/***********************************/ /* SPICE Modeling for VPR */ /* Xifan TANG, EPFL/LSI */ /***********************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Include vpr structs*/ #include "util.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rr_graph_util.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "rr_graph2.h" #include "route_common.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" /* Include SPICE support headers*/ #include "linkedlist.h" #include "fpga_x2p_types.h" #include "fpga_x2p_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_backannotate_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_mux_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_pbtypes_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_bitstream_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_rr_graph_utils.h" #include "fpga_x2p_globals.h" /* Include Verilog support headers*/ #include "verilog_global.h" #include "verilog_utils.h" #include "verilog_routing.h" #include "verilog_tcl_utils.h" #include "verilog_sdc_pb_types.h" #include "verilog_sdc.h" /* options for report timing */ typedef struct s_sdc_opts t_sdc_opts; struct s_sdc_opts { char* sdc_dir; boolean constrain_sbs; boolean constrain_cbs; boolean constrain_pbs; boolean constrain_routing_channels; boolean break_loops; boolean break_loops_mux; }; static float get_switch_sdc_tmax (t_switch_inf* cur_switch_inf) { return cur_switch_inf->R * cur_switch_inf->Cout + cur_switch_inf->Tdel; } static float get_routing_seg_sdc_tmax (t_segment_inf* cur_seg) { return cur_seg->Rmetal * cur_seg->Cmetal; } static boolean is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(t_rr_node* cur_rr_node) { /* Conditions to enable timing analysis for a node * 1st condition: it have a valid vpack_net_number * 2nd condition: it is not an parasitic net * 3rd condition: it is not a global net */ if ( (OPEN != cur_rr_node->vpack_net_num) && (FALSE == cur_rr_node->is_parasitic_net) && (FALSE == vpack_net[cur_rr_node->vpack_net_num].is_global) && (FALSE == vpack_net[cur_rr_node->vpack_net_num].is_const_gen) ){ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* TO avoid combinational loops caused by memories * We disable all the timing paths starting from an output of memory cell */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_sram(FILE* fp, t_sram_orgz_info* cur_sram_orgz_info) { t_spice_model* mem_model = NULL; int iport, ipin; char* port_name = NULL; int num_output_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL; /* Check */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } get_sram_orgz_info_mem_model(cur_sram_orgz_info, &mem_model); assert (NULL != mem_model); /* Find the output ports of mem_model */ output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(mem_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_ports, TRUE); for (iport = 0; iport < num_output_ports; iport++) { for (ipin = 0; ipin < output_ports[iport]->size; ipin++) { if (TRUE == mem_model->dump_explicit_port_map) { port_name = output_ports[iport]->lib_name; } else { port_name = output_ports[iport]->prefix; } /* Disable the timing for all the memory cells */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing [get_pins -filter \"name == %s", port_name); if (1 < output_ports[iport]->size) { fprintf(fp, "[%d]", ipin); } fprintf(fp, "\" "); fprintf(fp, "-of [get_cells -hier -filter \"ref_lib_cell_name == %s\"]]\n", mem_model->name); } } /* Free */ my_free(output_ports); return; } /* Statisitcs for input sizes and structures of MUXes * used in FPGA architecture * Disable timing starting from any MUX outputs */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_mux(FILE* fp, int num_switch, t_switch_inf* switches, t_spice* spice, t_det_routing_arch* routing_arch) { /* We have linked list whichs stores spice model information of multiplexer*/ t_llist* muxes_head = NULL; t_llist* temp = NULL; t_spice_mux_model* cur_spice_mux_model = NULL; int num_input_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** input_ports = NULL; int num_output_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL; char* SPC_cell_suffix = "_SPC"; /* Check */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Alloc the muxes*/ muxes_head = stats_spice_muxes(num_switch, switches, spice, routing_arch); /* Print mux netlist one by one*/ temp = muxes_head; while(temp) { assert(NULL != temp->dptr); cur_spice_mux_model = (t_spice_mux_model*)(temp->dptr); input_ports = find_spice_model_ports(cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_input_ports, TRUE); output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_ports, TRUE); assert(1 == num_input_ports); assert(1 == num_input_ports); /* Check the Input port size */ if ( (NULL != cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model->verilog_netlist) && (cur_spice_mux_model->size != input_ports[0]->size)) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s,[LINE%d])User-defined MUX SPICE MODEL(%s) size(%d) unmatch with the architecture needs(%d)!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model->name, input_ports[0]->size,cur_spice_mux_model->size); exit(1); } /* Use the user defined ports, Bypass LUT MUXes */ if (SPICE_MODEL_MUX == cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model->type) { fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing [get_pins -filter \"name =~ %s*\" ", output_ports[0]->prefix); fprintf(fp, "-of [get_cells -hier -filter \"ref_lib_cell_name == %s\"]]\n", gen_verilog_one_mux_module_name(cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model, cur_spice_mux_model->size)); /* For SPC cells*/ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing [get_pins -filter \"name =~ %s*\" ", output_ports[0]->prefix); fprintf(fp, "-of [get_cells -hier -filter \"ref_lib_cell_name =~ %s%s*\"]]\n", gen_verilog_one_mux_module_name(cur_spice_mux_model->spice_model, cur_spice_mux_model->size), SPC_cell_suffix); } /* Free */ my_free(output_ports); my_free(input_ports); /* Move on to the next*/ temp = temp->next; } /* remember to free the linked list*/ free_muxes_llist(muxes_head); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_clock_period(t_sdc_opts sdc_opts, float critical_path_delay) { FILE* fp = NULL; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_opts.sdc_dir, sdc_clock_period_file_name); t_llist* temp = NULL; t_spice_model_port* temp_port = NULL; int ipin; float clock_period = 10.; int iport; int num_clock_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** clock_port = NULL; vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for constraining clocks in P&R flow: %s ...