/***********************************/ /* Synthesizable Verilog Dumping */ /* Xifan TANG, EPFL/LSI */ /***********************************/ #include #include "spice_types.h" #include "linkedlist.h" #include "fpga_spice_globals.h" #include "verilog_global.h" char* verilog_netlist_file_postfix = ".v"; float verilog_sim_timescale = 1e-9; // Verilog Simulation time scale (minimum time unit) : 1ns char* verilog_timing_preproc_flag = "ENABLE_TIMING"; // the flag to enable timing definition during compilation char* verilog_init_sim_preproc_flag = "INITIALIZATION"; // the flag to enable initialization during simulation char* default_verilog_dir_name = "syn_verilogs/"; char* default_lb_dir_name = "lb/"; char* default_rr_dir_name = "routing/"; char* default_submodule_dir_name = "sub_module/"; char* default_modelsim_dir_name = "msim_projects/"; char* modelsim_project_name_postfix = "_fpga_msim"; char* modelsim_proc_script_name_postfix = "_proc.tcl"; char* modelsim_top_script_name_postfix = "_runsim.tcl"; char* modelsim_testbench_module_postfix = "_top_tb"; char* modelsim_auto_testbench_module_postfix = "_top_auto_tb"; char* modelsim_auto_preconf_testbench_module_postfix = "_top_auto_preconf_tb"; char* modelsim_simulation_time_unit = "ms"; char* verilog_top_postfix = "_top.v"; char* bitstream_verilog_file_postfix = ".bitstream"; char* hex_verilog_file_postfix = ".hex"; char* top_testbench_verilog_file_postfix = "_top_tb.v"; char* top_auto_testbench_verilog_file_postfix = "_top_auto_tb.v"; char* top_auto_preconf_testbench_verilog_file_postfix = "_top_auto_preconf_tb.v"; char* blif_testbench_verilog_file_postfix = "_blif_tb.v"; char* submodule_verilog_file_name = "sub_module.v"; char* logic_block_verilog_file_name = "logic_blocks.v"; char* luts_verilog_file_name = "luts.v"; char* routing_verilog_file_name = "routing.v"; char* sub_module_verilog_file_name = "sub_module.v"; char* muxes_verilog_file_name = "muxes.v"; char* wires_verilog_file_name = "wires.v"; char* essentials_verilog_file_name = "inv_buf_passgate.v"; char* decoders_verilog_file_name = "decoders.v"; char* verilog_mux_basis_posfix = "_basis"; char* verilog_mux_special_basis_posfix = "_special_basis"; /* Prefix for subckt Verilog netlists */ char* grid_verilog_file_name_prefix = "grid_"; char* chanx_verilog_file_name_prefix = "chanx_"; char* chany_verilog_file_name_prefix = "chany_"; char* sb_verilog_file_name_prefix = "sb_"; char* cbx_verilog_file_name_prefix = "cbx_"; char* cby_verilog_file_name_prefix = "cby_"; /* SRAM SPICE MODEL should be set as global*/ t_spice_model* sram_verilog_model = NULL; enum e_sram_orgz sram_verilog_orgz_type = SPICE_SRAM_STANDALONE; t_sram_orgz_info* sram_verilog_orgz_info = NULL; /* Input and Output Pad spice model. should be set as global */ t_spice_model* iopad_verilog_model = NULL; /* Linked-list that stores all the configuration bits */ t_llist* conf_bits_head = NULL; /* Linked-list that stores submodule Verilog file mames */ t_llist* grid_verilog_subckt_file_path_head = NULL; t_llist* routing_verilog_subckt_file_path_head = NULL; t_llist* submodule_verilog_subckt_file_path_head = NULL; int verilog_default_signal_init_value = 0;