/***********************************/ /* SPICE Modeling for VPR */ /* Xifan TANG, EPFL/LSI */ /***********************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Include vpr structs*/ #include "util.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "rr_graph_swseg.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" /* Include spice support headers*/ #include "linkedlist.h" #include "fpga_spice_utils.h" #include "fpga_spice_globals.h" /* Include verilog support headers*/ #include "verilog_global.h" #include "verilog_utils.h" #include "verilog_pbtypes.h" #include "verilog_lut.h" /***** Subroutines *****/ void dump_verilog_pb_primitive_lut(FILE* fp, char* subckt_prefix, t_logical_block* mapped_logical_block, t_pb_graph_node* cur_pb_graph_node, int index, t_spice_model* verilog_model) { int i; int* sram_bits = NULL; /* decoded SRAM bits */ int truth_table_length = 0; char** truth_table = NULL; int lut_size = 0; int num_input_port = 0; t_spice_model_port** input_ports = NULL; int num_output_port = 0; t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL; int num_sram_port = 0; t_spice_model_port** sram_ports = NULL; int num_pb_type_input_port = 0; t_port** pb_type_input_ports = NULL; int num_pb_type_output_port = 0; t_port** pb_type_output_ports = NULL; char* formatted_subckt_prefix = format_verilog_node_prefix(subckt_prefix); /* Complete a "_" at the end if needed*/ t_pb_type* cur_pb_type = NULL; char* port_prefix = NULL; int cur_num_sram = 0; int num_sram = 0; /* For each SRAM, we could have multiple BLs/WLs */ int num_bl_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** bl_port = NULL; int num_wl_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** wl_port = NULL; int num_bl_per_sram = 0; int num_wl_per_sram = 0; int num_conf_bits = 0; int num_reserved_conf_bits = 0; int cur_bl, cur_wl; t_spice_model* mem_model = NULL; /* Ensure a valid file handler*/ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid file handler!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Ensure a valid pb_graph_node */ if (NULL == cur_pb_graph_node) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid cur_pb_graph_node!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Asserts */ assert(SPICE_MODEL_LUT == verilog_model->type); /* Check if this is an idle logical block mapped*/ if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) { truth_table = assign_lut_truth_table(mapped_logical_block, &truth_table_length); /* Back-annotate to logical block */ mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model = verilog_model; mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model_index = verilog_model->cnt; } /* Determine size of LUT*/ input_ports = find_spice_model_ports(verilog_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_input_port, TRUE); output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(verilog_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_port, TRUE); assert(1 == num_input_port); assert(1 == num_output_port); lut_size = input_ports[0]->size; assert(1 == output_ports[0]->size); /* Find SRAM ports */ sram_ports = find_spice_model_ports(verilog_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_SRAM, &num_sram_port, TRUE); assert(1 == num_sram_port); /* Count the number of configuration bits */ num_sram = count_num_sram_bits_one_spice_model(verilog_model, -1); /* Get memory model */ get_sram_orgz_info_mem_model(sram_verilog_orgz_info, &mem_model); /* Find the number of BLs/WLs of each SRAM */ switch (sram_verilog_orgz_type) { case SPICE_SRAM_MEMORY_BANK: /* Detect the SRAM SPICE model linked to this SRAM port */ assert(NULL != sram_ports[0]->spice_model); assert(SPICE_MODEL_SRAM == sram_ports[0]->spice_model->type); find_bl_wl_ports_spice_model(sram_ports[0]->spice_model, &num_bl_ports, &bl_port, &num_wl_ports, &wl_port); assert(1 == num_bl_ports); assert(1 == num_wl_ports); num_bl_per_sram = bl_port[0]->size; num_wl_per_sram = wl_port[0]->size; /* Asserts */ assert(num_bl_per_sram == num_wl_per_sram); break; case SPICE_SRAM_STANDALONE: case SPICE_SRAM_SCAN_CHAIN: break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid SRAM organization type!