Merge branch 'refactoring' into dev

This commit is contained in:
tangxifan 2020-02-29 13:30:00 -07:00
commit cf25f1f339
39 changed files with 2608 additions and 212 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
#include "vtr_time.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "build_device_bitstream.h"
#include "bitstream_writer.h"
#include "build_fabric_bitstream.h"
@ -30,6 +33,11 @@ void fpga_bitstream(OpenfpgaContext& openfpga_ctx,
cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_verbose));
if (true == cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_file)) {
std::string src_dir_path = find_path_dir_name(cmd_context.option_value(cmd, opt_file));
/* Create directories */
cmd_context.option_value(cmd, opt_file));

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class OpenfpgaContext : public Context {
const openfpga::BitstreamManager& bitstream_manager() const { return bitstream_manager_; }
const std::vector<openfpga::ConfigBitId>& fabric_bitstream() const { return fabric_bitstream_; }
const openfpga::IoLocationMap& io_location_map() { return io_location_map_; }
const std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, t_net_power>& net_activity() { return net_activity_; }
public: /* Public mutators */
openfpga::Arch& mutable_arch() { return arch_; }
openfpga::VprDeviceAnnotation& mutable_vpr_device_annotation() { return vpr_device_annotation_; }
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ class OpenfpgaContext : public Context {
openfpga::BitstreamManager& mutable_bitstream_manager() { return bitstream_manager_; }
std::vector<openfpga::ConfigBitId>& mutable_fabric_bitstream() { return fabric_bitstream_; }
openfpga::IoLocationMap& mutable_io_location_map() { return io_location_map_; }
std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, t_net_power>& mutable_net_activity() { return net_activity_; }
private: /* Internal data */
/* Data structure to store information from read_openfpga_arch library */
openfpga::Arch arch_;
@ -111,6 +113,9 @@ class OpenfpgaContext : public Context {
openfpga::BitstreamManager bitstream_manager_;
std::vector<openfpga::ConfigBitId> fabric_bitstream_;
/* Net activities of users' implementation */
std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, t_net_power> net_activity_;
/* Flow status */
openfpga::FlowManager flow_manager_;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,20 @@
* This file includes functions to read an OpenFPGA architecture file
* which are built on the libarchopenfpga library
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_time.h"
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
/* Headers from vpr library */
#include "timing_info.h"
#include "AnalysisDelayCalculator.h"
#include "net_delay.h"
#include "read_activity.h"
#include "vpr_device_annotation.h"
#include "pb_type_utils.h"
#include "annotate_pb_types.h"
@ -46,6 +55,163 @@ bool is_vpr_rr_graph_supported(const RRGraph& rr_graph) {
return true;
* Find the number of clock cycles in simulation based on the average signal density
size_t recommend_num_sim_clock_cycle(const AtomContext& atom_ctx,
const std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, t_net_power>& net_activity,
const float& sim_window_size) {
size_t recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle = 0;
float avg_density = 0.;
size_t net_cnt = 0;
float weighted_avg_density = 0.;
size_t weighted_net_cnt = 0;
/* get the average density of all the nets */
for (const AtomNetId& atom_net : atom_ctx.nlist.nets()) {
/* Skip the nets without any activity annotation */
if (0 == net_activity.count(atom_net)) {
/* Only care non-zero density nets */
if (0. == {
avg_density +=;
/* Consider the weight of fan-out */
size_t net_weight;
if (0 == std::distance(atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).begin(), atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).end())) {
net_weight = 1;
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(0 < std::distance(atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).begin(), atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).end()));
net_weight = std::distance(atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).begin(), atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(atom_net).end());
weighted_avg_density +=* net_weight;
weighted_net_cnt += net_weight;
avg_density = avg_density / net_cnt;
weighted_avg_density = weighted_avg_density / weighted_net_cnt;
/* Sort the net density */
std::vector<float> net_densities;
for (const AtomNetId& atom_net : atom_ctx.nlist.nets()) {
/* Skip the nets without any activity annotation */
if (0 == net_activity.count(atom_net)) {
/* Only care non-zero density nets */
if (0. == {
std::sort(net_densities.begin(), net_densities.end());
/* Get the median */
float median_density = 0.;
/* check for even case */
if (net_cnt % 2 != 0) {
median_density = net_densities[size_t(net_cnt / 2)];
} else {
median_density = 0.5 * (net_densities[size_t((net_cnt - 1) / 2)] + net_densities[size_t((net_cnt - 1) / 2)]);
/* It may be more reasonable to use median
* But, if median density is 0, we use average density
if ((0. == median_density) && (0. == avg_density)) {
recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle = 1;
VTR_LOG_WARN("All the signal density is zero!\nNumber of clock cycles in simulations are set to be %ld!\n",
} else if (0. == avg_density) {
recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle = (int)round(1 / median_density);
} else if (0. == median_density) {
recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle = (int)round(1 / avg_density);
} else {
/* add a sim window size to balance the weight of average density and median density
* In practice, we find that there could be huge difference between avereage and median values
* For a reasonable number of simulation clock cycles, we do this window size.
recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle = (int)round(1 / (sim_window_size * avg_density + (1 - sim_window_size) * median_density ));
VTR_ASSERT(0 < recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle);
VTR_LOG("Average net density: %.2f\n", avg_density);
VTR_LOG("Median net density: %.2f\n", median_density);
VTR_LOG("Average net density after weighting: %.2f\n", weighted_avg_density);
VTR_LOG("Window size set for Simulation: %.2f\n", sim_window_size);
VTR_LOG("Net density after Window size : %.2f\n",
(sim_window_size * avg_density + (1 - sim_window_size) * median_density));
VTR_LOG("Recommend no. of clock cycles: %ld\n", recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle);
return recmd_num_sim_clock_cycle;
* Annotate simulation setting based on VPR results
* - If the operating clock frequency is set to follow the vpr timing results,
* we will set a new operating clock frequency here
* - If the number of clock cycles in simulation is set to be automatically determined,
* we will infer the number based on the average signal density
void annotate_simulation_setting(const AtomContext& atom_ctx,
const std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, t_net_power>& net_activity,
SimulationSetting& sim_setting) {
/* Find if the operating frequency is binded to vpr results */
if (0. == sim_setting.operating_clock_frequency()) {
VTR_LOG("User specified the operating clock frequency to use VPR results\n");
/* Run timing analysis and collect critical path delay
* This code is copied from function vpr_analysis() in vpr_api.h
* Should keep updated to latest VPR code base
* Note:
* - MUST mention in documentation that VPR should be run in timing enabled mode
vtr::vector<ClusterNetId, float*> net_delay;
vtr::t_chunk net_delay_ch;
/* Load the net delays */
net_delay = alloc_net_delay(&net_delay_ch);
/* Do final timing analysis */
auto analysis_delay_calc = std::make_shared<AnalysisDelayCalculator>(atom_ctx.nlist, atom_ctx.lookup, net_delay);
auto timing_info = make_setup_hold_timing_info(analysis_delay_calc);
/* Get critical path delay. Update simulation settings */
float T_crit = timing_info->least_slack_critical_path().delay() * (1. + sim_setting.operating_clock_frequency_slack());
sim_setting.set_operating_clock_frequency(1 / T_crit);
VTR_LOG("Use VPR critical path delay %g [ns] with a %g [%] slack in OpenFPGA.\n",
T_crit / 1e9, sim_setting.operating_clock_frequency_slack() * 100);
VTR_LOG("Will apply operating clock frequency %g [MHz] to simulations\n",
sim_setting.operating_clock_frequency() / 1e6);
if (0. == sim_setting.num_clock_cycles()) {
/* Find the number of clock cycles to be used in simulation by average over the signal activity */
VTR_LOG("User specified the number of operating clock cycles to be inferred from signal activities\n");
size_t num_clock_cycles = recommend_num_sim_clock_cycle(atom_ctx,
VTR_LOG("Will apply %lu operating clock cycles to simulations\n",
* Top-level function to link openfpga architecture to VPR, including:
* - physical pb_type
@ -59,6 +225,7 @@ void link_arch(OpenfpgaContext& openfpga_ctx,
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Link OpenFPGA architecture to VPR architecture");
CommandOptionId opt_activity_file = cmd.option("activity_file");
CommandOptionId opt_verbose = cmd.option("verbose");
/* Annotate pb_type graphs
@ -118,6 +285,22 @@ void link_arch(OpenfpgaContext& openfpga_ctx,
/* Read activity file is manadatory in the following flow-run settings
* - When users specify that number of clock cycles
* should be inferred from FPGA implmentation
* - When FPGA-SPICE is enabled
openfpga_ctx.mutable_net_activity() = read_activity(g_vpr_ctx.atom().nlist,
cmd_context.option_value(cmd, opt_activity_file).c_str());
/* TODO: Annotate the number of clock cycles and clock frequency by following VPR results
* We SHOULD create a new simulation setting for OpenFPGA use only
* Avoid overwrite the raw data achieved when parsing!!!
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* This file includes functions to compress the hierachy of routing architecture
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_time.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "circuit_library_utils.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_writer.h"
#include "openfpga_sdc.h"
/* Include global variables of VPR */
#include "globals.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* A wrapper function to call the PnR SDC generator of FPGA-SDC
void write_pnr_sdc(OpenfpgaContext& openfpga_ctx,
const Command& cmd, const CommandContext& cmd_context) {
CommandOptionId opt_output_dir = cmd.option("file");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_global_port = cmd.option("constrain_global_port");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_grid = cmd.option("constrain_grid");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_sb = cmd.option("constrain_sb");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_cb = cmd.option("constrain_cb");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs = cmd.option("constrain_configurable_memory_outputs");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs = cmd.option("constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs");
CommandOptionId opt_constrain_switch_block_outputs = cmd.option("constrain_switch_block_outputs");
/* This is an intermediate data structure which is designed to modularize the FPGA-SDC
* Keep it independent from any other outside data structures
std::string sdc_dir_path = format_dir_path(cmd_context.option_value(cmd, opt_output_dir));
/* Create directories */
PnrSdcOption options(sdc_dir_path);
options.set_constrain_global_port(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_global_port));
options.set_constrain_grid(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_grid));
options.set_constrain_sb(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_sb));
options.set_constrain_cb(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_cb));
options.set_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs));
options.set_constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs));
options.set_constrain_switch_block_outputs(cmd_context.option_enable(cmd, opt_constrain_switch_block_outputs));
/* We first turn on default sdc option and then disable part of them by following users' options */
if (false == options.generate_sdc_pnr()) {
/* Collect global ports from the circuit library:
* TODO: should we place this in the OpenFPGA context?
std::vector<CircuitPortId> global_ports = find_circuit_library_global_ports(openfpga_ctx.arch().circuit_lib);
/* Execute only when sdc is enabled */
if (true == options.generate_sdc_pnr()) {
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include "command.h"
#include "command_context.h"
#include "openfpga_context.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void write_pnr_sdc(OpenfpgaContext& openfpga_ctx,
const Command& cmd, const CommandContext& cmd_context);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Add commands to the OpenFPGA shell interface,
* in purpose of generate SDC files
* - write_pnr_sdc : generate SDC to constrain the back-end flow for FPGA fabric
* - write_analysis_sdc: TODO: generate SDC based on users' implementations
#include "openfpga_sdc.h"
#include "openfpga_sdc_command.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* - Add a command to Shell environment: generate PnR SDC
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
void add_openfpga_write_pnr_sdc_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const ShellCommandId& shell_cmd_build_fabric_id) {
Command shell_cmd("write_pnr_sdc");
/* Add an option '--file' in short '-f'*/
CommandOptionId output_opt = shell_cmd.add_option("file", true, "Specify the output directory for SDC files");
shell_cmd.set_option_short_name(output_opt, "f");
shell_cmd.set_option_require_value(output_opt, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add an option '--constrain_global_port' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_global_port", false, "Constrain all the global ports of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_grid' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_grid", false, "Constrain all the grids of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_sb' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_sb", false, "Constrain all the switch blocks of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_cb' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_cb", false, "Constrain all the connection blocks of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_configurable_memory_outputs' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_configurable_memory_outputs", false, "Constrain all the outputs of configurable memories of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs", false, "Constrain all the outputs of routing multiplexer of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--constrain_switch_block_outputs' */
