#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "hash.h" #include "util.h" struct s_hash ** alloc_hash_table(void) { /* Creates a hash table with HASHSIZE different locations (hash values). */ struct s_hash **hash_table; hash_table = (struct s_hash **) my_calloc(sizeof(struct s_hash *), HASHSIZE); return (hash_table); } void free_hash_table(struct s_hash **hash_table) { /* Frees all the storage associated with a hash table. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr, *temp_ptr; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { h_ptr = hash_table[i]; while (h_ptr != NULL) { free(h_ptr->name); temp_ptr = h_ptr->next; free(h_ptr); h_ptr = temp_ptr; } } free(hash_table); } struct s_hash_iterator start_hash_table_iterator(void) { /* Call this routine before you start going through all the elements in * * a hash table. It sets the internal indices to the start of the table. */ struct s_hash_iterator hash_iterator; hash_iterator.i = -1; hash_iterator.h_ptr = NULL; return (hash_iterator); } struct s_hash * get_next_hash(struct s_hash **hash_table, struct s_hash_iterator *hash_iterator) { /* Returns the next occupied hash entry, and moves the iterator structure * * forward so the next call gets the next entry. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr; i = hash_iterator->i; h_ptr = hash_iterator->h_ptr; while (h_ptr == NULL) { i++; if (i >= HASHSIZE) return (NULL); /* End of table */ h_ptr = hash_table[i]; } hash_iterator->h_ptr = h_ptr->next; hash_iterator->i = i; return (h_ptr); } struct s_hash * insert_in_hash_table(struct s_hash **hash_table, char *name, int next_free_index) { /* Adds the string pointed to by name to the hash table, and returns the * * hash structure created or updated. If name is already in the hash table * * the count member of that hash element is incremented. Otherwise a new * * hash entry with a count of zero and an index of next_free_index is * * created. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr, *prev_ptr; i = hash_value(name); prev_ptr = NULL; h_ptr = hash_table[i]; while (h_ptr != NULL) { if (strcmp(h_ptr->name, name) == 0) { h_ptr->count++; return (h_ptr); } prev_ptr = h_ptr; h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } /* Name string wasn't in the hash table. Add it. */ h_ptr = (struct s_hash *) my_malloc(sizeof(struct s_hash)); if (prev_ptr == NULL) { hash_table[i] = h_ptr; } else { prev_ptr->next = h_ptr; } h_ptr->next = NULL; h_ptr->index = next_free_index; h_ptr->count = 1; h_ptr->name = (char *) my_malloc((strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(h_ptr->name, name); return (h_ptr); } struct s_hash * get_hash_entry(struct s_hash **hash_table, char *name) { /* Returns the hash entry with this name, or NULL if there is no * * corresponding entry. */ int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr; i = hash_value(name); h_ptr = hash_table[i]; while (h_ptr != NULL) { if (strcmp(h_ptr->name, name) == 0) return (h_ptr); h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } return (NULL); } int hash_value(char *name) { /* Creates a hash key from a character string. The absolute value is taken * * for the final val to compensate for long strlen that cause val to * * overflow. */ int i; int val = 0, mult = 1; i = strlen(name); for (i = strlen(name) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { val += mult * ((int) name[i]); mult *= 7; } val += (int) name[0]; val %= HASHSIZE; val = abs(val); return (val); } void get_hash_stats(struct s_hash **hash_table, char *hash_table_name){ /* Checks to see how well elements are distributed within the hash table. * * Will traverse through the hash_table and count the length of the linked * * list. Will output the hash number, the number of array elements that are * * NULL, the average number of linked lists and the maximum length of linked * * lists. */ int num_NULL = 0, total_elements = 0, max_num = 0, curr_num; double avg_num = 0; int i; struct s_hash *h_ptr; for (i = 0; i<HASHSIZE; i++){ h_ptr = hash_table[i]; curr_num = 0; if (h_ptr == NULL) num_NULL++; else{ while (h_ptr != NULL){ curr_num ++; h_ptr = h_ptr->next; } } if (curr_num > max_num) max_num = curr_num; total_elements = total_elements + curr_num; } avg_num = (float) total_elements / ((float)HASHSIZE - (float)num_NULL); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "The hash table '%s' is of size %d.\n", hash_table_name, HASHSIZE); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "It has: %d keys that are never used; total of %d elements; an average linked-list length of %.1f; and a maximum linked-list length of %d.\n", num_NULL, total_elements, avg_num, max_num); vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\n"); }