child(mem_module, sram_mem_module, sram_instance); /* Wire data_in port to SRAM BL port */ ModulePortId sram_bl_port = module_manager.find_module_port(sram_mem_module, circuit_lib.port_prefix(sram_bl_ports[0])); add_module_bus_nets(module_manager, mem_module, mem_module, 0, mem_data_port, sram_mem_module, sram_instance, sram_bl_port); /* Wire decoder data_out port to sram WL ports */ ModulePortId sram_wl_port = module_manager.find_module_port(sram_mem_module, circuit_lib.port_prefix(sram_wl_ports[0])); ModulePortId decoder_data_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_OUT_PORT_NAME)); ModuleNetId wl_net = module_manager.create_module_net(mem_module); /* Source node of the input net is the input of memory module */ module_manager.add_module_net_source(mem_module, wl_net, decoder_module, 0, decoder_data_port, sram_instance); module_manager.add_module_net_sink(mem_module, wl_net, sram_mem_module, sram_instance, sram_wl_port, 0); /* Optional: Wire decoder data_out inverted port to sram WLB ports */ if (true == use_data_inv) { ModulePortId sram_wlb_port = module_manager.find_module_port(sram_mem_module, circuit_lib.port_lib_name(sram_wlb_ports[0])); ModulePortId decoder_data_inv_port = module_manager.find_module_port(decoder_module, std::string(DECODER_DATA_OUT_INV_PORT_NAME)); ModuleNetId wlb_net = module_manager.create_module_net(mem_module); /* Source node of the input net is the input of memory module */ module_manager.add_module_net_source(mem_module, wlb_net, decoder_module, 0, decoder_data_inv_port, sram_instance); module_manager.add_module_net_sink(mem_module, wlb_net, sram_mem_module, sram_instance, sram_wlb_port, 0); } /* Wire inputs of parent module to outputs of child modules */ for (size_t iport = 0; iport < sram_output_ports.size(); ++iport) { std::string port_name; if (0 == iport) { port_name = generate_configurable_memory_data_out_name(); } else { VTR_ASSERT( 1 == iport); port_name = generate_configurable_memory_inverted_data_out_name(); } add_module_output_nets_to_chain_mem_modules(module_manager, mem_module, port_name, circuit_lib, sram_output_ports[iport], sram_mem_module, i, sram_instance); } } /* Add global ports to the pb_module: * This is a much easier job after adding sub modules (instances), * we just need to find all the global ports from the child modules and build a list of it */ add_module_global_ports_from_child_modules(module_manager, mem_module); /* Add the decoder as the last configurable children */ module_manager.add_configurable_child(mem_module, decoder_module, 0); } /********************************************************************* * Generate Verilog modules for the memories that are used * by a circuit model * The organization of memory circuit will depend on the style of * configuration protocols * Currently, we support * 1. Flat SRAM organization * 2. Configuration chain * 3. Memory bank (memory decoders) ********************************************************************/ static void build_memory_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& arch_decoder_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const std::string& module_name, const CircuitModelId& sram_model, const size_t& num_mems) { switch (sram_orgz_type) { case CONFIG_MEM_STANDALONE: case CONFIG_MEM_MEMORY_BANK: build_memory_flatten_module(module_manager, circuit_lib, module_name, sram_model, num_mems); break; case CONFIG_MEM_SCAN_CHAIN: build_memory_chain_module(module_manager, circuit_lib, module_name, sram_model, num_mems); break; case CONFIG_MEM_FRAME_BASED: build_frame_memory_module(module_manager, arch_decoder_lib, circuit_lib, module_name, sram_model, num_mems); break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid configurable memory organization!\n"); exit(1); } } /********************************************************************* * Generate Verilog modules for the memories that are used * by multiplexers * * +----------------+ * mem_in --->| Memory Module |---> mem_out * +----------------+ * | | ... | | * v v v v SRAM ports of multiplexer * +---------------------+ * in--->| Multiplexer Module |---> out * +---------------------+ ********************************************************************/ static void build_mux_memory_module(ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& arch_decoder_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type, const CircuitModelId& mux_model, const MuxGraph& mux_graph) { /* Find the actual number of configuration bits, based on the mux