shell_cmd.add_option("constrain_switch_block_outputs", false, "Constrain all the outputs of switch blocks of FPGA fabric");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd.add_option("verbose", false, "Enable verbose output");
/* Add command 'write_fabric_verilog' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "generate SDC files to constrain the backend flow for FPGA fabric");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, write_pnr_sdc);
/* The 'build_fabric' command should NOT be executed before 'link_openfpga_arch' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency;
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, cmd_dependency);
void add_openfpga_sdc_commands(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell) {
/* Get the unique id of 'build_fabric' command which is to be used in creating the dependency graph */
const ShellCommandId& shell_cmd_build_fabric_id = shell.command(std::string("build_fabric"));
/* Add a new class of commands */
ShellCommandClassId openfpga_sdc_cmd_class = shell.add_command_class("FPGA-SDC");
* Command 'write_fabric_verilog'
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include "shell.h"
#include "openfpga_context.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void add_openfpga_sdc_commands(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -14,9 +14,199 @@
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* - Add a command to Shell environment: read_openfpga_arch
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_read_arch_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id) {
Command shell_cmd("read_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--file' in short '-f'*/
CommandOptionId opt_arch_file = shell_cmd.add_option("file", true, "file path to the architecture XML");
shell_cmd.set_option_short_name(opt_arch_file, "f");
shell_cmd.set_option_require_value(opt_arch_file, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'read_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "read OpenFPGA architecture file");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, read_arch);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: write_openfpga_arch
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_write_arch_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("write_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--file' in short '-f'*/
CommandOptionId opt_file = shell_cmd.add_option("file", true, "file path to the architecture XML");
shell_cmd.set_option_short_name(opt_file, "f");
shell_cmd.set_option_require_value(opt_file, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'write_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "write OpenFPGA architecture file");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_const_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, write_arch);
/* The 'write_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: link_openfpga_arch
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_link_arch_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("link_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--activity_file'*/
CommandOptionId opt_act_file = shell_cmd.add_option("activity_file", true, "file path to the signal activity");
shell_cmd.set_option_require_value(opt_act_file, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'link_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "Bind OpenFPGA architecture to VPR");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, link_arch);
/* The 'link_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: check_netlist_naming_conflict
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_check_netlist_naming_conflict_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("check_netlist_naming_conflict");
/* Add an option '--fix' */
shell_cmd.add_option("fix", false, "Apply correction to any conflicts found");
/* Add an option '--report' */
CommandOptionId opt_rpt = shell_cmd.add_option("report", false, "Output a report file about what any correction applied");
shell_cmd.set_option_require_value(opt_rpt, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'check_netlist_naming_conflict' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "Check any block/net naming in users' BLIF netlist violates the syntax of fabric generator");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, check_netlist_naming_conflict);
/* The 'link_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'vpr' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: pb_pin_fixup
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_pb_pin_fixup_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("pb_pin_fixup");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'pb_pin_fixup' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "Fix up the packing results due to pin swapping during routing stage");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, pb_pin_fixup);
/* The 'pb_pin_fixup' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: lut_truth_table_fixup
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_lut_truth_table_fixup_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("lut_truth_table_fixup");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'lut_truth_table_fixup' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "Fix up the truth table of Look-Up Tables due to pin swapping during packing stage");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, lut_truth_table_fixup);
/* The 'lut_truth_table_fixup' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
* - Add a command to Shell environment: build_fabric
* - Add associated options
* - Add command dependency
ShellCommandId add_openfpga_build_fabric_command(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell,
const ShellCommandClassId& cmd_class_id,
const std::vector<ShellCommandId>& dependent_cmds) {
Command shell_cmd("build_fabric");
/* Add an option '--compress_routing' */
shell_cmd.add_option("compress_routing", false, "Compress the number of unique routing modules by identifying the unique GSBs");
/* Add an option '--duplicate_grid_pin' */
shell_cmd.add_option("duplicate_grid_pin", false, "Duplicate the pins on the same side of a grid");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'compact_routing_hierarchy' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd, "Build the FPGA fabric in a graph of modules");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_id, cmd_class_id);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_id, build_fabric);
/* The 'build_fabric' command should NOT be executed before 'link_openfpga_arch' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_id, dependent_cmds);
return shell_cmd_id;
void add_openfpga_setup_commands(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell) {
/* Get the unique id of 'vpr' command which is to be used in creating the dependency graph */
const ShellCommandId& shell_cmd_vpr_id = shell.command(std::string("vpr"));
const ShellCommandId& vpr_cmd_id = shell.command(std::string("vpr"));
/* Add a new class of commands */
ShellCommandClassId openfpga_setup_cmd_class = shell.add_command_class("OpenFPGA setup");
@ -24,119 +214,62 @@ void add_openfpga_setup_commands(openfpga::Shell<OpenfpgaContext>& shell) {
* Command 'read_openfpga_arch'
Command shell_cmd_read_arch("read_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--file' in short '-f'*/
CommandOptionId read_arch_opt_file = shell_cmd_read_arch.add_option("file", true, "file path to the architecture XML");
shell_cmd_read_arch.set_option_short_name(read_arch_opt_file, "f");
shell_cmd_read_arch.set_option_require_value(read_arch_opt_file, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'read_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_read_arch_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_read_arch, "read OpenFPGA architecture file");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_read_arch_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_read_arch_id, read_arch);
ShellCommandId read_arch_cmd_id = add_openfpga_read_arch_command(shell,
* Command 'write_openfpga_arch'
Command shell_cmd_write_arch("write_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--file' in short '-f'*/
CommandOptionId write_arch_opt_file = shell_cmd_write_arch.add_option("file", true, "file path to the architecture XML");
shell_cmd_write_arch.set_option_short_name(write_arch_opt_file, "f");
shell_cmd_write_arch.set_option_require_value(write_arch_opt_file, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'write_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_write_arch_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_write_arch, "write OpenFPGA architecture file");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_write_arch_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_const_execute_function(shell_cmd_write_arch_id, write_arch);
/* The 'write_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' */
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_write_arch_id, std::vector<ShellCommandId>(1, shell_cmd_read_arch_id));
std::vector<ShellCommandId> write_arch_dependent_cmds(1, read_arch_cmd_id);
* Command 'link_openfpga_arch'
Command shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch("link_openfpga_arch");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'link_openfpga_arch' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch, "Bind OpenFPGA architecture to VPR");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch_id, link_arch);
/* The 'link_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency_link_openfpga_arch;
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch_id, cmd_dependency_link_openfpga_arch);
std::vector<ShellCommandId> link_arch_dependent_cmds;
ShellCommandId link_arch_cmd_id = add_openfpga_link_arch_command(shell,
* Command 'check_netlist_naming_conflict'
Command shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict("check_netlist_naming_conflict");
/* Add an option '--fix' */
shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict.add_option("fix", false, "Apply correction to any conflicts found");
/* Add an option '--report' */
CommandOptionId check_netlist_opt_rpt = shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict.add_option("report", false, "Output a report file about what any correction applied");
shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict.set_option_require_value(check_netlist_opt_rpt, openfpga::OPT_STRING);
/* Add command 'check_netlist_naming_conflict' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict, "Check any block/net naming in users' BLIF netlist violates the syntax of fabric generator");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_check_netlist_naming_conflict_id, check_netlist_naming_conflict);
/* The 'link_openfpga_arch' command should NOT be executed before 'vpr' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency_check_netlist_naming_conflict(1, shell_cmd_vpr_id);
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_link_openfpga_arch_id, cmd_dependency_check_netlist_naming_conflict);
std::vector<ShellCommandId> nlist_naming_dependent_cmds;
* Command 'pb_pin_fixup'
Command shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup("pb_pin_fixup");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'pb_pin_fixup' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup, "Fix up the packing results due to pin swapping during routing stage");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup_id, pb_pin_fixup);
/* The 'pb_pin_fixup' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency_pb_pin_fixup;
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_pb_pin_fixup_id, cmd_dependency_pb_pin_fixup);
std::vector<ShellCommandId> pb_pin_fixup_dependent_cmds;
* Command 'lut_truth_table_fixup'
Command shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup("lut_truth_table_fixup");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'lut_truth_table_fixup' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup, "Fix up the truth table of Look-Up Tables due to pin swapping during packing stage");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup_id, lut_truth_table_fixup);
/* The 'lut_truth_table_fixup' command should NOT be executed before 'read_openfpga_arch' and 'vpr' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency_lut_truth_table_fixup;
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_lut_truth_table_fixup_id, cmd_dependency_lut_truth_table_fixup);
std::vector<ShellCommandId> lut_tt_fixup_dependent_cmds;
* Command 'build_fabric'
Command shell_cmd_build_fabric("build_fabric");
/* Add an option '--verbose' */
shell_cmd_build_fabric.add_option("compress_routing", false, "Compress the number of unique routing modules by identifying the unique GSBs");
shell_cmd_build_fabric.add_option("duplicate_grid_pin", false, "Duplicate the pins on the same side of a grid");
shell_cmd_build_fabric.add_option("verbose", false, "Show verbose outputs");
/* Add command 'compact_routing_hierarchy' to the Shell */
ShellCommandId shell_cmd_build_fabric_id = shell.add_command(shell_cmd_build_fabric, "Build the FPGA fabric in a graph of modules");
shell.set_command_class(shell_cmd_build_fabric_id, openfpga_setup_cmd_class);
shell.set_command_execute_function(shell_cmd_build_fabric_id, build_fabric);
/* The 'build_fabric' command should NOT be executed before 'link_openfpga_arch' */
std::vector<ShellCommandId> cmd_dependency_build_fabric;
shell.set_command_dependency(shell_cmd_build_fabric_id, cmd_dependency_build_fabric);
std::vector<ShellCommandId> build_fabric_dependent_cmds;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -1103,7 +1103,6 @@ void build_grid_modules(ModuleManager& module_manager,
} else {
/* For CLB and heterogenenous blocks */
build_physical_tile_module(module_manager, circuit_lib,

