.. _direct_interconnect: Direct Interconnect ------------------- This section introduces extensions on the architecture description file about direct connections between programmable blocks. Syntax ~~~~~~ The original direct connections in the directlist section are documented here_. Its description is given below: .. _here: http://docs.verilogtorouting.org/en/latest/arch/reference/?highlight=directlist#direct-inter-block-connections .. code-block:: xml .. note:: These options are required In the OpenFPGA architecture file, you may define additional attributes for each VPR's direct connection: .. code-block:: xml .. note:: these options are optional. However, if ``interconnection_type`` is set to ``inter_column`` or ``inter_row, then `x_dir` and `y_dir` are required. .. option:: interconnection_type="" Available types are ``inner_column_or_row`` | ``part_of_cb`` | ``inter_column`` | ``inter_row`` - ``inner_column_or_row`` indicates the direct connections are between tiles in the same column or row. This is the default value. - ``part_of_cb`` indicates the direct connections will drive routing multiplexers in connection blocks. Therefore, it is no longer a strict point-to-point direct connection. - ``inter_column`` indicates the direct connections are between tiles in two columns - ``inter_row`` indicates the direct connections are between tiles in two rows .. note:: The following syntax is only applicable to ``inter_column`` and ``inter_row`` .. option:: x_dir="" Available directionalities are ``positive`` | ``negative``, specifies if the next cell to connect has a bigger or lower ``x`` value. Considering a coordinate system where (0,0) is the origin at the bottom left and ``x`` and ``y`` are positives: - x_dir="positive": - interconnection_type="inter_column": a column will be connected to a column on the ``right``, if it exists. - interconnection_type="inter_row": the most on the ``right`` cell from a row connection will connect the most on the ``left`` cell of next row, if it exists. - x_dir="negative": - interconnection_type="inter_column": a column will be connected to a column on the ``left``, if it exists. - interconnection_type="inter_row": the most on the ``left`` cell from a row connection will connect the most on the ``right`` cell of next row, if it exists. .. option:: y_dir="" Available directionalities are ``positive`` | ``negative``, specifies if the next cell to connect has a bigger or lower x value. Considering a coordinate system where (0,0) is the origin at the bottom left and `x` and `y` are positives: - y_dir="positive": - interconnection_type="inter_column": the ``bottom`` cell of a column will be connected to the next column ``top`` cell, if it exists. - interconnection_type="inter_row": a row will be connected on an ``above`` row, if it exists. - y_dir="negative": - interconnection_type="inter_column": the ``top`` cell of a column will be connected to the next column ``bottom`` cell, if it exists. - interconnection_type="inter_row": a row will be connected on a row ``below``, if it exists. Enhanced Connection Block ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The direct connection can also drive routing multiplexers of connection blocks. When such connection occures in a connection block, it is called enhanced connection block. :numref:`fig_ecb` illustrates the difference between a regular connection block and an enhanced connection block. .. _fig_ecb: .. figure:: ./figures/ecb.png Enhanced connection block vs. Regular connection block In such scenario, the type ``part_of_cb`` is required. .. warning:: Restrictions may be applied when building the direct connections as part of a connection block. Direct connections can be inside a tile or across two tiles. Currently, across more than two tiles are not supported! :numref:`fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection`` illustrates the region (in red) where any input pin is allowed to be driven by any output pin. .. _fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection: .. figure:: ./figures/ecb_allowed_direct_connection.png Allowed connections inside a tile for enhanced connection block (see the highlighted region) :numref:`fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inner_tile_example`` shows a few feedback connections which can be built inside connection blocks. Note that feedback connections are fully allowed between any pins on the same side of a programmable block. .. _fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inner_tile_example: .. figure:: ./figures/ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inner_tile_example.png Example of feedback connections inside a tile for enhanced connection block For instance, VPR architecture defines feedback connections like: .. code-block:: xml :numref:`fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inter_tile_example`` shows a few inter-tile connections which can be built inside connection blocks. Note that inter-tile connections are subjected to the restrictions depicted in :numref:`fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection`` .. _fig_ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inter_tile_example: .. figure:: ./figures/ecb_allowed_direct_connection_inter_tile_example.png Example of connections across two tiles for enhanced connection block :numref:`fig_ecb_forbid_direct_connection_example`` illustrates some inner-tile and inter-tile connections which are not allowed. Note that feedback connections across different sides are restricted! .. _fig_ecb_forbid_direct_connection_example: .. figure:: ./figures/ecb_forbid_direct_connection_example.png Restrictions on building direct connections as part of a connection block Inter-tile Connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this example, we will study a scan-chain implementation. The description could be: In VPR architecture: .. code-block:: xml In OpenFPGA architecture: .. code-block:: xml :numref:`fig_p2p_exple` is the graphical representation of the above scan-chain description on a 4x4 FPGA. .. _fig_p2p_exple: .. figure:: ./figures/point2point_example.png An example of scan-chain implementation In this figure, the red arrows represent the initial direct connection. The green arrows represent the point to point connection to connect all the columns of CLB. A point to point connection can be applied in different ways than showed in the example section. To help the designer implement his point to point connection, a truth table with our new parameters id provided below. :numref:`fig_p2p_trtable` provides all possible variable combination and the connection it will generate. .. _fig_p2p_trtable: .. figure:: ./figures/point2point_truthtable.png Point to point truth table