//----------------------------------------------------- // Design Name : D-type Flip-flops // File Name : ff.v // Coder : Xifan TANG //----------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : A native D-type flip-flop with single output //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFQ ( input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q // Q output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ (posedge CK) begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : A native D-type flip-flop //----------------------------------------------------- module DFF ( input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ (posedge CK) begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - single output // - asynchronous active high reset //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q // Q output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFR ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active low reset //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFRN ( input RSTN, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or negedge RSTN) if (~RSTN) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high set //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFS ( input SET, // Set input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge SET) if (SET) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active low set //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFSN ( input SETN, // Set input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or negedge SETN) if (~SETN) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - asynchronous active high set //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFSR ( input SET, // set input input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output output QN // QB output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST or posedge SET) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SET) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = ~q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - asynchronous active high set //----------------------------------------------------- module DFFSRQ ( input SET, // set input input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q // Q output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST or posedge SET) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SET) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : A multi-functional D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous reset // which can be switched between active-low and active high // - asynchronous set // which can be switched between active-low and active high //----------------------------------------------------- module MULTI_MODE_DFFSRQ ( input SET, // Set input input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output input [0:1] mode // mode-selection bits: bit0 for reset polarity; bit1 for set polarity ); wire post_set = mode[1] ? ~SET : SET; wire post_reset = mode[0] ? ~RST : RST; DFFSRQ FF_CORE (.SET(post_set), .RST(post_rst), .CK(CK), .D(D), .Q(Q) ); endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : A multi-functional D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous reset // which can be switched between active-low and active high //----------------------------------------------------- module MULTI_MODE_DFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input D, // Data Input output Q, // Q output input mode // mode-selection bits: bit0 for reset polarity; bit1 for set polarity ); wire post_reset = mode ? ~RST : RST; DFFRQ FF_CORE (.RST(post_rst), .CK(CK), .D(D), .Q(Q) ); endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - asynchronous active high set // - scan-chain input // - a scan-chain enable //----------------------------------------------------- module SDFFSR ( input SET, // Set input input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SE, // Scan-chain Enable input D, // Data Input input SI, // Scan-chain input output Q, // Q output output QN // Q negative output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST or posedge SET) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SET) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else if (SE) begin q_reg <= SI; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = !Q; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - scan-chain input // - a scan-chain enable //----------------------------------------------------- module SDFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SE, // Scan-chain Enable input D, // Data Input input SI, // Scan-chain input output Q // Q output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SE) begin q_reg <= SI; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - asynchronous active high set // - scan-chain input // - a scan-chain enable //----------------------------------------------------- module SDFFSRQ ( input SET, // Set input input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SE, // Scan-chain Enable input D, // Data Input input SI, // Scan-chain input output Q // Q output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST or posedge SET) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SET) begin q_reg <= 1'b1; end else if (SE) begin q_reg <= SI; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign Q = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // - scan-chain input // - a scan-chain enable // - a configure enable, when enabled the registered output will // be released to the Q //----------------------------------------------------- module CFGSDFFR ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SE, // Scan-chain Enable input D, // Data Input input SI, // Scan-chain input input CFGE, // Configure enable output Q, // Regular Q output output CFGQ, // Data Q output which is released when configure enable is activated output CFGQN // Data Qb output which is released when configure enable is activated ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; wire QN; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (SE) begin q_reg <= SI; end else begin q_reg <= D; end assign CFGQ = CFGE ? Q : 1'b0; assign CFGQN = CFGE ? QN : 1'b1; assign Q = q_reg; assign QN = !Q; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // @note This DFF is designed to drive BLs when shift registers are used //----------------------------------------------------- module BL_DFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SIN, // Data Input output SOUT, // Q output output BL // BL output ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= SIN; end assign SOUT = q_reg; assign BL = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // @note This DFF is designed to drive WLs when shift registers are used //----------------------------------------------------- module WL_DFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SIN, // Data Input output SOUT, // Q output output WLW // Drive WL write signals ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= SIN; end assign SOUT = q_reg; assign WLW = q_reg; endmodule //End Of Module //----------------------------------------------------- // Function : D-type flip-flop with // - asynchronous active high reset // @note This DFF is designed to drive WLs and WLRs when shift registers are used //----------------------------------------------------- module WLR_DFFRQ ( input RST, // Reset input input CK, // Clock Input input SIN, // Data Input output SOUT, // Q output output WLW, // Drive WL write signals output WLR // Drive WL read signals ); //------------Internal Variables-------- reg q_reg; //-------------Code Starts Here--------- always @ ( posedge CK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q_reg <= 1'b0; end else begin q_reg <= SIN; end assign SOUT = q_reg; assign WLW = q_reg; assign WLR = 1'b0; // Use a constant output just for simple testing endmodule //End Of Module