View File

@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ vtr::Matrix<size_t> add_top_module_grid_instances(ModuleManager& module_manager,
for (int z = 0; z < grids[io_coordinate.x()][io_coordinate.y()].type->capacity; ++z) {
io_location_map.set_io_index(io_coordinate.x(), io_coordinate.y(), z, io_counter);

View File

@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ void build_physical_block_pin_interc_bitstream(BitstreamManager& bitstream_manag
for (t_pb_graph_pin* src_pb_graph_pin : pb_graph_pin_inputs(des_pb_graph_pin, cur_interc)) {
const PhysicalPbId& src_pb_id = physical_pb.find_pb(src_pb_graph_pin->parent_node);
/* If the src pb id is not valid, we bypass it */
if ( (true != physical_pb.valid_pb_id(src_pb_id))
if ( (true == physical_pb.valid_pb_id(src_pb_id))
&& (AtomNetId::INVALID() != physical_pb.pb_graph_pin_atom_net(des_pb_id, des_pb_graph_pin))
&& (physical_pb.pb_graph_pin_atom_net(src_pb_id, src_pb_graph_pin) == physical_pb.pb_graph_pin_atom_net(des_pb_id, des_pb_graph_pin))) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Member functions for a data structure which includes all the options for the SDC generator
#include "analysis_sdc_option.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Public Constructors
AnalysisSdcOption::AnalysisSdcOption(const std::string& sdc_dir) {
sdc_dir_ = sdc_dir;
generate_sdc_analysis_ = false;
* Public accessors
std::string AnalysisSdcOption::sdc_dir() const {
return sdc_dir_;
bool AnalysisSdcOption::generate_sdc_analysis() const {
return generate_sdc_analysis_;
* Public mutators
void AnalysisSdcOption::set_sdc_dir(const std::string& sdc_dir) {
sdc_dir_ = sdc_dir;
void AnalysisSdcOption::set_generate_sdc_analysis(const bool& generate_sdc_analysis) {
generate_sdc_analysis_ = generate_sdc_analysis;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* A data structure to include all the options for the SDC generator
* in purpose of analyzing users' implementations
#include <string>
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
class AnalysisSdcOption {
public: /* Public Constructors */
AnalysisSdcOption(const std::string& sdc_dir);
public: /* Public accessors */
std::string sdc_dir() const;
bool generate_sdc_analysis() const;
public: /* Public mutators */
void set_sdc_dir(const std::string& sdc_dir);
void set_generate_sdc_analysis(const bool& generate_sdc_analysis);
private: /* Internal data */
std::string sdc_dir_;
bool generate_sdc_analysis_;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
* This file includes functions that print SDC (Synopsys Design Constraint)
* files in physical design tools, i.e., Place & Route (PnR) tools
* The SDC files are used to constrain the physical design for each grid
* (CLBs, heterogeneous blocks etc.)
* Note that this is different from the SDC to constrain VPR Place&Route
* engine! These SDCs are designed for PnR to generate FPGA layouts!!!
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_log.h"
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_time.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_port.h"
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "openfpga_side_manager.h"
#include "openfpga_interconnect_types.h"
#include "vpr_utils.h"
#include "mux_utils.h"
#include "openfpga_reserved_words.h"
#include "openfpga_naming.h"
#include "pb_type_utils.h"
#include "pb_graph_utils.h"
#include "sdc_writer_naming.h"
#include "sdc_writer_utils.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_grid_writer.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Print pin-to-pin timing constraints for a given interconnection
* at an output port of a pb_graph node
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_pin_interc_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
t_pb_graph_pin* des_pb_graph_pin,
t_mode* physical_mode) {
/* Validate file stream */
/* 1. identify pin interconnection type,
* 2. Identify the number of fan-in (Consider interconnection edges of only selected mode)
* 3. Print SDC timing constraints
t_interconnect* cur_interc = pb_graph_pin_interc(des_pb_graph_pin, physical_mode);
size_t fan_in = pb_graph_pin_inputs(des_pb_graph_pin, cur_interc).size();
if ((nullptr == cur_interc) || (0 == fan_in)) {
/* No interconnection matched */
/* Print pin-to-pin SDC contraint here */
/* For more than one mode defined, the direct interc has more than one input_edge ,
* We need to find which edge is connected the pin we want
for (int iedge = 0; iedge < des_pb_graph_pin->num_input_edges; iedge++) {
if (cur_interc != des_pb_graph_pin->input_edges[iedge]->interconnect) {
/* Source pin, node, pb_type*/
t_pb_graph_pin* src_pb_graph_pin = des_pb_graph_pin->input_edges[iedge]->input_pins[0];
t_pb_graph_node* src_pb_graph_node = src_pb_graph_pin->parent_node;
/* Des pin, node, pb_type */
t_pb_graph_node* des_pb_graph_node = des_pb_graph_pin->parent_node;
/* Find the src module in module manager */
std::string src_module_name = generate_physical_block_module_name(src_pb_graph_pin->parent_node->pb_type);
ModuleId src_module = module_manager.find_module(src_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(src_module));
ModulePortId src_module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(src_module, generate_pb_type_port_name(src_pb_graph_pin->port));
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(src_module, src_module_port_id));
/* Generate the name of the des instance name
* If des module is not the parent module, it is a child module.
* We should find the instance id
std::string src_instance_name = src_module_name;
if (parent_module != src_module) {
src_instance_name = module_manager.module_name(parent_module) + std::string("/");
/* Instance id is actually the placement index */
size_t instance_id = src_pb_graph_node->placement_index;
if (true == module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, src_module, instance_id).empty()) {
src_instance_name += src_module_name;
src_instance_name += "_";
src_instance_name += std::to_string(instance_id);
src_instance_name += "_";
} else {
src_instance_name += module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, src_module, instance_id);
/* Generate src port information */
BasicPort src_port = module_manager.module_port(src_module, src_module_port_id);
src_port.set_width(src_pb_graph_pin->pin_number, src_pb_graph_pin->pin_number);
/* Find the des module in module manager */
std::string des_module_name = generate_physical_block_module_name(des_pb_graph_pin->parent_node->pb_type);
ModuleId des_module = module_manager.find_module(des_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(des_module));
ModulePortId des_module_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(des_module, generate_pb_type_port_name(des_pb_graph_pin->port));
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_port_id(des_module, des_module_port_id));
/* Generate the name of the des instance name
* If des module is not the parent module, it is a child module.
* We should find the instance id
std::string des_instance_name = des_module_name;
if (parent_module != des_module) {
des_instance_name = module_manager.module_name(parent_module) + std::string("/");
/* Instance id is actually the placement index */
size_t instance_id = des_pb_graph_node->placement_index;
if (true == module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, des_module, instance_id).empty()) {
des_instance_name += des_module_name;
des_instance_name += "_";
des_instance_name += std::to_string(instance_id);
des_instance_name += "_";
} else {
des_instance_name += module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, des_module, instance_id);
/* Generate des port information */
BasicPort des_port = module_manager.module_port(des_module, des_module_port_id);
des_port.set_width(des_pb_graph_pin->pin_number, des_pb_graph_pin->pin_number);
/* Print a SDC timing constraint */
* Print port-to-port timing constraints which source from
* an output port of a pb_graph node
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_interc_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
t_pb_graph_node* des_pb_graph_node,
const e_circuit_pb_port_type& pb_port_type,
t_mode* physical_mode) {
/* Validate file stream */
switch (pb_port_type) {
for (int iport = 0; iport < des_pb_graph_node->num_input_ports; ++iport) {
for (int ipin = 0; ipin < des_pb_graph_node->num_input_pins[iport]; ++ipin) {
/* If this is a idle block, we set 0 to the selected edge*/
/* Get the selected edge of current pin*/
module_manager, parent_module,
for (int iport = 0; iport < des_pb_graph_node->num_output_ports; ++iport) {
for (int ipin = 0; ipin < des_pb_graph_node->num_output_pins[iport]; ++ipin) {
module_manager, parent_module,
/* Do NOT constrain clock here, it should be handled by Clock Tree Synthesis */
"Invalid pb port type!\n");
* This function will generate a SDC file for each pb_type,
* constraining the pin-to-pin timing between
* 1. input port of parent_pb_graph_node and input port of child_pb_graph_nodes
* 2. output port of parent_pb_graph_node and output port of child_pb_graph_nodes
* 3. output port of child_pb_graph_node and input port of child_pb_graph_nodes
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_graph_node_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
t_pb_graph_node* parent_pb_graph_node,
t_mode* physical_mode) {
/* Get the pb_type definition related to the node */
t_pb_type* physical_pb_type = parent_pb_graph_node->pb_type;
std::string pb_module_name = generate_physical_block_module_name(physical_pb_type);
/* Find the pb module in module manager */
ModuleId pb_module = module_manager.find_module(pb_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(pb_module));
/* Create the file name for SDC */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + pb_module_name + std::string(SDC_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX));
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Timing constraints for Grid " + pb_module_name + " in PnR"));
/* We check output_pins of cur_pb_graph_node and its the input_edges
* Built the interconnections between outputs of cur_pb_graph_node and outputs of child_pb_graph_node
* child_pb_graph_node.output_pins -----------------> cur_pb_graph_node.outpins
* /|\
* |
* input_pins, edges, output_pins
module_manager, pb_module,
/* We check input_pins of child_pb_graph_node and its the input_edges
* Built the interconnections between inputs of cur_pb_graph_node and inputs of child_pb_graph_node
* cur_pb_graph_node.input_pins -----------------> child_pb_graph_node.input_pins
* /|\
* |
* input_pins, edges, output_pins
for (int ipb = 0; ipb < physical_mode->num_pb_type_children; ++ipb) {
for (int jpb = 0; jpb < physical_mode->pb_type_children[ipb].num_pb; ++jpb) {
