# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = # Configuration file for running experiments # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = # timeout_each_job : FPGA Task script splits fpga flow into multiple jobs # Each job execute fpga_flow script on combination of architecture & benchmark # timeout_each_job is timeout for each job # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [GENERAL] run_engine=openfpga_shell power_tech_file = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/tech/PTM_45nm/45nm.xml power_analysis = true spice_output=false verilog_output=true timeout_each_job = 20*60 fpga_flow=vpr_blif [OpenFPGA_SHELL] openfpga_shell_template=${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/OpenFPGAShellScripts/example_script.openfpga openfpga_arch_file=${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/openfpga_arch/k6_frac_N10_adder_chain_mem16K_aib_40nm_openfpga.xml openfpga_sim_setting_file=${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/openfpga_simulation_settings/auto_sim_openfpga.xml ##################################### # Debugging status # Fail in the following cases # - tileable routing is used # - vpr routing is used # - compressed routing is enabled/disabled # - duplicated pin is enabled/disabled # # Therefore, this could be a bug in the VPR #################################### [ARCHITECTURES] arch0=${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/vpr_arch/k6_frac_N10_tileable_adder_chain_mem16K_aib_40nm.xml [BENCHMARKS] bench0=${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/micro_benchmark/and2/and2.blif [SYNTHESIS_PARAM] bench0_top = and2 bench0_act = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/micro_benchmark/and2/and2.act bench0_verilog = ${PATH:OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/micro_benchmark/and2/and2.v bench0_chan_width = 300 [SCRIPT_PARAM_MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH] end_flow_with_test= vpr_fpga_verilog_formal_verification_top_netlist=