\n", fname); /* Print the muxes netlist*/ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Clock contraints for PnR"); /* Create clock */ /* Get clock port from the global port */ get_fpga_x2p_global_all_clock_ports(global_ports_head, &num_clock_ports, &clock_port); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Create clock #\n"); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); /* Create a clock */ for (iport = 0; iport < num_clock_ports; iport++) { fprintf(fp, "create_clock "); if (NULL != strstr(clock_port[iport]->prefix,"prog")) { fprintf(fp, "%s -period 100 -waveform {0 50}\n", clock_port[iport]->prefix); } else { fprintf(fp, "%s -period %.4g -waveform {0 %.4g}\n", clock_port[iport]->prefix, critical_path_delay, critical_path_delay/2); } } /* Find the global clock ports */ temp = global_ports_head; while (NULL != temp) { /* Get the port */ temp_port = (t_spice_model_port*)(temp->dptr); /* We only care clock ports */ if (SPICE_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK == temp_port->type) { /* Go to next */ temp = temp->next; continue; } for (ipin = 0; ipin < temp_port->size; ipin++) { fprintf(fp, "create_clock -name {%s[%d]} -period %.2g -waveform {0.00 %.2g} [list [get_ports {%s[%d]}]]\n", temp_port->prefix, ipin, clock_period, clock_period/2, temp_port->prefix, ipin); fprintf(fp, "set_drive 0 %s[%d]\n", temp_port->prefix, ipin); } /* Go to next */ temp = temp->next; } /* close file */ fclose(fp); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_sb(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { int ix, iy; t_sb* cur_sb_info = NULL; int side, itrack; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Go for each SB */ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { cur_sb_info = &(sb_info[ix][iy]); for (side = 0; side < cur_sb_info->num_sides; side++) { for (itrack = 0; itrack < cur_sb_info->chan_width[side]; itrack++) { assert((CHANX == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type) ||(CHANY == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type)); /* We only care the output port and it should indicate a SB mux */ if ( (OUT_PORT != cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node_direction[side][itrack]) || (FALSE != check_drive_rr_node_imply_short(*cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack], side))) { continue; } /* Bypass if we have only 1 driving node */ if (1 == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->num_drive_rr_nodes) { continue; } /* Disable timing here */ set_disable_timing_one_sb_output(fp, cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]); } } } } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_break_loops(t_sram_orgz_info* cur_sram_orgz_info, t_sdc_opts sdc_opts, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, int num_switch, t_switch_inf* switches, t_spice* spice, t_det_routing_arch* routing_arch) { FILE* fp = NULL; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_opts.sdc_dir, sdc_break_loop_file_name); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for breaking combinational loops in P&R flow: %s ...\n", fname); /* Create file handler */ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Break Combinational Loops for PnR"); /* 1. Break loops from Memory Cells */ verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_sram(fp, cur_sram_orgz_info); /* 2. Break loops from Multiplexer Output */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.break_loops_mux) { verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_mux(fp, num_switch, switches, spice, routing_arch); } /* 3. Break loops from any SB output */ verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_sb(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny); /* Close the file*/ fclose(fp); /* Free strings */ my_free(fname); return; } /* Constrain a path within a Switch block, * If this indicates a metal wire, we constraint to be 0 delay */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_sb_path(FILE* fp, t_sb* cur_sb_info, t_rr_node* src_rr_node, t_rr_node* des_rr_node, float tmax) { /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Check */ assert ((OPIN == src_rr_node->type) ||(CHANX == src_rr_node->type) ||(CHANY == src_rr_node->type)); assert ((CHANX == des_rr_node->type) ||(CHANY == des_rr_node->type)); fprintf(fp, "set_max_delay"); fprintf(fp, " -from "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_sb_instance_name(cur_sb_info)); dump_verilog_one_sb_routing_pin(fp, cur_sb_info, src_rr_node); fprintf(fp, " -to "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_sb_instance_name(cur_sb_info)); dump_verilog_one_sb_chan_pin(fp, cur_sb_info, des_rr_node, OUT_PORT); /* If src_node == des_node, this is a metal wire */ fprintf(fp, " %.2g", tmax); fprintf(fp, "\n"); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_sb_mux(FILE* fp, t_sb* cur_sb_info, t_rr_node* wire_rr_node) { int iedge, switch_id; float switch_delay = 0.; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } assert( ( CHANX == wire_rr_node->type ) || ( CHANY == wire_rr_node->type )); /* Find the starting points */ for (iedge = 0; iedge < wire_rr_node->num_drive_rr_nodes; iedge++) { /* Get the switch delay */ switch_id = wire_rr_node->drive_switches[iedge]; switch_delay = get_switch_sdc_tmax (&(switch_inf[switch_id])); /* Constrain a path */ verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_sb_path(fp, cur_sb_info, wire_rr_node->drive_rr_nodes[iedge], wire_rr_node, switch_delay); } return; } /* Constrain a path within a Switch block, * If this indicates a metal wire, we constraint to be 0 delay */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_cb_path(FILE* fp, t_cb* cur_cb_info, t_rr_node* src_rr_node, t_rr_node* des_rr_node, int des_rr_node_grid_side, float tmax) { /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Check */ assert ((INC_DIRECTION == src_rr_node->direction) ||(DEC_DIRECTION == src_rr_node->direction)); assert ((CHANX == src_rr_node->type) ||(CHANY == src_rr_node->type)); assert (IPIN == des_rr_node->type); fprintf(fp, "set_max_delay"); fprintf(fp, " -from "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_cb_instance_name(cur_cb_info)); fprintf(fp, "%s", gen_verilog_routing_channel_one_midout_name( cur_cb_info, src_rr_node->ptc_num)); fprintf(fp, " -to "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_cb_instance_name(cur_cb_info)); dump_verilog_grid_side_pin_with_given_index(fp, IPIN, /* This is an output of a connection box */ des_rr_node->ptc_num, des_rr_node_grid_side, des_rr_node->xlow, des_rr_node->ylow, FALSE); /* If src_node == des_node, this is a metal wire */ fprintf(fp, " %.2g", tmax); fprintf(fp, "\n"); return; } /* Constrain the inputs and outputs of SBs, with the Switch delays */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_sbs(t_sdc_opts sdc_opts, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { FILE* fp = NULL; int ix, iy; int side, itrack; t_sb* cur_sb_info = NULL; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_opts.sdc_dir, sdc_constrain_sb_file_name); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for constraining Switch Blocks in P&R flow: %s ...