t_pb_graph_node* child_pb_graph_node = &(parent_pb_graph_node->child_pb_graph_nodes[physical_mode->index][ipb][jpb]);
/* For each child_pb_graph_node input pins*/
module_manager, pb_module,
/* Do NOT constrain clock here, it should be handled by Clock Tree Synthesis */
/* Close file handler */
* Recursively print SDC timing constraints for a pb_type
* This function will generate a SDC file for each pb_type,
* constraining the pin-to-pin timing
void rec_print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_graph_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
t_pb_graph_node* parent_pb_graph_node) {
/* Validate pb_graph node */
if (nullptr == parent_pb_graph_node) {
"Invalid parent_pb_graph_node.\n");
/* Get the pb_type */
t_pb_type* parent_pb_type = parent_pb_graph_node->pb_type;
/* No need to constrain the primitive node */
if (true == is_primitive_pb_type(parent_pb_type)) {
/* Note we only go through the graph through the physical modes.
* which we build the modules
t_mode* physical_mode = device_annotation.physical_mode(parent_pb_type);
/* Write a SDC file for this pb_type */
/* Go recursively to the lower level in the pb_graph
* Note that we assume a full hierarchical P&R, we will only visit pb_graph_node of unique pb_type
for (int ipb = 0; ipb < physical_mode->num_pb_type_children; ++ipb) {
rec_print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_graph_timing(sdc_dir, module_manager,
* Top-level function to print timing constraints for pb_types
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_grid_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const DeviceContext& device_ctx,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
const ModuleManager& module_manager) {
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write SDC for constraining grid timing for P&R flow");
for (const t_physical_tile_type& physical_tile : device_ctx.physical_tile_types) {
/* Bypass empty type or nullptr */
if (true == is_empty_type(&physical_tile)) {
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(1 == physical_tile.equivalent_sites.size());
t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_head = physical_tile.equivalent_sites[0]->pb_graph_head;
if (nullptr == pb_graph_head) {
/* Special for I/O block, generate one module for each border side */
rec_print_pnr_sdc_constrain_pb_graph_timing(sdc_dir, module_manager,
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "vpr_context.h"
#include "vpr_device_annotation.h"
#include "module_manager.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_grid_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const DeviceContext& device_ctx,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
const ModuleManager& module_manager);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* Member functions for a data structure which includes all the options for the SDC generator
#include "pnr_sdc_option.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Public Constructors
PnrSdcOption::PnrSdcOption(const std::string& sdc_dir) {
sdc_dir_ = sdc_dir;
constrain_global_port_ = false;
constrain_grid_ = false;
constrain_sb_ = false;
constrain_cb_ = false;
constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_ = false;
constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_ = false;
constrain_switch_block_outputs_ = false;
* Public accessors
std::string PnrSdcOption::sdc_dir() const {
return sdc_dir_;
bool PnrSdcOption::generate_sdc_pnr() const {
return constrain_global_port_
|| constrain_grid_
|| constrain_sb_
|| constrain_cb_
|| constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_
|| constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_
|| constrain_switch_block_outputs_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_global_port() const {
return constrain_global_port_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_grid() const {
return constrain_grid_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_sb() const {
return constrain_sb_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_cb() const {
return constrain_cb_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_configurable_memory_outputs() const {
return constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs() const {
return constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_;
bool PnrSdcOption::constrain_switch_block_outputs() const {
return constrain_switch_block_outputs_;
* Public mutators
void PnrSdcOption::set_sdc_dir(const std::string& sdc_dir) {
sdc_dir_ = sdc_dir;
void PnrSdcOption::set_generate_sdc_pnr(const bool& generate_sdc_pnr) {
constrain_global_port_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_grid_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_sb_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_cb_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
constrain_switch_block_outputs_ = generate_sdc_pnr;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_global_port(const bool& constrain_global_port) {
constrain_global_port_ = constrain_global_port;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_grid(const bool& constrain_grid) {
constrain_grid_ = constrain_grid;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_sb(const bool& constrain_sb) {
constrain_sb_ = constrain_sb;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_cb(const bool& constrain_cb) {
constrain_cb_ = constrain_cb;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs(const bool& constrain_config_mem_outputs) {
constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_ = constrain_config_mem_outputs;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs(const bool& constrain_routing_mux_outputs) {
constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_ = constrain_routing_mux_outputs;
void PnrSdcOption::set_constrain_switch_block_outputs(const bool& constrain_sb_outputs) {
constrain_switch_block_outputs_ = constrain_sb_outputs;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* A data structure to include all the options for the SDC generator
* in purpose of constraining physical design of FPGA fabric in back-end flow
#include <string>
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
class PnrSdcOption {
public: /* Public Constructors */
PnrSdcOption(const std::string& sdc_dir);
public: /* Public accessors */
std::string sdc_dir() const;
bool generate_sdc_pnr() const;
bool constrain_global_port() const;
bool constrain_grid() const;
bool constrain_sb() const;
bool constrain_cb() const;
bool constrain_configurable_memory_outputs() const;
bool constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs() const;
bool constrain_switch_block_outputs() const;
public: /* Public mutators */
void set_sdc_dir(const std::string& sdc_dir);
void set_generate_sdc_pnr(const bool& generate_sdc_pnr);
void set_constrain_global_port(const bool& constrain_global_port);
void set_constrain_grid(const bool& constrain_grid);
void set_constrain_sb(const bool& constrain_sb);
void set_constrain_cb(const bool& constrain_cb);
void set_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs(const bool& constrain_config_mem_outputs);
void set_constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs(const bool& constrain_routing_mux_outputs);
void set_constrain_switch_block_outputs(const bool& constrain_sb_outputs);
private: /* Internal data */
std::string sdc_dir_;
bool constrain_global_port_;
bool constrain_grid_;
bool constrain_sb_;
bool constrain_cb_;
bool constrain_configurable_memory_outputs_;
bool constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs_;
bool constrain_switch_block_outputs_;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
* This file includes functions that print SDC (Synopsys Design Constraint)
* files in physical design tools, i.e., Place & Route (PnR) tools
* The SDC files are used to constrain the physical design for each routing modules
* in FPGA fabric, such as Switch Blocks (SBs) and Connection Blocks (CBs)
* Note that this is different from the SDC to constrain VPR Place&Route
* engine! These SDCs are designed for PnR to generate FPGA layouts!!!
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_log.h"
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_time.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_port.h"
#include "openfpga_side_manager.h"
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "mux_utils.h"
#include "openfpga_naming.h"
#include "openfpga_rr_graph_utils.h"
#include "build_routing_module_utils.h"
#include "sdc_writer_naming.h"
#include "sdc_writer_utils.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_routing_writer.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Find the timing constraints between the inputs and outputs of a routing
* multiplexer in a Switch Block
float find_pnr_sdc_switch_tmax(const t_rr_switch_inf& switch_inf) {
return switch_inf.R * switch_inf.Cout + switch_inf.Tdel;
* Set timing constraints between the inputs and outputs of a routing
* multiplexer in a Switch Block
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_sb_mux_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& sb_module,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const RRGSB& rr_gsb,
const e_side& output_node_side,
const RRNodeId& output_rr_node) {
/* Validate file stream */
VTR_ASSERT( ( CHANX == rr_graph.node_type(output_rr_node) )
|| ( CHANY == rr_graph.node_type(output_rr_node) ));
/* Find the module port corresponding to the output rr_node */
ModulePortId module_output_port = find_switch_block_module_chan_port(module_manager,
/* Find the module port corresponding to the fan-in rr_nodes of the output rr_node */
std::vector<ModulePortId> module_input_ports = find_switch_block_module_input_ports(module_manager,
get_rr_graph_configurable_driver_nodes(rr_graph, output_rr_node));
/* Find timing constraints for each path (edge) */
std::map<ModulePortId, float> switch_delays;
size_t edge_counter = 0;
for (const RREdgeId& edge : rr_graph.node_configurable_in_edges(output_rr_node)) {
/* Get the switch delay */
const RRSwitchId& driver_switch = rr_graph.edge_switch(edge);
switch_delays[module_input_ports[edge_counter]] = find_pnr_sdc_switch_tmax(rr_graph.get_switch(driver_switch));
/* Find the starting points */
for (const ModulePortId& module_input_port : module_input_ports) {
/* Constrain a path */
sb_module, module_input_port,
sb_module, module_output_port,
* Set timing constraints between the inputs and outputs of SBs,
* which are connected by routing multiplexers with the given delays
* specified in architectural XML file
* To enable block by block timing constraining, we generate the SDC
* file for each unique SB module