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Generate sram bits*/ sram_bits = generate_lut_sram_bits(truth_table_length, truth_table, lut_size, sram_ports[0]->default_val); /* Print the subckts*/ cur_pb_type = cur_pb_graph_node->pb_type; /* Comment lines */ fprintf(fp, "//----- LUT Verilog module: %s%s_%d_ -----\n", formatted_subckt_prefix, cur_pb_type->name, index); /* Simplify the prefix, make the SPICE netlist readable*/ port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)* (strlen(cur_pb_type->name) + 1 + strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1)); sprintf(port_prefix, "%s_%d_", cur_pb_type->name, index); /* Subckt definition*/ fprintf(fp, "module %s%s_%d_ (", formatted_subckt_prefix, cur_pb_type->name, index); fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* Only dump the global ports belonging to a spice_model */ if (0 < rec_dump_verilog_spice_model_global_ports(fp, verilog_model, TRUE, TRUE)) { fprintf(fp, ",\n"); } /* Print inputs, outputs, inouts, clocks, NO SRAMs*/ dump_verilog_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, cur_pb_type, TRUE, TRUE); /* Print SRAM ports */ cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); get_sram_orgz_info_num_blwl(sram_verilog_orgz_info, &cur_bl, &cur_wl); /* connect to reserved BL/WLs ? */ num_reserved_conf_bits = count_num_reserved_conf_bits_one_spice_model(verilog_model, sram_verilog_orgz_info->type, 0); /* Get the number of configuration bits required by this MUX */ num_conf_bits = count_num_conf_bits_one_spice_model(verilog_model, sram_verilog_orgz_info->type, 0); /* Reserved sram ports */ dump_verilog_reserved_sram_ports(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, 0, num_reserved_conf_bits - 1, VERILOG_PORT_INPUT); if ( 0 < num_reserved_conf_bits) { fprintf(fp, ",\n"); } /* Normal sram ports */ dump_verilog_sram_ports(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_conf_bits - 1, VERILOG_PORT_INPUT); /* Local Vdd and gnd*/ fprintf(fp, ");\n"); /* Definition ends*/ /* Specify inputs are wires */ pb_type_input_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_spice_model_port_type(cur_pb_type, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_pb_type_input_port); assert(1 == num_pb_type_input_port); fprintf(fp, "wire [0:%d] %s__%s;\n", input_ports[0]->size - 1, port_prefix, pb_type_input_ports[0]->name); for (i = 0; i < input_ports[0]->size; i++) { fprintf(fp, "assign %s__%s[%d] = %s__%s_%d_;\n", port_prefix, pb_type_input_ports[0]->name, i, port_prefix, pb_type_input_ports[0]->name, i); } /* Specify outputs are wires */ pb_type_output_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_spice_model_port_type(cur_pb_type, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_pb_type_output_port); assert(1 == num_pb_type_output_port); fprintf(fp, "wire [0:%d] %s__%s;\n", output_ports[0]->size - 1, port_prefix, pb_type_output_ports[0]->name); for (i = 0; i < output_ports[0]->size; i++) { fprintf(fp, "assign %s__%s_%d_ = %s__%s[%d];\n", port_prefix, pb_type_output_ports[0]->name, i, port_prefix, pb_type_output_ports[0]->name, i); } /* Specify SRAM output are wires */ cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); dump_verilog_sram_config_bus_internal_wires(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1); /* fprintf(fp, "wire [%d:%d] %s_out;\n", cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, mem_model->prefix); fprintf(fp, "wire [%d:%d] %s_outb;\n", cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, mem_model->prefix); */ num_sram = count_num_sram_bits_one_spice_model(verilog_model, -1); cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); /* Call LUT subckt*/ fprintf(fp, "%s %s_%d_ (", verilog_model->name, verilog_model->prefix, verilog_model->cnt); fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* if we have to add global ports when dumping submodules of LUTs * otherwise, the port map here does not match that of submodules * Only dump the global ports belonging to a spice_model * DISABLE recursive here ! */ if (0 < rec_dump_verilog_spice_model_global_ports(fp, verilog_model, FALSE, FALSE)) { fprintf(fp, ",\n"); } /* Connect inputs*/ /* Connect outputs*/ fprintf(fp, "//----- Input and output ports -----\n"); dump_verilog_pb_type_bus_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, cur_pb_type, FALSE, TRUE); fprintf(fp, "//----- SRAM