/************************************************************************ * Member functions for class DeviceRRGSB ***********************************************************************/ #include "vtr_log.h" #include "vtr_assert.h" #include "device_rr_gsb.h" /* namespace openfpga begins */ namespace openfpga { /************************************************************************ * Constructors ***********************************************************************/ /************************************************************************ * Public accessors ***********************************************************************/ /* get the max coordinate of the switch block array */ vtr::Point DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb_range() const { size_t max_y = 0; /* Get the largest size of sub-arrays */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { max_y = std::max(max_y, rr_gsb_[x].size()); } vtr::Point coordinate(rr_gsb_.size(), max_y); return coordinate; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinate */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb(const vtr::Point& coordinate) const { VTR_ASSERT(validate_coordinate(coordinate)); return rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()]; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinate */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_gsb(const size_t& x, const size_t& y) const { vtr::Point coordinate(x, y); return get_gsb(coordinate); } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_cb_unique_module(const t_rr_type& cb_type) const { VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return cbx_unique_module_.size(); case CHANY: return cby_unique_module_.size(); default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } /* Identify if a GSB actually exists at a location */ bool DeviceRRGSB::is_gsb_exist(const vtr::Point coord) const { /* Out of range, does not exist */ if (false == validate_coordinate(coord)) { return false; } /* If the GSB is empty, it does not exist */ if (true == get_gsb(coord).is_cb_exist(CHANX)) { return true; } if (true == get_gsb(coord).is_cb_exist(CHANY)) { return true; } if (true == get_gsb(coord).is_sb_exist()) { return true; } return false; } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_sb_unique_module() const { return sb_unique_module_.size(); } /* get the number of unique mirrors of switch blocks */ size_t DeviceRRGSB::get_num_gsb_unique_module() const { return gsb_unique_module_.size(); } /* Get a rr switch block which a unique mirror */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_module(const size_t& index) const { VTR_ASSERT (validate_sb_unique_module_index(index)); return rr_gsb_[sb_unique_module_[index].x()][sb_unique_module_[index].y()]; } /* Get a rr switch block which a unique mirror */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_cb_unique_module(const t_rr_type& cb_type, const size_t& index) const { VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_unique_module_index(cb_type, index)); VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return rr_gsb_[cbx_unique_module_[index].x()][cbx_unique_module_[index].y()]; case CHANY: return rr_gsb_[cby_unique_module_[index].x()][cby_unique_module_[index].y()]; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } /* Give a coordinate of a rr switch block, and return its unique mirror */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_cb_unique_module(const t_rr_type& cb_type, const vtr::Point& coordinate) const { VTR_ASSERT(validate_cb_type(cb_type)); VTR_ASSERT(validate_coordinate(coordinate)); size_t cb_unique_module_id; switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cb_unique_module_id = cbx_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()]; break; case CHANY: cb_unique_module_id = cby_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()]; break; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } return get_cb_unique_module(cb_type, cb_unique_module_id); } /* Give a coordinate of a rr switch block, and return its unique mirror */ const RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_sb_unique_module(const vtr::Point& coordinate) const { VTR_ASSERT(validate_coordinate(coordinate)); size_t sb_unique_module_id = sb_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()]; return get_sb_unique_module(sb_unique_module_id); } /************************************************************************ * Public mutators ***********************************************************************/ /* Pre-allocate the rr_switch_block array that the device requires */ void DeviceRRGSB::reserve(const vtr::Point& coordinate) { rr_gsb_.resize(coordinate.x()); gsb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x()); sb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x()); cbx_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x()); cby_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x()); for (size_t x = 0; x < coordinate.x(); ++x) { rr_gsb_[x].resize(coordinate.y()); gsb_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinate.y()); sb_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinate.y()); cbx_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinate.y()); cby_unique_module_id_[x].resize(coordinate.y()); } } /* Resize rr_switch_block array is needed*/ void DeviceRRGSB::resize_upon_need(const vtr::Point& coordinate) { if (coordinate.x() + 1 > rr_gsb_.size()) { rr_gsb_.resize(coordinate.x() + 1); sb_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x() + 1); cbx_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x() + 1); cby_unique_module_id_.resize(coordinate.x() + 1); } if (coordinate.y() + 1 > rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()].size()) { rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()].resize(coordinate.y() + 1); sb_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()].resize(coordinate.y() + 1); cbx_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()].resize(coordinate.y() + 1); cby_unique_module_id_[coordinate.x()].resize(coordinate.y() + 1); } } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::add_rr_gsb(const vtr::Point& coordinate, const RRGSB& rr_gsb) { /* Resize upon needs*/ resize_upon_need(coordinate); /* Add the switch block into array */ rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()] = rr_gsb; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinate */ RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_mutable_gsb(const vtr::Point& coordinate) { VTR_ASSERT(validate_coordinate(coordinate)); return rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()][coordinate.y()]; } /* Get a rr switch block in the array with a coordinate */ RRGSB& DeviceRRGSB::get_mutable_gsb(const size_t& x, const size_t& y) { vtr::Point coordinate(x, y); return get_mutable_gsb(coordinate); } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_cb_unique_module(const RRGraph& rr_graph, const t_rr_type& cb_type) { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_cb_unique_module(cb_type); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; vtr::Point gsb_coordinate(ix, iy); /* Bypass non-exist CB */ if ( false == rr_gsb_[ix][iy].is_cb_exist(cb_type) ) { continue; } /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_cb_unique_module(cb_type); ++id) { const RRGSB& unique_module = get_cb_unique_module(cb_type, id); if (true == rr_gsb_[ix][iy].is_cb_mirror(rr_graph, unique_module, cb_type)) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ set_cb_unique_module_id(cb_type, gsb_coordinate, id); break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { add_cb_unique_module(cb_type, gsb_coordinate); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ set_cb_unique_module_id(cb_type, gsb_coordinate, get_num_cb_unique_module(cb_type) - 1); } } } } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_sb_unique_module(const RRGraph& rr_graph) { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_sb_unique_module(); /* Build the unique module */ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; vtr::Point sb_coordinate(ix, iy); /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_sb_unique_module(); ++id) { /* Check if the two modules have the same submodules, * if so, these two modules are the same, indicating the sb is not unique. * else the sb is unique */ const RRGSB& unique_module = get_sb_unique_module(id); if (true == rr_gsb_[ix][iy].is_sb_mirror(rr_graph, unique_module)) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = id; break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { sb_unique_module_.push_back(sb_coordinate); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = sb_unique_module_.size() - 1; } } } } /* Add a switch block to the array, which will automatically identify and update the lists of unique mirrors and rotatable mirrors */ /* Find repeatable GSB block in the array */ void DeviceRRGSB::build_gsb_unique_module() { /* Make sure a clean start */ clear_gsb_unique_module(); for (size_t ix = 0; ix < rr_gsb_.size(); ++ix) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < rr_gsb_[ix].size(); ++iy) { bool is_unique_module = true; vtr::Point gsb_coordinate(ix, iy); /* Traverse the unique_mirror list and check it is an mirror of another */ for (size_t id = 0; id < get_num_gsb_unique_module(); ++id) { /* We have alreay built sb and cb unique module list * We just need to check if the unique module id of SBs, CBX and CBY are the same or not */ const vtr::Point& gsb_unique_module_coordinate = gsb_unique_module_[id]; if ((sb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == sb_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinate.x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinate.y()]) && (cbx_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == cbx_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinate.x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinate.y()]) && (cby_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] == cby_unique_module_id_[gsb_unique_module_coordinate.x()][gsb_unique_module_coordinate.y()])) { /* This is a mirror, raise the flag and we finish */ is_unique_module = false; /* Record the id of unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = id; break; } } /* Add to list if this is a unique mirror*/ if (true == is_unique_module) { add_gsb_unique_module(gsb_coordinate); /* Record the id of unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_id_[ix][iy] = get_num_gsb_unique_module() - 1; } } } } void DeviceRRGSB::build_unique_module(const RRGraph& rr_graph) { build_sb_unique_module(rr_graph); build_cb_unique_module(rr_graph, CHANX); build_cb_unique_module(rr_graph, CHANY); build_gsb_unique_module(); } void DeviceRRGSB::add_gsb_unique_module(const vtr::Point& coordinate) { gsb_unique_module_.push_back(coordinate); } void DeviceRRGSB::add_cb_unique_module(const t_rr_type& cb_type, const vtr::Point& coordinate) { VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_.push_back(coordinate); return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_.push_back(coordinate); return; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } void DeviceRRGSB::set_cb_unique_module_id(const t_rr_type& cb_type, const vtr::Point& coordinate, size_t id) { VTR_ASSERT(validate_cb_type(cb_type)); size_t x = coordinate.x(); size_t y = coordinate.y(); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_id_[x][y] = id; return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_id_[x][y] = id; return; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } /************************************************************************ * Public clean-up functions: ***********************************************************************/ /* clean the content */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear() { clear_gsb(); clear_gsb_unique_module(); clear_gsb_unique_module_id(); /* clean unique module lists */ clear_cb_unique_module(CHANX); clear_cb_unique_module_id(CHANX); clear_cb_unique_module(CHANY); clear_cb_unique_module_id(CHANY); clear_sb_unique_module(); clear_sb_unique_module_id(); } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb() { /* clean gsb array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { rr_gsb_[x].clear(); } rr_gsb_.clear(); } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb_unique_module_id() { /* clean rr_switch_block array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { gsb_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_module_id() { /* clean rr_switch_block array */ for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { sb_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_cb_unique_module_id(const t_rr_type& cb_type) { VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { cbx_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; case CHANY: for (size_t x = 0; x < rr_gsb_.size(); ++x) { cby_unique_module_id_[x].clear(); } return; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } /* clean the content related to unique_mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_gsb_unique_module() { /* clean unique mirror */ gsb_unique_module_.clear(); } /* clean the content related to unique_mirrors */ void DeviceRRGSB::clear_sb_unique_module() { /* clean unique mirror */ sb_unique_module_.clear(); } void DeviceRRGSB::clear_cb_unique_module(const t_rr_type& cb_type) { VTR_ASSERT (validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: cbx_unique_module_.clear(); return; case CHANY: cby_unique_module_.clear(); return; default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } } /************************************************************************ * Internal validators ***********************************************************************/ /* Validate if the (x,y) is the range of this device */ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_coordinate(const vtr::Point& coordinate) const { if (coordinate.x() >= rr_gsb_.capacity()) { return false; } return (coordinate.y() < rr_gsb_[coordinate.x()].capacity()); } /* Validate if the index in the range of unique_mirror vector*/ bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_sb_unique_module_index(const size_t& index) const { return (index < sb_unique_module_.size()); } bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_cb_unique_module_index(const t_rr_type& cb_type, const size_t& index) const { VTR_ASSERT(validate_cb_type(cb_type)); switch(cb_type) { case CHANX: return (index < cbx_unique_module_.size()); case CHANY: return (index < cby_unique_module_.size()); default: VTR_LOG_ERROR("Invalid type of connection block!\n"); exit(1); } return false; } bool DeviceRRGSB::validate_cb_type(const t_rr_type& cb_type) const { return ((CHANX == cb_type) || (CHANY == cb_type)); } } /* End namespace openfpga*/