#include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" #include "globals.h" #include "place_and_route.h" #include "place.h" #include "read_place.h" #include "route_export.h" #include "draw.h" #include "stats.h" #include "check_route.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "path_delay.h" #include "net_delay.h" #include "timing_place.h" #include "read_xml_arch_file.h" #include "ReadOptions.h" #include "route_common.h" #include "place_macro.h" #include "verilog_writer.h" #include "power.h" /* CLB PIN REMAP */ #include "place_clb_pin_remap.h" #include "tileable_chan_details_builder.h" /******************* Subroutines local to this module ************************/ static int binary_search_place_and_route(struct s_placer_opts placer_opts, char *place_file, char *net_file, char *arch_file, char *route_file, boolean full_stats, boolean verify_binary_search, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist, t_model *models, t_direct_inf *directs, int num_directs, float sram_area, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ t_swseg_pattern_inf* swseg_patterns); static float comp_width(t_chan * chan, float x, float separation); void post_place_sync(INP int L_num_blocks, INOUTP const struct s_block block_list[]); void free_pb_data(t_pb *pb); /************************* Subroutine Definitions ****************************/ void place_and_route(enum e_operation operation, struct s_placer_opts placer_opts, char *place_file, char *net_file, char *arch_file, char *route_file, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist, struct s_model *models, t_direct_inf *directs, int num_directs, float sram_area, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ t_swseg_pattern_inf* swseg_patterns) { /* This routine controls the overall placement and routing of a circuit. */ char msg[BUFSIZE]; int width_fac, i; boolean success, Fc_clipped; float **net_delay = NULL; t_slack * slacks = NULL; t_chunk net_delay_ch = {NULL, 0, NULL}; /*struct s_linked_vptr *net_delay_chunk_list_head;*/ t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally = NULL; /* [0..num_blocks-1][0..num_class-1] */ int max_pins_per_clb; clock_t begin, end; Fc_clipped = FALSE; max_pins_per_clb = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) { if (type_descriptors[i].num_pins > max_pins_per_clb) { max_pins_per_clb = type_descriptors[i].num_pins; } } if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_NEVER) { /* Read the placement from a file */ read_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file, nx, ny, num_blocks, block); sync_grid_to_blocks(num_blocks, block, nx, ny, grid); } else { assert( (PLACE_ONCE == placer_opts.place_freq) || (PLACE_ALWAYS == placer_opts.place_freq)); begin = clock(); try_place(placer_opts, annealing_sched, chan_width_dist, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, directs, num_directs); print_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file); end = clock(); #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Placement took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Placement took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC); #endif } post_place_sync(num_blocks, block); /* Xifan TANG: PLACE_CLB_PIN_REMAP */ if (TRUE == placer_opts.place_clb_pin_remap) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Try remap CLB pins after placement...\n"); begin = clock(); try_clb_pin_remap_after_placement(det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, num_directs, directs); end = clock(); update_screen(MAJOR, "CLB_PIN_REMAP", PLACEMENT, FALSE); #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "CLB_PIN_REMAP took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "CLB_PIN_REMAP took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC); #endif } /* END */ begin = clock(); fflush(stdout); if (!router_opts.doRouting) return; width_fac = router_opts.fixed_channel_width; /* If channel width not fixed, use binary search to find min W */ if (NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH == width_fac) { g_solution_inf.channel_width = binary_search_place_and_route(placer_opts, place_file, net_file, arch_file, route_file, router_opts.full_stats, router_opts.verify_binary_search, annealing_sched, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, chan_width_dist, models, directs, num_directs,sram_area, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ swseg_patterns); } else { g_solution_inf.channel_width = width_fac; if (det_routing_arch.directionality == UNI_DIRECTIONAL) { if (width_fac % 2 != