refactored behavioral mux branch verilog generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ $SPACER
cd -
# python3.5 ./openfpga_flow/scripts/ regression/regression_quick
python3.5 openfpga_flow/scripts/ blif_vpr_flow --maxthreads 6
python3.5 openfpga_flow/scripts/ blif_vpr_flow --maxthreads 4
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ fpga_flow=vpr_blif
@ -26,78 +26,34 @@
#include "verilog_writer_utils.h"
#include "verilog_mux.h"
* Generate Verilog codes modeling an branch circuit
* Generate structural Verilog codes (consist of transmission-gates or
* pass-transistor) modeling an branch circuit
* for a multiplexer with the given size
void generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_module_structural(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::fstream& fp,
const CircuitModelId& circuit_model,
const std::string& module_name,
const MuxGraph& mux_graph) {
/* Get the tgate model */
CircuitModelId tgate_model = circuit_lib.pass_gate_logic_model(circuit_model);
/* Skip output if the tgate model is a MUX2, it is handled by essential-gate generator */
if (SPICE_MODEL_GATE == circuit_lib.model_type(tgate_model)) {
VTR_ASSERT(SPICE_MODEL_GATE_MUX2 == circuit_lib.gate_type(tgate_model));
/* TODO: move to check_circuit_library? Get model ports of tgate */
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_global_ports = circuit_lib.model_global_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
VTR_ASSERT(3 == tgate_input_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT(1 == tgate_output_ports.size());
void generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_body_structural(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::fstream& fp,
const CircuitModelId& tgate_model,
const ModuleId& module_id,
const BasicPort& input_port,
const BasicPort& output_port,
const BasicPort& mem_port,
const BasicPort& mem_inv_port,
const MuxGraph& mux_graph) {
/* Make sure we have a valid file handler*/
/* Generate the Verilog netlist according to the mux_graph */
/* Find out the number of inputs */
size_t num_inputs = mux_graph.num_inputs();
/* Find out the number of outputs */
size_t num_outputs = mux_graph.num_outputs();
/* Find out the number of memory bits */
size_t num_mems = mux_graph.num_memory_bits();
/* Check codes to ensure the port of Verilog netlists will match */
/* MUX graph must have only 1 output */
VTR_ASSERT(1 == num_outputs);
/* MUX graph must have only 1 level*/
VTR_ASSERT(1 == mux_graph.num_levels());
/* Create a Verilog Module based on the circuit model, and add to module manager */
ModuleId module_id = module_manager.add_module(module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != module_id);
/* Add module ports */
/* Add each global port */
for (const auto& port : tgate_global_ports) {
/* Configure each global port */
BasicPort global_port(circuit_lib.port_lib_name(port), circuit_lib.port_size(port));
module_manager.add_port(module_id, global_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT);
/* Add each input port */
BasicPort input_port("in", num_inputs);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, input_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
/* Add each output port */
BasicPort output_port("out", num_outputs);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT);
/* Add each memory port */
BasicPort mem_port("mem", num_mems);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, mem_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
BasicPort mem_inv_port("mem_inv", num_mems);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, mem_inv_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
/* Get the module id of tgate in Module manager */
ModuleId tgate_module_id = module_manager.find_module(circuit_lib.model_name(tgate_model));
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != tgate_module_id);
/* dump module definition + ports */
print_verilog_module_declaration(fp, module_manager, module_id);
/* TODO: move to check_circuit_library? Get model ports of tgate */
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true);
VTR_ASSERT(3 == tgate_input_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT(1 == tgate_output_ports.size());
/* Verilog Behavior description for a MUX */
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("---- Structure-level description -----"));
@ -146,6 +102,167 @@ void generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_module_structural(ModuleManager& module_ma
module_manager.add_child_module(module_id, tgate_module_id);
* Generate behavior-level Verilog codes modeling an branch circuit
* for a multiplexer with the given size
void generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_body_behavioral(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& input_port,
const BasicPort& output_port,
const BasicPort& mem_port,
const MuxGraph& mux_graph,
const size_t& default_mem_val) {
/* Make sure we have a valid file handler*/
/* Verilog Behavior description for a MUX */
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("---- Behavioral-level description -----"));
/* Add an internal register for the output */
BasicPort outreg_port("out_reg", mux_graph.num_outputs());
/* Print the port */
fp << "\t" << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_REG, outreg_port) << ";" << std::endl;
/* Generate the case-switch table */
fp << "\talways @(" << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, input_port) << ", " << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, mem_port) << ")" << std::endl;
fp << "\tcase (" << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, mem_port) << ")" << std::endl;
/* Output the netlist following the connections in mux_graph */
/* Iterate over the inputs */
for (const auto& mux_input : mux_graph.inputs()) {
BasicPort cur_input_port(input_port.get_name(), size_t(mux_graph.input_id(mux_input)), size_t(mux_graph.input_id(mux_input)));
/* Iterate over the outputs */
for (const auto& mux_output : mux_graph.outputs()) {
BasicPort cur_output_port(output_port.get_name(), size_t(mux_graph.output_id(mux_output)), size_t(mux_graph.output_id(mux_output)));
/* if there is a connection between the input and output, a tgate will be outputted */