\n", fname); /* Print the muxes netlist*/ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Constrain Switch Blocks for PnR"); /* We start from a SB[x][y] */ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { cur_sb_info = &(sb_info[ix][iy]); for (side = 0; side < cur_sb_info->num_sides; side++) { for (itrack = 0; itrack < cur_sb_info->chan_width[side]; itrack++) { assert((CHANX == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type) ||(CHANY == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type)); /* We only care the output port and it should indicate a SB mux */ if (OUT_PORT != cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node_direction[side][itrack]) { continue; } /* Constrain thru wires */ if (FALSE != check_drive_rr_node_imply_short(*cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack], side)) { /* Set the max, min delay to 0? */ verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_sb_path(fp, cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack], cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack], 0.); continue; } /* This is a MUX, constrain all the paths from an input to an output */ verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_sb_mux(fp, cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]); } } } } /* Close the file*/ fclose(fp); /* Free strings */ my_free(fname); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_cb(FILE* fp, t_cb* cur_cb_info) { int side, side_cnt; int inode, iedge, switch_id; float switch_delay = 0.; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } side_cnt = 0; /* Print the ports of grids*/ /* only check ipin_rr_nodes of cur_cb_info */ for (side = 0; side < cur_cb_info->num_sides; side++) { /* Bypass side with zero IPINs*/ if (0 == cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]) { continue; } side_cnt++; assert(0 < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]); assert(NULL != cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side]); for (inode = 0; inode < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]; inode++) { for (iedge = 0; iedge < cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->num_drive_rr_nodes; iedge++) { /* Get the switch delay */ switch_id = cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->drive_switches[iedge]; switch_delay = get_switch_sdc_tmax (&(switch_inf[switch_id])); /* Print each INPUT Pins of a grid */ verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_cb_path(fp, cur_cb_info, cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->drive_rr_nodes[iedge], cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode], cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node_grid_side[side][inode], switch_delay); } } } /* Make sure only 2 sides of IPINs are printed */ assert((1 == side_cnt)||(2 == side_cnt)); return; } /* Constrain the inputs and outputs of Connection Blocks, with the Switch delays */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_cbs(t_sdc_opts sdc_opts, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { FILE* fp = NULL; int ix, iy; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_opts.sdc_dir, sdc_constrain_cb_file_name); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for constraining Connection Blocks in P&R flow: %s ...\n", fname); /* Print the muxes netlist*/ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Constrain Connection Blocks for PnR"); /* Connection Boxes */ /* X - channels [1...nx][0..ny]*/ for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { if ((TRUE == is_cb_exist(CHANX, ix, iy)) &&(0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cbx_info[ix][iy]))) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_cb(fp, &(cbx_info[ix][iy])); } } } /* Y - channels [1...ny][0..nx]*/ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { if ((TRUE == is_cb_exist(CHANY, ix, iy)) &&(0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cby_info[ix][iy]))) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_cb(fp, &(cby_info[ix][iy])); } } } /* Close the file*/ fclose(fp); /* Free strings */ my_free(fname); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_chan(FILE* fp, t_rr_type chan_type, int x, int y, t_arch arch, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices, t_rr_indexed_data* LL_rr_indexed_data) { int chan_width = 0; t_rr_node** chan_rr_nodes = NULL; int cost_index, iseg, itrack; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Collect rr_nodes for Tracks for chanx[ix][iy] */ chan_rr_nodes = get_chan_rr_nodes(&chan_width, chan_type, x, y, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices); for (itrack = 0; itrack < chan_width; itrack++) { fprintf(fp, "set_max_delay"); fprintf(fp, " -from "); fprintf(fp, "%s/in%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, " -to "); fprintf(fp, "%s/out%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); /* Find the segment delay ! */ cost_index = chan_rr_nodes[itrack]->cost_index; iseg = LL_rr_indexed_data[cost_index].seg_index; /* Check */ assert((!(iseg < 0))&&(iseg < arch.num_segments)); fprintf(fp, " %.2g", get_routing_seg_sdc_tmax(&(arch.Segments[iseg]))); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "set_max_delay"); fprintf(fp, " -from "); fprintf(fp, "%s/in%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, " -to "); fprintf(fp, "%s/mid_out%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); /* Check */ fprintf(fp, " %.2g", get_routing_seg_sdc_tmax(&(arch.Segments[iseg]))); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Free */ my_free(chan_rr_nodes); return; } /** Disable timing analysis for a unused routing channel */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(FILE* fp, int x, int y, const RRChan& rr_chan) { /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an %s[%d][%d] ###\n", convert_chan_type_to_string(rr_chan.get_type()), x, y); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); /* Collect rr_nodes for Tracks for chanx[ix][iy] */ for (size_t itrack = 0; itrack < rr_chan.get_chan_width(); ++itrack) { /* We disable the timing of the input and output of a routing track, * when it is not mapped to a net or it is a parasitic net */ if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(rr_chan.get_node(itrack))) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/in%lu", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(rr_chan.get_type(), x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/out%lu", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(rr_chan.get_type(), x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/mid_out%lu", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(rr_chan.get_type(), x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Free */ return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(FILE* fp, t_rr_type chan_type, int x, int y, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices) { int chan_width = 0; t_rr_node** chan_rr_nodes = NULL; int itrack; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an %s[%d][%d] ###\n", convert_chan_type_to_string(chan_type), x, y); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); /* Collect rr_nodes for Tracks for chanx[ix][iy] */ chan_rr_nodes = get_chan_rr_nodes(&chan_width, chan_type, x, y, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices); for (itrack = 0; itrack < chan_width; itrack++) { /* We disable the timing of the input and output of a routing track, * when it is not mapped to a net or it is a parasitic net */ if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(chan_rr_nodes[itrack])) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/in%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/out%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/mid_out%d", gen_verilog_one_routing_channel_instance_name(chan_type, x, y), itrack); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Free */ my_free(chan_rr_nodes); return; } /* Constrain the inputs and outputs of Connection Blocks, with the Switch delays */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_routing_channels(t_sdc_opts sdc_opts, t_arch arch, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices, t_rr_indexed_data* LL_rr_indexed_data) { FILE* fp = NULL; int ix, iy; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_opts.sdc_dir, sdc_constrain_routing_chan_file_name); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for constraining Routing Channels in P&R flow: %s ...