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in pack_place_and_route.c: Given odd chan width (%d) for udsd architecture.\n", width_fac); exit(1); } } /* Other constraints can be left to rr_graph to check since this is one pass routing */ /* Xifan Tang: W estimation for tileable routing architecture */ /* Build the segment inf vector */ std::vector<t_segment_inf> segment_vec; for (int iseg = 0; iseg < det_routing_arch.num_segment; ++iseg) { segment_vec.push_back(segment_inf[iseg]); } if (TRUE == router_opts.use_tileable_route_chan_width) { int adapted_W = adapt_to_tileable_route_chan_width(width_fac, segment_vec); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Adapt routing channel width (%d) to be tileable: %d\n", width_fac, adapted_W); width_fac = adapted_W; } /* Allocate the major routing structures. */ clb_opins_used_locally = alloc_route_structs(); slacks = alloc_and_load_timing_graph(timing_inf); net_delay = alloc_net_delay(&net_delay_ch, clb_net, num_nets); success = try_route(width_fac, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, net_delay, slacks, chan_width_dist, clb_opins_used_locally, &Fc_clipped, directs, num_directs, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ swseg_patterns); if (Fc_clipped) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Fc_output was too high and was clipped to full (maximum) connectivity.\n"); } if (success == FALSE) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Circuit is unrouteable with a channel width factor of %d.\n", width_fac); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); sprintf(msg, "Routing failed with a channel width factor of %d. ILLEGAL routing shown.", width_fac); } else { check_route(router_opts.route_type, det_routing_arch.num_switch, clb_opins_used_locally); get_serial_num(); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Circuit successfully routed with a channel width factor of %d.\n", width_fac); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); routing_stats(router_opts.full_stats, router_opts.route_type, det_routing_arch.num_switch, segment_inf, det_routing_arch.num_segment, det_routing_arch.R_minW_nmos, det_routing_arch.R_minW_pmos, det_routing_arch.directionality, timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled, net_delay, slacks, sram_area); print_route(route_file); if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_ROUTING_SINK_DELAYS)) { print_sink_delays(getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_ROUTING_SINK_DELAYS)); } sprintf(msg, "Routing succeeded with a channel width factor of %d.\n\n", width_fac); } init_draw_coords(max_pins_per_clb); update_screen(MAJOR, msg, ROUTING, timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled); if (timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled) { assert(slacks->slack); if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH)) { print_timing_graph_as_blif (getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH), models); } if(GetPostSynthesisOption()) { verilog_writer(); } free_timing_graph(slacks); assert(net_delay); free_net_delay(net_delay, &net_delay_ch); } fflush(stdout); } if (clb_opins_used_locally != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { free_ivec_vector(clb_opins_used_locally[i], 0, block[i].type->num_class - 1); } free(clb_opins_used_locally); clb_opins_used_locally = NULL; } /* Frees up all the data structure used in vpr_utils. */ free_port_pin_from_blk_pin(); free_blk_pin_from_port_pin(); end = clock(); #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Routing took %g seconds.\n", (float) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); #else vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Routing took %g seconds.