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_sb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const RRGSB& rr_gsb) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
vtr::Point<size_t> gsb_coordinate(rr_gsb.get_sb_x(), rr_gsb.get_sb_y());
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + generate_switch_block_module_name(gsb_coordinate) + std::string(SDC_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX));
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
/* Validate file stream */
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
std::string sb_module_name = generate_switch_block_module_name(gsb_coordinate);
ModuleId sb_module = module_manager.find_module(sb_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(sb_module));
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Constrain timing of Switch Block " + sb_module_name + " for PnR"));
for (size_t side = 0; side < rr_gsb.get_num_sides(); ++side) {
SideManager side_manager(side);
for (size_t itrack = 0; itrack < rr_gsb.get_chan_width(side_manager.get_side()); ++itrack) {
const RRNodeId& chan_rr_node = rr_gsb.get_chan_node(side_manager.get_side(), itrack);
/* We only care the output port and it should indicate a SB mux */
if (OUT_PORT != rr_gsb.get_chan_node_direction(side_manager.get_side(), itrack)) {
/* Constrain thru wires */
if (false != rr_gsb.is_sb_node_passing_wire(rr_graph, side_manager.get_side(), itrack)) {
/* This is a MUX, constrain all the paths from an input to an output */
module_manager, sb_module,
/* Close file handler */
* Print SDC timing constraints for Switch blocks
* This function is designed for flatten routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_sb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write SDC for constrain Switch Block timing for P&R flow");
/* Get the range of SB array */
vtr::Point<size_t> sb_range = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb_range();
/* Go for each SB */
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < sb_range.x(); ++ix) {
for (size_t iy = 0; iy < sb_range.y(); ++iy) {
const RRGSB& rr_gsb = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb(ix, iy);
if (false == rr_gsb.is_sb_exist()) {
* Print SDC timing constraints for Switch blocks
* This function is designed for compact routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_compact_routing_constrain_sb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write SDC for constrain Switch Block timing for P&R flow");
for (size_t isb = 0; isb < device_rr_gsb.get_num_sb_unique_module(); ++isb) {
const RRGSB& rr_gsb = device_rr_gsb.get_sb_unique_module(isb);
if (false == rr_gsb.is_sb_exist()) {
* Set timing constraints between the inputs and outputs of a routing
* multiplexer in a Connection Block
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_cb_mux_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& cb_module,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const RRGSB& rr_gsb,
const t_rr_type& cb_type,
const RRNodeId& output_rr_node) {
/* Validate file stream */
VTR_ASSERT(IPIN == rr_graph.node_type(output_rr_node));
/* We have OPINs since we may have direct connections:
* These connections should be handled by other functions in the compact_netlist.c
* So we just return here for OPINs
if (0 == get_rr_graph_configurable_driver_nodes(rr_graph, output_rr_node).size()) {
/* Find the module port corresponding to the output rr_node */
ModulePortId module_output_port = find_connection_block_module_ipin_port(module_manager,
/* Find the module port corresponding to the fan-in rr_nodes of the output rr_node */
std::vector<ModulePortId> module_input_ports = find_connection_block_module_input_ports(module_manager,
get_rr_graph_configurable_driver_nodes(rr_graph, output_rr_node));
/* Find timing constraints for each path (edge) */
std::map<ModulePortId, float> switch_delays;
size_t edge_counter = 0;
for (const RREdgeId& edge : rr_graph.node_configurable_in_edges(output_rr_node)) {
/* Get the switch delay */
const RRSwitchId& driver_switch = rr_graph.edge_switch(edge);
switch_delays[module_input_ports[edge_counter]] = find_pnr_sdc_switch_tmax(rr_graph.get_switch(driver_switch));
/* Find the starting points */
for (const ModulePortId& module_input_port : module_input_ports) {
/* Constrain a path */
cb_module, module_input_port,
cb_module, module_output_port,
* Print SDC timing constraints for a Connection block
* This function is designed for compact routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const RRGSB& rr_gsb,
const t_rr_type& cb_type) {
/* Create the netlist */
vtr::Point<size_t> gsb_coordinate(rr_gsb.get_cb_x(cb_type), rr_gsb.get_cb_y(cb_type));
/* Find the module name and create a SDC file for it */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + generate_connection_block_module_name(cb_type, gsb_coordinate) + std::string(SDC_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX));
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
/* Validate file stream */
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
std::string cb_module_name = generate_connection_block_module_name(cb_type, gsb_coordinate);
ModuleId cb_module = module_manager.find_module(cb_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(cb_module));
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Constrain timing of Connection Block " + cb_module_name + " for PnR"));
std::vector<enum e_side> cb_sides = rr_gsb.get_cb_ipin_sides(cb_type);
for (size_t side = 0; side < cb_sides.size(); ++side) {
enum e_side cb_ipin_side = cb_sides[side];
SideManager side_manager(cb_ipin_side);
for (size_t inode = 0; inode < rr_gsb.get_num_ipin_nodes(cb_ipin_side); ++inode) {
const RRNodeId& ipin_rr_node = rr_gsb.get_ipin_node(cb_ipin_side, inode);
module_manager, cb_module,
rr_graph, rr_gsb, cb_type,
/* Close file handler */
* Iterate over all the connection blocks in a device
* and print SDC file for each of them
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb,
const t_rr_type& cb_type) {
/* Build unique X-direction connection block modules */
vtr::Point<size_t> cb_range = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb_range();
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < cb_range.x(); ++ix) {
for (size_t iy = 0; iy < cb_range.y(); ++iy) {
/* Check if the connection block exists in the device!
* Some of them do NOT exist due to heterogeneous blocks (height > 1)
* We will skip those modules
const RRGSB& rr_gsb = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb(ix, iy);
if (false == rr_gsb.is_cb_exist(cb_type)) {
* Iterate over all the connection blocks in a device
* and print SDC file for each of them
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write SDC for constrain Connection Block timing for P&R flow");
print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_cb_timing(sdc_dir, module_manager,
print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_cb_timing(sdc_dir, module_manager,
* Print SDC timing constraints for Connection blocks
* This function is designed for compact routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_compact_routing_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Start time count */
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write SDC for constrain Connection Block timing for P&R flow");
/* Print SDC for unique X-direction connection block modules */
for (size_t icb = 0; icb < device_rr_gsb.get_num_cb_unique_module(CHANX); ++icb) {
const RRGSB& unique_mirror = device_rr_gsb.get_cb_unique_module(CHANX, icb);
/* Print SDC for unique Y-direction connection block modules */
for (size_t icb = 0; icb < device_rr_gsb.get_num_cb_unique_module(CHANY); ++icb) {
const RRGSB& unique_mirror = device_rr_gsb.get_cb_unique_module(CHANY, icb);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "module_manager.h"
#include "device_rr_gsb.h"
#include "rr_graph_obj.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_sb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb);
void print_pnr_sdc_compact_routing_constrain_sb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb);
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb);
void print_pnr_sdc_compact_routing_constrain_cb_timing(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const RRGraph& rr_graph,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
* This file includes functions that print SDC (Synopsys Design Constraint)
* files in physical design tools, i.e., Place & Route (PnR) tools
* The SDC files are used to constrain the physical design for each module
* in FPGA fabric, such as Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs),
* Heterogeneous blocks, Switch Blocks (SBs) and Connection Blocks (CBs)
* Note that this is different from the SDC to constrain VPR Place&Route
* engine! These SDCs are designed for PnR to generate FPGA layouts!!!
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_time.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_port.h"
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "mux_utils.h"
#include "openfpga_naming.h"
#include "sdc_writer_naming.h"
#include "sdc_writer_utils.h"
#include "sdc_memory_utils.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_routing_writer.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_grid_writer.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_writer.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Print a SDC file to constrain the global ports of FPGA fabric
* in particular clock ports
* For programming clock, we give a fixed period, while for operating
* clock, we constrain with critical path delay
void print_pnr_sdc_global_ports(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const float& programming_critical_path_delay,
const float& operating_critical_path_delay,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const std::vector<CircuitPortId>& global_ports) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_GLOBAL_PORTS_FILE_NAME));
/* Start time count */
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC for constraining clocks for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'");
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Clock contraints for PnR"));
/* Get clock port from the global port */
for (const CircuitPortId& clock_port : global_ports) {
if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK != circuit_lib.port_type(clock_port)) {
/* Reach here, it means a clock port and we need print constraints */
float clock_period = operating_critical_path_delay;
/* For programming clock, we give a fixed period */
if (true == circuit_lib.port_is_prog(clock_port)) {
clock_period = programming_critical_path_delay;
/* Print comments */
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
fp << "# Create programmable clock " << std::endl;
