#------------------------------------------------------------- -*- makefile -*- # # Makefile for thread extension # # Basic build, test and install # nmake /f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=c:\tcl # nmake /f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=c:\tcl test # nmake /f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=c:\tcl install # # For other build options (debug, static etc.), # See TIP 477 (https://core.tcl.tk/tips/doc/main/tip/477.md) for # detailed documentation. # # In addition to the command line macros described there the following # may also be defined. # ADDOPTDEFINES - addition compiler options # ADDLINKOPTS - addition link options # E.g. # nmake -nologo -f makefile.vc TCLDIR=%TCLDIR% ... ADDOPTDEFINES="-I%LMDBDIR%" ADDLINKOPTS="%LMDBDIR%\Release\lmdb.lib" # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT = thread RCFILE = thread.rc DOCDIR = $(ROOT)\doc\html PRJ_DEFINES = -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS PRJ_DEFINES = $(PRJ_DEFINES) -DTCL_TIP143 -DTCL_TIP285 -DTCL_NO_DEPRECATED=1 $(ADDOPTDEFINES) PRJ_LIBS = $(ADDLINKOPTS) !include "rules-ext.vc" PRJ_OBJS = \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadNs.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadSvCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadSpCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadPoolCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\psGdbm.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\psLmdb.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadSvListCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\threadSvKeylistCmd.obj \ $(TMP_DIR)\tclXkeylist.obj !include "$(_RULESDIR)\targets.vc" install: default-install-docs-html pkgindex: default-pkgindex-tea $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid: copy $(WIN_DIR)\gitmanifest.in $(ROOT)\manifest.uuid git rev-parse HEAD >>$(ROOT)\manifest.uuid # Explicit dependency rules $(GENERICDIR)\psGdbm.c: $(GENERICDIR)\psGdbm.h $(GENERICDIR)\psLmdb.c: $(GENERICDIR)\psLmdb.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadSpCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadSvCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadPoolCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadSvListCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h $(GENERICDIR)\threadSvKeylistCmd.c : $(GENERICDIR)\tclThreadInt.h