\n", fname); /* Print the muxes netlist*/ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Constrain Routing Channels for PnR"); /* Routing channels */ /* X - channels [1...nx][0..ny]*/ for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_chan(fp, CHANX, ix, iy, arch, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices, LL_rr_indexed_data); } } /* Y - channels [1...ny][0..nx]*/ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_one_chan(fp, CHANY, ix, iy, arch, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices, LL_rr_indexed_data); } } /* Close the file*/ fclose(fp); /* Free strings */ my_free(fname); return; } /* Disable the timing for all the global port * Except the clock ports */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_global_ports(FILE* fp) { t_llist* temp = global_ports_head; t_spice_model_port* cur_port = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for global ports ###\n"); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); while (NULL != temp) { /* Get the port */ cur_port = (t_spice_model_port*)(temp->dptr); /* Only focus on the non-clock ports */ if ( (SPICE_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK == cur_port->type) && (FALSE == cur_port->is_prog) ) { /* Go to the next */ temp = temp->next; continue; } /* Output disable timing command */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing %s\n", cur_port->prefix); /* Go to the next */ temp = temp->next; } return; } /* Disable the timing for SRAM outputs */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_sram_orgz(FILE* fp, t_sram_orgz_info* cur_sram_orgz_info) { /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for configuration memories ###\n"); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); verilog_generate_sdc_break_loop_sram(fp, cur_sram_orgz_info); return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs_muxs(FILE* fp) { /* Check the file handler*/ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid file handler.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } DeviceCoordinator sb_range = device_rr_switch_block.get_switch_block_range(); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < sb_range.get_x(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < sb_range.get_y(); ++iy) { RRSwitchBlock rr_sb = device_rr_switch_block.get_switch_block(ix, iy); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "########################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for MUXES in Switch block[%lu][%lu] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "########################################################\n"); for (size_t side = 0; side < rr_sb.get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); for (size_t itrack = 0; itrack < rr_sb.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()); ++itrack) { /* bypass non-mux pins */ if (OUT_PORT != rr_sb.get_chan_node_direction(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)) { continue; } t_rr_node* cur_rr_node = rr_sb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack); for (int imux = 0 ; imux < cur_rr_node->fan_in; ++imux) { if (imux == cur_rr_node->id_path) { fprintf(fp, "#"); // comments out if the node is active } //if(cur_rr_node->name_mux == NULL) assert (NULL != cur_rr_node->name_mux); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing %s[%d]\n", cur_rr_node->name_mux, imux); } } } } } return; } void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs_muxs(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { int ix, iy, side, itrack, imux; t_rr_node* cur_rr_node; t_sb* cur_sb_info; for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { cur_sb_info = &(sb_info[ix][iy]); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "########################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for MUXES in Switch block[%d][%d] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "########################################################\n"); for (side = 0; side < cur_sb_info->num_sides; side++) { for (itrack = 0; itrack < cur_sb_info->chan_width[side]; itrack++) { if (OUT_PORT == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node_direction[side][itrack]) { cur_rr_node = cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]; for (imux = 0 ; imux < cur_rr_node-> fan_in; imux++) { if (imux == cur_rr_node->id_path) { fprintf(fp, "#"); // comments out if the node is active } //if(cur_rr_node->name_mux == NULL) assert (NULL != cur_rr_node->name_mux); fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing %s[%d]\n", cur_rr_node->name_mux, imux); } } } } } } return; } void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_cbs_muxs(FILE* fp) { int ix, iy, iside, inode, imux; t_cb* cur_cb_info; t_rr_node* cur_rr_node; for (iy = 0; iy < (ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (nx + 1); ix++) { if (0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cbx_info[ix][iy])) { cur_cb_info = &(cbx_info[ix][iy]); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##############################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for MUXES in Connection block X[%d][%d] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "##############################################################\n"); for (iside = 0; iside < cur_cb_info->num_sides; iside++) { for (inode = 0; inode < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[iside]; inode++) { cur_rr_node = cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[iside][inode]; for (imux = 0 ; imux < cur_rr_node-> fan_in; imux++) { if (imux == cur_rr_node->id_path) { fprintf(fp, "#"); // comments out if the node is active } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing %s[%d]\n", cur_rr_node->name_mux, imux); } } } } } } for (iy = 1; iy < (ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < (nx + 1); ix++) { if (0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cby_info[ix][iy])) { cur_cb_info = &(cby_info[ix][iy]); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##############################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for MUXES in Connection block Y[%d][%d] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "##############################################################\n"); for (iside = 0; iside < cur_cb_info->num_sides; iside++) { for (inode = 0; inode < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[iside]; inode++) { cur_rr_node = cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[iside][inode]; for (imux = 0 ; imux < cur_rr_node-> fan_in; imux++) { if (imux == cur_rr_node->id_path) { fprintf(fp, "#"); // comments out if the node is active } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing %s[%d]\n", cur_rr_node->name_mux, imux); } } } } } } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs(FILE* fp) { /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } DeviceCoordinator sb_range = device_rr_switch_block.get_switch_block_range(); /* We start from a SB[x][y] */ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < sb_range.get_x(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < sb_range.get_y(); ++iy) { RRSwitchBlock rr_sb = device_rr_switch_block.get_switch_block(ix, iy); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an Switch block[%lu][%lu] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); for (size_t side = 0; side < rr_sb.get_num_sides(); ++side) { Side side_manager(side); /* Disable Channel inputs and outputs*/ for (size_t itrack = 0; itrack < rr_sb.