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
} else {
/* Print comments */
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
fp << "# Create clock " << std::endl;
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
for (const size_t& pin : circuit_lib.pins(clock_port)) {
BasicPort port_to_constrain(circuit_lib.port_prefix(clock_port), pin, pin);
fp << "create_clock ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(port_to_constrain) << "-period ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << clock_period;
fp << " -waveform {0 ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << clock_period / 2;
fp << "}" << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* For non-clock port from the global port: give a fixed period */
for (const CircuitPortId& global_port : global_ports) {
if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK == circuit_lib.port_type(global_port)) {
/* Print comments */
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
fp << "# Constrain other global ports " << std::endl;
fp << "##################################################" << std::endl;
/* Reach here, it means a non-clock global port and we need print constraints */
float clock_period = operating_critical_path_delay;
for (const size_t& pin : circuit_lib.pins(global_port)) {
BasicPort port_to_constrain(circuit_lib.port_prefix(global_port), pin, pin);
fp << "create_clock ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(port_to_constrain) << "-period ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << clock_period;
fp << " -waveform {0 ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << clock_period / 2;
fp << "} ";
fp << "[list [get_ports { " << generate_sdc_port(port_to_constrain) << "}]]" << std::endl;
fp << "set_drive 0 " << generate_sdc_port(port_to_constrain) << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* Close file handler */
* Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from
* configurable memory cells.
* To handle this, we disable the outputs of memory cells
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& top_module) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_DISABLE_CONFIG_MEM_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME));
/* Start time count */
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC to disable configurable memory outputs for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'");
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Disable configurable memory outputs for PnR"));
/* Go recursively in the module manager, starting from the top-level module: instance id of the top-level module is 0 by default */
rec_print_pnr_sdc_disable_configurable_memory_module_output(fp, module_manager, top_module,
/* Close file handler */
* Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from
* loops of multiplexers.
* To handle this, we disable the timing at outputs of routing multiplexers
void print_sdc_disable_routing_multiplexer_outputs(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const MuxLibrary& mux_lib,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const ModuleManager& module_manager) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_DISABLE_MUX_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME));
/* Start time count */
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC to disable routing multiplexer outputs for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'");
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Disable routing multiplexer outputs for PnR"));
/* Iterate over the MUX modules */
for (const MuxId& mux_id : mux_lib.muxes()) {
const CircuitModelId& mux_model = mux_lib.mux_circuit_model(mux_id);
/* Skip LUTs, we only care about multiplexers here */
if (CIRCUIT_MODEL_MUX != circuit_lib.model_type(mux_model)) {
const MuxGraph& mux_graph = mux_lib.mux_graph(mux_id);
std::string mux_module_name = generate_mux_subckt_name(circuit_lib, mux_model,
find_mux_num_datapath_inputs(circuit_lib, mux_model, mux_graph.num_inputs()),
/* Find the module name in module manager */
ModuleId mux_module = module_manager.find_module(mux_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(mux_module));
/* Disable the timing for the output ports */
for (const BasicPort& output_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(mux_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT)) {
fp << "set_disable_timing [get_pins -filter \"name =~ " << output_port.get_name() << "*\" ";
fp << "-of [get_cells -hier -filter \"ref_lib_cell_name == " << mux_module_name << "\"]]" << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* Close file handler */
* Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from
* loops of multiplexers.
* To handle this, we disable the timing at outputs of Switch blocks
* This function is designed for flatten routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_flatten_routing_disable_switch_block_outputs(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_DISABLE_SB_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME));
/* Start time count */
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC to disable switch block outputs for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'");
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Disable Switch Block outputs for PnR"));
/* Get the range of SB array */
vtr::Point<size_t> sb_range = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb_range();
/* Go for each SB */
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < sb_range.x(); ++ix) {
for (size_t iy = 0; iy < sb_range.y(); ++iy) {
const RRGSB& rr_gsb = device_rr_gsb.get_gsb(ix, iy);
if (false == rr_gsb.is_sb_exist()) {
vtr::Point<size_t> gsb_coordinate(rr_gsb.get_sb_x(), rr_gsb.get_sb_y());
std::string sb_instance_name = generate_switch_block_module_name(gsb_coordinate);
ModuleId sb_module = module_manager.find_module(sb_instance_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(sb_module));
/* Disable the outputs of the module */
for (const BasicPort& output_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(sb_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT)) {
fp << "set_disable_timing " << sb_instance_name << "/" << output_port.get_name() << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* Close file handler */
* Break combinational loops in FPGA fabric, which mainly come from
* loops of multiplexers.
* To handle this, we disable the timing at outputs of Switch blocks
* This function is designed for compact routing hierarchy
void print_pnr_sdc_compact_routing_disable_switch_block_outputs(const std::string& sdc_dir,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& top_module,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb) {
/* Create the file name for Verilog netlist */
std::string sdc_fname(sdc_dir + std::string(SDC_DISABLE_SB_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME));
/* Start time count */
std::string timer_message = std::string("Write SDC to disable switch block outputs for P&R flow '") + sdc_fname + std::string("'");
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer(timer_message);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
check_file_stream(sdc_fname.c_str(), fp);
/* Generate the descriptions*/
print_sdc_file_header(fp, std::string("Disable Switch Block outputs for PnR"));
/* Build unique switch block modules */
for (size_t isb = 0; isb < device_rr_gsb.get_num_sb_unique_module(); ++isb) {
const RRGSB& rr_gsb = device_rr_gsb.get_sb_unique_module(isb);
vtr::Point<size_t> gsb_coordinate(rr_gsb.get_sb_x(), rr_gsb.get_sb_y());
std::string sb_module_name = generate_switch_block_module_name(gsb_coordinate);
ModuleId sb_module = module_manager.find_module(sb_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(sb_module));
/* Find all the instances in the top-level module */
for (const size_t& instance_id : module_manager.child_module_instances(top_module, sb_module)) {
std::string sb_instance_name = module_manager.instance_name(top_module, sb_module, instance_id);
/* Disable the outputs of the module */
for (const BasicPort& output_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(sb_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT)) {
fp << "set_disable_timing " << sb_instance_name << "/" << output_port.get_name() << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
/* Close file handler */
* Top-level function to print a number of SDC files in different purpose
* This function will generate files upon the options provided by users
* 1. Design constraints for CLBs
* 2. Design constraints for Switch Blocks
* 3. Design constraints for Connection Blocks
* 4. Design constraints for breaking the combinational loops in FPGA fabric
void print_pnr_sdc(const PnrSdcOption& sdc_options,
const float& programming_critical_path_delay,
const float& operating_critical_path_delay,
const DeviceContext& device_ctx,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const MuxLibrary& mux_lib,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const std::vector<CircuitPortId>& global_ports,
const bool& compact_routing_hierarchy) {
/* Constrain global ports */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_global_port()) {
circuit_lib, global_ports);
std::string top_module_name = generate_fpga_top_module_name();
ModuleId top_module = module_manager.find_module(top_module_name);
VTR_ASSERT(true == module_manager.valid_module_id(top_module));
/* Output Design Constraints to disable outputs of memory cells */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_configurable_memory_outputs()) {
print_pnr_sdc_constrain_configurable_memory_outputs(sdc_options.sdc_dir(), module_manager, top_module);
/* Break loops from Multiplexer Output */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs()) {
mux_lib, circuit_lib,
/* Break loops from any SB output */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_switch_block_outputs()) {
if (true == compact_routing_hierarchy) {
module_manager, top_module,
} else {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE (false == compact_routing_hierarchy);
/* Output routing constraints for Switch Blocks */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_sb()) {
if (true == compact_routing_hierarchy) {
} else {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE (false == compact_routing_hierarchy);
/* Output routing constraints for Connection Blocks */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_cb()) {
if (true == compact_routing_hierarchy) {
} else {
VTR_ASSERT_SAFE (false == compact_routing_hierarchy);
/* Output Timing constraints for Programmable blocks */
if (true == sdc_options.constrain_grid()) {
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "vpr_context.h"
#include "vpr_device_annotation.h"