graph * Due to the use of local decoders inside mux, this may be */ size_t num_config_bits = find_mux_num_config_bits(circuit_lib, mux_model, mux_graph, sram_orgz_type); /* Multiplexers built with different technology is in different organization */ switch (circuit_lib.design_tech_type(mux_model)) { case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_CMOS: { /* Generate module name */ std::string module_name = generate_mux_subckt_name(circuit_lib, mux_model, find_mux_num_datapath_inputs(circuit_lib, mux_model, mux_graph.num_inputs()), std::string(MEMORY_MODULE_POSTFIX)); /* Get the sram ports from the mux */ std::vector sram_models = find_circuit_sram_models(circuit_lib, mux_model); VTR_ASSERT( 1 == sram_models.size() ); build_memory_module(module_manager, arch_decoder_lib, circuit_lib, sram_orgz_type, module_name, sram_models[0], num_config_bits); break; } case CIRCUIT_MODEL_DESIGN_RRAM: /* We do not need a memory submodule for RRAM MUX, * RRAM are embedded in the datapath * TODO: generate local encoders for RRAM-based multiplexers here!!! */ break; default: VTR_LOGF_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid design technology of multiplexer '%s'\n", circuit_lib.model_name(mux_model).c_str()); exit(1); } } /********************************************************************* * Build modules for * the memories that are affiliated to multiplexers and other programmable * circuit models, such as IOPADs, LUTs, etc. * * We keep the memory modules separated from the multiplexers and other * programmable circuit models, for the sake of supporting * various configuration schemes. * By following such organiztion, the Verilog modules of the circuit models * implements the functionality (circuit logic) only, while the memory Verilog * modules implements the memory circuits as well as configuration protocols. * For example, the local decoders of multiplexers are implemented in the * memory modules. * Take another example, the memory circuit can implement the scan-chain or * memory-bank organization for the memories. ********************************************************************/ void build_memory_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager, DecoderLibrary& arch_decoder_lib, const MuxLibrary& mux_lib, const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const e_config_protocol_type& sram_orgz_type) { vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Build memory modules"); /* Create the memory circuits for the multiplexer */ for (auto mux : mux_lib.muxes()) { const MuxGraph& mux_graph = mux_lib.mux_graph(mux); CircuitModelId mux_model = mux_lib.mux_circuit_model(mux); /* Bypass the non-MUX circuit models (i.e., LUTs). * They should be handled in a different way * Memory circuits of LUT includes both regular and mode-select ports */ if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_MUX != circuit_lib.model_type(mux_model)) { continue; } /* Create a Verilog module for the memories used by the multiplexer */ build_mux_memory_module(module_manager, arch_decoder_lib, circuit_lib, sram_orgz_type, mux_model, mux_graph); } /* Create the memory circuits for non-MUX circuit models. * In this case, the memory modules are designed to interface * the mode-select ports */ for (const auto& model : circuit_lib.models()) { /* Bypass MUXes, they have already been considered */ if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_MUX == circuit_lib.model_type(model)) { continue; } /* Bypass those modules without any SRAM ports */ std::vector sram_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(model, CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_SRAM, true); if (0 == sram_ports.size()) { continue; } /* Find the name of memory module */ /* Get the total number of SRAMs */ size_t num_mems = 0; for (const auto& port : sram_ports) { num_mems += circuit_lib.port_size(port); } /* Get the circuit model for the memory circuit used by the multiplexer */ std::vector sram_models = find_circuit_sram_models(circuit_lib, model); /* Should have only 1 SRAM model */ VTR_ASSERT( 1 == sram_models.size() ); /* Create the module name for the memory block */ std::string module_name = generate_memory_module_name(circuit_lib, model, sram_models[0], std::string(MEMORY_MODULE_POSTFIX)); /* Create a Verilog module for the memories used by the circuit model */ build_memory_module(module_manager, arch_decoder_lib, circuit_lib, sram_orgz_type, module_name, sram_models[0], num_mems); } } } /* end namespace openfpga */