std::vector<MuxEdgeId> edges = mux_graph.find_edges(mux_input, mux_output);
/* There should be only one edge or no edge*/
VTR_ASSERT((1 == edges.size()) || (0 == edges.size()));
/* No need to output tgates if there are no edges between two nodes */
if (0 == edges.size()) {
/* For each case, generate the logic levels for all the inputs */
/* In each case, only one mem is enabled */
fp << "\t\t" << mem_port.get_width() << "'b";
std::string case_code(mem_port.get_width(), default_mem_val);
/* Find the mem_id controlling the edge */
MuxMemId mux_mem = mux_graph.find_edge_mem(edges[0]);
/* Flip a bit by the mem_id */
if (false == mux_graph.is_edge_use_inv_mem(edges[0])) {
case_code[size_t(mux_mem)] = '1';
} else {
case_code[size_t(mux_mem)] = '0';
fp << case_code << ": " << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, outreg_port) << " <= ";
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, cur_input_port) << ";" << std::endl;
/* Default case: outputs are at high-impedance state 'z' */
std::string default_case(mux_graph.num_outputs(), 'z');
fp << "\t\tdefault: " << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, outreg_port) << " <= ";
fp << mux_graph.num_outputs() << "'b" << default_case << ";" << std::endl;
/* End the case */
fp << "\tendcase" << std::endl;
/* Wire registers to output ports */
fp << "\tassign " << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, output_port) << " = ";
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_CONKT, outreg_port) << ";" << std::endl;
* Generate Verilog codes modeling an branch circuit
* for a multiplexer with the given size
* Support structural and behavioral Verilog codes
void generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_module(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::fstream& fp,
const CircuitModelId& circuit_model,
const std::string& module_name,
const MuxGraph& mux_graph,
const bool& use_structural_verilog) {
/* Get the tgate model */
CircuitModelId tgate_model = circuit_lib.pass_gate_logic_model(circuit_model);
/* Skip output if the tgate model is a MUX2, it is handled by essential-gate generator */
if (SPICE_MODEL_GATE == circuit_lib.model_type(tgate_model)) {
VTR_ASSERT(SPICE_MODEL_GATE_MUX2 == circuit_lib.gate_type(tgate_model));
std::vector<CircuitPortId> tgate_global_ports = circuit_lib.model_global_ports_by_type(tgate_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
/* Make sure we have a valid file handler*/
/* Generate the Verilog netlist according to the mux_graph */
/* Find out the number of inputs */
size_t num_inputs = mux_graph.num_inputs();
/* Find out the number of outputs */
size_t num_outputs = mux_graph.num_outputs();
/* Find out the number of memory bits */
size_t num_mems = mux_graph.num_memory_bits();
/* Check codes to ensure the port of Verilog netlists will match */
/* MUX graph must have only 1 output */
VTR_ASSERT(1 == num_outputs);
/* MUX graph must have only 1 level*/
VTR_ASSERT(1 == mux_graph.num_levels());
/* Create a Verilog Module based on the circuit model, and add to module manager */
ModuleId module_id = module_manager.add_module(module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(ModuleId::INVALID() != module_id);
/* Add module ports */
/* Add each global port */
for (const auto& port : tgate_global_ports) {
/* Configure each global port */
BasicPort global_port(circuit_lib.port_lib_name(port), circuit_lib.port_size(port));
module_manager.add_port(module_id, global_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_GLOBAL_PORT);
/* Add each input port */
BasicPort input_port("in", num_inputs);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, input_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
/* Add each output port */
BasicPort output_port("out", num_outputs);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT);
/* Add each memory port */
BasicPort mem_port("mem", num_mems);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, mem_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
BasicPort mem_inv_port("mem_inv", num_mems);
module_manager.add_port(module_id, mem_inv_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_INPUT_PORT);
/* dump module definition + ports */
print_verilog_module_declaration(fp, module_manager, module_id);
/* Print the internal logic in either structural or behavioral Verilog codes */
if (true == use_structural_verilog) {
generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_body_structural(module_manager, circuit_lib, fp, tgate_model, module_id, input_port, output_port, mem_port, mem_inv_port, mux_graph);
} else {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE(false == use_structural_verilog);
/* Get the default value of SRAM ports */
std::vector<CircuitPortId> sram_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(circuit_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_SRAM, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> non_mode_select_sram_ports;
/* We should have only have 1 sram port except those are mode_bits */
for (const auto& port : sram_ports) {
if (true == circuit_lib.port_is_mode_select(port)) {
VTR_ASSERT(1 == non_mode_select_sram_ports.size());
std::string mem_default_val = std::to_string(circuit_lib.port_default_value(non_mode_select_sram_ports[0]));
/* Mem string must be only 1-bit! */
VTR_ASSERT(1 == mem_default_val.length());
generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_body_behavioral(fp, input_port, output_port, mem_port, mux_graph, mem_default_val[0]);
/* Put an end to the Verilog module */
print_verilog_module_end(fp, module_name);
@ -167,17 +284,8 @@ void generate_verilog_mux_branch_module(ModuleManager& module_manager,
/* Multiplexers built with different technology is in different organization */
switch (circuit_lib.design_tech_type(circuit_model)) {
if (true == circuit_lib.dump_structural_verilog(circuit_model)) {
generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_module_structural(module_manager, circuit_lib, fp, circuit_model, module_name, mux_graph);
} else {
dump_verilog_cmos_mux_one_basis_module(fp, mux_basis_subckt_name,
generate_verilog_cmos_mux_branch_module(module_manager, circuit_lib, fp, circuit_model, module_name, mux_graph,
/* If requested, we can dump structural verilog for basis module */
Reference in New Issue