#Manually synchronized external libraries add_subdirectory(libpugixml) add_subdirectory(libcatch) #External libraries synchronized with 'git subtree' add_subdirectory(libargparse) add_subdirectory(libsdcparse) add_subdirectory(libblifparse) add_subdirectory(libtatum) #VPR_USE_EZGL is initialized in the root CMakeLists. #compile libezgl only if the user asks for or has its dependencies installed. if(VPR_USE_EZGL STREQUAL "on") add_subdirectory(libezgl) endif() if(${VTR_ENABLE_CAPNPROTO}) # Override default policy for capnproto (CMake policy version 3.1) # Enable new IPO variables set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0069 NEW) # Enable option overrides via variables set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0077 NEW) # Re-enable CXX extensions for capnproto. set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS ON) # Disable capnproto tests set(BUILD_TESTING OFF) #Since capnproto is an externally developed library/tool, we suppress all compiler warnings CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("-w" CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_-w) if(CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_-w) add_compile_options("-w") endif() add_subdirectory(capnproto EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) #Some capnproto kj headers (e.g. filesystem.h) generate warnings, treat them as system headers to suppress warnings #We suppress them here since we include the capnproto sub-tree as is and do not modify its CMakeLists.txts target_include_directories(kj SYSTEM INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/c++/src> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include> ) endif()