#!usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #use Shell; #Use the time use Time::gmtime; #Get Date my $mydate = gmctime(); use File::Path; use Cwd; use FileHandle; # Global Variants # input Option Hash my %opt_h; my $opt_ptr = \%opt_h; my $CONF_HANDLE; my ($SCRIPTS_PATH, $CONFIG_FILEPATH, $FPGA_FLOW_PATH); # !!! this script is called in the parent folder: fpga_flow. If you use the script in the scripts folder it is not going to work! !!! $FPGA_FLOW_PATH = getcwd(); $SCRIPTS_PATH = "${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/scripts"; $CONFIG_FILEPATH = "${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/configs/fpga_spice/k6_N10_sram_tsmc40nm_TT.conf"; sub spot_option($ $) { my ($start,$target) = @_; my ($arg_no,$flag) = (-1,"unfound"); for (my $iarg = $start; $iarg < $#ARGV+1; $iarg++) { if ($ARGV[$iarg] eq $target) { if ("found" eq $flag) { print "Error: Repeated Arguments!(IndexA: $arg_no,IndexB: $iarg)\n"; &print_usage(); } else { $flag = "found"; $arg_no = $iarg; } } } # return the arg_no if target is found # or return -1 when target is missing return $arg_no; } # Specify in the input list, # 1. Option Name # 2. Whether Option with value. if yes, choose "on" # 3. Whether Option is mandatory. If yes, choose "on" sub read_opt_into_hash($ $ $) { my ($opt_name,$opt_with_val,$mandatory) = @_; # Check the -$opt_name my ($opt_fact) = ("-".$opt_name); my ($cur_arg) = (0); my ($argfd) = (&spot_option($cur_arg,"$opt_fact")); if ($opt_with_val eq "on") { if (-1 != $argfd) { if ($ARGV[$argfd+1] =~ m/^-/) { print "The next argument cannot start with '-'!\n"; print "it implies an option!\n"; } else { $opt_ptr->{"$opt_name\_val"} = $ARGV[$argfd+1]; $opt_ptr->{"$opt_name"} = "on"; } } else { $opt_ptr->{"$opt_name"} = "off"; if ($mandatory eq "on") { print "Mandatory option: $opt_fact is missing!\n"; &print_usage(); } } } else { if (-1 != $argfd) { $opt_ptr->{"$opt_name"} = "on"; } else { $opt_ptr->{"$opt_name"} = "off"; if ($mandatory eq "on") { print "Mandatory option: $opt_fact is missing!\n"; &print_usage(); } } } return 1; } # Read options sub opts_read() { # if no arguments detected, print the usage. if (-1 == $#ARGV) { print "Error : No input arguments!\n"; print "Help desk:\n"; &print_usage(); exit(1); } # Read in the options my ($cur_arg,$arg_found); $cur_arg = 0; print "Analyzing your options...\n"; # Read the options with internal options my $argfd; # Check help fist $argfd = &spot_option($cur_arg,"-help"); if (-1 != $argfd) { print "Help desk:\n"; &print_usage(); } # Then Check the debug with highest priority $argfd = &spot_option($cur_arg,"-debug"); if (-1 != $argfd) { $opt_ptr->{"debug"} = "on"; } else { $opt_ptr->{"debug"} = "off"; } # Check mandatory options # Check the -conf # Read Opt into Hash(opt_ptr) : "opt_name","with_val","mandatory" &read_opt_into_hash("output_conf","on","on"); &read_opt_into_hash("arch","on","on"); &read_opt_into_hash("benchmark_path","on","on"); &read_opt_into_hash("flow_type","on","on"); &read_opt_into_hash("power_property_xml","on","on"); &print_opts(); return 1; } # List the options sub print_opts() { print "List your options\n"; while(my ($key,$value) = each(%opt_h)) { print "$key : $value\n"; } return 1; } sub print_usage() { print "generate configuration file for FPGA flow.\n"; print "Usage: perl generate_config.pl \n"; print " Mandatory options:\n"; print " -output_conf : specify the path of configuration file to be outputted\n"; print " -arch : specify the architecture file\n"; print " -benchmark_path : specify the path of benchmark files\n"; print " -flow_type : specify the type of FPGA flow to run\n"; print " -power_property_xml : specify the XML file containing power property of FPGA architectures\n"; return 1; } # Create paths if it does not exist. sub generate_path($) { my ($mypath) = @_; if (!(-e "$mypath")) { mkpath "$mypath"; print "Path($mypath) does not exist...Create it.