# Run VPR for the 'and' design #--write_rr_graph example_rr_graph.xml vpr ${VPR_ARCH_FILE} ${VPR_TESTBENCH_BLIF} --clock_modeling route # Read OpenFPGA architecture definition read_openfpga_arch -f ${OPENFPGA_ARCH_FILE} # Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base # to debug use --verbose options link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE} --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges # Check and correct any naming conflicts in the BLIF netlist check_netlist_naming_conflict --fix --report ./netlist_renaming.xml # Build the module graph # - Enabled compression on routing architecture modules # - Enable pin duplication on grid modules build_fabric --compress_routing #--verbose # Write the fabric hierarchy of module graph to a file # This is used by hierarchical PnR flows write_fabric_hierarchy --file ./fabric_hierarchy.txt # Write the Verilog netlist for FPGA fabric # - Enable the use of explicit port mapping in Verilog netlist write_fabric_verilog --file ./SRC --explicit_port_mapping --include_timing --include_signal_init --support_icarus_simulator --print_user_defined_template --verbose # Write the SDC files for PnR backend # - Turn on every options here write_pnr_sdc --file ./SDC # Finish and exit OpenFPGA exit # Note : # To run verification at the end of the flow maintain source in ./SRC directory