\n", (float)(end - begin) / CLK_PER_SEC); #endif /*WMF: cleaning up memory usage */ /* if (g_heap_free_head) free(g_heap_free_head); if (g_trace_free_head) free(g_trace_free_head); if (g_linked_f_pointer_free_head) free(g_linked_f_pointer_free_head);*/ } static int binary_search_place_and_route(struct s_placer_opts placer_opts, char *place_file, char *net_file, char *arch_file, char *route_file, boolean full_stats, boolean verify_binary_search, struct s_annealing_sched annealing_sched, struct s_router_opts router_opts, struct s_det_routing_arch det_routing_arch, t_segment_inf * segment_inf, t_timing_inf timing_inf, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist, t_model *models, t_direct_inf *directs, int num_directs, float sram_area, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ t_swseg_pattern_inf* swseg_patterns) { /* This routine performs a binary search to find the minimum number of * * tracks per channel required to successfully route a circuit, and returns * * that minimum width_fac. */ struct s_trace **best_routing; /* Saves the best routing found so far. */ int current, low, high, final; int max_pins_per_clb, i; boolean success, prev_success, prev2_success, Fc_clipped = FALSE; char msg[BUFSIZE]; float **net_delay = NULL; t_slack * slacks = NULL; t_chunk net_delay_ch = {NULL, 0, NULL}; /*struct s_linked_vptr *net_delay_chunk_list_head;*/ t_ivec **clb_opins_used_locally, **saved_clb_opins_used_locally; /* [0..num_blocks-1][0..num_class-1] */ int attempt_count; int udsd_multiplier; int warnings; t_graph_type graph_type; /* Allocate the major routing structures. */ if (router_opts.route_type == GLOBAL) { graph_type = GRAPH_GLOBAL; /* Xifan Tang: tileable undirectional rr_graph support */ } else if (BI_DIRECTIONAL == det_routing_arch.directionality) { graph_type = GRAPH_BIDIR; } else if (UNI_DIRECTIONAL == det_routing_arch.directionality) { if (true == det_routing_arch.tileable) { graph_type = GRAPH_UNIDIR_TILEABLE; } else { graph_type = GRAPH_UNIDIR; } } max_pins_per_clb = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) { max_pins_per_clb = std::max(max_pins_per_clb, type_descriptors[i].num_pins); } clb_opins_used_locally = alloc_route_structs(); best_routing = alloc_saved_routing(clb_opins_used_locally, &saved_clb_opins_used_locally); slacks = alloc_and_load_timing_graph(timing_inf); net_delay = alloc_net_delay(&net_delay_ch, clb_net, num_nets); /* UDSD by AY Start */ if (det_routing_arch.directionality == BI_DIRECTIONAL) udsd_multiplier = 1; else udsd_multiplier = 2; /* UDSD by AY End */ if (router_opts.fixed_channel_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) { current = router_opts.fixed_channel_width + 5 * udsd_multiplier; low = router_opts.fixed_channel_width - 1 * udsd_multiplier; } else { current = max_pins_per_clb + max_pins_per_clb % 2; /* Binary search part */ /* End */ low = -1; } /* Build the segment inf vector */ std::vector<t_segment_inf> segment_vec; for (int iseg = 0; iseg < det_routing_arch.num_segment; ++iseg) { segment_vec.push_back(segment_inf[iseg]); } /* Constraints must be checked to not break rr_graph generator */ if (det_routing_arch.directionality == UNI_DIRECTIONAL) { if (current % 2 != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in pack_place_and_route.c: Tried odd chan width (%d) for udsd architecture.\n", current); exit(1); } } else { if (det_routing_arch.Fs % 3) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Fs must be three in bidirectional mode.\n"); exit(1); } } high = -1; final = -1; attempt_count = 0; while (final == -1) { /* Xifan Tang: W estimation for tileable routing architecture */ if (TRUE == router_opts.use_tileable_route_chan_width) { int adapted_W = adapt_to_tileable_route_chan_width(current, segment_vec); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Adapt routing channel width (%d) to be tileable: %d\n", current, adapted_W); current = adapted_W; } /* Do a early exit when the current equals to high or low, * This means that the current W has been tried already. We just return a final value (high) */ if ( (current == high) || (current == low) ) { final = high; break; } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Using low: %d, high: %d, current: %d\n", low, high, current); fflush(stdout); /* Check if the channel width is huge to avoid overflow. Assume the * * circuit is unroutable with the current router options if we're * * going to overflow. */ if (router_opts.fixed_channel_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) { if (current > router_opts.fixed_channel_width * 4) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "This circuit appears to be unroutable with the current router options. Last failed at %d.\n", low); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Aborting routing procedure.\n"); exit(1); } } else { if (current > 1000) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "This circuit requires a channel width above 1000, probably is not going to route.