#include "device_rr_gsb.h"
#include "module_manager.h"
#include "mux_library.h"
#include "circuit_library.h"
#include "pnr_sdc_option.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void print_pnr_sdc(const PnrSdcOption& sdc_options,
const float& programming_critical_path_delay,
const float& operating_critical_path_delay,
const DeviceContext& device_ctx,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
const DeviceRRGSB& device_rr_gsb,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const MuxLibrary& mux_lib,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const std::vector<CircuitPortId>& global_ports,
const bool& compact_routing_hierarchy);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Most utilized function used to constrain memory cells in FPGA
* fabric using SDC commands
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "sdc_writer_utils.h"
#include "sdc_memory_utils.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Print SDC commands to disable outputs of all the configurable memory modules
* in a given module
* This function will be executed in a recursive way,
* using a Depth-First Search (DFS) strategy
* It will iterate over all the configurable children under each module
* and print a SDC command to disable its outputs
void rec_print_pnr_sdc_disable_configurable_memory_module_output(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
const std::string& parent_module_path) {
/* For each configurable child, we will go one level down in priority */
for (size_t child_index = 0; child_index < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size(); ++child_index) {
std::string child_module_path = parent_module_path;
ModuleId child_module_id = module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module)[child_index];
size_t child_instance_id = module_manager.configurable_child_instances(parent_module)[child_index];
if (true == module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module_id, child_instance_id).empty()) {
/* Give a default name <module_name>_<instance_id>_ */
child_module_path += module_manager.module_name(child_module_id);
child_module_path += "_";
child_module_path += std::to_string(child_instance_id);
child_module_path += "_";
} else {
child_module_path += module_manager.instance_name(parent_module, child_module_id, child_instance_id);
child_module_path = format_dir_path(child_module_path);
rec_print_pnr_sdc_disable_configurable_memory_module_output(fp, module_manager,
/* If there is no configurable children any more, this is a leaf module, print a SDC command for disable timing */
if (0 < module_manager.configurable_children(parent_module).size()) {
/* Validate file stream */
/* Disable timing for each output port of this module */
for (const BasicPort& output_port : module_manager.module_ports_by_type(parent_module, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT)) {
for (const size_t& pin : output_port.pins()) {
BasicPort output_pin(output_port.get_name(), pin, pin);
fp << "set_disable_timing ";
fp << parent_module_path << generate_sdc_port(output_pin);
fp << std::endl;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "module_manager.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void rec_print_pnr_sdc_disable_configurable_memory_module_output(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& parent_module,
const std::string& parent_module_path);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
constexpr char* SDC_FILE_NAME_POSTFIX = ".sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_GLOBAL_PORTS_FILE_NAME = "global_ports.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_BENCHMARK_ANALYSIS_FILE_NAME= "fpga_top_analysis.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_DISABLE_CONFIG_MEM_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME = "disable_configurable_memory_outputs.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_DISABLE_MUX_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME = "disable_routing_multiplexer_outputs.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_DISABLE_SB_OUTPUTS_FILE_NAME = "disable_sb_outputs.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_CB_FILE_NAME = "cb.sdc";
constexpr char* SDC_ANALYSIS_FILE_NAME = "fpga_top_analysis.sdc";
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* This file include most utilized functions to be used in SDC writers
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
#include "sdc_writer_utils.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* Write a head (description) in SDC file
void print_sdc_file_header(std::fstream& fp,
const std::string& usage) {
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::time_t end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(end);
fp << "#############################################" << std::endl;
fp << "#\tSynopsys Design Constraints (SDC)" << std::endl;
fp << "#\tFor FPGA fabric " << std::endl;
fp << "#\tDescription: " << usage << std::endl;
fp << "#\tAuthor: Xifan TANG " << std::endl;
fp << "#\tOrganization: University of Utah " << std::endl;
fp << "#\tDate: " << std::ctime(&end_time);
fp << "#############################################" << std::endl;
fp << std::endl;
* Write a port in SDC format
std::string generate_sdc_port(const BasicPort& port) {
std::string sdc_line;
std::string size_str = "[" + std::to_string(port.get_lsb()) + ":" + std::to_string(port.get_msb()) + "]";
/* Only connection require a format of <port_name>[<lsb>:<msb>]
* others require a format of <port_type> [<lsb>:<msb>] <port_name>
/* When LSB == MSB, we can use a simplified format <port_type>[<lsb>]*/
if ( 1 == port.get_width()) {
size_str = "[" + std::to_string(port.get_lsb()) + "]";
sdc_line = port.get_name() + size_str;
return sdc_line;
* Constrain a path between two ports of a module with a given maximum timing value
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_max_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const std::string& src_instance_name,
const std::string& src_port_name,
const std::string& des_instance_name,
const std::string& des_port_name,
const float& delay) {
/* Validate file stream */
fp << "set_max_delay";
fp << " -from ";
if (!src_instance_name.empty()) {
fp << src_instance_name << "/";
fp << src_port_name;
fp << " -to ";
if (!des_instance_name.empty()) {
fp << des_instance_name << "/";
fp << des_port_name;
fp << " " << std::setprecision(10) << delay;
fp << std::endl;
* Constrain a path between two ports of a module with a given timing value
* Note: this function uses set_max_delay !!!
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_module_port2port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& input_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_input_port_id,
const ModuleId& output_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_output_port_id,
const float& tmax) {
generate_sdc_port(module_manager.module_port(input_parent_module_id, module_input_port_id)),
generate_sdc_port(module_manager.module_port(output_parent_module_id, module_output_port_id)),
* Constrain a path between two ports of a module with a given timing value
* This function will NOT output the module name
* Note: this function uses set_max_delay !!!
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_port2port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& input_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_input_port_id,
const ModuleId& output_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_output_port_id,
const float& tmax) {
generate_sdc_port(module_manager.module_port(input_parent_module_id, module_input_port_id)),
generate_sdc_port(module_manager.module_port(output_parent_module_id, module_output_port_id)),
* Disable timing for a port
void print_sdc_disable_port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port) {
/* Validate file stream */
fp << "set_disable_timing ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(port);
fp << std::endl;
* Set the input delay for a port in SDC format
* Note that the input delay will be bounded by a clock port
void print_sdc_set_port_input_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port,
const BasicPort& clock_port,
const float& delay) {
/* Validate file stream */
fp << "set_input_delay ";
fp << "-clock ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(clock_port);
fp << " -max ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << delay;
fp << " ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(port);
fp << std::endl;
* Set the output delay for a port in SDC format
* Note that the output delay will be bounded by a clock port
void print_sdc_set_port_output_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port,
const BasicPort& clock_port,
const float& delay) {
/* Validate file stream */
fp << "set_output_delay ";
fp << "-clock ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(clock_port);
fp << " -max ";
fp << std::setprecision(10) << delay;
fp << " ";
fp << generate_sdc_port(port);
fp << std::endl;
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Include header files that are required by function declaration
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "openfpga_port.h"
#include "module_manager.h"
* Function declaration
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
void print_sdc_file_header(std::fstream& fp,
const std::string& usage);
std::string generate_sdc_port(const BasicPort& port);
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_max_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const std::string& src_instance_name,
const std::string& src_port_name,
const std::string& des_instance_name,
const std::string& des_port_name,
const float& delay);
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_module_port2port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& input_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_input_port_id,
const ModuleId& output_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_output_port_id,
const float& tmax);
void print_pnr_sdc_constrain_port2port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const ModuleManager& module_manager,
const ModuleId& input_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_input_port_id,
const ModuleId& output_parent_module_id,
const ModulePortId& module_output_port_id,
const float& tmax);
void print_sdc_disable_port_timing(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port);
void print_sdc_set_port_input_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port,
const BasicPort& clock_port,
const float& delay);
void print_sdc_set_port_output_delay(std::fstream& fp,
const BasicPort& port,
const BasicPort& clock_port,
const float& delay);
} /* end namespace openfpga */