ports -----\n"); /* Connect srams: TODO: to find the SRAM model used by this Verilog model */ cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); /* TODO: switch depending on the type of configuration circuit */ switch (sram_verilog_orgz_info->type) { case SPICE_SRAM_STANDALONE: break; case SPICE_SRAM_SCAN_CHAIN: dump_verilog_sram_one_port(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, 1, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT); fprintf(fp, ", "); dump_verilog_sram_one_outport(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, 1, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT); break; case SPICE_SRAM_MEMORY_BANK: dump_verilog_sram_one_outport(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, 0, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT); fprintf(fp, ", "); dump_verilog_sram_one_outport(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, cur_num_sram + num_sram - 1, 1, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT); break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid SRAM organization type!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* vdd should be connected to special global wire gvdd_lut and gnd, * Every LUT has a special VDD for statistics */ fprintf(fp, ");\n"); /* Print the encoding in SPICE netlist for debugging */ if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) { fprintf(fp, "//----- Truth Table for LUT node (%s). -----\n", mapped_logical_block->name); } fprintf(fp, "//----- Truth Table for LUT[%d], size=%d. -----\n", verilog_model->cnt, lut_size); for (i = 0; i < truth_table_length; i++) { fprintf(fp,"// %s \n", truth_table[i]); } fprintf(fp, "//----- SRAM bits for LUT[%d], size=%d, num_sram=%d. -----\n", verilog_model->cnt, lut_size, num_sram); fprintf(fp, "//-----"); fprint_commented_sram_bits(fp, num_sram, sram_bits); fprintf(fp, "-----\n"); /* Decode the SRAM bits to BL/WL bits. */ switch (sram_verilog_orgz_type) { case SPICE_SRAM_MEMORY_BANK: cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) { /* TODO: should be more structural in coding !!! */ /* Decode the SRAM bits to BL/WL bits. * first half part is BL, the other half part is WL */ decode_and_add_verilog_sram_membank_conf_bit_to_llist(sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram + i, num_bl_per_sram, num_wl_per_sram, sram_bits[i]); } /* NUM_SRAM is set to be consistent with number of BL/WLs * TODO: NUM_SRAM should be the as they are. * Should use another variable i.e., num_bl */ break; case SPICE_SRAM_STANDALONE: case SPICE_SRAM_SCAN_CHAIN: /* Store the configuraion bit to linked-list */ add_mux_conf_bits_to_llist(0, sram_verilog_orgz_info, num_sram, sram_bits, verilog_model); break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid SRAM organization type!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Call SRAM subckts only * when Configuration organization style is memory bank */ /* No. of SRAMs is different from the number of configuration lines. * Especially when SRAMs/RRAMs are configured with BL/WLs */ num_sram = count_num_sram_bits_one_spice_model(verilog_model, -1); for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) { /* Dump the configuration port bus */ /*TODO: to be more smart!!! num_reserved_conf_bits and num_conf_bits/num_sram should be determined by each mem_bit */ cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_verilog_orgz_info); dump_verilog_mem_config_bus(fp, mem_model, sram_verilog_orgz_info, cur_num_sram, num_reserved_conf_bits, num_conf_bits/num_sram); /* This function should be called in the very end, * because we update the counter of mem_model after each sram submodule is dumped !!! */ dump_verilog_sram_submodule(fp, sram_verilog_orgz_info, mem_model); /* use the mem_model in sram_verilog_orgz_info */ } /* End of subckt*/ fprintf(fp, "endmodule\n"); /* Comment lines */ fprintf(fp, "//----- END LUT Verilog module: %s%s_%d_ -----\n\n", formatted_subckt_prefix, cur_pb_type->name, index); /* Update counter */ verilog_model->cnt++; /*Free*/ my_free(formatted_subckt_prefix); my_free(input_ports); my_free(output_ports); my_free(sram_ports); my_free(sram_bits); my_free(port_prefix); return; }