\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Aborting routing procedure.\n"); exit(1); } } if ((current * 3) < det_routing_arch.Fs) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Width factor is now below specified Fs. Stop search.\n"); final = high; break; } if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_ALWAYS) { placer_opts.place_chan_width = current; try_place(placer_opts, annealing_sched, chan_width_dist, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, directs, num_directs); /* Xifan TANG: PLACE_CLB_PIN_REMAP */ if (TRUE == placer_opts.place_clb_pin_remap) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Try remap CLB pins after placement...\n"); try_clb_pin_remap_after_placement(det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, num_directs, directs); } /* END */ } success = try_route(current, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, net_delay, slacks, chan_width_dist, clb_opins_used_locally, &Fc_clipped, directs, num_directs, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ swseg_patterns); attempt_count++; fflush(stdout); #if 1 if (success && (Fc_clipped == FALSE)) { #else if (success && (Fc_clipped == FALSE || det_routing_arch.Fc_type == FRACTIONAL)) { #endif if (current == high) { /* Can't go any lower */ final = current; } high = current; /* If Fc_output is too high, set to full connectivity but warn the user */ if (Fc_clipped) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Fc_output was too high and was clipped to full (maximum) connectivity.\n"); } /* If we're re-placing constantly, save placement in case it is best. */ #if 0 if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_ALWAYS) { print_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file); } #endif /* Save routing in case it is best. */ save_routing(best_routing, clb_opins_used_locally, saved_clb_opins_used_locally); if ((high - low) <= 1 * udsd_multiplier) final = high; if (low != -1) { current = (high + low) / 2; } else { current = high / 2; /* haven't found lower bound yet */ } } else { /* last route not successful */ if (success && Fc_clipped) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Routing rejected, Fc_output was too high.\n"); success = FALSE; } low = current; if (high != -1) { if ((high - low) <= 1 * udsd_multiplier) final = high; current = (high + low) / 2; } else { if (router_opts.fixed_channel_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) { /* FOR Wneed = f(Fs) search */ if (low < router_opts.fixed_channel_width + 30) { current = low + 5 * udsd_multiplier; } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Aborting: Wneed = f(Fs) search found exceedingly large Wneed (at least %d).\n", low); exit(1); } } else { current = low * 2; /* Haven't found upper bound yet */ } } } current = current + current % udsd_multiplier; } /* The binary search above occassionally does not find the minimum * * routeable channel width. Sometimes a circuit that will not route * * in 19 channels will route in 18, due to router flukiness. If * * verify_binary_search is set, the code below will ensure that FPGAs * * with channel widths of final-2 and final-3 wil not route * * successfully. If one does route successfully, the router keeps * * trying smaller channel widths until two in a row (e.g. 8 and 9) * * fail. */ if (verify_binary_search) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Verifying that binary search found min channel width...\n"); prev_success = TRUE; /* Actually final - 1 failed, but this makes router */ /* try final-2 and final-3 even if both fail: safer */ prev2_success = TRUE; current = final - 2; while (prev2_success || prev_success) { if ((router_opts.fixed_channel_width != NO_FIXED_CHANNEL_WIDTH) && (current < router_opts.fixed_channel_width)) { break; } fflush(stdout); if (current < 1) break; if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_ALWAYS) { placer_opts.place_chan_width = current; try_place(placer_opts, annealing_sched, chan_width_dist, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, directs, num_directs); /* Xifan TANG: PLACE_CLB_PIN_REMAP */ if (TRUE == placer_opts.place_clb_pin_remap) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Try remap CLB pins after placement...