View File

@ -183,6 +183,12 @@ void print_verilog_simulation_preprocessing_flags(const std::string& src_dir,
/* To enable pre-configured FPGA simulation */
if (true == verilog_testbench_opts.print_formal_verification_top_netlist()) {
print_verilog_define_flag(fp, std::string(VERILOG_FORMAL_VERIFICATION_PREPROC_FLAG), 1);
fp << std::endl;
/* To enable pre-configured FPGA simulation */
if (true == verilog_testbench_opts.print_preconfig_top_testbench()) {
print_verilog_define_flag(fp, std::string(FORMAL_SIMULATION_FLAG), 1);
fp << std::endl;

View File

@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ void print_verilog_random_top_testbench(const std::string& circuit_name,
print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(fp, atom_ctx,

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Note: please try to avoid using global variables in this file
* so that we can make it free to use anywhere
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
@ -422,6 +423,7 @@ void print_verilog_testbench_clock_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
void print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
const AtomContext& atom_ctx,
const VprNetlistAnnotation& netlist_annotation,
const std::vector<std::string>& clock_port_names,
const std::string& check_flag_port_postfix,
const BasicPort& clock_port) {
/* Validate the file stream */
@ -444,6 +446,11 @@ void print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
block_name = netlist_annotation.block_name(atom_blk);
/* Bypass clock ports */
if (clock_port_names.end() != std::find(clock_port_names.begin(), clock_port_names.end(), block_name)) {
/* TODO: find the clock inputs will be initialized later */
if (AtomBlockType::INPAD == atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk)) {
fp << "\t\t" << block_name << " <= 1'b0;" << std::endl;
@ -510,8 +517,13 @@ void print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
block_name = netlist_annotation.block_name(atom_blk);
/* Bypass clock ports */
if (clock_port_names.end() != std::find(clock_port_names.begin(), clock_port_names.end(), block_name)) {
/* TODO: find the clock inputs will be initialized later */
if (AtomBlockType::INPAD != atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk)) {
if (AtomBlockType::INPAD == atom_ctx.nlist.block_type(atom_blk)) {
fp << "\t\t" << block_name << " <= $random;" << std::endl;

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ void print_verilog_testbench_clock_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
void print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(std::fstream& fp,
const AtomContext& atom_ctx,
const VprNetlistAnnotation& netlist_annotation,
const std::vector<std::string>& clock_port_names,
const std::string& check_flag_port_postfix,
const BasicPort& clock_port);

View File

@ -855,6 +855,7 @@ void print_verilog_top_testbench(const ModuleManager& module_manager,
/* Add stimuli for reset, set, clock and iopad signals */
print_verilog_testbench_random_stimuli(fp, atom_ctx,
BasicPort(std::string(TOP_TB_OP_CLOCK_PORT_NAME), 1));

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "openfpga_setup_command.h"
#include "openfpga_verilog_command.h"
#include "openfpga_bitstream_command.h"
#include "openfpga_sdc_command.h"
#include "basic_command.h"
#include "openfpga_title.h"
@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* Add openfpga bitstream commands */
/* Add openfpga sdc commands */
/* Add basic commands: exit, help, etc.
* Note:
* This MUST be the last command group to be added!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.model top
.inputs a b
.outputs c
.names a b c
11 1

openfpga/test_blif/and.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module top(
input wire a;
input wire b;
output wire c;
assign c = a & b;

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
# Benchmark "s298" written by ABC on Tue Mar 12 09:40:31 2019
.model s298
.inputs clock G0 G1 G2
.outputs G117 G132 G66 G118 G133 G67
.latch n21 G10 re clock 0
.latch n26 G11 re clock 0
.latch n31 G12 re clock 0
.latch n36 G13 re clock 0
.latch n41 G14 re clock 0
.latch n46 G15 re clock 0
.latch n51 G66 re clock 0
.latch n55 G67 re clock 0
.latch n59 G117 re clock 0
.latch n63 G118 re clock 0
.latch n67 G132 re clock 0
.latch n71 G133 re clock 0
.latch n75 G22 re clock 0
.latch n80 G23 re clock 0
.names n56 n57 G10 n63
0-0 1
11- 1
.names G15 G11 G13 G22 G14 G12 n56
01---- 1
0-0--- 1
0--0-- 1
0---1- 1
0----1 1
-11000 1
.names G14 G13 G12 G118 G11 n57
01--- 1
100-0 1
1-11- 1
-1-1- 1
.names n56 n59_1 G10 n67
0-0 1
11- 1
.names G14 G13 G12 G132 G11 n59_1
100-0 1
11-1- 1
1-11- 1
.names G0 G10 n21
00 1
.names G10 G11 G0 G12 G13 n26
010-- 1
1001- 1
100-0 1
.names G12 G0 G11 G10 n31
0011 1
100- 1
10-0 1
.names G13 G0 G11 G12 G10 n36
00111 1
1001- 1
1010- 1
10--0 1
.names n65 G14 G0 n41
000 1
110 1
.names G23 G10 G13 G11 G12 n65
1---- 0
-1100 0
.names G0 n56 n46
00 1
.names n56 G66 G14 G13 G12 n51
111-1 1
11-1- 1
1-01- 1
.names n56 G13 G14 G11 G67 G12 n55
1000-- 1
10-1-0 1
111-1- 1
1-1-11 1
.names n56 G13 G117 G14 G12 G11 n59
10-0-- 1
10--01 1
1111-- 1
1-111- 1
.names n56 G14 G12 G13 G133 G11 n71
1010-1 1
111-1- 1
11-11- 1
.names G2 G22 G0 n75
010 1
100 1
.names G1 G23 G0 n80
010 1
100 1

View File

@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
<input_buffer exist="true" circuit_model_name="INVTX1"/>
<output_buffer exist="true" circuit_model_name="INVTX1"/>
<pass_gate_logic circuit_model_name="TGATE"/>
<port type="input" prefix="pReset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true" is_prog="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="pReset" lib_name="reset" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_reset="true" is_prog="true"/>
<port type="input" prefix="D" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Q" size="1"/>
<port type="output" prefix="Qb" size="1"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="prog_clk" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_prog="true"/>
<port type="clock" prefix="prog_clk" lib_name="clk" size="1" is_global="true" default_val="0" is_prog="true"/>
<circuit_model type="iopad" name="iopad" prefix="iopad" spice_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/SpiceNetlists/io.sp" verilog_netlist="${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/VerilogNetlists/io.v">
<design_technology type="cmos"/>
@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!--operating frequency="auto" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/-->
<operating frequency="200e6" num_cycles="auto" slack="0.2"/>
<programming frequency="10e6"/>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Run VPR for the s298 design
vpr ./test_vpr_arch/k6_frac_N10_40nm.xml ./test_blif/s298.blif --write_rr_graph example_rr_graph.xml
vpr ./test_vpr_arch/k6_frac_N10_40nm.xml ./test_blif/and.blif --clock_modeling route #--write_rr_graph example_rr_graph.xml
# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ./test_openfpga_arch/k6_frac_N10_40nm_openfpga.xml
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ read_openfpga_arch -f ./test_openfpga_arch/k6_frac_N10_40nm_openfpga.xml
#write_openfpga_arch -f ./arch_echo.xml
# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
link_openfpga_arch #--verbose
link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ./test_blif/and.act #--verbose
# Check and correct any naming conflicts in the BLIF netlist
check_netlist_naming_conflict --fix --report ./netlist_renaming.xml
@ -35,10 +35,19 @@ fpga_bitstream --verbose --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/fabric_indepene
# Write the Verilog netlist for FPGA fabric
# - Enable the use of explicit port mapping in Verilog netlist
write_fabric_verilog --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src --explicit_port_mapping --include_timing --include_signal_init --support_icarus_simulator --print_user_defined_template --verbose
write_fabric_verilog --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/SRC --explicit_port_mapping --include_timing --include_signal_init --support_icarus_simulator --print_user_defined_template --verbose
# Write the Verilog testbench for FPGA fabric
write_verilog_testbench --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src --reference_benchmark_file_path /var/tmp/xtang/s298.v --print_top_testbench --print_preconfig_top_testbench --print_simulation_ini /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/simulation_deck.ini
# - We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists
# - Must specify the reference benchmark file if you want to output any testbenches
# - Enable top-level testbench which is a full verification including programming circuit and core logic of FPGA
# - Enable pre-configured top-level testbench which is a fast verification skipping programming phase
# - Simulation ini file is optional and is needed only when you need to interface different HDL simulators using openfpga flow-run scripts
write_verilog_testbench --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/SRC --reference_benchmark_file_path /var/tmp/xtang/and.v --print_top_testbench --print_preconfig_top_testbench --print_simulation_ini /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/simulation_deck.ini
# Write the SDC files for PnR backend
# - Turn on every options here
write_pnr_sdc --file /var/tmp/xtang/openfpga_test_src/SDC
# Finish and exit OpenFPGA

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Run VPR for the s298 design
vpr ./test_vpr_arch/k6_N10_40nm.xml ./test_blif/s298.blif
# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ./test_openfpga_arch/k6_N10_40nm_openfpga.xml
# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
# Check and correct any naming conflicts in the BLIF netlist
check_netlist_naming_conflict --fix --report ./netlist_renaming.xml
# Finish and exit OpenFPGA

View File

@ -45,19 +45,22 @@
<!-- Do NOT add clock pins to I/O here!!! VPR does not build clock network in the way that OpenFPGA can support
If you need to register the I/O, define clocks in the circuit models
These clocks can be handled in back-end
<tile name="io" capacity="8" area="0">
<site pb_type="io"/>
<input name="outpad" num_pins="1"/>
<output name="inpad" num_pins="1"/>
<clock name="clock" num_pins="1"/>
<fc in_type="frac" in_val="0.15" out_type="frac" out_val="0.10"/>
<pinlocations pattern="custom">
<loc side="left">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="top">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="right">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="bottom">io.outpad io.inpad io.clock</loc>
<loc side="left">io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side="top">io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side="right">io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<loc side="bottom">io.outpad io.inpad</loc>
<tile name="clb" area="53894">
@ -145,7 +148,10 @@
<pb_type name="io">
<input name="outpad" num_pins="1"/>
<output name="inpad" num_pins="1"/>
<clock name="clock" num_pins="1"/>
<!-- Do NOT add clock pins to I/O here!!! VPR does not build clock network in the way that OpenFPGA can support
If you need to register the I/O, define clocks in the circuit models
These clocks can be handled in back-end
<!-- A mode denotes the physical implementation of an I/O
This mode will be not packable but is mainly used for fabric verilog generation