# Getting Started with FPGA-SPICE Clone the [OpenFPGA git repository:](https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA) [//todo]: # (change to final repository location) `git clone https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA.git ` There is a submodule in the repository so move to the OpenFPGA directory and clone that too: `cd OpenFPGA` `git submodule init` `git submodule update` Go to the `VPR` dirctory and build the tool: `cd ./vpr7_rram/vpr/` `make ` VPR requires a minimum of one XML file that specifies the architecture of the FPGA, and one BLIF file that specifies the logic circuit to be put on the FPGA. [//todo]: # (make sure the circuits are available) While in the `vpr` directory, run the tool on some example files: `./vpr ../libarchfpga/arch/sample_arch.xml ./Circuits/s298_K6_N10_ace.blif ` If a graphic environment is available, this will bring up a display of how the circuit is being placed on the FPGA. Press the `Proceed` button to step to the final placement, press `Proceed` again to step to the routing. Press the `Exit` button to exit the display. To run VPR without the display, use the command `-nodisp` `./vpr ../libarchfpga/arch/sample_arch.xml ./Circuits/s298_K6_N10_ace.blif -nodisp` VPR creates a number of files in the same location as the BLIF file when it is run. The `place` file shows how the circuit was placed on the FPGA; the `route` file shows how the logic was routed on the FPGA; the `net` file shows the wiring.