\n"); try_clb_pin_remap_after_placement(det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, num_directs, directs); } /* END */ } success = try_route(current, router_opts, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf, net_delay, slacks, chan_width_dist, clb_opins_used_locally, &Fc_clipped, directs, num_directs, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ swseg_patterns); if (success && Fc_clipped == FALSE) { final = current; save_routing(best_routing, clb_opins_used_locally, saved_clb_opins_used_locally); if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_ALWAYS) { print_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file); } } prev2_success = prev_success; prev_success = success; current--; if (det_routing_arch.directionality == UNI_DIRECTIONAL) { current--; /* width must be even */ } } } /* End binary search verification. */ /* Restore the best placement (if necessary), the best routing, and * * * the best channel widths for final drawing and statistics output. */ init_chan(final, chan_width_dist); #if 0 if (placer_opts.place_freq == PLACE_ALWAYS) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Reading best placement back in.\n"); placer_opts.place_chan_width = final; read_place(place_file, net_file, arch_file, placer_opts, router_opts, chan_width_dist, det_routing_arch, segment_inf, timing_inf); } #endif free_rr_graph(); build_rr_graph(graph_type, num_types, type_descriptors, nx, ny, grid, chan_width_x[0], NULL, det_routing_arch.switch_block_type, det_routing_arch.Fs, det_routing_arch.switch_block_sub_type, det_routing_arch.sub_Fs, det_routing_arch.wire_opposite_side, det_routing_arch.num_segment, det_routing_arch.num_switch, segment_inf, det_routing_arch.global_route_switch, det_routing_arch.delayless_switch, timing_inf, det_routing_arch.wire_to_ipin_switch, router_opts.base_cost_type, directs, num_directs, FALSE, &warnings, /*Xifan TANG: Switch Segment Pattern Support*/ det_routing_arch.num_swseg_pattern, swseg_patterns, TRUE, TRUE); restore_routing(best_routing, clb_opins_used_locally, saved_clb_opins_used_locally); check_route(router_opts.route_type, det_routing_arch.num_switch, clb_opins_used_locally); get_serial_num(); if (Fc_clipped) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_WARNING, "Best routing Fc_output too high, clipped to full (maximum) connectivity.\n"); } vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Best routing used a channel width factor of %d.\n", final); routing_stats(full_stats, router_opts.route_type, det_routing_arch.num_switch, segment_inf, det_routing_arch.num_segment, det_routing_arch.R_minW_nmos, det_routing_arch.R_minW_pmos, det_routing_arch.directionality, timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled, net_delay, slacks, sram_area); print_route(route_file); if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_ROUTING_SINK_DELAYS)) { print_sink_delays(getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_ROUTING_SINK_DELAYS)); } init_draw_coords(max_pins_per_clb); sprintf(msg, "Routing succeeded with a channel width factor of %d.", final); update_screen(MAJOR, msg, ROUTING, timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled); if (timing_inf.timing_analysis_enabled) { if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH)) { print_timing_graph_as_blif (getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_POST_FLOW_TIMING_GRAPH), models); } if(GetPostSynthesisOption()) { verilog_writer(); } free_timing_graph(slacks); free_net_delay(net_delay, &net_delay_ch); } for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) { free_ivec_vector(clb_opins_used_locally[i], 0, block[i].type->num_class - 1); } free(clb_opins_used_locally); clb_opins_used_locally = NULL; free_saved_routing(best_routing, saved_clb_opins_used_locally); fflush(stdout); return (final); } void init_chan(int cfactor, t_chan_width_dist chan_width_dist) { /* Assigns widths to channels (in tracks). Minimum one track * * per channel. io channels are io_rat * maximum in interior * * tracks wide. The channel distributions read from the architecture * * file are scaled by cfactor. */ float x, separation, chan_width_io; int nio, i; t_chan chan_x_dist, chan_y_dist; chan_width_io = chan_width_dist.chan_width_io; chan_x_dist = chan_width_dist.chan_x_dist; chan_y_dist = chan_width_dist.chan_y_dist; /* io channel widths */ nio = (int) floor(cfactor * chan_width_io + 0.5); if (nio == 0) nio = 1; /* No zero width channels */ chan_width_x[0] = chan_width_x[ny] = nio; chan_width_y[0] = chan_width_y[nx] = nio; if (ny > 1) { separation = 1. / (ny - 2.); /* Norm. distance