.. _file_formats_repack_design_constraints: Repack Design Constraints (.xml) -------------------------------- .. warning:: For the best practice, current repack design constraints only support the net remapping between pins in the same port. Pin constraints are **NOT** allowed for two separated ports. - A legal pin constraint example: when there are two clock nets, ``clk0`` and ``clk1``, pin constraints are forced on two pins in a clock port ``clk[0:2]`` (e.g., ``clk[0] = clk0`` and ``clk[1] == clk1``). - An **illegal** pin constraint example: when there are two clock nets, ``clk0`` and ``clk1``, pin constraints are forced on two clock ports ``clkA[0]`` and ``clkB[0]`` (e.g., ``clkA[0] = clk0`` and ``clkB[0] == clk1``). An example of design constraints is shown as follows. .. code-block:: xml .. option:: pb_type="" The pb_type name to be constrained, which should be consistent with VPR's architecture description. .. option:: pin="" The pin name of the ``pb_type`` to be constrained, which should be consistent with VPR's architecture description. .. option:: net="" The net name of the pin to be mapped, which should be consistent with net definition in your ``.blif`` file. The reserved word ``OPEN`` means that no net should be mapped to a given pin. Please ensure that it is not conflicted with any net names in your ``.blif`` file. .. warning:: Design constraints is a feature for power-users. It may cause repack to fail. It is users's responsibility to ensure proper design constraints **Addtional command:** To ignore the global nets on specific pins, use the syntax ``ignore_net``. Note that the qualified pins are inputs, outputs, and clocks of pb_type. The option is useful for preventing global nets from being assigned to unwanted pins on pb_type. .. option:: name="" The global nets's name to be ignored, which should be consistent with user-defined global nets in the PCF file. .. option:: pin="" The specified pins on a certain programmable block, which should be consistent with VPR's architecture description.