\n"; } return 1; } # Opens the file in order to write into it sub open_file($) { my ($mypath) = @_; open ($CONF_HANDLE, "> $mypath") or die "Can't open $mypath: $!"; return 1; } # Generates the content of the configuration file sub generate_file($) { my ($my_path) = @_; print $CONF_HANDLE "# Standard Configuration Example\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "[dir_path]\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "script_base = $FPGA_FLOW_PATH/scripts/\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "benchmark_dir = $opt_ptr->{benchmark_path_val}\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "yosys_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../yosys/yosys\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "odin2_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/not_used_atm/odin2.exe\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "cirkit_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/not_used_atm/cirkit\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "abc_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../abc/abc\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "abc_mccl_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../abc_with_bb_support/abc\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "abc_with_bb_support_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../abc_with_bb_support/abc\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack1_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/not_used_atm/mpack1\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "m2net_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/not_used_atm/m2net\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack2_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/not_used_atm/mpack2\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "vpr_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../vpr7_x2p/vpr/vpr\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "rpt_dir = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/results\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "ace_path = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/../ace2/ace\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "[flow_conf]\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "flow_type = $opt_ptr->{flow_type_val} #standard|mpack2|mpack1|vtr_standard|vtr|yosys_vpr\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "vpr_arch = $opt_ptr->{arch_val} # Use relative path under VPR folder is OK\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack1_abc_stdlib = DRLC7T_SiNWFET.genlib # Use relative path under ABC folder is OK\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "m2net_conf = ${FPGA_FLOW_PATH}/m2net_conf/m2x2_SiNWFET.conf\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack2_arch = K6_pattern7_I24.arch\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "power_tech_xml = $opt_ptr->{power_property_xml_val} # Use relative path under VPR folder is OK\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "[csv_tags]\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack1_tags = Global mapping efficiency:|efficiency:|occupancy wo buf:|efficiency wo buf:\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "mpack2_tags = BLE Number:|BLE Fill Rate: \n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "vpr_tags = Netlist clb blocks:|Final critical path:|Total logic delay:|total net delay:|Total routing area:|Total used logic block area:|Total wirelength:|Packing took|Placement took|Routing took|Average net density:|Median net density:|Recommend no. of clock cycles:\n"; print $CONF_HANDLE "vpr_power_tags = PB Types|Routing|Switch Box|Connection Box|Primitives|Interc Structures|lut6|ff\n"; return 1; } # Closes the file after being used sub close_file($) { close ($CONF_HANDLE) || warn "close failed: $!"; return 1; } # Input program path is like "~/program_dir/program_name" # We split it from the scalar sub split_prog_path($) { my ($prog_path) = @_; my @path_elements = split /\//,$prog_path; my ($prog_dir,$prog_name); $prog_name = $path_elements[$#path_elements]; $prog_dir = $prog_path; $prog_dir =~ s/$prog_name$//g; return ($prog_dir,$prog_name); } # Main routine sub main() { &opts_read(); $CONFIG_FILEPATH = $opt_ptr->{output_conf_val}; my ($CONFIG_DIR_PATH, $CONFIG_FILENAME) = &split_prog_path($CONFIG_FILEPATH); &generate_path($CONFIG_DIR_PATH); &open_file($CONFIG_FILEPATH); &generate_file($CONFIG_FILEPATH); &close_file($CONFIG_FILEPATH); print "Configuration file $CONFIG_FILEPATH generated!\n"; return 1; } &main(); exit(0);