between two channels. */ x = 0.; /* This avoids div by zero if ny = 2. */ chan_width_x[1] = (int) floor( cfactor * comp_width(&chan_x_dist, x, separation) + 0.5); /* No zero width channels */ chan_width_x[1] = std::max(chan_width_x[1], 1); for (i = 1; i < ny - 1; i++) { x = (float) i / ((float) (ny - 2.)); chan_width_x[i + 1] = (int) floor( cfactor * comp_width(&chan_x_dist, x, separation) + 0.5); chan_width_x[i + 1] = std::max(chan_width_x[i + 1], 1); } } if (nx > 1) { separation = 1. / (nx - 2.); /* Norm. distance between two channels. */ x = 0.; /* Avoids div by zero if nx = 2. */ chan_width_y[1] = (int) floor( cfactor * comp_width(&chan_y_dist, x, separation) + 0.5); chan_width_y[1] = std::max(chan_width_y[1], 1); for (i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) { x = (float) i / ((float) (nx - 2.)); chan_width_y[i + 1] = (int) floor( cfactor * comp_width(&chan_y_dist, x, separation) + 0.5); chan_width_y[i + 1] = std::max(chan_width_y[i + 1], 1); } } #ifdef VERBOSE vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "chan_width_x:\n"); for (i = 0; i <= ny; i++) vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "%d ", chan_width_x[i]); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "chan_width_y:\n"); for (i = 0; i <= nx; i++) vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "%d ", chan_width_y[i]); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); #endif } static float comp_width(t_chan * chan, float x, float separation) { /* Return the relative channel density. *chan points to a channel * * functional description data structure, and x is the distance * * (between 0 and 1) we are across the chip. separation is the * * distance between two channels, in the 0 to 1 coordinate system. */ float val; switch (chan->type) { case UNIFORM: val = chan->peak; break; case GAUSSIAN: val = (x - chan->xpeak) * (x - chan->xpeak) / (2 * chan->width * chan->width); val = chan->peak * exp(-val); val += chan->dc; break; case PULSE: val = (float) fabs((double) (x - chan->xpeak)); if (val > chan->width / 2.) { val = 0; } else { val = chan->peak; } val += chan->dc; break; case DELTA: val = x - chan->xpeak; if (val > -separation / 2. && val <= separation / 2.) val = chan->peak; else val = 0.; val += chan->dc; break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "in comp_width: Unknown channel type %d.\n", chan->type); exit(1); break; } return (val); } /* After placement, logical pins for blocks, and nets must be updated to correspond with physical pins of type */ /* This function should only be called once */ void post_place_sync(INP int L_num_blocks, INOUTP const struct s_block block_list[]) { int iblk, j, k, inet; t_type_ptr type; int max_num_block_pins; /* Go through each block */ for (iblk = 0; iblk < L_num_blocks; ++iblk) { type = block[iblk].type; assert(type->num_pins % type->capacity == 0); max_num_block_pins = type->num_pins / type->capacity; /* Logical location and physical location is offset by z * max_num_block_pins */ /* Sync blocks and nets */ for (j = 0; j < max_num_block_pins; j++) { inet = block[iblk].nets[j]; if (inet != OPEN && block[iblk].z > 0) { assert( block[iblk]. nets[j + block[iblk].z * max_num_block_pins] == OPEN); block[iblk].nets[j + block[iblk].z * max_num_block_pins] = block[iblk].nets[j]; block[iblk].nets[j] = OPEN; for (k = 0; k <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; k++) { if (clb_net[inet].node_block[k] == iblk && clb_net[inet]. node_block_pin[k] == j) { clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[k] = j + block[iblk].z * max_num_block_pins; break; } } assert(k <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks); } } } } void free_pb_data(t_pb *pb) { int i, j; const t_pb_type *pb_type; t_rr_node *temp; if (pb == NULL || pb->name == NULL) { return; } pb_type = pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type; /* free existing rr graph for pb */ if (pb->rr_graph) { temp = rr_node; rr_node = pb->rr_graph; num_rr_nodes = pb->pb_graph_node->total_pb_pins; free_rr_graph(); rr_node = temp; } if (pb_type->num_modes > 0) { /* Free children of pb */ for (i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) { for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) { if (pb->child_pbs[i]) { free_pb_data(&pb->child_pbs[i][j]); } } } } /* Frees all the pb data structures. */ if (pb->name) { free(pb->name); if (pb->child_pbs) { free(pb->child_pbs); } } }