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()); ++itrack) { assert((CHANX == rr_sb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)->type) ||(CHANY == rr_sb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)->type)); if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(rr_sb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack))) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", rr_sb.gen_verilog_instance_name()); dump_verilog_one_sb_chan_pin(fp, rr_sb, rr_sb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack), rr_sb.get_chan_node_direction(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Disable OPINs*/ for (size_t inode = 0; inode < rr_sb.get_num_opin_nodes(side_manager.get_side()); ++inode) { assert (OPIN == rr_sb.get_opin_node(side_manager.get_side(), inode)->type); if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(rr_sb.get_opin_node(side_manager.get_side(), inode))) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", rr_sb.gen_verilog_instance_name()); dump_verilog_one_sb_routing_pin(fp, rr_sb, rr_sb.get_opin_node(side_manager.get_side(), inode)); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } } } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { int ix, iy; int side, itrack, inode; t_sb* cur_sb_info = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* We start from a SB[x][y] */ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { cur_sb_info = &(sb_info[ix][iy]); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an Switch block[%d][%d] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); for (side = 0; side < cur_sb_info->num_sides; side++) { /* Disable Channel inputs and outputs*/ for (itrack = 0; itrack < cur_sb_info->chan_width[side]; itrack++) { assert((CHANX == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type) ||(CHANY == cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack]->type)); if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack])) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_sb_instance_name(cur_sb_info)); dump_verilog_one_sb_chan_pin(fp, cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node[side][itrack], cur_sb_info->chan_rr_node_direction[side][itrack]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Disable OPINs*/ for (inode = 0; inode < cur_sb_info->num_opin_rr_nodes[side]; inode++) { assert (OPIN == cur_sb_info->opin_rr_node[side][inode]->type); if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(cur_sb_info->opin_rr_node[side][inode])) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_sb_instance_name(cur_sb_info)); dump_verilog_one_sb_routing_pin(fp, cur_sb_info, cur_sb_info->opin_rr_node[side][inode]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } } } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_cb(FILE* fp, t_cb* cur_cb_info) { int side, side_cnt; int inode; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an %s[%d][%d] ###\n", convert_cb_type_to_string(cur_cb_info->type), cur_cb_info->x, cur_cb_info->y); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); side_cnt = 0; /* Print the ports of grids*/ /* only check ipin_rr_nodes of cur_cb_info */ for (side = 0; side < cur_cb_info->num_sides; side++) { /* Bypass side with zero IPINs*/ if (0 == cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]) { continue; } side_cnt++; assert(0 < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]); assert(NULL != cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side]); for (inode = 0; inode < cur_cb_info->num_ipin_rr_nodes[side]; inode++) { if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode])) { continue; } fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_cb_instance_name(cur_cb_info)); dump_verilog_grid_side_pin_with_given_index(fp, IPIN, cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->ptc_num, cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node_grid_side[side][inode], cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->xlow, cur_cb_info->ipin_rr_node[side][inode]->ylow, FALSE); /* Do not specify direction of port */ fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_cbs(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { int ix, iy; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Connection Boxes */ /* X - channels [1...nx][0..ny]*/ for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { if ((TRUE == is_cb_exist(CHANX, ix, iy)) &&(0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cbx_info[ix][iy]))) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_cb(fp, &(cbx_info[ix][iy])); } } } /* Y - channels [1...ny][0..nx]*/ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { if ((TRUE == is_cb_exist(CHANY, ix, iy)) &&(0 < count_cb_info_num_ipin_rr_nodes(cby_info[ix][iy]))) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_cb(fp, &(cby_info[ix][iy])); } } } return; } /* Constrain the inputs and outputs of Connection Blocks, with the Switch delays */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_routing_channels(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { int ix, iy; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Routing channels */ /* X - channels [1...nx][0..ny]*/ for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(fp, ix, iy, device_rr_chan.get_module_with_coordinator(CHANX, ix, iy)); } } /* Y - channels [1...ny][0..nx]*/ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(fp, ix, iy, device_rr_chan.get_module_with_coordinator(CHANY, ix, iy)); } } return; } /* Constrain the inputs and outputs of Connection Blocks, with the Switch delays */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_routing_channels(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices) { int ix, iy; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Routing channels */ /* X - channels [1...nx][0..ny]*/ for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(fp, CHANX, ix, iy, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices); } } /* Y - channels [1...ny][0..nx]*/ for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_chan(fp, CHANY, ix, iy, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices); } } return; } /* Go recursively in the hierarchy * and disable all the pb_types */ static void rec_verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_pb_types(FILE* fp, char* prefix, t_pb_type* cur_pb_type) { int ipb; int mode_index; char* pass_on_prefix = NULL; /* Skip print the level for the top-level pb_type, * it has been printed outside */ if (NULL == cur_pb_type->parent_mode) { pass_on_prefix = my_strdup(prefix); } else { /* Special prefix for primitive node*/ /* generate pass_on_prefix */ pass_on_prefix = (char*) my_malloc(sizeof(char) * ( strlen(prefix) + 1 + strlen(cur_pb_type->name) + 1 + 1)); sprintf(pass_on_prefix, "%s/%s*", prefix, cur_pb_type->name); /* Disable everything in this pb_type * Use the spice_model_name of current pb_type */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); /* Print top-level hierarchy */ fprintf(fp, "%s/*", pass_on_prefix); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* Return if this is the primitive pb_type */ if (TRUE == is_primitive_pb_type(cur_pb_type)) { return; } /* Go recursively */ mode_index = find_pb_type_physical_mode_index(*cur_pb_type); for (ipb = 0; ipb < cur_pb_type->modes[mode_index].num_pb_type_children; ipb++) { rec_verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_pb_types(fp, pass_on_prefix, &(cur_pb_type->modes[mode_index].pb_type_children[ipb])); } /* Free */ my_free(pass_on_prefix); return; } /* This block is totally unused. * We just go through each pb_type and disable all the ports using wildcards */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_grid(FILE* fp, t_type_ptr cur_grid_type, int block_x, int block_y, int block_z) { char* prefix = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Build prefix, which is the top-level hierarchy */ prefix = (char*) my_malloc(sizeof(char) * ( strlen(gen_verilog_one_grid_instance_name(block_x, block_y)) + 1 + strlen(gen_verilog_one_phy_block_instance_name(cur_grid_type, block_z)) + 2)); sprintf(prefix, "%s/%s", gen_verilog_one_grid_instance_name(block_x, block_y), gen_verilog_one_phy_block_instance_name(cur_grid_type, block_z)); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "####################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for an unused Grid[%d][%d][%d] ###\n", block_x, block_y, block_z); fprintf(fp, "#####################################################\n"); /* Disable everything under this level */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/*", prefix); fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* Go recursively in the pb_type hierarchy */ rec_verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_pb_types(fp, prefix, cur_grid_type->pb_type); /* Free */ my_free(prefix); return; } /* The block is used for mapping logic circuits * But typically, only part of the logic resources are used. * This function will search the local_rr_graph of a phy_pb of the block * And disable the unused resources in a SDC format */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_block(FILE* fp, t_block* cur_block) { int inode; t_phy_pb* cur_phy_pb = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Get the phy_pb */ cur_phy_pb = (t_phy_pb*)(cur_block->phy_pb); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "####################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for a mapped Grid[%d][%d][%d] ###\n", cur_block->x, cur_block->y, cur_block->z); fprintf(fp, "####################################################\n"); /* Search every nodes in the local_rr_graph */ for (inode = 0; inode < cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->num_rr_nodes; inode++) { /* Focus on the SOURCE and SINK rr_nodes */ if ((SOURCE != cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->rr_node[inode].type) && (SINK != cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->rr_node[inode].type)) { continue; } /* Identify if the rr_node is usused */ if (FALSE == is_rr_node_to_be_disable_for_analysis(&(cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->rr_node[inode]))) { continue; } /* Get the pb_graph_pin */ assert (NULL != cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->rr_node[inode].pb_graph_pin); /* Disable the timing of this node */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); /* Print top-level hierarchy */ fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_grid_instance_name(cur_block->x, cur_block->y)); fprintf(fp, "%s/", gen_verilog_one_phy_block_instance_name(cur_block->type, cur_block->z)); fprintf(fp, "%s", gen_verilog_one_pb_graph_pin_full_name_in_hierarchy(cur_phy_pb->rr_graph->rr_node[inode].pb_graph_pin)); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } return; } static void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_grids(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, t_grid_tile** LL_grid, t_block* LL_block) { int ix, iy, iblk; int blk_id; t_type_ptr type = NULL; boolean* grid_usage = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } for (ix = 0; ix < (LL_nx + 2); ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < (LL_ny + 2); iy++) { type = LL_grid[ix][iy].type; /* bypass EMPTY type */ if ((NULL == type) || (EMPTY_TYPE == type)) { continue; } /* Allocate usage and initialize to unused */ grid_usage = (boolean*) my_calloc(type->capacity, sizeof(boolean)); for (iblk = 0; iblk < type->capacity; iblk++) { grid_usage[iblk] = FALSE; } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "#######################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for Grid[%d][%d] ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "#######################################\n"); /* For used grid, find the unused rr_node in the local rr_graph and disable the pb_graph_pin */ for (iblk = 0; iblk < LL_grid[ix][iy].usage; iblk++) { blk_id = LL_grid[ix][iy].blocks[iblk]; assert( (OPEN < LL_block[blk_id].z) && (LL_block[blk_id].z < type->capacity) ); /* Label the grid_usage */ grid_usage[LL_block[blk_id].z] = TRUE; verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_block(fp, &(LL_block[blk_id])); } /* For unused grid, disable all the pins in the physical_pb_type */ for (iblk = 0; iblk < type->capacity; iblk++) { /* Bypass used blocks */ if (TRUE == grid_usage[iblk]) { continue; } verilog_generate_sdc_disable_one_unused_grid(fp, LL_grid[ix][iy].type, ix, iy, iblk); continue; } } } /* Free */ my_free(grid_usage); return; } void verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_grids_muxs(FILE* fp, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, t_grid_tile** LL_grid, t_block* LL_block) { int ix, iy, iblk, itype; int blk_id; t_type_ptr type; t_phy_pb* cur_phy_pb; t_rr_graph* cur_rr_graph; char* grid_instance_name=NULL; char* grid_sub_instance_name=NULL; char* grid_prefix=NULL; for (ix = 1; ix < (LL_nx + 1); ix++) { for (iy = 1; iy < (LL_ny + 1); iy++) { type = LL_grid[ix][iy].type; /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "###########################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Disable Timing for Grid[%d][%d] MUXES ###\n", ix, iy); fprintf(fp, "###########################################\n"); grid_instance_name = (char *) my_malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(gen_verilog_one_grid_instance_name(ix, iy)) + 1); grid_instance_name = gen_verilog_one_grid_instance_name(ix, iy); for (iblk = 0; iblk < LL_grid[ix][iy].usage; iblk++) { blk_id = LL_grid[ix][iy].blocks[iblk]; grid_sub_instance_name = gen_verilog_one_phy_block_instance_name(type, LL_block[blk_id].z); grid_prefix = (char *) my_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(grid_instance_name) + 1 + strlen(grid_sub_instance_name) + 1)); sprintf (grid_prefix, "%s/%s", grid_instance_name, grid_sub_instance_name); cur_phy_pb = (t_phy_pb*) LL_block[blk_id].phy_pb; if (NULL != cur_phy_pb) { cur_rr_graph = cur_phy_pb->rr_graph; for (itype = 0; itype < num_types; itype++){ if (FILL_TYPE == &type_descriptors[itype]){ dump_sdc_one_clb_muxes(fp, grid_prefix, cur_rr_graph, type_descriptors[itype].pb_graph_head); } } } my_free(grid_sub_instance_name); my_free(grid_prefix); } my_free(grid_instance_name); } } return; } /* Head function of the recursive generation of the sdc constraints * on the muxes inside of the CLBs */ void dump_sdc_one_clb_muxes(FILE* fp, char* grid_instance_name, t_rr_graph* rr_graph, t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_head) { /* Give head of the pb_graph to the recursive function*/ dump_sdc_rec_one_pb_muxes(fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, pb_graph_head); return; } /* Recursive function going to the leaf nodes of the graph and dumping * the sdc constraints for the current node. We use the id present inside * of the rr_graph to comment the active path and the fan_in and name * inside of the pb_graph to dump the name of the port we need to disable*/ void dump_sdc_rec_one_pb_muxes(FILE* fp, char* grid_instance_name, t_rr_graph* rr_graph, t_pb_graph_node* cur_pb_graph_node) { int mode_index; int ipb, jpb; t_pb_type* cur_pb_type = NULL; cur_pb_type = cur_pb_graph_node->pb_type; if (TRUE == is_primitive_pb_type(cur_pb_type )) { return; } mode_index = find_pb_type_physical_mode_index(*cur_pb_type); for(ipb = 0; ipb < cur_pb_type->modes[mode_index].num_pb_type_children; ipb++) { for(jpb = 0; jpb < cur_pb_type->modes[mode_index].pb_type_children[ipb].num_pb; jpb++) { dump_sdc_rec_one_pb_muxes(fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, &(cur_pb_graph_node->child_pb_graph_nodes[mode_index][ipb][jpb])); } } dump_sdc_pb_graph_node_muxes(fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, cur_pb_graph_node); return; } void dump_sdc_pb_graph_node_muxes (FILE* fp, char* grid_instance_name, t_rr_graph* rr_graph, t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_node) { int i_pin, i_port; // Input pins for (i_port = 0; i_port< pb_graph_node->num_input_ports; i_port++) { for (i_pin = 0; i_pin < pb_graph_node->num_input_pins[i_port]; i_pin++) { dump_sdc_pb_graph_pin_muxes (fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, pb_graph_node->input_pins[i_port][i_pin]); } } // Output pins for (i_port = 0; i_port< pb_graph_node->num_output_ports; i_port++) { for (i_pin = 0; i_pin < pb_graph_node->num_output_pins[i_port]; i_pin++) { dump_sdc_pb_graph_pin_muxes (fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, pb_graph_node->output_pins[i_port][i_pin]); } } // Clock pins for (i_port = 0; i_port< pb_graph_node->num_clock_ports; i_port++) { for (i_pin = 0; i_pin < pb_graph_node->num_clock_pins[i_port]; i_pin++) { dump_sdc_pb_graph_pin_muxes (fp, grid_instance_name, rr_graph, pb_graph_node->clock_pins[i_port][i_pin]); } } return; } void dump_sdc_pb_graph_pin_muxes (FILE* fp, char* grid_instance_name, t_rr_graph* rr_graph, t_pb_graph_pin pb_graph_pin) { int i_fan_in, datapath_id, fan_in; int level_changing = 0; t_spice_model* mux_spice_model; t_rr_node cur_node = rr_graph->rr_node[pb_graph_pin.rr_node_index_physical_pb]; t_pb_type* cur_pb_type = pb_graph_pin.parent_node->pb_type; int cur_mode_index = find_pb_type_physical_mode_index(*cur_pb_type); t_mode* cur_mode = cur_pb_type->modes; t_interconnect* cur_interc; /* There are three types of interconnection: same level, going down a level, going up a level * Since we check the fan_in, we need to get the right input edge mode */ if (0 == pb_graph_pin.num_input_edges || 0 == pb_graph_pin.num_output_edges) { return; } if (pb_graph_pin.input_edges[cur_mode_index]->interconnect->parent_mode != pb_graph_pin.output_edges[cur_mode_index]->interconnect->parent_mode) { if (pb_graph_pin.input_edges[cur_mode_index]->interconnect->parent_mode != cur_mode) { cur_mode = pb_graph_pin.input_edges[cur_mode_index]->interconnect->parent_mode; level_changing = 1; } } find_interc_fan_in_des_pb_graph_pin(&pb_graph_pin, cur_mode, &cur_interc, &fan_in); if (0 == fan_in || 1 == fan_in) { return; /* Returns if there is no mux */ } /* Handle DEFAULT PATH ID */ datapath_id = cur_node.id_path; if (DEFAULT_PATH_ID == datapath_id) { mux_spice_model = cur_interc->spice_model; datapath_id = get_mux_default_path_id(mux_spice_model, fan_in, datapath_id); /* Either the default is the last pin or the num 0. If fan_in was 0, we wouldn't be here * so if the next condition works, datapath_id is actually 1 too far */ if (fan_in == datapath_id) { datapath_id --; } } else { assert((DEFAULT_PATH_ID < datapath_id)&&(datapath_id < fan_in)); } for (i_fan_in=0 ; i_fan_in < fan_in ; i_fan_in++) { if (i_fan_in == datapath_id) { fprintf(fp, "#"); } if (0 == level_changing) { fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/%s%s/in[%d]\n", grid_instance_name, gen_verilog_one_pb_graph_pin_full_name_in_hierarchy_parent_node(cur_node.pb_graph_pin), pb_graph_pin.name_mux, i_fan_in); } if (1 == level_changing) { fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); fprintf(fp, "%s/%s%s/in[%d]\n", grid_instance_name, gen_verilog_one_pb_graph_pin_full_name_in_hierarchy_grand_parent_node(cur_node.pb_graph_pin), pb_graph_pin.name_mux, i_fan_in); } // Hierarchical dumping. Might be broken if extending the software hence going through a more direct method. //fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing [get_pins -filter \"hierarchical_name ="); //fprintf(fp, "~ *%s/in[%d]\" -of_objects [get_cells -hier -filter ", // pb_graph_pin->name_mux, i_fan_in); //printf("%s", pb_graph_pin->name_mux); //fprintf(fp, "\"hierarchical_name =~ %s*\"]]", // grid_instance_name); // Might need to comment here the name of the verilog pin connected to ease the debugging //fprintf(fp, "\n"); } return; } /* Generate SDC constaints for inputs and outputs * We consider the top module in formal verification purpose here * which is easier */ static void verilog_generate_sdc_input_output_delays(FILE* fp, float critical_path_delay) { int iopad_idx, iblock, iport; int found_mapped_inpad; char* port_name = NULL; int num_clock_ports = 0; t_spice_model_port** clock_port = NULL; /* Check the file handler */ if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Invalid file handler for SDC generation", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Get clock port from the global port */ get_fpga_x2p_global_op_clock_ports(global_ports_head, &num_clock_ports, &clock_port); /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Create clock #\n"); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); /* Create a clock */ for (iport = 0; iport < num_clock_ports; iport++) { fprintf(fp, "create_clock "); fprintf(fp, "%s -period %.4g -waveform {0 %.4g}\n", clock_port[iport]->prefix, critical_path_delay, critical_path_delay/2); } /* Print comments */ fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "### Create input and output delays #\n"); fprintf(fp, "##################################################\n"); fprintf(fp, "set input_pins \"\"\n"); fprintf(fp, "set output_pins \"\"\n"); assert(NULL != iopad_verilog_model); for (iopad_idx = 0; iopad_idx < iopad_verilog_model->cnt; iopad_idx++) { /* Find if this inpad is mapped to a logical block */ found_mapped_inpad = 0; /* Malloc and assign port_name */ port_name = gen_verilog_top_module_io_port_prefix(gio_inout_prefix, iopad_verilog_model->prefix); /* Find the linked logical block */ for (iblock = 0; iblock < num_logical_blocks; iblock++) { /* Bypass OUTPAD: donot put any voltage stimuli */ /* Make sure We find the correct logical block !