.. _utility_module_rename_assistant: Module Rename Assistant ----------------------- Module Rename Assistant is a tool to help users to craft module name files (see details in :ref:`file_formats_module_naming_files`). This tool is useful to adapt module naming from a fabric to another, considering the two fabrics share the same building blocks, i.e., tile, routing blocks *etc.* For example, when engineers craft a module naming file for a fabric ``A``, and would like to migrate the module naming rules for anthor fabric ``B``, module naming rules have to be adapted due to the changes on default names of building blocks. The tool can be found at ``/build/libs/libnamemanager/module_rename_assistant`` The tool includes the following options: .. option:: --reference_fabricA_names Specifiy a reference module name file for fabric A. This is typically generated by OpenFPGA through the commmand :ref:`openfpga_setup_commands_write_module_naming_rules`. The reference fabric key file is treated as the baseline, on which the renamed module file will be compared to. .. option:: --renamed_fabricA_names Specify the hand-crafted module name file for fabric A, which is typically hand-crafted by users. .. option:: --reference_fabricB_names Specifiy a reference module name file for fabric B. This is typically generated by OpenFPGA through the commmand :ref:`openfpga_setup_commands_write_module_naming_rules`. The reference fabric key file is treated as the baseline, on which the renamed module file will be compared to. .. option:: --output Specify the renamed module name file for fabric B to be outputted. For example, the fabric A contains reference names: .. code-block:: xml while the renamed module for fabric A includes: .. code-block:: xml the fabric B shares the same given name ``tile_4_`` but in a different default name. .. code-block:: xml the resulting output renamed module file includes: .. code-block:: xml .. option:: --verbose To enable verbose output .. option:: --help Show help desk