# GCR_CMake
A CMake extension supporting the **glib-compile-resources** tool.


Inspired from the macros for Vala that I used to build a GTK application, I came
to the point where I needed resources for it. For that purpose the
**glib-compile-resources** tool seemed to be the right choice, but the extra XML
file you need to write bothered me. If I add a resource I don't want to mark it
explicitly in CMake and in the XML file. So I came up with this macro that does
everything for you. You just add your resource to a resource list (with
eventually some attributes like compression) and invoke the resource compilation
function. It generates the XML automatically for you. Quite simple, isn't it?


To clone this repository, just type

git clone https://github.com/Makman2/GCR_CMake


Just add the macro directory to your `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH`, include the CMake
file and you are ready to go.




The resource compiling macro is quite powerful and handles as much errors as
possible to make error-finding easier. The function is defined as follows:

                   [TYPE output_type]
                   [TARGET output_name]
                   [RESOURCES [resources...]]
                   [OPTIONS [command_line_options...]]
                   [PREFIX resource_prefix]
                   [C_PREFIX c_names_prefix]
                   [SOURCE_DIR resource_directory]
                   [COMPRESS_ALL] [NO_COMPRESS_ALL]
                   [TOPIXDATA_ALL] [NO_TOPIXDATA_ALL])

- ***output***

  The variable name where to set the output file names. Pass this variable to a
  target as a dependency (i.e. `add_custom_target`).

- ***xml_out***

  The variable name where to store the output file name of the intermediately
  generated gresource-XML-file.

- **TYPE** ***output_type***

  The resource type to generate. Valid values are `EMBED_C`, `EMBED_H`, `BUNDLE`
  or `AUTO`. Anything else will default to `AUTO`.

  - `EMBED_C`: Generate a C code file that can be compiled with your program.

  - `EMBED_H`: Generate a header file to include in your program.

  - `BUNDLE`: Generates a resource disk file to load at runtime.

  - `AUTO` (or anything else): Extract mode from file ending specified in

    If `TARGET` contains
    an invalid file or file ending not detectable, the function results in a

    Recognized file formats are: *.gresource*, *.c*, *.h*.

- **TARGET** ***output_name***

  Overrides the default output file name. If not specified (and not
  `AUTO`-**TYPE** is set) the output name is *resources.[type-ending]*.

- **RESOURCES** ***[resources...]***

  The resource list to process. Each resource must be a relative path inside the
  source directory. Each file can be preceded with resource flags.

  - `COMPRESS` flag

    Compress the following file. Effectively sets the attribute *compressed* in
    the XML file to true.

  - `STRIPBLANKS` flag

    Strip whitespace characters in XML files. Sets the *preprocess* attribute in
    XML with *xml-stripblanks* (requires XMLLint).

  - `TOPIXDATA` flag

    Generates a pixdata ready to use in Gdk. Sets the *preprocess* attribute in
    XML with *to-pixdata*.

  Note: Using `STRIPBLANKS` and `TOPIXDATA` together results in a

- **OPTIONS** ***command_line_options***

  Extra command line arguments passed to **glib_compile_resources**. For example
  `--internal` or `--manual-register`.

- **PREFIX** ***resource_prefix***

  Overrides the resource prefix. The resource entries get inside the XML a
  prefix that is prepended to each resource file and represents as a whole the
  resource path.

- **C_PREFIX** ***c_names_prefix***

  Specifies the prefix used for the C identifiers in the code generated when
  *EMBED_C* or *EMBED_H* are specified for *TYPE*.

- **SOURCE_DIR** ***resource_directory***

  The source directory where the resource files are. If not overridden, this
  value is set to `CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`.


  Overrides the `COMPRESS` flag in all resources. If **COMPRESS_ALL** is
  specified, `COMPRESS` is set everywhere regardless of the specified resource
  flags. If **NO_COMPRESS_ALL** is specified, compression is deactivated in all

  Specifying **COMPRESS_ALL** and **NO_COMPRESS_ALL** together results in a


  Overrides the `STRIPBLANKS` flag in all resources. If **STRIPBLANKS_ALL** is
  specified, `STRIPBLANKS` is set everywhere regardless of the specified
  resource flags. If **NO_STRIPBLANKS_ALL** is specified, stripping away
  whitespaces is deactivated in all resources.

  Specifying **STRIPBLANKS_ALL** and **NO_STRIPBLANKS_ALL** together results in
  a **FATAL_ERROR**.


  Overrides the `TOPIXDATA` flag in all resources. If **TOPIXDATA_ALL** is
  specified, `TOPIXDATA` is set everywhere regardless of the specified resource
  flags. If **NO_TOPIXDATA_ALL** is specified, converting into pixbufs is
  deactivated in all resources.

  Specifying **TOPIXDATA_ALL** and **NO_TOPIXDATA_ALL** together results in a


This is a quick start guide to provide you an easy start with this macro.

Starting with a simple example:


                   TYPE BUNDLE
                   RESOURCES ${RESOURCE_LIST})

What does this snippet do? First it sets some resource files to pack into a
resource file. They are located in the source directory passed to CMake at
After that we compile the resources. Means we generate a *.gresource.xml*-file
(it's path is put inside the `XML_OUT` variable) automatically from our
`RESOURCE_LIST` and create a custom command that compiles the generated
*.gresource.xml*-file with the provided resources into a resource bundle. Since
no specific output file is specified via **TARGET** the output file is placed
into the `CMAKE_CURENT_BINARY_DIR` with the name *resources.gresource*. The
first argument `RESOURCE_FILE` is a variable that is filled with the output file
name, so with *resources.gresource* inside the build directory. This variable is
helpful to create makefile targets (or to process the output file differently).

So here comes a full *CMakeLists.txt* that creates the resources from before.

# Minimum support is guaranteed for CMake 2.8. Everything below needs to be
# tested.


# Include the extension module.


# Set the resources to bundle.

# Compile the resources.
                   TYPE BUNDLE
                   RESOURCES ${RESOURCE_LIST})

# Add a custom target to the makefile. Now make builds our resource file.
# It depends on the output RESOURCE_FILE.
add_custom_target(resource ALL DEPENDS ${RESOURCE_FILE})

A nice feature of the `compile_gresources`-macro is that it supports
individually setting flags on the resources. So we can extend our resource list
like that:

    COMPRESS img/image1.jpg
    COMPRESS img/image2.jpg
    STRIPBLANKS data.xml)

This resource list not only simply includes the resources, it specifies also
that the two images should be compressed and in *data.xml* the whitespaces
should be removed. This resource list will include the same files but will
preprocess some of them.

parameters (and their `NO_`-equivalents). If you are too lazy to write before
every file the flag, just invoke `compile_gresources` with them.

# Compile the resources. Compresses all files regardless if you specified it
# explicitly or not.
                   TYPE BUNDLE
                   RESOURCES ${RESOURCE_LIST}

So that's a short introduction into the operating mode of the
`compile-gresources` macro.