*/ if ((iopad_verilog_model == logical_block[iblock].mapped_spice_model) &&(iopad_idx == logical_block[iblock].mapped_spice_model_index)) { /* Output PAD only need a short connection */ if (VPACK_OUTPAD == logical_block[iblock].type) { fprintf(fp, "set_output_delay "); fprintf(fp, "-clock "); /*for (iport = 0; iport < num_clock_ports; iport++) { fprintf(fp, "%s ", clock_port[iport]->prefix); }*/ fprintf(fp, "[get_clocks] "); fprintf(fp, "-max %.4g ", critical_path_delay); dump_verilog_generic_port_no_repeat(fp, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, port_name, iopad_idx, iopad_idx); fprintf(fp, "\n"); found_mapped_inpad = 1; fprintf(fp, "append output_pins \"%s[%d] \"\n",port_name ,iopad_idx); break; } /* Input PAD may drive a clock net or a constant generator */ assert(VPACK_INPAD == logical_block[iblock].type); /* clock net or constant generator should be disabled in timing analysis */ if (TRUE == logical_block[iblock].is_clock) { break; } fprintf(fp, "set_input_delay "); fprintf(fp, "-clock "); /*for (iport = 0; iport < num_clock_ports; iport++) { fprintf(fp, "%s ", clock_port[iport]->prefix); }*/ fprintf(fp, "[get_clocks] "); fprintf(fp, "-max 0 "); dump_verilog_generic_port_no_repeat(fp, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, port_name, iopad_idx, iopad_idx); fprintf(fp, "\n"); found_mapped_inpad = 1; fprintf(fp, "append input_pins \"%s[%d] \"\n",port_name ,iopad_idx); } } assert((0 == found_mapped_inpad)||(1 == found_mapped_inpad)); /* If we find one iopad already, we finished in this round here */ if (1 == found_mapped_inpad) { /* Free */ my_free(port_name); continue; } /* if we cannot find any mapped inpad from tech.-mapped netlist, set the disable timing! */ fprintf(fp, "set_disable_timing "); dump_verilog_generic_port_no_repeat(fp, VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, port_name, iopad_idx, iopad_idx); fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* Free */ my_free(port_name); } /* Free */ my_free(clock_port); return; } void verilog_generate_sdc_pnr(t_sram_orgz_info* cur_sram_orgz_info, char* sdc_dir, t_arch arch, t_det_routing_arch* routing_arch, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices, t_rr_indexed_data* LL_rr_indexed_data, int LL_nx, int LL_ny) { t_sdc_opts sdc_opts; /* Initialize */ sdc_opts.sdc_dir = my_strdup(sdc_dir); sdc_opts.constrain_pbs = TRUE; sdc_opts.constrain_routing_channels = TRUE; sdc_opts.constrain_sbs = TRUE; sdc_opts.constrain_cbs = TRUE; sdc_opts.break_loops = TRUE; sdc_opts.break_loops_mux = FALSE; /* By default, we turn it off to avoid a overkill */ /* Part 1. Constrain clock cycles */ verilog_generate_sdc_clock_period(sdc_opts, pow(10,9)*arch.spice->spice_params.stimulate_params.vpr_crit_path_delay); /* Part 2. Output Design Constraints for breaking loops */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.break_loops) { verilog_generate_sdc_break_loops(cur_sram_orgz_info, sdc_opts, LL_nx, LL_ny, routing_arch->num_switch, switch_inf, arch.spice, routing_arch); } /* Part 3. Output routing constraints for Switch Blocks */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.constrain_sbs) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_sbs(sdc_opts, LL_nx, LL_ny); } /* Part 4. Output routing constraints for Connection Blocks */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.constrain_cbs) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_cbs(sdc_opts, LL_nx, LL_ny); } /* Part 5. Output routing constraints for Connection Blocks */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.constrain_routing_channels) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_routing_channels(sdc_opts, arch, LL_nx, LL_ny, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices, LL_rr_indexed_data); } /* Part 6. Output routing constraints for Programmable blocks */ if (TRUE == sdc_opts.constrain_pbs) { verilog_generate_sdc_constrain_pb_types(cur_sram_orgz_info, sdc_dir); } return; } /* Output a SDC file to constrain a FPGA mapped with a benchmark */ void verilog_generate_sdc_analysis(t_sram_orgz_info* cur_sram_orgz_info, char* sdc_dir, t_arch arch, int LL_num_rr_nodes, t_rr_node* LL_rr_node, t_ivec*** LL_rr_node_indices, int LL_nx, int LL_ny, t_grid_tile** LL_grid, t_block* LL_block, boolean compact_routing_hierarchy) { FILE* fp = NULL; char* fname = my_strcat(sdc_dir, sdc_analysis_file_name); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Generating SDC for Timing/Power analysis on the mapped FPGA: %s ...\n", fname); /* Create file handler */ fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(FILE:%s,LINE[%d])Failure in create SDC constraints %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, fname); exit(1); } /* Generate the descriptions*/ dump_verilog_sdc_file_header(fp, "Constrain for Timing/Power analysis on the mapped FPGA"); /* Create clock and set input/output delays */ verilog_generate_sdc_input_output_delays(fp, arch.spice->spice_params.stimulate_params.vpr_crit_path_delay); /* Disable the timing for global ports */ verilog_generate_sdc_disable_global_ports(fp); /* Disable the timing for configuration cells */ verilog_generate_sdc_disable_sram_orgz(fp, cur_sram_orgz_info); /* Disable timing for un-used resources */ /* Apply to Routing Channels */ if (TRUE == compact_routing_hierarchy) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_routing_channels(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny); } else { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_routing_channels(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny, LL_num_rr_nodes, LL_rr_node, LL_rr_node_indices); } /* Apply to Connection blocks */ verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_cbs(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny); verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_cbs_muxs(fp); /* Apply to Switch blocks */ if (TRUE == compact_routing_hierarchy) { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs(fp); verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs_muxs(fp); } else { verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny); verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_sbs_muxs(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny); } /* Apply to Grids */ verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_grids(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny, LL_grid, LL_block); verilog_generate_sdc_disable_unused_grids_muxs(fp, LL_nx, LL_ny, LL_grid, LL_block); /* Close the file*/ fclose(fp); /* Free strings */ my_free(fname); return; }