/************************************************** * This file includes member functions for the * data structures in mux_library.h *************************************************/ #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "mux_library.h" /************************************************** * Member functions for the class MuxLibrary *************************************************/ /************************************************** * Public accessors: aggregates *************************************************/ MuxLibrary::mux_range MuxLibrary::muxes() const { return vtr::make_range(mux_ids_.begin(), mux_ids_.end()); } /************************************************** * Public accessors: data query *************************************************/ /* Get a MUX graph (read-only) */ MuxId MuxLibrary::mux_graph(const CircuitModelId& circuit_model, const size_t& mux_size) const { /* Make sure we have a valid mux look-up */ VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(valid_mux_lookup()); /* Validate circuit model id and mux_size */ VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(valid_mux_size(circuit_model, mux_size)); return mux_lookup_[circuit_model][mux_size]; } const MuxGraph& MuxLibrary::mux_graph(const MuxId& mux_id) const { VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(valid_mux_id(mux_id)); return mux_graphs_[mux_id]; } /* Get a mux circuit model id */ CircuitModelId MuxLibrary::mux_circuit_model(const MuxId& mux_id) const { VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(valid_mux_id(mux_id)); return mux_circuit_models_[mux_id]; } /* Find the maximum mux size among the mux graphs */ size_t MuxLibrary::max_mux_size() const { /* Iterate over all the mux graphs and find their sizes */ size_t max_mux_size = 0; for (const auto& mux : mux_ids_) { max_mux_size = std::max(max_mux_size, mux_graphs_[mux].num_inputs()); } return max_mux_size; } /************************************************** * Private mutators: *************************************************/ /* Add a mux to the library */ void MuxLibrary::add_mux(const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const CircuitModelId& circuit_model, const size_t& mux_size) { /* First, check if there is already an existing graph */ if (valid_mux_size(circuit_model, mux_size)) { return; } /* create a new id for the mux */ MuxId mux = MuxId(mux_ids_.size()); /* Push to the node list */ mux_ids_.push_back(mux); /* Add a mux graph */ mux_graphs_.push_back(MuxGraph(circuit_lib, circuit_model, mux_size)); /* Recorde mux cirucit model id */ mux_circuit_models_.push_back(circuit_model); /* update mux_lookup*/ mux_lookup_[circuit_model][mux_size] = mux; } /************************************************** * Private accessors: validator and invalidators *************************************************/ bool MuxLibrary::valid_mux_id(const MuxId& mux) const { return size_t(mux) < mux_ids_.size() && mux_ids_[mux] == mux; } bool MuxLibrary::valid_mux_lookup() const { return mux_lookup_.empty(); } bool MuxLibrary::valid_mux_circuit_model_id(const CircuitModelId& circuit_model) const { MuxLookup::iterator it = mux_lookup_.find(circuit_model); return (it != mux_lookup_.end()); } bool MuxLibrary::valid_mux_size(const CircuitModelId& circuit_model, const size_t& mux_size) const { if (false == valid_mux_circuit_model_id(circuit_model)) { return false; } std::map<size_t, MuxId>::iterator it = mux_lookup_[circuit_model].find(mux_size); return (it != mux_lookup_[circuit_model].end()); } /************************************************** * Private mutators: validator and invalidators *************************************************/ /* Build fast node lookup */ void MuxLibrary::build_mux_lookup() { /* Invalidate the mux lookup if necessary */ invalidate_mux_lookup(); } /* Invalidate (empty) the mux fast lookup*/ void MuxLibrary::invalidate_mux_lookup() { mux_lookup_.clear(); } /************************************************** * End of Member functions for the class MuxLibrary *************************************************/