#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <time.h> /* Include vpr structs*/ #include "util.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rr_graph_util.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "rr_graph2.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" /* Include SPICE support headers*/ #include "quicksort.h" #include "linkedlist.h" #include "fpga_x2p_globals.h" #include "fpga_x2p_utils.h" #include "read_opt_types.h" #include "read_opt.h" #include "shell_types.h" /* Include APIs */ #include "vpr_api.h" #include "fpga_x2p_api.h" #include "cmd_vpr_setup.h" #include "cmd_vpr_pack.h" #include "cmd_vpr_place_and_route.h" #include "cmd_vpr_power.h" #include "cmd_fpga_x2p_setup.h" #include "cmd_fpga_spice.h" #include "cmd_fpga_verilog.h" #include "cmd_fpga_bitstream.h" #include "cmd_help.h" #include "cmd_exit.h" #include "shell_cmds.h" #include "shell_utils.h" #include "mini_shell.h" #include <readline/readline.h> #include <readline/history.h> t_shell_env shell_env; char* vpr_shell_prefix = "VPR7-OpenFPGA> "; void init_shell_env(t_shell_env* env) { memset(&(env->vpr_setup), 0, sizeof(t_vpr_setup)); memset(&(env->arch), 0, sizeof(t_arch)); env->cmd = shell_cmd; env->cmd_category = cmd_category; return; } /* Start the interactive shell */ void vpr_run_interactive_mode() { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Start interactive mode...\n"); vpr_print_title(); /* Initialize file handler */ vpr_init_file_handler(); /* Initialize shell_env */ init_shell_env(&shell_env); while (1) { char * line = readline(vpr_shell_prefix); process_shell_command(line, &shell_env); /* Add to history */ add_history(line); free (line); } return; } void vpr_run_script_mode(char* script_file_name) { FILE* fp = NULL; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; char str_end = '\0'; int i; vpr_print_title(); /* Initialize file handler */ vpr_init_file_handler(); /* Initialize shell_env */ init_shell_env(&shell_env); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Reading script file %s!\n", script_file_name); /* Read the file */ fp = fopen(script_file_name, "r"); /* Error out if the File handle is empty */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Fail to open the script file: %s.\n", script_file_name); exit(1); } /* Read line by line */ while (NULL != my_fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fp)) { if ((0 == strlen(buffer)) || (0 == my_strcmp(buffer, ""))) { continue; } /* Chomp the \n of buffer */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(buffer); i++) { if ('\n' == buffer[i]) { buffer[i] = str_end; } } /* Treat each valid line as a command */ process_shell_command(buffer, &shell_env); } /* Close file */ fclose(fp); return; } void run_shell(int argc, char ** argv) { /* Parse the options and decide which interface to go */ read_options(argc, argv, shell_opts); /* Interface 1: run through -i, --interactive * Or with 0 arguments, we start the interactive shell */ if ( (1 == argc) || (TRUE == is_opt_set(shell_opts, "i", FALSE)) ) { vpr_run_interactive_mode(); } else if (TRUE == is_opt_set(shell_opts, "f", FALSE)) { /* Interface 2: run through -f, --file */ char* script_file_name = get_opt_val(shell_opts, "f"); vpr_run_script_mode(script_file_name); } else { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Invalid command! Launch Help desk:\n"); print_opt_info_help_desk(shell_opts); } return; }