#include #include #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "rr_graph_util.h" #include "rr_graph2.h" #include "rr_graph_timing_params.h" /*mrFPGA: Xifan TANG*/ #include "mrfpga_globals.h" /*end */ /****************** Subroutine definitions *********************************/ void add_rr_graph_C_from_switches(float C_ipin_cblock) { /* This routine finishes loading the C elements of the rr_graph. It assumes * * that when you call it the CHANX and CHANY nodes have had their C set to * * their metal capacitance, and everything else has C set to 0. The graph * * connectivity (edges, switch types etc.) must all be loaded too. This * * routine will add in the capacitance on the CHANX and CHANY nodes due to: * * * * 1) The output capacitance of the switches coming from OPINs; * * 2) The input and output capacitance of the switches between the various * * wiring (CHANX and CHANY) segments; and * * 3) The input capacitance of the buffers separating routing tracks from * * the connection block inputs. */ int inode, iedge, switch_index, to_node, maxlen; int icblock, isblock, iseg_low, iseg_high; float Cin, Cout; t_rr_type from_rr_type, to_rr_type; boolean * cblock_counted; /* [0..max(nx,ny)] -- 0th element unused. */ float *buffer_Cin; /* [0..max(nx,ny)] */ boolean buffered; float *Couts_to_add; /* UDSD */ maxlen = std::max(nx, ny) + 1; cblock_counted = (boolean *) my_calloc(maxlen, sizeof(boolean)); buffer_Cin = (float *) my_calloc(maxlen, sizeof(float)); for (inode = 0; inode < num_rr_nodes; inode++) { from_rr_type = rr_node[inode].type; if (from_rr_type == CHANX || from_rr_type == CHANY) { for (iedge = 0; iedge < rr_node[inode].num_edges; iedge++) { to_node = rr_node[inode].edges[iedge]; to_rr_type = rr_node[to_node].type; if (to_rr_type == CHANX || to_rr_type == CHANY) { switch_index = rr_node[inode].switches[iedge]; Cin = switch_inf[switch_index].Cin; Cout = switch_inf[switch_index].Cout; buffered = switch_inf[switch_index].buffered; /* If both the switch from inode to to_node and the switch from * * to_node back to inode use bidirectional switches (i.e. pass * * transistors), there will only be one physical switch for * * both edges. Hence, I only want to count the capacitance of * * that switch for one of the two edges. (Note: if there is * * a pass transistor edge from x to y, I always build the graph * * so that there is a corresponding edge using the same switch * * type from y to x.) So, I arbitrarily choose to add in the * * capacitance in that case of a pass transistor only when * * processing the the lower inode number. * * If an edge uses a buffer I always have to add in the output * * capacitance. I assume that buffers are shared at the same * * (i,j) location, so only one input capacitance needs to be * * added for all the buffered switches at that location. If * * the buffers at that location have different sizes, I use the * * input capacitance of the largest one. */ /* mrFPGA : Xifan TANG */ if (is_junction) { rr_node[inode].C += 2.0 * memristor_inf.C; } if (!is_isolation) { /* end */ /* Original VPR*/ if (!buffered && inode < to_node) { /* Pass transistor. */ rr_node[inode].C += Cin; rr_node[to_node].C += Cout; } else if (buffered) { /* Prevent double counting of capacitance for UDSD */ if (rr_node[to_node].drivers != SINGLE) { /* For multiple-driver architectures the output capacitance can * be added now since each edge is actually a driver */ rr_node[to_node].C += Cout; } isblock = seg_index_of_sblock(inode, to_node); buffer_Cin[isblock] = std::max(buffer_Cin[isblock], Cin); } /* end */ } } /* End edge to CHANX or CHANY node. */ else if (to_rr_type == IPIN) { /* Code below implements sharing of the track to connection * * box buffer. I assume there is one such buffer at every * * segment of the wire at which at least one logic block input * * connects. */ /* mrFPGA : Xifan TANG */ if (is_junction) { rr_node[inode].C += memristor_inf.C; } if (!is_isolation) { /* end */ /* Original VPR*/ icblock = seg_index_of_cblock(from_rr_type, to_node); if (cblock_counted[icblock] == FALSE) { rr_node[inode].C += C_ipin_cblock; cblock_counted[icblock] = TRUE; } } /* end */ } } /* End loop over all edges of a node. */ /* Reset the cblock_counted and buffer_Cin arrays, and add buf Cin. */ /* Method below would be faster for very unpopulated segments, but I * * think it would be slower overall for most FPGAs, so commented out. */ /* for (iedge=0;iedge